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Building an RPM in an OBS branch package

Cedric Bosdonnat edited this page Mar 1, 2024 · 11 revisions

Using the addition of a docker logout step after interacting with docker registries as the example. The only impact this has is on which package needs to be re-built with my changes.

Note: First make sure to install the uyuni-releng-tools package

  1. Do changes and commit them
  2. cd susemanager-utils/susemanager-sls (path can be read from rel-eng/packages/susemanager-sls)
  3. osc branch systemsmanagement:Uyuni:Master susemanager-sls
  4. export OSCAPI=
  5. export TEST=--test
  6. export OBS_PROJ=home:<username>:branches:systemsmanagement:Uyuni:Master where `<username>` is your OBS username.
  7. build-packages-for-obs susemanager-sls && push-packages-to-obs

The push step uses the environment variables to know which OBS instance and project combination is used. Direnv can be used to handle that (see below).

Direnv .envrc for *-packages-*-obs

Setting the default OBS instance and project via a `.envrc` where `<username>` should be replaced by your OBS username:

echo 'export OSCAPI=\nexport OBS_PROJ=home:<username>:branches:systemsmanagement:Uyuni:Master\nexport TEST=--test' > .envrc
direnv allow
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