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723 lines (568 loc) · 60.9 KB

File metadata and controls

723 lines (568 loc) · 60.9 KB


All notable changes to Parcel will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and Parcel adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.12.4] - 2019-10-06

  • BUG: postcss module generates wrong hashes Details
  • Shake exports with pure property assignments Details
  • Clear scope cache before crawling to fix scope hoisting classes Details
  • Replace module.require in scope hoisting Details
  • Define __esModule interop flag when requiring ES module from CommonJS Details
  • Fix assigning to exports from inside a function in scope hoisting Details
  • Added new parcel info command Details
  • Fix Scope hoisting destructuring Details
  • HMR update breaks in webworker Details
  • Update dotenv-expand to allow overriding with falsy values Details
  • bump chokidar to get a reload fix for linux Details
  • Upgrading serialize-to-js from 1.1.1 to 3.0.0 Details
  • Fix source map on CoffeeScript assets Details

[1.12.3] - 2019-03-20

  • Downgrade all internal Babel packages to <7.4.0 because of bugs in that release.

[1.12.2] - 2019-03-13

  • Fix depth option for detailed report

[1.12.1] - 2019-03-12


  • Correctly build dependency URLs (for CSS) Details
  • Fix bug with original null mappings Details
  • Regenerate all bundles and trigger an HMR page reload when a new bundle is created Details
  • Unescaped "." in regex for JSAsset Details
  • Open the specified host Details

[1.12.0] - 2019-03-06


  • CSS/SASS/LESS sourcemaps Details
  • Add Markdown support Details
  • Unhandled HMR updates should cause a page reload Details
  • Enables jsx plugin in case jsx syntax is used in js files Details
  • Add disabling of autoinstall globally via environment variable Details
  • Add support for chrome-extension:// protocol to bundle-url.js Details
  • Add support for Firefox's 'moz-extension://' protocol, to bundle-url.js Details
  • Generate source map files with long extentions (e.g. Details
  • upgrade htmlnano dep Details
  • Default port to process.env.PORT Details
  • Inline process.browser for better code elimination Details
  • Detect files added to/removed from directories. Details
  • Implement depth option for detailed report Details


  • Resolve package.browser in subfolders (with backslashes) Details
  • fix chokidar ignored regex Details
  • Defer throwing asset errors until after dependencies are handled. Details
  • fix(sourcemaps): Handle null mappings properly Details
  • Use Buffer.from Details
  • addURLDependency: use always relative path Details
  • reexporting + renaming when scopehoisting Details
  • Fix and reenable windows scope-hoisting tests Details
  • Fix for typescript asset invalidation Details
  • Fix hang up when a lot of parallel operation request the file system Details
  • Fix localRequire with package/path requests Details
  • Refactor htmlnano tests to test for filesize Details
  • pug Deprecated pretty Details
  • Fix pug test Details
  • Use the test to assert this.child.killed rather than checking time difference Details
  • Improve tests: symlink tests, Kotlin tests, and maybe test-util module Details
  • Handle empty html files Details
  • Fix HTMLAsset dependency tag with empty src value Details
  • Allow dotfiles to be served Details
  • Fix sourceMappingURL for bundles with multiple entry points Details
  • Fix absolute path importing in sass Details
  • Fix dependency list parsing in RustAsset for paths on Windows Details
  • For scope hoisting, Asset IDs cannot contain + or / (base64) Details
  • Send CORS headers when a file does not exist Details
  • Prevent circular deps from causing a stack overflow in HMR runtime Details
  • Fix postcss modules composes imports Details
  • fix: set default pragmaFrag option for JSX Details
  • Remove unnecessary return await Details
  • Fix scopehositing with nested dynamic imports Details
  • eslint: enable no-return-await Details
  • Throw meaningful error on undefined exports Details
  • Add helpful plugin errors Details
  • Fix HMR failure with js error on load Details

[1.11.0] - 2018-12-18


  • Add Kotlin asset support Details
  • Add --host option Details
  • Add support for HMR with elm-hot Details
  • Log dev server access for log level verbose or more Details
  • Process array of assets for JSON-LD Details
  • Extract workerfarm into separate package Details
  • Extract Logger into its own package Details
  • Extract watcher into its own package Details
  • Merge fs-watcher-child into Parcel's monorepo Details


