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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Dec 29, 2014 · 29 revisions

Last revision: ver. 6.0 - 29 December 2014

module omegaToolkit wraps omegaTookit::ui::Widget

Base class for GUI elements


Method(s) Description
(v6.0) static Widget create(Container c) Creates a new widget as a child of the specified container. (see Container)
setVisible(bool visible), bool isVisible() Gets or sets the visibility for the widget
setEnabled(bool enabled), bool isEnabled() When true, the widget is enabled, i.e. it can receive input events and takes part in navigation (can become active)
setPosition(Vector2 position), Vector2 getPosition() Gets or sets the widget position in pixels (see Vector2).
Vector2 getSize(), 'setSize(Vector2 size) Gets or sets the size of the widget in pixels (see Vector2).
float getScale(), setScale(float scale) Sets the widget scale. Scale controls the visual appearance of a widget without changing its actual size or forcing a layout refresh of the widget container. Scale is indicated as a proportion of the current widget size.
float getRotation(), setRotation(float degrees) Gets or sets a widget rotation in degrees
int getWidth(), 'setWidth(int value) Gets or sets the widget width
int getHeight(), 'setHeight(int value) Gets or sets the widget height
setAutosize(bool value), bool getAutosize() Enables / disables autosize mode.
(v6.0) updateSize() Forces a size recalculation for the widget.
setName(stirng name), string getName() Gets or sets the widget name
setStyle(string style) Sets one or more widget styles as key: value pairs
(v6.0) setActiveStyle(string style) string getActiveStyle() Gets or sets the style used when the widget is active.
(v6.0) setInactiveStyle(string style) string getInactiveStyle() Gets or sets the style used when the widget is inactive.
setStyleValue(style, value) Sets the value for a single style key
setFillEnabled(bool value)
setFillColor(Color color) Sets the foll Color for the widget area.
refresh() Forces a widget refresh
hitTest(Vector2 position) Checks if the specified pixel position lies within the widget area. (see Vector2).
(v6.0) Vector2 transformPoint(Vector2 point) Transforms a 2D point from screen space to this widget's reference frame.
WidgetLayer getLayer(), setLayer(WidgetLayer value) Gets or sets the WidgetLayer for the widget. Layers influence the drawing order of widgets within the same container
Vector2 transformPoint(Vector2 point) Transforms a point from global pixel coordinates to local pixel coordinates in the widget space. (see Vector2).
setCenter(Vector2 point), Vector2 getCenter() Gets or Sets the widget position by it center. (see Vector2).
setAlpha(float value) float getAlpha() Gets or sets the transparency of the widget. Blending must be enabled through setBlendMode
setBlendMode(WidgetBlendMode value) WidgetBlendMode setBlendMode() Gets or sets the blend mode for the widget
bool isStereo() setStereo(bool value) Gets or sets stereo mode for the Widget. Some widgets (like Image) perform rendering differently when stereo mode is enabled. For instance, Image supports rendering of side-by-side stereo images.
requestLayoutRefresh() Forces a layout recalculation for this widget and parent containers
setDraggable(bool value), bool isDraggable()
(v6.0) bool isDragging() Returns true if this widget is being dragged
setPinned(bool value), bool isPinned() When a widget is pinned, its position will remain fixed with respect to its container. Pinning widgets is useful to make container draggable only on a sub-section represented by the pinned widget.
setSizeAnchorEnabled(bool), bool isSizeAnchorEnabled() Gets or sets size anchor mode. When size anchor is enabled, this widget size will follow its container size plus an offset specified by the setSizeAnchor method.
setSizeAnchor(Vector2 size), Vector2 getSizeAnchor() gets or sets the widget size anchor.
Widget getHorizontalNextWidget(), setHorizontalNextWidget(Widget w) Gets or sets the widget that will be selected when the user presses the right arrow on this widget.
Widget getHorizontalPrevWidget(), setHorizontalPrevWidget(Widget w) Gets or sets the widget that will be selected when the user presses the left arrow on this widget.
Widget getVerticalNextWidget(), setVerticalNextWidget(Widget w) Gets or sets the widget that will be selected when the user presses the down arrow on this widget.
Widget getVerticalPrevWidget(), setVerticalPrevWidget(Widget w) Gets or sets the widget that will be selected when the user presses the up arrow on this widget.
bool isNavigationEnabled(), setNavigationEnabled(bool enabled) Enables key-based widget navigation on this widget, or checks its state.
setUIEventCommand(string command) Sets the command to be invoked when events happen in the widget area (like clicks or value changes)
setUpdateCommand(string cmdstring) string getUpdateCommand() Gets or specified an update command to be executed for each update cycle on the widget. Example: widget.setUpdateCommand("print('widget updated')")
(v6.0) setDragBeginCommand(string cmd), string getDragBeginCommand() Sets or gets a script command to be invoked when this widget starts dragging.
(v6.0) setDragEndCommand(string cmd), string getDragEndCommand() Sets or gets a script command to be invoked when this widget ends dragging.
(v6.0) setActivateCommand(string cmd), string getActivateCommand() Sets or gets a script command to be invoked when this widget gets active status.
(v6.0) setDeactivateCommand(string cmd), string getDeactivateCommand() Sets or gets a script command to be invoked when this widget loses active status.
(v6.0) Draw Callbacks
setPreDrawCallback(function callback) Sets a python function to be called before rendering of this widget begins. The function must accept three arguments. A reference to this widget, the current Camera and a DrawInterface object. (see example at the bottom of the page)
setPostDrawCallback(function callback) Sets a python function to be called right before rendering of this widget terminates. The function must accept three arguments. A reference to this widget, the current Camera and a DrawInterface object. (see example at the bottom of the page)

