Support for persisting Ngrok process data
Initial commit after forking and renaming the ngrok-tunnel
Support for persisting Ngrok process data for possible re-use when restarting the server
Added github_changelog_generator
to the gemspec #14 (texpert )
Described gem's usage in Rails, move the description from examples
folder into #13 (texpert )
Fix Codeclimate rubocop channel to beta to enable latest 1-24-1 #11 (texpert )
Add codeclimate fixme and rubocop plugins #10 (texpert )
Decompose fetch_urls
for maintainability #9 (texpert )
Refactor ngrok_running?
to re-use ngrok_process_status_lines
instead of a shell process #8 (texpert )
Raise if Ngrok with the pid from persistence file is running on other port #7 (texpert )
Refactor DRYing ngrok_exec_params
method #6 (texpert )
Remove redundant methods and introduce :params
read accessor #5 (texpert )
Don't forget to close the log file and don't use returns in a block #4 (texpert )
Fix CI setup-ruby action to use Ruby version from strategy matrix #3 (texpert )
Fix CodeClimate issue Class Wrapper has 22 methods (exceeds 20 allowed) #2 (texpert )
Fix the specs to avoid trying to run real Ngrok when testing using fixture log files #1 (texpert )
You can’t perform that action at this time.