  • Use this.write and super.end for JSPackager Details
  • Make dynamic import name relative to the file importing it Details
  • update postcss and deps Details
  • catch css file not found Details
  • Treat webmanifest as an entry module Details
  • add debugger flag for non production builds in Elm Details
  • refactor: JSON.stringify replacer can not be boolean Details
  • Fix debug log files for certain locales Details
  • Scope hoisting renaming after babel transforms Details
  • Switch from toml to @iarna/toml Details
  • Update deasync to 0.1.14 (Node 11 fix) Details
  • Skip external imports from processing Details
  • Don't lowercase attributes in html files Details
  • refactor: remove unnecessary not null check Details
  • Don't cache dynamic bundles that had a network error Details
  • Treeshake functions properly Details
  • Fix autoinstall of cssnano Details
  • Fix server when there is a dot in the path Details

[1.10.3] - 2018-10-11


  • Don't dedupe assets that are depended on in more than one bundle Details

[1.10.2] - 2018-10-06


  • Add <image> as a valid element type to bundle in <svg> tags Details
  • Resolving .postcssrc.json as a PostCSS config Details
  • Add loaders when bundling workers Details


  • Fix hoist of modules with multiple aliases Details
  • Fix hoisting of optional require calls Details
  • Fix safari 10 compatibility for terser Details
  • Fix HMR for Pug assets Details
  • Don't load existing sourcemaps if sourcemaps are disabled Details
  • add missing --no-autoinstall flag to build command Details

[1.10.1] - 2018-09-26


  • Fix error when is undefined instead of null

[1.10.0] - 2018-09-25


  • Babel 7 support Details
  • HTML Bundle loader Details
  • Process inline scripts and styles Details
  • Added LD+JSON asset Details
  • Add support for Elm assets Details
  • Support optionally bundling node_modules for --target=node Details
  • Import existing sourcemaps Details
  • Import GraphQL files from other GraphQL files Details
  • Automatically strip flow types Details
  • SugarSS Support Details
  • Minimal verbose/debug mode Details
  • User friendly error on failed entrypoint resolving Details
  • Support for SharedWorkers Details
  • Add Object Spread to default Babel transforms Details
  • Update help message for --public-url Details
  • Support HTML5 history mode routing Details
  • Split cache into multiple folders for faster FS Details
  • Support array in package.json's sideEffects property Details
  • Added stub for require.cache Details
  • Added dotenv-expand to expand env vars Details
  • Update Typescript to v3.0.0 Details
  • Add --no-content-hash option to build cli Details


  • Exit process on Error Details
  • Fix non updating asset hashes Details
  • Fix Sass url resolving Details
  • WorkerFarm Cleanup Details
  • Fix infinite loop in resolver when using ~/... imports Details
  • Default to Dart-Sass and add backwards compatibility for node-sass Details
  • Validate if a PostCSS config is an object Details
  • VSCode syntax highlight with PostCSS in Vue Component style tag Details
  • Glob support in less imports Details
  • Generate unique certificate serial number Details
  • Keep name in sourcemaps mappings Details
  • Replace slack with spectrum badge Details
  • Use esnext with typescript and scope hoisting Details
  • Fix sourcemaps failing on refresh/hmr Details
  • Support sideEffect: false with CommonJS Details
  • Get only existing package main Details
  • Load minified built-in if available Details
  • Support error strings in workers Details
  • Terminate workerfarm when using the API Details
  • Fix comment typo Details
  • Fix dotenv package error Details
  • Don't resolve slash and tilde paths twice Details
  • bundle name hash-key generation is not environment independent Details
  • Don't modify script nodes with text/html type Details
  • Fix various windows bugs & tests Details
  • Cross-platform deterministic asset ids Details
  • allow empty string in meta Details
  • fixed watch not working when NODE_ENV is production Details
  • Incorrect casing for Logger require Details
  • fix security vuln Details
  • Remove wasm-gc from RustAsset Details

[1.9.7] - 2018-07-15


  • Fix nested async imports from a shared module Details
  • Prevent nameclashes with internal variables with tree shaking Details

[1.9.6] - 2018-07-11


  • Fix ora spinner in CI environments Details

[1.9.5] - 2018-07-11



  • JSPackager deduplication now accounts for differences in absolute dependency paths Details
  • Fix worker bundle hoisting Details
  • Prioritize browser field over module Details
  • Fix aliasing of folder relative to project folder Details
  • Only watch directories on macOS Details
  • Fix generating names when outside of the entry directory Details
  • Handle invalidating cache if dependency is a glob Details
  • Fix import deep wildcards with tree-shaking Details
  • Fix tree-shaking named import on wrapped module Details
  • Fix circular deps in isolated bundles (e.g. workers) Details
  • Fix tree-shaking wildcards with sideEffects: false Details
  • Fix 'buildStart' event is not firing Details

