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Chris MacMackin edited this page Dec 18, 2016 · 2 revisions

Build a specific target

Let us assume to add another cumbersome program, namely cumbersome2.f90

└── src
    ├── cumbersome.f90
    └── nested-1
        ├── first_dep.f90
        └── nested-2
            ├── cumbersome2.f90

We want to build on the last cumbersome program. We can just use the -t or --target option build --target cumbersome2.f90 will recursively search for cumbersome2.f90 and for all its dependency files. Note that it is not strictly required for a target to be a program: it can by any compilable source. will (re-)compile only the target file (no matter if it is a program-file or not) and all its dependencies if necessary. In case the target is a program the output name will be the basename without any extension (i.e. cumbersome2 in the example). If a different output name is preferable it can be specified by the "-o" switch, namely build --target cumbersome2.f90 -o A-Custom-Output-Name
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