2.0 M4
- #1813 - Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0 M5.
- #1812 - Upgrade to Slf4j 1.7.36.
- #1811 - Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.24.
- #1810 - Upgrade to AssertJ 3.23.1.
- #1809 - Upgrade to Reactor 2022.0.0 M4.
- #1808 - Upgrade to Kotlin 1.7.
- #1800 - UriTemplate can't recognize variable names that contain a dot.
- #1796 - Change signature of ReactiveRepresentationModelAssembler.
- #1793 - Path segment capturing {*…} not correctly expanded.
- #1790 - Upgrade to Reactor 2022.0.0 M2.
- #1775 - Optimization around constructing UriTemplate with multiple template variables of the same type.
- #1722 - LinkBuilderSupport.toUri() double-encodes request parameters.