Intelligent, personalized feedback for students using artificial intelligence
If you find a vulnerability in this system, please report it at the following url:
As a student you have to submit a lot of tasks for your lectures. Usually the only reply you get is that you passed or failed. This is a situation we want to change. Feedbacksystem is an application to automatically check your submissions and give an immediate result. With the result we want to provide suggestions to the students about their mistakes, collect the most common mistakes and present them to the lecturers such that they can address them in the lectures.
The following software is required for the development:
- Java (Version 11)
- Docker
- Git
Clone this Repository to your locale Directory
git clone
Change to the cloned directory
cd feedbacksystem
Build all container an start them with docker compose
docker compose up -d --build
The System can now be accessed at https://localhost
For frontend development the following software is needed:
- node
- npm
Change to the Directory of the frontend code
cd modules/fbs-core/web
Install neccessary npm packages and start the dev-server
npm i
npm run start
See here for more information and an overview of the configuration variables.
- Ensure the requirements are met
- Generate values (See here for details)
deno run --reload= --allow-write=vals.yaml vals.yaml
- Add the helm repository
helm repo add thm-mni-ii
- Install
helm install -n <namepsace> --create-namespace --wait -f vals.yaml fbs thm-mni-ii/feedbackssystem
The specification of the interfaces of the feedbacksystem can be found here.