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FiraCode “Ligature” integration #6972

Profpatsch opened this issue Aug 31, 2016 · 63 comments

FiraCode “Ligature” integration #6972

Profpatsch opened this issue Aug 31, 2016 · 63 comments
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FiraCode is a nice derivation from Fira Mono that adds many ligatures for a nice code look. It uses Unicode ligatures, but Emacs sadly doesn’t support them (yet). I’d like to add a layer to Spacemacs to support that.

There is a page about integration into Emacs via font-lock, and the second example is also how Hasklig can be made to work with Emacs. I noticed integrating too many ligatures that way makes font rendering very slow.

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TheBB commented Sep 7, 2016

Is there a reason why prettify-symbols-mode is not being used for this?

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Profpatsch commented Sep 7, 2016

Probably not, no. But it looks awesome.

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I'm not sure if that's the right solution here, as it looks like prettify-symbols-mode alters the number of characters per row, while the ligature rendering preserves that property. For instance, using FiraCode in Konsole would make "->" become an arrow but still take up two characters. Similarly, "::", ">>=", et al. conserve that many characters, keeping the spacing correct. However, if prettify-symbols-mode can keep the character count, then that works too.

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hyiltiz commented Feb 21, 2017

So to install and use Fira code with spacemacs, does one follow the instructions for emacs from the fira code project site [1], or there is already some mechanism in spacemacs that can use fira code so that the user only needs to "helm xselect font" the Fira Code Retina? I would very much like to use Fira Code in Spacemacs, but am trying not to break anything. I am just coming from Vim, and know almost nothing about Lisp except what is taught in Wikipedia. I tried putting the first snippet provided in that page to my .spacemacs file within the user-config() function, but after restarting, when I restart spacemacs and type "=>", nothing changes (I do not see a ligature).


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I haven’t yet looked at it any further, maybe the regex-method works, but I suspect it to severely slow down every kind of text display. (It’s essentially running a couple dozen matches on every substring in each buffer…)

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It seems to work with firacode now. If anyone wants to take a look: go for it!

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Another update: Hasklig seems to have moved to the FiraCode mechanism with 1.0 as well. So getting this to work would give us two fonts to choose from.

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Unfortunately that method still does not allow multiple blocks to be taken up by a single ligature (from the website @Profpatsch linked to). This is problematic for coding:

For ligatures, the number of visual points composing the replacement is the same as its composing characters. For instance, the ligature for -> occupies two spaces.

But this is not the case for prettify-symbols or pretty-mode. Both alpha and not in are reduced to one

So the line width you see may not be the same as its actual width.

This has two effects:

A line could then exceed 80 characters with prettify-mode disabled.
Indentation is performed using the Unicode replacements, not actual spacing.

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Oh no. Maybe it can be patched?

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I think that prettify would have to support adding in the lost space.

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Well, these fonts make the ligatures exactly as wide as the normal combinations, so it must support multi-width characters as well.

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ekaschalk commented May 15, 2017

Hi I wrote the blog on pretty-mode linked earlier.

The options as I see it are:

  1. Don't use any symbols with disagreeing number of spaces.
  2. Use the visual spacing - your indentation won't agree with the unfontified buffer.
  3. Use the true spacing - your visuals will have extraneous spaces. (Possible with:
  4. Use the visual spacing with true indentation - your visuals will have wrong indentation.
  5. Pre/post-save (or commit/etc..) hook that unfontifies and runs tab on the buffer then refontifies and tabs again.
  6. Use the visual spacing and visually modify indentation, ie. the true indentation is font-locked.

I took a shot at the hook:

(defun test-fontlock-fix-before ()
  (font-lock-mode -1)

(defun test-fontlock-fix-after ()
  (font-lock-mode 1)
  (sit-for 1)  ; Without the sleep it doesnt reindent.

