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HENRY Thibault (Kazź) edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 15 revisions

Cosmos Logo

Cosmos is a lightweight plugin as its configuration, made up of a single file.
The configuration file is very light, but seems big because it contains a lot of documentation, to guide people as best as possible.

To configure Cosmos, open the config folder of your Sponge server and edit the cosmos.conf file inside.

• 1.2.0+

##                   Cosmos configuration file                    ##
##                   Version 1.2.0                                ##

perworld {
    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated advancement trees on each 
    # world or group (see advancements-groups).
    # Otherwise, the advancement tree is shared between worlds.

    # Worlds from the same group will share same advancement tree.
    # Advancements groups need per-world advancements to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same advancement tree. If you decide to 
    # split the group afterwards, worlds will have separated advancement trees, completed 
    # at the same level.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own advancements tree.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', when activating this feature, player's advancements 
    # of directory 'advancements' will be copied in the Cosmos system, but only for players
    # who have no Cosmos data on this feature yet.
    # Data will be saved to your main world or all worlds of main world's group (see advancements-groups).

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will only see messages from players on the same
    # world or group (see chats-groups).
    # Otherwise, there will be a single message channel on the whole server.

    # Worlds from the same group will share the same message channel.
    # Chats groups need per-world chats to be enabled.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own message channel.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable
    # command blocks on a specific world, using the allow command blocks command of properties module.
    # Otherwise, command blocks activation will be governed by file on the whole server.

    # Worlds from the same group will have the same state for command blocks.
    # Command blocks groups need per-world command blocks to be enabled.
    # Allowing or disabling command blocks to one world will affect all worlds of the group.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have
    #  their own state for command blocks.
    # Example: [ [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated ender chests on each 
    # world or group (see enderchests-groups).
    # Otherwise, the ender chest is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', when activating this feature, player's ender chest 
    # of directory 'playerdata' will be copied in the Cosmos system, but only for players 
    # who have no Cosmos data on this feature yet.
    # Data will be saved to your main world or all worlds of main world's group (see enderchests-groups).

    # Worlds from the same group will share same ender chest.
    # Ender chests groups need per-world ender chests to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same ender chest. If you decide
    #  to split the group afterwards, worlds will have separated ender chests, with the same content.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own ender chest.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated experience bars on each 
    # world or group (see experiences-groups).
    # Otherwise, the experience bar is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', when activating this feature, player's experience bar 
    # of directory 'playerdata' will be copied in the Cosmos system, but only for players 
    # who have no Cosmos data on this feature yet.
    # Data will be saved to your main world or all worlds of main world's group (see experiences-groups).

    # Worlds from the same group will share same experience bar.
    # Experiences groups need per-world experiences to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same experience bar. If you decide 
    # to split the group afterwards, worlds will have separated experience bars, completed 
    # at the same level.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own experience bar.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players game modes will match the defined game mode of the world they
    # are located in . Players with required permissions will be able to modify the world game mode using
    # the game mode command of properties modules.
    # Otherwise, game mode affectation will be governed by file on the whole server.

    # Worlds from the same group will apply the same game mode.
    # Game modes groups need per-world game modes to be enabled.
    # Setting game mode to one world will affect all worlds of the group.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own state for game mode.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated health bars on each 
    # world or group (see healths-groups).
    # Otherwise, the health bar is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', when activating this feature, player's health bar 
    # of directory 'playerdata' will be copied in the Cosmos system, but only for players 
    # who have no Cosmos data on this feature yet.
    # Data will be saved to your main world or all worlds of main world's group (see healths-groups),

    # Worlds from the same group will share same health bar.
    # Health groups need per-world healths to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same health bar. If you decide
    # to split the group afterwards, worlds will have separated health bars, completed
    # at the same level.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have
    # their own health bar.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated hunger bars on each
    # world or group (see hungers-groups).
    # Otherwise, the hunger bar is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', when activating this feature, player's hunger bar 
    # of directory 'playerdata' will be copied in the Cosmos system, but only for players 
    # who have no Cosmos data on this feature yet.
    # Data will be saved to your main world or all worlds of main world's group (see hungers-groups).

