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Releases: treeben77/rblx-open-cloud

v1.6.0 - Inventory & Read Groups API

28 Sep 00:08
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Inventory API

The inventory API has been added, view the docs:

Groups API

The read part of the groups API has been added, view the docs:


25 Sep 22:36
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where PartialAccessToken.fetch_resources would raise an error when called for an authorization with no experience/account scopes. fetch_resources will now give empty lists when there is no accounts to fill them.

v1.5.0 - Request Sessions & OAuth2 Headshort URI

21 Sep 01:13
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Oauth2 Headshot URI

A new OAuth2 claim for the headshot URI was just announced. When authorizing OAuth2 with the profile scope, it can be accessed using AccessToken.user.headshot_uri.

Requests Sessions

All HTTP requests to Roblox in the library now use a request session object, which makes requests slightly faster.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which would make OAuth2 not work if both jwt and PyJWT were installed.

v1.4.0 - Webhooks & Docstrings

23 Jul 11:49
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The library now supports incoming webhooks. It has been quite a bit since the feature was released, but I wanted to get it correct. Read the documentation here:


  • Added PKCE Support for OAuth2.
    • OAuth2App.generate_code_verifier has been added, which generates a PKCE key.
    • OAuth2App.generate_uri now has a code_verifier parameter which takes in a PKCE key. This key must be saved and should be unique for each user.
    • OAuth2App.exchange_code now has a code_verifier parameter which takes in the same PKCE key that was provided to OAuth2App.generate_uri for the user.


Each class and method in the library now has it's own docstring. They contain a description of what the method/class does, and the parameters it takes in. These should work in most IDEs, including VS Code.


Very technical change that shouldn't effect users, but all requests made by the library now use it's own user agent, instead of the Python requests default. This is it:

rblx-open-cloud/1.4.0 (

If for whatever reason you'd like to change it, you can set a new one changing the value of rblxopencloud.user_agent.


07 Jun 14:12
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Fixed a bug that prevented the library from importing successfully.

v1.3.0 - OAuth2 Support

02 Jun 07:04
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Added OAuth2 Support

During the beta, the following changed (may not be full list):

  • Resources.creators became Resources.accounts
  • Removed AccessTokenInfo.raw
  • Renamed PartialAccessToken.client to

Uploading and Updating Assets Changes

  • Now raises ModeratedText instead of InvalidAsset when text is censored by Roblox.

v1.2.0 - Ordered Data Stores Support

31 Mar 22:28
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v1.1.0 - Assets API Support

30 Mar 06:28
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NOTE: Assets API is not documented yet (coming later today), for now use this example:

NOTE FOR BETA TESTERS: I changed the syntax from what was in beta, so it will work with future apis better.


13 Feb 06:12
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  • Fixed a small bug which skipped some keys in datastore.list_keys

still patiently waiting for oauth2

v1.0.0 - Full Release (Breaking Changes)

14 Jan 09:09
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I'm sorry for the breaking changed, but I changed the rblxopencloud.Universe name to rblxopencloud.Experience, and I also changed DataStore.universe to DataStore.experience. I had to do this because I didn't want to live on forever knowing that I used the wrong name for Experiences (after the V1 release I can't really make breaking changes)

I've released V1 of the library now. I wanted to wait until after OAuth2 was fully released for this, but it was delayed from end of 2022 to 'over the next months':

NOTE: If you have intentionally installed a version of the library for alpha usage, it does NOT have the Universe name changes yet. I won't change the name for them until they're fully released into the library (which is when Roblox releases the update.)