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Running Telly: Master Branch Standalone

Chaz Larson edited this page Aug 6, 2019 · 2 revisions

You should probably be using version 1.1; 1.0 hasn't seen any development is a very long time.

All platforms basically works the same way; primarily the differences will be around how the parameters are specified.

./telly -h
usage: telly [<flags>]

  -h, --help                    Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
                                8 digits used to uniquely identify the device. $(TELLY_DISCOVERY_DEVICE_ID)
                                Name exposed via discovery. Useful if you are running two instances of telly and want to differentiate between them
                                Manufacturer exposed via discovery. $(TELLY_DISCOVERY_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER)
                                Model number exposed via discovery. $(TELLY_DISCOVERY_DEVICE_MODEL_NUMBER)
                                Firmware name exposed via discovery. $(TELLY_DISCOVERY_DEVICE_FIRMWARE_NAME)
                                Firmware version exposed via discovery. $(TELLY_DISCOVERY_DEVICE_FIRMWARE_VERSION)
      --discovery.ssdp          Turn on SSDP announcement of telly to the local network $(TELLY_DISCOVERY_SSDP)
      --filter.regex-inclusive  Whether the provided regex is inclusive (whitelisting) or exclusive (blacklisting). If true (--filter.regex-inclusive), only channels matching the
                                provided regex pattern will be exposed. If false (--no-filter.regex-inclusive), only channels NOT matching the provided pattern will be exposed.
      --filter.regex=.*         Use regex to filter for channels that you want. A basic example would be .*UK.*. $(TELLY_FILTER_REGEX)
                                Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry $(TELLY_WEB_LISTEN_ADDRESS)
                                The address to expose via discovery. Useful with reverse proxy $(TELLY_WEB_BASE_ADDRESS)
      --log.level="info"        Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal] $(TELLY_LOG_LEVEL)
      --log.requests            Log HTTP requests $(TELLY_LOG_REQUESTS)
                                Location of playlist M3U file. Can be on disk or a URL. $(TELLY_IPTV_PLAYLIST)
      --iptv.streams=1          Number of concurrent streams allowed $(TELLY_IPTV_STREAMS)             If true, stream URLs will not be obfuscated to hide them from Plex. $(TELLY_IPTV_DIRECT)
                                The channel number to start exposing from. $(TELLY_IPTV_STARTING_CHANNEL)
      --version                 Show application version.


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