released this
29 Feb 08:18
568 - Allow building thoth-app
directly from cargo, using a build script in thoth-app-server
569 - Build thoth-app
with trunk, instead of
569 - Optionally load thoth-export-server
env variables from .env
at build time
569 - Optionally load thoth-app
env variables from .env
at build time
569 - Upgrade jsonwebtoken
to v9.2.0
569 - Mark jsonwebtoken
as an optional dependency, built with the backend
569 - Upgrade env\_logger
to v0.11.2
569 - Upgrade semver
to v1.0.22
569 - Upgrade gloo-storage
to v0.3.0
569 - Upgrade gloo-timers
to v0.3.0
569 - Upgrade strum
to v0.26.1
569 - Upgradereqwest-retry
to v0.3.0
499 - Default main_contribution to true
564 - Fix error in BibTeX not outputting editors in work types other than edited volume
447 - Prevents Google Books Onix3 format output from Export API if Thoth record doesn't contain at least one BIC, BISAC or LCC subject code
404 - Prevents JSTOR Onix3 format output from Export API if Thoth record doesn't contain at least one BISAC subject code
569 - Upgrade actix-web
to v4.5.1
569 - Upgrade tempfile
to v3.10.1
569 - Upgrade openssl
to v0.10.64
569 - Upgrade serde\_yaml
to v0.9.25
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