[1.9.4] - 2018-07-01


  • Upgrade Typescript to 2.9 Details
  • Upgrade DEFAULT_ENGINES node to Node 8 Details
  • Add a buildError event to bundler Details
  • Use process.env.PARCEL_MAX_CONCURRENT_CALLS environment variable Details


  • Fix Sass dependencies can not be watched when includePaths is a relative path Details
  • Replaced fwd slashes with backslashes for win to fix sass deps watch Details
  • Fix sourcemap file size in report Details
  • fix build not exiting in dev env Details
  • Prevent postcss-modules plugin config from being deleted after first run Details

[1.9.3] - 2018-06-24


  • Set user provided NODE_ENV if provided with build command Details
  • Fix bugs related to watching symlinks Details
  • add cache-dir option to cli Details
  • Fix tree-shaking DCE Details
  • Fix writing hashed bundle names to the cache Details

[1.9.2] - 2018-06-18


  • Fix unintended Vue asset supplemental code insertion Details
  • fix 'Cannot read property 'posthtml' of null Details

[1.9.1] - 2018-06-16


  • fix relative paths being the same as node modules Details
  • Fix ES6 re-export of CommonJS modules with tree shaking Details

[1.9.0] - 2018-06-14


  • Tree shaking + scope hoisting for ES6 and CommonJS modules Details
  • Put filewatcher in a worker, for better stability and performance Details
  • Cache resolved paths of dependencies Details
  • Custom less filemanager Details
  • support for sass specific import syntax Details
  • Allow --https for watch Details
  • Fix browser entry-point resolution Details
  • Use config.locals to render pug template Details
  • Use async modules when possibles Details
  • Add a bundlestart event Details
  • Add unit tests for line counter Details
  • Use async FS in tests Details
  • Use async fs on new linecounter tests Details
  • Make CSS assets async Details
  • Enable posthtml-parse options in posthtmlrc Details
  • Enforce Prettier (check if prettier is run in lint script) Details
  • Add support for Cargo workspaces in Rust integration Details
  • Surface Bundler error to browser Details
  • Programatically pass env vars as a whitelist Details


  • Fix bundle hoisting when asset is already in the common bundle Details
  • Only resolve env vars on bundling when --target=browser Details
  • improve the time reported by the bundler Details
  • clear console before accepting updates, not after Details
  • Lookup correct generated output for bundle type in RawPackager Details
  • Remove extra argument passed to addAssetToBundle in JSPackager Details
  • Fix indented syntax type for single file vue components Details
  • Fix Vue asset supplemental code concatenation Details
  • Add dependencies referenced by posthtml-include Details
  • node-sass accepts importer as single function or array of functions Details
  • Get mtime of folder on wildcard imports Details
  • Fix vue test Details
  • Fix absolute and tilde paths for url dependencies Details
  • Fix failing appveyor test Details
  • Fix worker environment variable Details
  • Add test/dist to .prettierignore Details
  • Fix typo in uglify.js Details
  • Pass compiler of @vue/component-compiler-utils to parser. Details
  • Fix package.json configs Details
  • change Uglify to Terser Details


  • Don’t pass package.json and options over IPC Details

[1.8.1] - 2018-05-04


  • Loading modules with AMD Defines Details

[1.8.0] - 2018-05-03


  • Add support for multiple entry points Details
  • Support source field in package.json to enable babel on symlinked modules Details
  • Expose modules as UMD Details
  • Use parcel's resolver for sass imports Details
  • Update default browser engines to > 0.25% marketshare Details
  • Ignore dependencies in falsy branches Details
  • Clear the console in browser on each HMR Details
  • Watch directories instead of individual files to fix EMFILE errors Details


  • Prevent build from breaking when .scss file is empty Details
  • Handle empty config files Details
  • Update dependency with security vuln Details
  • Minor change to mkHandle in workerfarm Details
  • Don't start server if target isn't browser Details
  • Let worker return early instead of throw on unknown messages Details
  • change default behaviour to keep default values of HTML form elements Details
  • Fix autoinstall infinite loop Details
  • Allow spaces in filenames Details
  • Update deps Details
  • Fix reference pass error in package config Details
  • Remove eval usage. Fixes CSP cases. Details
  • Remove jsnext:main Details
  • fix for outFile option; respect file-extension Details

[1.7.1] - 2018-04-15


  • Fix scoped plugin packages Details
  • Fix writing files in subfolders inside dist directory Details
  • Update addBundleLoader to accept multiple targets Details
  • Fix sourcemap reference in JS output Details
  • Sourcemap sourceRoot Details
  • Fix serving files with query params Details
  • Give priority to styl files in StylusAsset resolver Details
  • Bump dependencies Details
  • Fix asset size always be zero when building vue project Detailds
  • Custom workerfarm, BI-Directional IPC - run all npm/yarn installs on the main process Details

