Releases: threefoldtech/tfgrid-sdk-ts
Releases · threefoldtech/tfgrid-sdk-ts
What's Changed
- reload component when user clicks on back from any solution by @AlaaElattar in #2191
- fix yarn add command by @0oM4R in #2168
- Edit SMTP validation by @zaelgohary in #2178
- Phase out old stats by @zaelgohary in #2193
- Disconnect tfChain provider by @0oM4R in #2177
- remove /64 from public ipv6 in vms table and k8s table by @AlaaElattar in #2175
- Fix typo and propagate retries to client by @AlaaElattar in #2211
- Trigger Minting hash validation before clicking view by @AlaaElattar in #2207
- Filter by Public IPs in
node finder
by @AlaaElattar in #2167 - Support filtering by min total num of cpus in
node finder
by @AlaaElattar in #2171 - Add Balance field in profile manager dialog. by @AlaaElattar in #2218
- Rename Account ID to Account Address by @AlaaElattar in #2222
- Sync development_314 with development by @MohamedElmdary in #2225
- Check farm has enough public ips before creating the extrinsics by @AlaaElattar in #2217
- fix check mark on non supported keypairType by @samaradel in #2176
- Add search in solutions by @zaelgohary in #2190
- Add email input by @samaradel in #2165
- support reserving standby Nodes from dedicated machines by @AlaaElattar in #2213
- Add reserve/unreserve buttons in the actions of the nodes table by @samaradel in #2223
- Fix TFchain card on big screens by @samaradel in #2274
- Allow zero value in disk HDD field by @samaradel in #2272
- Add user's email as default value in applications by @AlaaElattar in #2273
- fixing subsquid port by @maayarosama in #2305
- Add margin to the footer by @samaradel in #2323
- Reset values of public config values on dialog close by @samaradel in #2334
- Include FarmId in contracts table by @AlaaElattar in #2268
- can't deploy on node with contract in grace period. by @AlaaElattar in #2244
- enable copy ssh on low balance by @0oM4R in #2345
- Fix tables cells height by @samaradel in #2389
- fix footer responsive by @ehab-hassan in #2404
- Reset add IP form by @zaelgohary in #2399
- Update balance on open profile dialog by @0oM4R in #2393
- Adding a cardsLength value and changing the condition by @maayarosama in #2396
- Unify deployment tables by @zaelgohary in #2403
- fix undefined state when deploying by @AlaaElattar in #2431
- release v2.3.3 by @0oM4R in #2439
- Merge development_314 branch in the development branch by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2424
- Update workflow grid client version in the tests workflow and docs by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2440
- reduce listing deployments time by @0oM4R in #2443
- Merging Development 314 into Development by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2444
- Disable sorting public ip in your farms by @AlaaElattar in #2461
- reorder resource units in node finder to be like my nodes by @AlaaElattar in #2472
- Fix stellar typo by @zaelgohary in #2468
- Edit 'Delete IP' to 'Delete', Replace unnecessary log, Edit yarn lock by @zaelgohary in #2467
- Remove Old Dashboard, Stats, Weblets & their workflows by @zaelgohary in #2436
- Update playground dependencies after removing the old dashboard and weblets by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2474
- Remove community link by @zaelgohary in #2475
- Update graph url by @samaradel in #2478
- Update grid client versions in workflows and docs to 2.3.5 by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2484
- Fix dynamic tabs loading by @samaradel in #2480
- Hiding roi in simulator by @maayarosama in #2482
- made tables center by @ehab-hassan in #2492
- Stellar address validation by @0oM4R in #2486
- enhance list requests in nodes and farms tables by @0oM4R in #2488
- Rewrite pricing calculator by @MohamedElmdary in #2308
- Fix checking on rentContractId while choosing node by @AlaaElattar in #2498
- Fix loading keys when the kvstore backend is used by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2502
- Fix loading size by @samaradel in #2483
- Remove key fragments after setting a key with a new value by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2503
- Fix: node uptime by @0oM4R in #2497
- Replace nodes table w node cards by @zaelgohary in #2422