Widget Events

Note that event handlers can be attached to widgets or to widget containers - i.e. if you want to have a single event handler for all the widgets in a container, you can attach the event handler to the container itself.

widget events traverse the container hierarchy backwards, until they find an object that has a registered event handler. See

Widget layers

The method getLayer() returns a value from the WidgetLayer enumeration. The WidgetLayer enumeration contains the following values: Front, Middle, Back

Widget Blend Mode

The method getLayer() returns a value from the WidgetBlendMode enumeration. The WidgetLayer enumeration:

  • BlendInherit sets the blend mode to inherited from parent
  • BlendNormal sets the blend mode to standard blending
  • BlendAdditive sets the blend mode to additive blending


The methods setStyle and setStyleValue accept the following style keys:

  • fill: sets the widget fill color. Example: widget.setStyleValue('fill', '#ff0000')
  • border: sets the border style for all borders. widget fill color. Border style is a border width followed by a borer color. Example: widget.setStyleValue('border', '2 #ffff00')
  • border-top, border-bottom, border-left, border-right: sets each border side style separately
  • (v6.0) alpha: sets this widget transparency (between 0 and 1). same as the setAlpha method.
  • (v6.0) scale sets this widget scale. same as the setScale method.
  • (v6.0) shader sets the shader to use to render this widget. If name x is specified, widget will load x.vert and x.frag vertex and fragment shader files.



Custom Widget Navigation

# Create a sub-menu that will contain the multiple columns
mm = MenuManager.createAndInitialize()
menu2 = mm.getMainMenu().addSubMenu("TestMenu")
# Get the menu container, set its layout to horizontal
mc = menu2.getContainer()
# Create 3 vertical columns, add them to the menu
c1 = Container.create(ContainerLayout.LayoutVertical, mc)
c2 = Container.create(ContainerLayout.LayoutVertical, mc)
c3 = Container.create(ContainerLayout.LayoutVertical, mc)
# Add a bunch of buttons to the columns
# Column 1
b1c1 = Button.create(c1)
b2c1 = Button.create(c1)

# Column 2
b1c2 = Button.create(c2)
b2c2 = Button.create(c2)
b3c2 = Button.create(c2)
# Column 3
b1c3 = Button.create(c3)
b2c3 = Button.create(c3)
b3c3 = Button.create(c3)

# setup navigation
# vertical navigation for buttons will be set up automatically by the container.
# we set horizontal navigation manually

# Buttons on the first row


# Buttons on the second row


# Buttons on the third row
# since the first column does not have a third row, prev navigation
# from column 2 goes to the last button of column 1


Draw Callbacks

from omegaToolkit import *

uim = UiModule.createAndInitialize()
c = Widget.create(uim.getUi())

firstTime = True
basicShader = 0
textShader = 0

def onDraw(w, camera, painter):
    # Initialize the shaders on first run
    global firstTime, basicShader, textShader
        firstTime = False
        basicShader = painter.getOrCreateProgram('base', 'ui/widget-base.vert', 'ui/widget-base.frag')    
        textShader = painter.getOrCreateProgram('text', 'ui/widget-label.vert', 'ui/widget-label.frag')    
    # Draw a rect
    a = painter.findUniform(basicShader, 'unif_Alpha')
    # NOTE: uniformFloat needs to be called after program()
    painter.uniformFloat(a, 1.0)
    painter.drawRect(Vector2(0,0), Vector2(200,200), Color(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1))
    # Draw Text
    font = painter.getDefaultFont()
    a = painter.findUniform(textShader, 'unif_Alpha')
    painter.uniformFloat(a, 1.0)
    painter.drawText("(Drag me): " + str(w.getPosition()), font, Vector2(5, 5), TextAlign.HALeft | TextAlign.VATop, Color(1, 1, 1, 1))
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