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frostworx edited this page May 17, 2022 · 76 revisions
**SteamTinkerLaunch** (short **steamtinkerlaunch**) is a Linux wrapper tool for use with the Steam client

Steam Tinker Launch is a Linux wrapper tool for use with the Steam client which allows customizing and start tools and options for games quickly on the fly (see Features below)

By using a versatile configuration structure it is both easy to set up and flexible.

Please see the Readme for general information, and basic usage, and the Installation wiki for installation.


Here is the category list of the available options and features of steamtinkerlaunch. For details simply follow the corresponding urls and/or see the corresponding settings window (screenshot) Several features might be missing in the documentation, but all of those should be self-explanatory. Others might be expected in different categories and/or could be found in two different ones, because they fit (partly) into multiple ones.

If you want to get an overview over some of the Steam Tinker Launch features, but the huge wiki is too overwhelming, you might want to read this excellent Boiling Steam article by @podiki

All pages can also be found on the sidebar. (also almost every steamtinkerlaunch window opens its corresponding wiki page when pressing the F1-Hotkey)

Please feel free to open an issue for any corrections or additions to the wiki.

Every category listed here also exists as the steamtinkerlaunch internal Category

(all directly or indirectly Gui related settings can be found here)

(all configuration options which can't be put into a generic category usually can be found here)

(one central place for all system paths used in steamtinkerlaunch)

(a broad range on Proton customization options)

(multiple configurations options for downloading/installing/updatingmanaging shaders)

(all settings which are directly related to Steam can be found here)

(all external 3rd party programs which can be enabled for game launch can be found here, including their corresponding options)

*(one central place to view or edit all urls used in steamtinkerlaunch)

(multiple automations and configuration options for VR)

  • Flat2VR: inject VR mode into several regular UE4 games
  • Side by Side VR: play regular flat games in Stereoscopic3D in VR
  • OpenVR-FSR: automatic support for openvr_fsr
  • Vortex (automatic download, install, tons of automations and configuration options for the Vortex Mod Manager)
  • Mod-Organizer 2 (automatic download, install, autoconfigure and seamlessly integrate Mod Organizer 2)

(multiple wine related options)

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