- automate stats update by @0oM4R in #2511
- Accept terms and conditions dialog enhancements by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2373
- fix color DAO vote by @ehab-hassan in #2517
- Add contract type column by @zaelgohary in #2192
- Sort by status on mount by @zaelgohary in #2197
- Configure manual as a global prop by @zaelgohary in #2495
- Filter the undefined and empty values before making the request to filter nodes and farms. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2409
- Accept terms dialog buttons by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2525
- Fix reserve button issues in Node finder by @zaelgohary in #2526
- Move filters to side instead of top by @MohamedElmdary in #2516
- Fix Node card issues by @zaelgohary in #2524
- Disable reserve node btn if user has insufficient balance by @zaelgohary in #2469
- Update: Remove the undefined/empty-string values from the request url. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2532
- update error message for balance in pricing calculator by @MohamedElmdary in #2533
- change filter order by @ehab-hassan in #2534
- Enhance validator form by @MohamedElmdary in #2499
- fix height of filters by @MohamedElmdary in #2531
- Implementing Multiple SSH Keys with Enhanced Management Features by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2463
- Activate mnemonic even if it doesn't have a twin id by @samaradel in #2506
- covert uid from number to stringer when passed as argument by @amiraabouhadid in #2538
- add warning alert to add twin id as memo text by @amiraabouhadid in #2536
- Get Iperf test from Grid Proxy by @zaelgohary in #2519
- Edit SMTP email tooltip & label in discourse only by @zaelgohary in #2540
- Add extra fee to node price in node finder by @zaelgohary in
What's Changed
- Fix pricing calculator accepting negative values by @MohamedElmdary in #2518
- URL pointing to wrong location. by @Kaya-Sem in #2545
- Export manual links in a separate file by @zaelgohary in #2550
- link manual in minting page by @AlaaElattar in #2551
- Fix: node details behaviour by @0oM4R in #2553
- Make defined error when adding ip exists by @AlaaElattar in #2558
- Fix: public ip range by @0oM4R in #2556
- Feature: add error handling to node selector by @0oM4R in #2562
- Add workers number chip in k8s & caprover by @zaelgohary in #2565
- Display the VOTE details on the DAO page by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2567
- Fix err msg in loadk8s & loadVms by @zaelgohary in #2569
- Fix mycelium IP in k8s table by @zaelgohary in #2570
- Refactor getDefaultUrls function by @zaelgohary in #2568
- Add dedicated node discount tooltip by @zaelgohary in #2577
- Remove dedicated page, remove unused code from node finder by @zaelgohary in #2579
- Add support for rentable filter in node finder page by @MohamedElmdary in #2583
- Display node price in hour by @samaradel in #2581
- Update sshkey page by @samaradel in #2554
- Fix dedicated nodes route by @zaelgohary in #2592
- Fix typo by @samaradel in #2596
- Update mass_deployments.yml to send status message on telegram by @PeterNashaat in #2595
- release 2.4.0-rc1 by @0oM4R in #2599
- Remove minting alert by @zaelgohary in #2601
- Fix the activation issue by updating the key before calling the chain by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2605
- Enable accept T&C btn by @zaelgohary in #2613
- Fix reserve button in solutions by @zaelgohary in #2612
- Fixing get tft button by @maayarosama in #2623
- Edit failed node details err msg by @zaelgohary in #2627
- Enhancements: Updated the colors of the SSH Keys in
Manage SSH Keys
dialog by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2640 - Wait for the opening connection in rmb client before closing it by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2625
New Contributors
- @Kaya-Sem made their first contribution in #2545
- @PeterNashaat made their first contribution in #2595
Full Changelog: v2.4.0-rc1...v2.4.0-rc2
What's Changed
- reload component when user clicks on back from any solution by @AlaaElattar in #2191
- fix yarn add command by @0oM4R in #2168
- Edit SMTP validation by @zaelgohary in #2178
- Phase out old stats by @zaelgohary in #2193