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'test-fontlock-fix-before)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'test-fontlock-fix-after)

This works in all cases that (spacemacs/indent-region-or-buffer) does, which I found it is not everytime.

The glaring flaws are the sleep and that save-file cannot tell anymore when your file hasn't changed, especially annoying with eg magit.

Number 6 is the only true solution I see to this problem but it seems quite involved.

Any other thoughts on how spacing could be handled?

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I implemented the visual spacing solution:

I only afterwards noticed that it’s not perfect, but it works fine for me right now with Hasklig.

My idea would be to switch back to non-visual and tag every symbol with the number of spaces it occupies, then prefix them with spaces accordingly. I think I’m gonna try that next.

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When I use Fira Code in Spacemacs even without ligature support sometimes the character alignment is off, specifically where line 1 uses bold for some characters, and line 2 doesn't have bold, then they don't line up vertically. What could be causing this?

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root42 commented Aug 22, 2017

@Profpatsch did you considered making a MELPA package from your code?

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@root42 No, not really. But if you want one, go ahead. You have my blessing. :) It’s MIT-licensed anyway.

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honza commented Sep 12, 2017

@Profpatsch How can I plug that into my .spacemacs?

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@honza Just copy the code verbatim, then Spc f e R or Spc r R if that does not work.

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honza commented Sep 13, 2017

Putting this code:

  (defun my-correct-symbol-bounds (pretty-alist)
    "Prepend a TAB character to each symbol in this alist,
this way compose-region called by prettify-symbols-mode
will use the correct width of the symbols
instead of the width measured by char-width."
    (mapcar (lambda (el)
              (setcdr el (string ?\t (cdr el)))

  (defun my-ligature-list (ligatures codepoint-start)
    "Create an alist of strings to replace with
codepoints starting from codepoint-start."
    (let ((codepoints (-iterate '1+ codepoint-start (length ligatures))))
      (-zip-pair ligatures codepoints)))

  (setq my-fira-code-ligatures
        (let* ((ligs '("www" "**" "***" "**/" "*>" "*/" "\\\\" "\\\\\\"
                       "{-" "[]" "::" ":::" ":=" "!!" "!=" "!==" "-}"
                       "--" "---" "-->" "->" "->>" "-<" "-<<" "-~"
                       "#{" "#[" "##" "###" "####" "#(" "#?" "#_" "#_("
                       ".-" ".=" ".." "..<" "..." "?=" "??" ";;" "/*"
                       "/**" "/=" "/==" "/>" "//" "///" "&&" "||" "||="
                       "|=" "|>" "^=" "$>" "++" "+++" "+>" "=:=" "=="
                       "===" "==>" "=>" "=>>" "<=" "=<<" "=/=" ">-" ">="
                       ">=>" ">>" ">>-" ">>=" ">>>" "<*" "<*>" "<|" "<|>"
                       "<$" "<$>" "<!--" "<-" "<--" "<->" "<+" "<+>" "<="
                       "<==" "<=>" "<=<" "<>" "<<" "<<-" "<<=" "<<<" "<~"
                       "<~~" "</" "</>" "~@" "~-" "~=" "~>" "~~" "~~>" "%%"
                       "x" ":" "+" "+" "*")))
          (my-correct-symbol-bounds (my-ligature-list ligs #Xe100))))

to the (defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()) section, and restarting Emacs has no effect. I also set the font to Fira Code.

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Profpatsch commented Sep 13, 2017

You forgot the code that adds it to the hooks that are called when you enable a mode.

  ;; nice glyphs for haskell with hasklig
  (defun my-set-hasklig-ligatures ()
    "Add hasklig ligatures for use with prettify-symbols-mode."
    (setq prettify-symbols-alist
          (append my-hasklig-ligatures prettify-symbols-alist))

  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'my-set-hasklig-ligatures)

For FiraCode change accordingly.

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honza commented Sep 13, 2017

@Profpatsch Ah, thanks! I was hoping to enable it globally.

