- Install ROS
- Install dependencies
- Moveit:
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-moveit
- gqcnn
- Moveit:
- Create workspace and add thing2.sh to workspace root
- Add sawyer_moveit, gqcnn, and grasping source
- Copy
- Setup
- Source the simulated robot:
bash ~/catkin_ws/thing2.sh sim
- Source the simulated robot:
- Launch the sawyer world:
roslaunch grasping sawyer_world.launch
- Launch moveit and rviz:
roslaunch grasping moveit_rviz.launch
- Save perception images:
~/catkin_ws/src/perception/tools/capture_images.py --config_filename ~/catkin_ws/src/grasping/config/capture_images.yaml NAME
- Run gqcnn on saved images:
python examples/policy.py --config_filename /usr0/home/tweng/catkin_ws/src/grasping/config/policy.yaml