- Disconnect tfChain provider by @0oM4R in #2177
- remove /64 from public ipv6 in vms table and k8s table by @AlaaElattar in #2175
- Fix typo and propagate retries to client by @AlaaElattar in #2211
- Trigger Minting hash validation before clicking view by @AlaaElattar in #2207
- Filter by Public IPs in
node finder
by @AlaaElattar in #2167 - Support filtering by min total num of cpus in
node finder
by @AlaaElattar in #2171 - Add Balance field in profile manager dialog. by @AlaaElattar in #2218
- Rename Account ID to Account Address by @AlaaElattar in #2222
- Sync development_314 with development by @MohamedElmdary in #2225
- Check farm has enough public ips before creating the extrinsics by @AlaaElattar in #2217
- fix check mark on non supported keypairType by @samaradel in #2176
- Add search in solutions by @zaelgohary in #2190
- Add email input by @samaradel in #2165
- support reserving standby Nodes from dedicated machines by @AlaaElattar in #2213
- Add reserve/unreserve buttons in the actions of the nodes table by @samaradel in #2223
- Fix TFchain card on big screens by @samaradel in #2274
- Allow zero value in disk HDD field by @samaradel in #2272
- Add user's email as default value in applications by @AlaaElattar in #2273
- fixing subsquid port by @maayarosama in #2305
- Add margin to the footer by @samaradel in #2323
- Reset values of public config values on dialog close by @samaradel in #2334
- Include FarmId in contracts table by @AlaaElattar in #2268
- can't deploy on node with contract in grace period. by @AlaaElattar in #2244
- enable copy ssh on low balance by @0oM4R in #2345
- Fix tables cells height by @samaradel in #2389
- fix footer responsive by @ehab-hassan in #2404
- Reset add IP form by @zaelgohary in #2399
- Update balance on open profile dialog by @0oM4R in #2393
- Adding a cardsLength value and changing the condition by @maayarosama in #2396
- Unify deployment tables by @zaelgohary in #2403
- fix undefined state when deploying by @AlaaElattar in #2431
- release v2.3.3 by @0oM4R in #2439
- Merge development_314 branch in the development branch by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2424
- Update workflow grid client version in the tests workflow and docs by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2440
- reduce listing deployments time by @0oM4R in #2443
- Merging Development 314 into Development by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2444
- Disable sorting public ip in your farms by @AlaaElattar in #2461
- reorder resource units in node finder to be like my nodes by @AlaaElattar in #2472
- Fix stellar typo by @zaelgohary in #2468
- Edit 'Delete IP' to 'Delete', Replace unnecessary log, Edit yarn lock by @zaelgohary in #2467
- Remove Old Dashboard, Stats, Weblets & their workflows by @zaelgohary in #2436
- Update playground dependencies after removing the old dashboard and weblets by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2474
- Remove community link by @zaelgohary in #2475
- Update graph url by @samaradel in #2478
- Update grid client versions in workflows and docs to 2.3.5 by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2484
- Fix dynamic tabs loading by @samaradel in #2480
- Hiding roi in simulator by @maayarosama in #2482
- made tables center by @ehab-hassan in #2492
- Stellar address validation by @0oM4R in #2486
- enhance list requests in nodes and farms tables by @0oM4R in #2488
- Rewrite pricing calculator by @MohamedElmdary in #2308
- Fix checking on rentContractId while choosing node by @AlaaElattar in #2498
- Fix loading keys when the kvstore backend is used by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2502
- Fix loading size by @samaradel in #2483
- Remove key fragments after setting a key with a new value by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2503
- Fix: node uptime by @0oM4R in #2497
- Replace nodes table w node cards by @zaelgohary in #2422
- automate stats update by @0oM4R in #2511
- Accept terms and conditions dialog enhancements by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2373
- fix color DAO vote by @ehab-hassan in #2517
- Add contract type column by @zaelgohary in #2192
- Sort by status on mount by @zaelgohary in #2197
