This web app is a basic movie database where one can view, create, edit, and delete films as well as their directors and genres.
Using what I learned about creating an Express application from a previous project from The Odin Project and Mozilla Developer Network, I created a CRUD web application using the MERN stack.
I learned the following from this project:
- Creating a full stack application by connecting a React frontend with an Express backend
- Recreating a Figma design with React and Chakra UI
- How to setup a Node development environment
- Using a database to store my app's data
- How to setup a CRUD interface for a web app
- Working with forms
- Deploying my app to production
Note: This web application is functional but not complete.
I would like to implement and improve the following:
- Improve responsive design for small screens
- Finish the film carousels on the home page to scroll and sort films (e.g. by date released, recently added, etc.)
- Add ability to search
- Require an account and authentication to be able to edit films, directors, genres
- Sorting functions to allow a user to filter the films using multiple constraints (e.g. filter only 'Action' films released in '1982')
- Add the cast to the films
- Implement a rating system for users to interact with the site
I used the following technologies to complete my app:
- Node.js - javascript runtime
- Express - web application framwork
- MongoDB - NoSQL databse
- React - JavaScript library
- Chakra UI - Component library
- Heroku - cloud platform as a service
- Git - version control system
- Figma - Web design tool
I used the following resources to help me create this: