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Warning text

AnnaWalkerSMBC edited this page Oct 12, 2021 · 10 revisions

Warning text

There are no overrides for Warning text. Implementation should follow the GOV.UK guidelines for Warning text.

Guidance for how to use Warning text is on the GOV.UK Warning text component page.

Do not have all 3 together - Warning text, Inset text and Hint text. You can have Warning text with Hint text, for example.

The combinations would be either:

  • Warning text alone
  • Inset text alone
  • Hint text alone
  • Warning text and Hint text together
  • Inset text and Hint Text together
  • and never a combination of all 3 (Warning text, Inset text and Hint text)

Warning text sits below the question and above Hint text (if there's Hint text on the question).

Full stop at the end of Warning text.

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