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Add package templates Antrea 0.13.3 (#953)
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* antrea: add package templates Antrea 0.13.3

Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <>

* antrea: add annotation

Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <>

* antrea: remove image overlay rules

Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <>

* antrea: update Antrea image sha and imgpkg bundle sha

Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <>

* antrea: update imgpkgBundle to

Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <>
  • Loading branch information
andrewsykim authored Jul 7, 2021
1 parent 111736c commit df9a9cd
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Showing 11 changed files with 2,619 additions and 0 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions addons/packages/antrea/0.13.3/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# antrea Package

This package provides networking and network security solution for containers using [antrea](

## Components

## Configuration

The following configuration values can be set to customize the antrea installation.

### Global

| Value | Required/Optional | Description |
| `namespace` | Optional | The namespace in which to deploy antrea. |
| `infraProvider` | Required | The cloud provider in use. One of: `aws`, `azure`, `vsphere`, `docker`. |

### antrea Configuration

| Value | Required/Optional | Description |
| `antrea.config.serviceCIDR` | Optional | The service CIDR to use. Default: `` |
| `antrea.config.trafficEncapMode` | Optional | The traffic encapsulation mode. Default: `encap` |
| `antrea.config.noSNAT` | Optional | Boolean flag to enable/disable SNAT. Default: `false`. |
| `antrea.config.defaultMTU` | Optional | MTU to use. Default: `null` (Antrea will autodetect). |
| `antrea.config.featureGates.AntreaProxy` | Optional | Boolean flag to enable/disable antrea proxy. Default: `false`. |
| `antrea.config.featureGates.AntreaPolicy` | Optional | Boolean flag to enable/disable antrea policy. Default: `true`. |
| `antrea.config.featureGates.AntreaTraceFlow` | Optional | Boolean flag to enable/disable antrea traceflow. Default: `false`. |
| `antrea.config.featureGates.FlowExporter`| Optional | Boolean flag to enable/disable flow exporter. Default: `false`. |
| `antrea.config.featureGates.NetworkPolicyStats` | Optional | Boolean flag to enable/disable network policy stats. Default: `false`. |

## Usage Example

To learn more about how to use antrea refer to [antrea documentation](
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions addons/packages/antrea/0.13.3/bundle/.imgpkg/bundle.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
kind: Bundle
name: antrea
- name: Shyaam Nagarajan
- url:
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions addons/packages/antrea/0.13.3/bundle/.imgpkg/images.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- annotations: antrea/antrea-ubuntu:v0.13.3
kind: ImagesLock
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions addons/packages/antrea/0.13.3/bundle/config/kapp-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
kind: Config
- path: [data]
type: copy
sources: [existing, new]
- kindNamespaceNameMatcher: {kind: ConfigMap, namespace: kube-system, name: antrea-ca}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml")
#@ load("/", "values")

#@ def antrea_agent_conf():

#! FeatureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable experimental features.
#! Enable AntreaProxy which provides ServiceLB for in-cluster Services in antrea-agent.
#! It should be enabled on Windows, otherwise NetworkPolicy will not take effect on
#! Service traffic.
AntreaProxy: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.AntreaProxy

#! Enable EndpointSlice support in AntreaProxy. Don't enable this feature unless that EndpointSlice
#! API version v1beta1 is supported and set as enabled in Kubernetes. If AntreaProxy is not enabled,
#! this flag will not take effect.
EndpointSlice: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.EndpointSlice

#! Enable traceflow which provides packet tracing feature to diagnose network issue.
Traceflow: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.AntreaTraceflow

#! Enable NodePortLocal feature to make the pods reachable externally through NodePort
NodePortLocal: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.NodePortLocal

#! Enable Antrea ClusterNetworkPolicy feature to complement K8s NetworkPolicy for cluster admins
#! to define security policies which apply to the entire cluster, and Antrea NetworkPolicy
#! feature that supports priorities, rule actions and externalEntities in the future.
AntreaPolicy: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.AntreaPolicy

#! Enable flowexporter which exports polled conntrack connections as IPFIX flow records from each
#! agent to a configured collector.
FlowExporter: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.FlowExporter

#! Enable collecting and exposing NetworkPolicy statistics.
NetworkPolicyStats: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.NetworkPolicyStats

#! Name of the OpenVSwitch bridge antrea-agent will create and use.
#! Make sure it doesn't conflict with your existing OpenVSwitch bridges.
#!ovsBridge: br-int

