This plugin passes math through the parsers without modifications so that a JavaScript renderer can process it.
It adds an extension to Markdown and configures the Restructured Text
parser such that it does not break embedded math of the form $E=mc^2$
and wraps these in <div class="math">
or <span class="math">
Install with pip install pelican-jsmath
(with a dash). In your
, add 'pelican_jsmath'
(with an underscore) to your PLUGINS
Use with KaTeX
In the base.html
template of your theme, add
<!-- KaTeX -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-VEnyslhHLHiYPca9KFkBB3CMeslnM9CzwjxsEbZTeA21JBm7tdLwKoZmCt3cZTYD" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<script src="" integrity="sha384-O4hpKqcplNCe+jLuBVEXC10Rn1QEqAmX98lKAIFBEDxZI0a+6Z2w2n8AEtQbR4CD" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-IiI65aU9ZYub2MY9zhtKd1H2ps7xxf+eb2YFG9lX6uRqpXCvBTOidPRCXCrQ++Uc" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
to the <head>
and at the bottom, add
Parts of the custom Markdown Extension are adopted from the render_math plugin.