    # Worlds from the same group will share same hunger bar.
    # Hungers groups need per-world hungers to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same hunger bar. If you decide to split the
    # group afterwards, worlds will have separated hunger bars, completed at the same level.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have
    # their own hunger bar.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated inventories on each
    # world or group (see inventories-groups).
    # Otherwise, the inventory is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', when activating this feature, player's inventory 
    # of directory 'playerdata' will be copied in the Cosmos system, but only for players 
    # who have no Cosmos data on this feature yet.
    # Data will be saved to your main world or all worlds of main world's group (see inventories-groups).
    # Worlds from the same group will share same inventory.
    # Inventories groups need per-world inventories to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same inventory. If you decide to split the
    # group afterwards, worlds will have separated inventories, with the same content.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own inventory.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', each world will have its own scoreboard.
    # Otherwise, there will be a single scoreboard on the whole server.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to use the enhanced scoreboard commands
    # replicated from the vanilla implementation but with additional possibilities, like colors, 
    # json parsing, and more.
    # Check out the Wiki for more information:
    # Last but not least, if 'true', vanilla scoreboard commands are handled by the Cosmos 
    # scoreboard implementation, even if a command block send them.
    # It means that you can import on your server custom maps which would use vanilla scoreboard 
    # commands without polluting the scoreboard of other worlds.
    # Thus, you can also import two copies of the same maps without having any objective 
    # or score conflicts, since scoreboards are encapsulated within their own world.
    # Worlds from the same group will share same scoreboard.
    # Scoreboards groups need per-world scoreboards to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same scoreboard. If you decide to split the
    # group afterwards, worlds will have separated scoreboards, with the same content.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own scoreboard.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [games, games_end] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will only appear on the tab list of the world they are located in.
    # Otherwise, there will be a single tab list on the whole server.

    # Worlds from the same group will share the same tab list.
    # Tab lists groups need per-world tab lists to be enabled.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have their own tab list.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

time {
    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to
    # use real time command.
    # Otherwise, the command is totally disabled.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true',  sky position will be updated 24000 times a day (24 hours)
    # on real time worlds.
    # Otherwise, sky position is updated every minute (1440 times a day).

    # List of the worlds saved in config and applying real time.
    # It means that real time will remain applied on those worlds on server restarts.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable real time on a
    # specific world using the real time command of time module, with the --save-config
    # flag to add the world uuid in the list below.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to 
    # use ignore players sleeping command.
    # Otherwise, the command is totally disabled.

    # List of the worlds saved in config and ignoring players sleeping.
    # It means that players sleeping will remain ignored on those worlds on server restarts.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable player sleep ignorance on a
    # specific world using the ignore players sleeping command of time module, with the --save-config
    # flag to add the world uuid in the list below.

• 1.1.0

##                   Cosmos configuration file                    ##
##                   Version 1.1.0                                ##

perworld {
    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated advancement trees on each world 
    # or group (see advancements-groups).
    # Otherwise, the advancement tree is shared between worlds.

    # Worlds from the same group will share same advancement tree.
    # Advancements groups need per-world advancements to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same advancement tree. If you decide to 
    # split the group afterwards, worlds will have separated advancement trees, completed 
    # at the same level.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own advancements tree.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will only see messages from players on the same world 
    # or group (see chats-groups).
    # Otherwise, there will be a single message channel on the whole server.

    # Worlds from the same group will share the same message channel.
    # Chats groups need per-world chats to be enabled.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have their 
    # own message channel.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable
    # command blocks on a specific world, using the allow command blocks command of properties module.
    # Otherwise, command blocks activation will be governed by file on the whole server.

    # Worlds from the same group will have the same state for command blocks.
    # Command blocks groups need per-world command blocks to be enabled.
    # Allowing or disabling command blocks to one world will affect all worlds of the group.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have their own 
    # state for command blocks.
    # Example: [ [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated ender chests on each world 
    # or group (see enderchests-groups).
    # Otherwise, the ender chest is shared between worlds.

    # Worlds from the same group will share same ender chest.
    # Ender chests groups need per-world ender chests to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same ender chest. If you decide to split the
    # group afterwards, worlds will have separated ender chests, with the same content.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have
    # their own ender chest.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated experience bars on each world
    # or group (see experiences-groups).
    # Otherwise, the experience bar is shared between worlds.

    # Worlds from the same group will share same experience bar.
    # Experiences groups need per-world experiences to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same experience bar. If you decide to split the
    # group afterwards, worlds will have separated experience bars, completed at the same level.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have
    # their own experience bar.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players game modes will match the defined game mode of the world they
    # are located in . Players with required permissions will be able to modify the world game mode using
    # the game mode command of properties modules.
    # Otherwise, game mode affectation will be governed by file on the whole server.

    # Worlds from the same group will apply the same game mode.
    # Game modes groups need per-world game modes to be enabled.
    # Setting game mode to one world will affect all worlds of the group.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have their own 
    # state for game mode.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated health bars on each world 
    # or group (see healths-groups).
    # Otherwise, the health bar is shared between worlds.

    # Worlds from the same group will share same health bar.
    # Health groups need per-world healths to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same health bar. If you decide 
    # to split the group afterwards, worlds will have separated health bars, completed at the same level.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own health bar.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated hunger bars on each world 
    # or group (see hungers-groups).
    # Otherwise, the hunger bar is shared between worlds.

    # Worlds from the same group will share same hunger bar.
    # Hungers groups need per-world hungers to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same hunger bar. If you decide to split the
    # group afterwards, worlds will have separated hunger bars, completed at the same level.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have
    # their own hunger bar.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated inventories on each world 
    # or group (see inventories-groups).
    # Otherwise, the inventory is shared between worlds.

