make:entity UX Turbo Support, Symfony 5.3 support, more PHP 8 support
Hi Makers!
This release contains a large number of enhancements, especially related to supporting Symfony 5.3 features and PHP 8 in more places:
#864 - [make:command] template: add void return type to configure method - @duboiss
#862 - [make:user] implement getUserIdentifier if required - @jrushlow
#860 - Add support for Symfony UX Turbo - @dunglas
#859 - use attributes for API Platform when using PHP 8+ - @dunglas
#855 - [reset-password] allow anyone to access check email - @jrushlow
#853 - [make:voter] generate type hints - @jrushlow
#849 - [make:user] user entities implement PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface - @jrushlow
#826 - Add autocomplete html tag to forms - @duboiss
#822 - [make:command] lets use attributes if possible - @jrushlow
Diff: v1.30.2...v1.31.0
Happy making!