[1.7.0] - 2018-03-28


  • Add .vue file support Details
  • New faster resolver supporting absolute and tilde paths, and aliases Details
  • Content hash output file names in production Details
  • Automatically install missing dependencies that you require in your code Details
  • Production sourcemaps support via uglify Details
  • Add Pug and Jade support Details
  • Add GLSL assets support Details
  • Add overlay for build errors when using HMR Details
  • Implement pipelines to compose multiple asset types together Details
  • Add --hmr-port and --hmr-hostname options to parcel watch Details
  • Add support for specifying SSL certificate & key Details
  • Allow specifying which browser to open with --open option Details
  • Add data config option so it is possible to include global scss variables Details
  • Add --log-level option Details
  • Add support for data attr of object element Details
  • Add useBuiltIns babel-preset-env option Details
  • Support code splitting and loading WASM with --target=node Details


  • Fix hmr runtime error Details
  • Add server reference to bundler Details
  • Fix error when no "targets" options in .babelrc Details
  • Refactor prettifySize Details
  • Fix property descriptor of config.internal in transforms/babel.js Details
  • only transform safe cssnano minifiers Details
  • fix electon hmr bug Details
  • Fix HMR hostname in browser Details
  • Fix srcset not working for source element Details
  • Update htmlnano Details
  • Fix svg dependencies not being found when using minification Details
  • Set TypeScript option esModuleInterop to true by default Details
  • HTML bundle serving bug Details
  • Change default public-url to / Details
  • Make --help same as help command Details
  • Make -h same as help command Details
  • Close hmr server when HMRServer.stop() is called Details
  • Fix methods of LazyPromise Details
  • Ignore require if it is defined as a local variable Details
  • Check browserslist prop in package.json for environments Details

[1.6.2] - 2018-02-19



  • Fix babel handling for node: DEFAULT_ENGINES Details
  • Remove unnecessary files from npm Details
  • Use babel-register for tests only with node < 8 Details
  • remove call to window.location Details

[1.6.1] - 2018-02-15


  • Update HMRServer handleSocketError for ErrorEvent Details

[1.6.0] - 2018-02-15


  • Automatically transpile dependencies with babel-preset-env Details
  • Add no-config support for jsx Details
  • Add "--target=node" and "--target=electron" option to produce Node/electron friendly bundles Details
  • Log bundle metrics Details
  • Node 6 support Details
  • Add WebManifestAsset to handle W3C webmanifest Details
  • Add support for optional dependencies Details
  • support svg <use> elements Details
  • Auto-install peerDependencies Details
  • Inject HTML tag if missing Details
  • Add JSON5 support Details
  • Implement support for <img srcset="..."> Details
  • Add .toml asset support Details
  • Warn instead of error when an fs call cannot be evaluated Details
  • Add support for HTML meta assets Details
  • Add --out-file option Details
  • Add Access-Control header for CORS Details


  • Remove -h alias for hmr-port option Details
  • Add 'id' to the module variable Details
  • Preserve asset's search and hash Details
  • Always add bundle-loader module to the bundle Details
  • Launch https websocket server is --https Details
  • Fix PromiseQueue returning null when there are no jobs Details
  • Correctly serialize YAML to JS Details
  • Update parser to treat file extensions as case-insensitive Details
  • Add babel-template and babel-types to package.json Details
  • Improve Code Coverage Details
  • Safe cssnano transforms by default Details
  • Make sure bundles is an array in loadBundlesLazy Details
  • Bump dependencies Details
  • Allows for dots in lazyloaded file names Details
  • Add missing packages for pnpm to work Details
  • pass lowerCaseAttributeNames: true to posthtml-parser (fix version bump) Details

[1.5.1] - 2018-01-25



  • Fix rust projects with hyphenated names Details
  • Purify sourcemaps (Prevent babel from giving invalid mappings) Details
  • Don't drop console statements by default in uglifyjs Details
  • Fix for ipc closed error in tests Details

[1.5.0] - 2018-01-23


  • SourceMap support Details
  • Custom bundleloader and wasm support Details
  • Rust support Details
  • Ability to set HMR port Details
  • Support .env files Details
  • Hotreload css requires in html Details
  • Minify JSON Details
  • Ability to set HMR hostname Details
  • Ability to specify amount of workers using PARCEL_WORKERS environment variable Details
  • Warning emoji Details