    # Worlds from the same group will share same inventory.
    # Inventories groups need per-world inventories to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same inventory. If you decide to split the
    # group afterwards, worlds will have separated inventories, with the same content.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have 
    # their own inventory.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', each world will have its own scoreboard.
    # Otherwise, there will be a single scoreboard on the whole server.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to use the enhanced scoreboard commands
    # replicated from the vanilla implementation but with additional possibilities, like colors,
    # json parsing, and more.
    # Check out the Wiki for more information:
    # Last but not least, if 'true', vanilla scoreboard commands are handled by the Cosmos 
    # scoreboard implementation, even if a command block send them.
    # It means that you can import on your server custom maps which would use vanilla scoreboard
    # commands without polluting the scoreboard of other worlds.
    # Thus, you can also import two copies of the same maps without having any objective
    # or score conflicts, since scoreboards are encapsulated within their own world.

    # Worlds from the same group will share same scoreboard.
    # Scoreboards groups need per-world scoreboards to be enabled.
    # Technically, worlds from same group will store the same scoreboard. If you decide to split the
    # group afterwards, worlds will have separated scoreboards, with the same content.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have
    # their own scoreboard.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [games, games_end] ]

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will only appear on the tab list of the world 
    # they are located in.
    # Otherwise, there will be a single tab list on the whole server.

    # Worlds from the same group will share the same tab list.
    # Tab lists groups need per-world tab lists to be enabled.
    # One world cannot be alone or belong to different groups. Unspecified worlds will have
    # their own tab list.
    # Example: [ [world, DIM-1, DIM1], [creative, creative_nether] ]

time {
    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to 
    # use real time command.
    # Otherwise, the command is totally disabled.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true',  sky position will be updated 24000 times a day (24 hours) 
    # on real time worlds.
    # Otherwise, sky position is updated every minute (1440 times a day).

    # List of the worlds saved in config and applying real time.
    # It means that real time will remain applied on those worlds on server restarts.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable real time on a
    # specific world using the real time command of time module, with the --save-config
    # flag to add the world uuid in the list below.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to
    # use ignore players sleeping command.
    # Otherwise, the command is totally disabled.

    # List of the worlds saved in config and ignoring players sleeping.
    # It means that players sleeping will remain ignored on those worlds on server restarts.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable player sleep ignorance on a
    # specific world using the ignore players sleeping command of time module, with the --save-config
    # flag to add the world uuid in the list below.

• 1.0.0 → 1.0.1

##                   Cosmos configuration file                    ##
##                   Version 1.0.1                                ##

perworld {
    # /!\ Warning /!\
    # Currently, per world features are considering Nether and End dimensions as worlds in their own right.
    # /!\ Warning /!\

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated advancement trees on each world.
    # Otherwise, the advancement tree is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will only see messages from players on the same world.
    # Otherwise, there will be a single message channel on the whole server.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable
    # command blocks on a specific world, using the allow command blocks command of properties module.
    # Otherwise, command blocks activation will be governed by file on the whole server.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated experience bars on each world.
    # Otherwise, the experience bar is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players game modes will match the defined game mode of the world they
    # are located in. Players with required permissions will be able to modify the world game mode using
    # the game mode command of properties modules.
    # Otherwise, game mode affectation will be governed by file on the whole server.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated health bars on each world.
    # Otherwise, the health bar is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated hunger bars on each world.
    # Otherwise, the hunger bar is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will have separated inventories on each world.
    # Otherwise, the inventory is shared between worlds.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', each world will have its own scoreboard.
    # Otherwise, there will be a single scoreboard on the whole server.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to use the enhanced scoreboard commands
    # replicated from the vanilla implementation but with additional possibilities, like colors, 
    # json parsing, and more.
    # Check out the Wiki for more information:
    # Last but not least, if 'true', vanilla scoreboard commands are handled by the Cosmos
    # scoreboard implementation, even if a command block send them.
    # It means that you can import on your server custom maps which would use vanilla 
    # scoreboard commands without polluting the scoreboard of other worlds.
    # Thus, you can also import two copies of the same maps without having any objective 
    # or score conflicts, sincescoreboards are encapsulated within their own world.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players will only appear on the tab list of the world
    # they are located in.
    # Otherwise, there will be a single tab list on the whole server.

time {
    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to use 
    # real time command.
    # Otherwise, the command is totally disabled.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true',  sky position will be updated 24000 times a day (24 hours)
    # on real time worlds.
    # Otherwise, sky position is updated every minute (1440 times a day).

    # List of the worlds saved in config and applying real time.
    # It means that real time will remain applied on those worlds on server restarts.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable real time on a
    # specific world using the real time command of time module, with the --save-config
    # flag to add the world uuid in the list below.

    # 'true' or 'false". If 'true', players with required permissions will be able to use 
    # ignore players sleeping command.
    # Otherwise, the command is totally disabled.

    # List of the worlds saved in config and ignoring players sleeping.
    # It means that players sleeping will remain ignored on those worlds on server restarts.
    # Players with required permissions will be able to enable or disable player sleep ignorance on a
    # specific world using the ignore players sleeping command of time module, with the --save-config
    # flag to add the world uuid in the list below.