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honza commented Sep 13, 2017

I can confirm that works wonderfully. Thanks @Profpatsch <3

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Profpatsch commented Sep 13, 2017

Afaik inherits every mode from fundamental-mode and every programming language mode from prog-mode. So (maybe?) hooking it into one of these makes it work globally.

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I've developed a proof of concept fix to ligature indentation that you all might find interesting:

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gustavAR commented Feb 22, 2018

emacs-mac doesn't override your old emacs installation automatically.

Homebrew has probably installed emacs-mac in /usr/local/opt/emacs-mac/.
so you're going to want to create an alias of by right-clicking it:
Move the alias to your Applications folder and make sure it's the only one. I tried doing this automatically by using brew linkapps, but for some reason this command prioritised my pre-existing installation of emacs-plus.

You might also want to make the emacs command refer to your new installation. If so, add an alias to your ~/.bashrc, which can be done by running the following command in your terminal and restarting your terminals.

echo "alias emacs=\"/usr/local/opt/emacs-mac/bin/emacs\"" >> ~/.bashrc

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rlopzc commented Feb 22, 2018

Fixed! Thanks @gustavAR 👍

Btw now my themes are displaying correctly, and is faster than before!

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abeluck commented Mar 28, 2018

This issue is quite long and there are many comments, some specific to macOS and some not.

As a debian spacemacs user, is there a known solution/workaround to make FiraCode work in (spac)emacs with ligatures not affecting line length?

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fosskers commented Mar 28, 2018

@abeluck Have you tried this and followed the conversation for a few messages from this timestamp?

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Huxpro commented Nov 11, 2018

@gustavAR As far as I know, emacs-mac and emacs-plus were two different distributions of Emacs on mac. Any caveats of switching from one to the another? I couldn't find any detailed comparison between both sadly.

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I made a ticket about this, i.e. a specific implementation already exists #11639

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@github-actions github-actions bot added the stale marked as a stale issue/pr (usually by a bot) label Feb 29, 2020
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hyiltiz commented Feb 29, 2020

@github-actions this issue is still open and awaits action from the devs to support in the develop branch out of the box (or via an option via a variable `spacemacs-use-font-ligature 'always/'code/'never).

@Profpatsch not sure which one is more convenient/easy to do: writing up a layer for spacemacs, or publishing a melpa package?

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Profpatsch commented Mar 2, 2020

@Profpatsch not sure which one is more convenient/easy to do: writing up a layer for spacemacs, or publishing a melpa package?

I don’t know, I have never created a melpa package

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We should keep this issue open.

@duianto duianto removed the stale marked as a stale issue/pr (usually by a bot) label Mar 13, 2020
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emacs-mac doesn't override your old emacs installation automatically.

Homebrew has probably installed emacs-mac in /usr/local/opt/emacs-mac/.

Another solution is to use homebrew to install the cask of emacs-mac instead of building from a recipe. It trails the version available via recipe sometimes, but otherwise it's solid and it installs /Applications/ automagically.

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You can also use the development version of Emacs (28) which has ligature support. emacs-plus@28 on homebrew.

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hyiltiz commented Aug 26, 2020

@barischrooneyj care to share your set up for the ligature support in Emacs 28? There was HarfBuzz support there but seemed it seeded some configuration [1,2].


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I think even Emacs 27 has the support too. microsoft/cascadia-code#153 (comment). Use the config from it, I have tested with JetBrainsMono FiraCode.