#! Datapath type to use for the OpenVSwitch bridge created by Antrea. Supported values are:
#! - system
#! - netdev
#! 'system' is the default value and corresponds to the kernel datapath. Use 'netdev' to run
#! OVS in userspace mode. Userspace mode requires the tun device driver to be available.
#@ if values.infraProvider == "docker":
ovsDatapathType: netdev
#@ end

#! Name of the interface antrea-agent will create and use for host <--> pod communication.
#! Make sure it doesn't conflict with your existing interfaces.
#!hostGateway: antrea-gw0

#! Determines how traffic is encapsulated. It has the following options:
#! encap(default): Inter-node Pod traffic is always encapsulated and Pod to external network
#! traffic is SNAT'd.
#! noEncap: Inter-node Pod traffic is not encapsulated; Pod to external network traffic is
#! SNAT'd if noSNAT is not set to true. Underlying network must be capable of
#! supporting Pod traffic across IP subnets.
#! hybrid: noEncap if source and destination Nodes are on the same subnet, otherwise encap.
#! networkPolicyOnly: Antrea enforces NetworkPolicy only, and utilizes CNI chaining and delegates Pod
#! IPAM and connectivity to the primary CNI.
trafficEncapMode: #@ values.antrea.config.trafficEncapMode

#! Whether or not to SNAT (using the Node IP) the egress traffic from a Pod to the external network.
#! This option is for the noEncap traffic mode only, and the default value is false. In the noEncap
#! mode, if the cluster's Pod CIDR is reachable from the external network, then the Pod traffic to
#! the external network needs not be SNAT'd. In the networkPolicyOnly mode, antrea-agent never
#! performs SNAT and this option will be ignored; for other modes it must be set to false.
noSNAT: #@ values.antrea.config.noSNAT

#! Tunnel protocols used for encapsulating traffic across Nodes. Supported values:
#! - geneve (default)
#! - vxlan
#! - gre
#! - stt
#!tunnelType: geneve

#! Default MTU to use for the host gateway interface and the network interface of each Pod.
#! If omitted, antrea-agent will discover the MTU of the Node's primary interface and
#! also adjust MTU to accommodate for tunnel encapsulation overhead (if applicable).
#@ if/end values.antrea.config.defaultMTU:
defaultMTU: #@ values.antrea.config.defaultMTU

#! Whether or not to enable IPsec encryption of tunnel traffic. IPsec encryption is only supported
#! for the GRE tunnel type.
#!enableIPSecTunnel: false

#! ClusterIP CIDR range for Services. It's required when AntreaProxy is not enabled, and should be
#! set to the same value as the one specified by --service-cluster-ip-range for kube-apiserver. When
#! AntreaProxy is enabled, this parameter is not needed and will be ignored if provided.
serviceCIDR: #@ values.antrea.config.serviceCIDR

#! ClusterIP CIDR range for IPv6 Services. It's required when using kube-proxy to provide IPv6 Service in a Dual-Stack
#! cluster or an IPv6 only cluster. The value should be the same as the configuration for kube-apiserver specified by
#! --service-cluster-ip-range. When AntreaProxy is enabled, this parameter is not needed.
#! No default value for this field.

#! The port for the antrea-agent APIServer to serve on.
#! Note that if it's set to another value, the `containerPort` of the `api` port of the
#! `antrea-agent` container must be set to the same value.
#!apiPort: 10350

#! Enable metrics exposure via Prometheus. Initializes Prometheus metrics listener.
#!enablePrometheusMetrics: true

#! Provide the IPFIX collector address as a string with format <HOST>:[<PORT>][:<PROTO>].
#! HOST can either be the DNS name or the IP of the Flow Collector. For example,
#! "flow-aggregator.flow-aggregator.svc" can be provided as DNS name to connect
#! to the Antrea Flow Aggregator service. If IP, it can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
#! However, IPv6 address should be wrapped with [].
#! If PORT is empty, we default to 4739, the standard IPFIX port.
#! If no PROTO is given, we consider "tcp" as default. We support "tcp" and "udp"
#! L4 transport protocols.
#!flowCollectorAddr: "flow-aggregator.flow-aggregator.svc:4739:tcp"

#! Provide flow poll interval as a duration string. This determines how often the flow exporter dumps connections from the conntrack module.
#! Flow poll interval should be greater than or equal to 1s (one second).
#! Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
#!flowPollInterval: "5s"

#! Provide flow export frequency, which is the number of poll cycles elapsed before flow exporter exports flow records to
#! the flow collector.
#! Flow export frequency should be greater than or equal to 1.
#!flowExportFrequency: 12

