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AnnaWalkerSMBC edited this page Oct 4, 2021 · 12 revisions


There are no overrides for checkboxes. Implementation should follow the GOV.UK guidelines for checkboxes.

There are some known accessibility issues for conditionally revealing a related question on the Checkbox component that GOV.UK discuss in the 'An update on the accessibility of conditionally revealed questions' blog.

However, use the current guidance on this component for how to use them:
GOV.UK Design System checkboxes component

The guidance on this GitHub page will need updating if/when further information is provided by GOV.UK.

To read about the known accessibility issues, scroll halfway down the page to the section titled 'Known issues' using the following link:

GOV.UK Design System checkboxes component

Check GOV.UK Design System backlog and GOV.UK Design System Components for further updates:
GitHub GOV.UK Design System backlog
GOV.UK Design System checkboxes component

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