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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Nov 5, 2013 · 11 revisions

Last revision: ver. 5.1 - 5 November 2013

[[module cyclops | Python-Reference#module-cyclops]]

RigidBody is the interface between entities and the Bullet Physics engine.


Method(s) Description
setEnabled(bool value), bool isEnabled() Enables or disables physics simulation on this rigid body. Simulation is disabled by default.
initialize(BodyType type, float mass) Initializes this rigibdoby using the specified type and mass. type can be RigidBodyType.Box or RigidBodyType.Sphere.
sync() Updates the rigid body transformation with the transformation coming from the owner entity. Useful after initializing a rigid body to place it to where the owner entity is, or to move around user-controlled rigid bodies.
applyForce([[Vector]]3 force, [[Vector]]3 relPos)
applyImpulse([[Vector]]3 impulse, [[Vector]]3 relPos)
applyCentralImpulse([[Vector]]3 impulse)
setAngularVelocity([[Vector]]3 angularVelocity)
setUserControlled(bool value), bool isUserControlled()
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