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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Feb 8, 2014 · 4 revisions

module omegaToolkit wraps omegaTookit::ToolkitUtils

Offers some generic utility static functions.


Method(s) Description
static createInteractor(setting) Creates an interactor object from a setting object
static setupInteractor(settingName) Creates an interactor object from a setting name
static getKinectDepthCameraImage() If a kinect service is running, this method returns a depth camera image as a PixelData object. Returns None if no kinect service is active


Interactor creation

	node = SceneNode.create('node')
	# [ ... ] attach stuff to the node here
	# Create a standard interactor based on the settings under config/interactor
	# The config/interactor section of the system configuration file specifies what
	# interactor should be used depending on the hardware platform we are using (VR system, laptop, etc)
	interactor = ToolkitUtils.setupInteractor("config/interactor")
	# If we succesfully created an interactor, let's attach the node to it
	if(interactor != None):
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