#! Enable TLS communication from flow exporter to flow aggregator.
#!enableTLSToFlowAggregator: true

#! Provide the port range used by NodePortLocal. When the NodePortLocal feature is enabled, a port from that range will be assigned
#! whenever a Pod's container defines a specific port to be exposed (each container can define a list of ports as pod.spec.containers[].ports),
#! and all Node traffic directed to that port will be forwarded to the Pod.
#!nplPortRange: 40000-41000

#! Provide the address of Kubernetes apiserver, to override any value provided in kubeconfig or InClusterConfig.
#! Defaults to "". It must be a host string, a host:port pair, or a URL to the base of the apiserver.
#!kubeAPIServerOverride: ""

#! Comma-separated list of Cipher Suites. If omitted, the default Go Cipher Suites will be used.
#! Note that TLS1.3 Cipher Suites cannot be added to the list. But the apiserver will always
#! prefer TLS1.3 Cipher Suites whenever possible.
tlsCipherSuites: #@ values.antrea.config.tlsCipherSuites

#! TLS min version from: VersionTLS10, VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13.

#@ end

#@ def antrea_controller_conf():

#! FeatureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable experimental features.
#! Enable traceflow which provides packet tracing feature to diagnose network issue.
Traceflow: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.AntreaTraceflow

#! Enable Antrea ClusterNetworkPolicy feature to complement K8s NetworkPolicy for cluster admins
#! to define security policies which apply to the entire cluster, and Antrea NetworkPolicy
#! feature that supports priorities, rule actions and externalEntities in the future.
AntreaPolicy: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.AntreaPolicy

#! Enable collecting and exposing NetworkPolicy statistics.
NetworkPolicyStats: #@ values.antrea.config.featureGates.NetworkPolicyStats

#! The port for the antrea-controller APIServer to serve on.
#! Note that if it's set to another value, the `containerPort` of the `api` port of the
#! `antrea-controller` container must be set to the same value.
#!apiPort: 10349

#! Enable metrics exposure via Prometheus. Initializes Prometheus metrics listener.
#!enablePrometheusMetrics: true

#! Indicates whether to use auto-generated self-signed TLS certificate.
#! If false, A Secret named "antrea-controller-tls" must be provided with the following keys:
#! ca.crt: <CA certificate>
#! tls.crt: <TLS certificate>
#! tls.key: <TLS private key>
#! And the Secret must be mounted to directory "/var/run/antrea/antrea-controller-tls" of the
#! antrea-controller container.
selfSignedCert: true

#! Comma-separated list of Cipher Suites. If omitted, the default Go Cipher Suites will be used.
#! Note that TLS1.3 Cipher Suites cannot be added to the list. But the apiserver will always
#! prefer TLS1.3 Cipher Suites whenever possible.
tlsCipherSuites: #@ values.antrea.config.tlsCipherSuites

#! TLS min version from: VersionTLS10, VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13.

#! Enable usage reporting (telemetry) to VMware.
#!enableUsageReporting: false

#! enterpriseAntrea: true

#@ end

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"name": "antrea-ca"}})
kind: ConfigMap
name: antrea-ca
#@overlay/match missing_ok=True
annotations: ""

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"name": "antrea-config-ctb8mftc58"}})
kind: ConfigMap
name: antrea-config-ctb8mftc58
#@overlay/match missing_ok=True ""
antrea-agent.conf: #@ yaml.encode(antrea_agent_conf())
antrea-controller.conf: #@ yaml.encode(antrea_controller_conf())

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"Deployment","metadata":{"name": "antrea-controller"}})
kind: Deployment
name: antrea-controller
#@overlay/match missing_ok=True
annotations: ""

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"DaemonSet","metadata":{"name": "antrea-agent"}})
kind: DaemonSet
#@overlay/match missing_ok=True
annotations: ""
#@ if values.infraProvider == "docker":
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"name":"antrea-ovs"})
- command:
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset("start_ovs")
- start_ovs_netdev

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"name":"antrea-ovs"})
- volumeMounts:
- mountPath: /dev/net/tun
name: dev-tun
#@ end

#@ if values.infraProvider == "docker":
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"name":"install-cni"})
- command:
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset("install_cni")
- install_cni_kind
#@ end
#@ if values.infraProvider == "docker":
- hostPath:
path: /dev/net/tun
type: CharDevice
name: dev-tun
#@ end

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