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hyiltiz commented Sep 21, 2020

Copied from microsoft/cascadia-code#153 (comment) for convenience here:

(use-package composite
  :defer t
  (defvar composition-ligature-table (make-char-table nil))
  (((prog-mode conf-mode nxml-mode markdown-mode help-mode)
    . (lambda () (setq-local composition-function-table composition-ligature-table))))
  ;; support ligatures, some toned down to prevent hang
  (when (version<= "27.0" emacs-version)
    (let ((alist
           '((33 . ".\\(?:\\(==\\|[!=]\\)[!=]?\\)")
             (35 . ".\\(?:\\(###?\\|_(\\|[(:=?[_{]\\)[#(:=?[_{]?\\)")
             (36 . ".\\(?:\\(>\\)>?\\)")
             (37 . ".\\(?:\\(%\\)%?\\)")
             (38 . ".\\(?:\\(&\\)&?\\)")
             (42 . ".\\(?:\\(\\*\\*\\|[*>]\\)[*>]?\\)")
             ;; (42 . ".\\(?:\\(\\*\\*\\|[*/>]\\).?\\)")
             (43 . ".\\(?:\\([>]\\)>?\\)")
             ;; (43 . ".\\(?:\\(\\+\\+\\|[+>]\\).?\\)")
             (45 . ".\\(?:\\(-[->]\\|<<\\|>>\\|[-<>|~]\\)[-<>|~]?\\)")
             ;; (46 . ".\\(?:\\(\\.[.<]\\|[-.=]\\)[-.<=]?\\)")
             (46 . ".\\(?:\\(\\.<\\|[-=]\\)[-<=]?\\)")
             (47 . ".\\(?:\\(//\\|==\\|[=>]\\)[/=>]?\\)")
             ;; (47 . ".\\(?:\\(//\\|==\\|[*/=>]\\).?\\)")
             (48 . ".\\(?:\\(x[a-fA-F0-9]\\).?\\)")
             (58 . ".\\(?:\\(::\\|[:<=>]\\)[:<=>]?\\)")
             (59 . ".\\(?:\\(;\\);?\\)")
             (60 . ".\\(?:\\(!--\\|\\$>\\|\\*>\\|\\+>\\|-[-<>|]\\|/>\\|<[-<=]\\|=[<>|]\\|==>?\\||>\\||||?\\|~[>~]\\|[$*+/:<=>|~-]\\)[$*+/:<=>|~-]?\\)")
             (61 . ".\\(?:\\(!=\\|/=\\|:=\\|<<\\|=[=>]\\|>>\\|[=>]\\)[=<>]?\\)")
             (62 . ".\\(?:\\(->\\|=>\\|>[-=>]\\|[-:=>]\\)[-:=>]?\\)")
             (63 . ".\\(?:\\([.:=?]\\)[.:=?]?\\)")
             (91 . ".\\(?:\\(|\\)[]|]?\\)")
             ;; (92 . ".\\(?:\\([\\n]\\)[\\]?\\)")
             (94 . ".\\(?:\\(=\\)=?\\)")
             (95 . ".\\(?:\\(|_\\|[_]\\)_?\\)")
             (119 . ".\\(?:\\(ww\\)w?\\)")
             (123 . ".\\(?:\\(|\\)[|}]?\\)")
             (124 . ".\\(?:\\(->\\|=>\\||[-=>]\\||||*>\\|[]=>|}-]\\).?\\)")
             (126 . ".\\(?:\\(~>\\|[-=>@~]\\)[-=>@~]?\\)"))))
      (dolist (char-regexp alist)
        (set-char-table-range composition-ligature-table (car char-regexp)
                              `([,(cdr char-regexp) 0 font-shape-gstring]))))
    (set-char-table-parent composition-ligature-table composition-function-table))

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@github-actions github-actions bot added the stale marked as a stale issue/pr (usually by a bot) label Mar 14, 2022
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👾 👾 👾


@lebensterben lebensterben removed - Forum - stale marked as a stale issue/pr (usually by a bot) labels Mar 15, 2022
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There will be no ligature for any specific font. But ligature in general is already supported with unicode-fonts layer. The only issue is currently it won't work with Emacs 27.

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github-actions bot commented May 1, 2024

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@github-actions github-actions bot added the stale marked as a stale issue/pr (usually by a bot) label May 1, 2024
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