  • Virtualpaths, throw file not found error Details
  • Transform HTML prior to collecting dependencies Details
  • Find a[href] dependencies when attrs precede it Details
  • Resolve URI-encoded assets Details
  • Public-url not an os path Details
  • Invalidate cache when parent dependencies change Details
  • Invalidate cache on config change Details
  • Circular bundles Details
  • Possibly ignore fs using browser-resolve config Details
  • Do not use global window inside hmr, fixes web worker issues Details
  • Improved worker startup times Details
  • Parse // as a valid url Details
  • Improve windows emoji console detections Details

[1.4.1] - 2017-12-31



  • http hot reload server printing location as https://... Details
  • Execute bundle() when calling Bundler.middleware() Details
  • Always parse dependencies if babel ran. Details

[1.4.0] - 2017-12-31


  • HTTPS server support Details
  • GraphQL Support Details
  • Webworker Support Details
  • CSSNano configuration Details
  • HTMLNano configuration Details
  • Support async plugin loading Details
  • Add code sample section to ISSUE_TEMPLATE Details
  • Add url dependency for serviceWorker.register calls Details
  • Fix ignored babel files Details


  • log-symbols fallback for cross-platform emoji compatibility Details
  • Use hostname for websocket connection Details
  • Standardize empty implementation comment Details
  • Handle appstore url scheme Details
  • bundling issues when asset parent & commonBundle types differ Details
  • Handle empty assets Details
  • Minify Prelude.js Details

[1.3.1] - 2017-12-24


  • Maintain html spacing between tags when minimizing Details
  • Incorrect bundle path for raw Assets Details

[1.3.0] - 2017-12-22


  • Reason Asset Type Details
  • Automatically install parser dependencies Details
  • UglifyES config support Details
  • Display absolute path on failed dependency resolve Details
  • Support .editorconfig Details
  • Tests for ES6 Modules resolver Details
  • ESLint Details


  • Parse port option as integer Details
  • Make cli.js Node 6 compatible Details
  • Remove arrow function from hmr-runtime - IE support Details
  • Start server before bundling Details
  • Deterministic bundle trees Details
  • Resolve "module", "jsnext:main" and "browser" before "main" in Package.json Details
  • Remove filename unsafe characters Details
  • Don't hash root file Details
  • Use cross-spawn for autoinstalling dependencies on windows Details

[1.2.1] - 2017-12-18


  • Opencollective Details
  • Use JSON5 to parse config files Details
  • Move JSAsset options gathering into separate function Details


  • Don't use template literals in builtins - IE support Details
  • Merge tsconfig.json with defaults Details
  • Change parse-json requires to JSON5 Details
  • Register .pcss extension to CSSAsset Details
  • Websocket error handling Details
  • Development server index file Details

[1.2.0] - 2017-12-12


  • Coffeescript support Details
  • Reload html on change Details
  • --open option to automatically launch in default browser Details
  • Prettier Details
  • Code of conduct Details
  • User friendly server errors and automatic port switching Details
  • Version option to command description Details
  • Add badges to readme Details
  • Support JSON comments Details
  • Add AppVeyor CI Details
  • Use UglifyES instead of UglifyJS Details


  • Bundle-loader when using esModule Details
  • Use var over let in builtins for IE support Details
  • Add jsm to javascript extensions Details
  • Log pluginload errors Details
  • Global env problem Details
  • Exit on build error when using build command Details
  • Remove circular require in Asset.js Details
  • Give high priotity to extension of parent Details
  • Fallback to os.cpus() for cpu count Details
  • Windows test issues Details
  • Raw Asset loading Details
  • Normalize path on windows Details
  • Make hmr-runtime ES3 compatible Details
  • Dynamically importing js assets with raw assets children Details
  • Package.json loading issues for plugin loading Details

[1.1.0] - 2017-12-08


  • Typescript support Details
  • Browser gets notified of errors Details
  • Community section to Readme Details
  • More helpfull json parsing error messages using parse-json Details
  • Issue template Details


  • Print stack traces on error Details
  • Merge postcss-modules config Details
  • Default to NODE_ENV development on serve Details
  • Disable flakey macOS FS events in watcher in the tests Details
  • Sort child bundles by asset names to avoid race condition in tests Details

[1.0.3] - 2017-12-07


  • Add version to cache key Details
  • Travis tests environment, build script and contribution docs Details


  • File url bugfix for Firefox Details
  • Windows path bugfix Details
  • Default only exports Details
  • Public URL in normalizeOptions Details
  • Do not try to import data:, tel:, mailto:, something: URLS Details

[1.0.2] - 2017-12-06


  • Add github repository to package.json Details


  • Improved public url checking using is-url instead of regex Details


  • babel-preset-es2015 removed from dev dependencies Details

[1.0.1] - 2017-12-05

  • Initial Parcel-bundler core