- Configure manual as a global prop by @zaelgohary in #2495
- Filter the undefined and empty values before making the request to filter nodes and farms. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2409
- Accept terms dialog buttons by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2525
- Fix reserve button issues in Node finder by @zaelgohary in #2526
- Move filters to side instead of top by @MohamedElmdary in #2516
- Fix Node card issues by @zaelgohary in #2524
- Disable reserve node btn if user has insufficient balance by @zaelgohary in #2469
- Update: Remove the undefined/empty-string values from the request url. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2532
- update error message for balance in pricing calculator by @MohamedElmdary in #2533
- change filter order by @ehab-hassan in #2534
- Enhance validator form by @MohamedElmdary in #2499
- fix height of filters by @MohamedElmdary in #2531
- Implementing Multiple SSH Keys with Enhanced Management Features by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2463
- Activate mnemonic even if it doesn't have a twin id by @samaradel in #2506
- covert uid from number to stringer when passed as argument by @amiraabouhadid in #2538
- add warning alert to add twin id as memo text by @amiraabouhadid in #2536
- Get Iperf test from Grid Proxy by @zaelgohary in #2519
- Edit SMTP email tooltip & label in discourse only by @zaelgohary in #2540
- Add extra fee to node price in node finder by @zaelgohary in
What's Changed
- Update graphql default url by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2443
Full Changelog: v2.3.4...v2.3.5
What's Changed
- release v2.3.1 by @0oM4R in #2423
- Change the simulator alert message. by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2430
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.3.2
What's Changed
- Release 2.3.0 by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2388
- Update grid client nightly tests with the latest tag v2.3.0 by @AhmedHanafy725 in #2392
- Remove disclaimer toolbar by @zaelgohary in #2395
- Fix: show failed to load deployments in deployment list by @0oM4R in #2405
- updated links for new manual dir tree by @amiraabouhadid in #2397
- Fix grid_client tests by @MohamedElmdary in #2333
- Fix failed deployments warning in k8s by @zaelgohary in #2417
- Dashboard simulator enhancements by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2421
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1
What's Changed
- show minting on all networks by @mohamedamer453 in #1553
- Reorder network switches by @zaelgohary in #1554
- Fix typos by @zaelgohary in #1550
- update tooltip icon for clickable icons by @mohamedamer453 in #1555
- disable loading after the details are loaded by @mohamedamer453 in #1558
- update formatting of dao details by @mohamedamer453 in #1551
- Fix fetching deployments by @MohamedElmdary in #1557
- Fix virtual machine domains by @MohamedElmdary in #1552
- reorder sidebar by @mohamedamer453 in #1576
- Development 313 fix farms filter & enhance farm table by @amiraabouhadid in #1563
- Development 313 fix stat cards by @amiraabouhadid in #1564
- Fix uptime in dashboard nodes by @0oM4R in #1582
- Node Filters by @Mahmoud-Emad in #1580
- Development 3.13 by @AhmedHanafy725 in #1126
- add nodesOwnedBy and refactor user_nodes by @mohamedamer453 in #1572
- add close button to manage domains dialog by @amiraabouhadid in #1596
- Update max farm name to be 40 chars by @AlaaElattar in #1608
- change contracts list path in notification by @0oM4R in #1613
- Update the v-server, enable cors by @Mahmoud-Emad in #1548
- change deposit dialog layout by @0oM4R in #1610
- Manual node Id selection by @maayarosama in #1207
- fix responsive twin page issue by @0oM4R in #1620
- Fix tooltip color and others by @ehab-hassan in #1626
- move close buttons to the left by @mohamedamer453 in #1622
- fix typo in the warning message and improve font size by @mohamedamer453 in #1617
- Development 313 minting by @maayarosama in #1573
- Add Back Button in second navbar by @AlaaElattar in #1623
- Formatting dao proposal's card by @maayarosama in #1559
- make farm id filter filter in nodes compatible with one in farms page by @AlaaElattar in #1631
