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Select the compiler

Stefano Zaghi edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 1 revision

By default uses the Intel Fortran Compiler, in particular the serial compiler that has the command line name of ifort. The compiler can be selected by the -compiler option build -compiler GNU

Presently the supported compilers are:

  • Intel Fortran Compiler, switch value intel;
  • GNU gfortran, switch value gnu;
  • g95, switch value g95;
  • IBM XL Fortran Compiler;
  • NAG Fortran Compiler;
  • PGI Fortran Compiler;
  • custom, switch value custom.

Note that all the -compiler switch values are case insensitive.

The custom value selects a completely custom compiler for which the user must specify some other options.

Custom Compiler

When using a custom compiler you must also specify:

  • -fc the fortran compiler statement;
  • -modsw the switch for setting the module searching path.

For example build -compiler custom -fc my_strange_compiler -modsw '-assume modules-path='

MPI Compiler

The compiler statement for MPI compilation is often different from the serial one. For the supported compilers the MPI statements can activated by the -mpi option build -compiler GNU -mpi build -mpi
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