- renaming dashboard farms to your farms to avoid confusion by @maayarosama in #1633
- Improve select node by @MohamedElmdary in #1457
- Developemnt 313 mass deployment by @AlaaElattar in #1421
- Filter out the undefined extrinsics by @AhmedHanafy725 in #1637
- make types package public by @0oM4R in #1639
- release 2.3.0-alpha2 by @maayarosama in #1640
- replace public ip field title in farm filters by @0oM4R in #1650
- show manual link on sign up by @mohamedamer453 in #1648
- [Dashboard] replace rentedby with ownedby in user nodes by @0oM4R in #1652
- close farm dialog after the farm is created by @mohamedamer453 in #1660
- add alpha tag as pre relase tag by @0oM4R in #1657
- adding node options command to the readme by @mohamedamer453 in #1661
- disable loading after loading the twin data by @mohamedamer453 in #1654
- remove on-mount in user nodes by @0oM4R in #1656
- handle no error message in response by @0oM4R in #1647
- improve offline public ips notification by @mohamedamer453 in #1644
- Development 313 | contracts list tables by @Mahmoud-Emad in #1567
- Adding a link to the contracts page in the grace period contracts warning message by @maayarosama in #1658
- set nodes count to 0 if there're no nodes to display by @mohamedamer453 in #1682
- Updated CapRover docs URL by @mik-tf in #1676
- [Dashboard ]fix getting some of the user farms not all by @0oM4R in #1675
- Fix connect dialogue in smaller screens by @zaelgohary in #1671
- remove sorting in farms table by @amiraabouhadid in #1693
- farms dialog by @amiraabouhadid in #1684
- Use substrate tools instead of bip93 when getting the seed from the mnemonic by @AhmedHanafy725 in #1695
- Updating TFT Farmed field by @maayarosama in #1655
- limit decimals values in total cost by @zaelgohary in #1712
- Fix activate button by @zaelgohary in #1714
- Show sidebar if the user is not logged in by @zaelgohary in #1364
- Replace mnemonic hash w mnemonic while setting profile by @zaelgohary in #1711
- feat: Improve loading page by @MohamedElmdary in #1704
- Fix total cost in case it's 0 by @zaelgohary in #1720
- Fix capacity url by @zaelgohary in #1719
- Fix max transfer amount by @zaelgohary in #1713
- Add tooltip for activate account button by @AlaaElattar in #1697
- Fix env err in all solutions by @zaelgohary in #1715
- add hint when no farms by @amiraabouhadid in #1722
- Fix client connection in case of connecting twice by @AhmedHanafy725 in #1728
- Fix wireguard, public IP & planetary in deployment table by @zaelgohary in #1723
- Development 313 farm enhancement by @ehab-hassan in #1680
- fix farm name validation special chars and min length by @amiraabouhadid in #1721
- refactor: improve performance of checking for offline deployments by @MohamedElmdary in #1718
- fix: flatten vm array to fix sort casuing error in caprover and workers based solutions by @MohamedElmdary in #1727
- feat: add global navigation loader by @MohamedElmdary in #1705
- Downgrade caprover version to 1.10.1 by @AhmedHanafy725 in #1741
- Adding selection field for keypair type by @maayarosama in #1709
- fix: active button not enabled by @MohamedElmdary in #1742
- Fix breadcrumbs margin by @zaelgohary in #1744
- Rewrite selection details by @MohamedElmdary in #1659
- fix grid client disconnecting while connecting by @MohamedElmdary in #1735
- Revert "Downgrade caprover version to 1.10.1" by @AhmedHanafy725 in #1755
- fix: add limit 1 to validation tries by @MohamedElmdary in #1761
- Add meta to Solutions route by @zaelgohary in #1766
- Add contract details doc by @zaelgohary in #1770
- Enhance error handling in clients by @0oM4R in #1738
- fix: Infinite Grid Proxy requests in offline network by @MohamedElmdary in #1779
- Update proposal info by @zaelgohary in #1774...
What's Changed
- release v2.3.0 rc3 by @0oM4R in #2346
- Update issue and pr templates by @0oM4R in #2355
- Correcting spelling error and correcting logs file extension by @maayarosama in #2375
- Fix the pagination issue in listing farm IPs by @Mahmoud-Emad in #2377
- Fix outdated links on the landing page and minting details by @samaradel in #2376
- Fix stats summary endpoint delay by @0oM4R in #2382
- Update show all deployments toggle message by @samaradel in #2381
Full Changelog: v2.3.0-rc3...v2.3.0-rc4