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Closed Dec 23, 2020 100% complete
[Feature Request] New button variant: plain (no background hover) C: VBtn T: enhancement Functionality that enhances existing features
#3026 by sindrepm was closed Dec 23, 2020
[Feature Request] Allow changing the tag for VBottomNav a11y Accessibility issue C: VItemGroup T: feature A new feature
#11392 by rudolfbyker was closed Dec 23, 2020
feat(VItemGroup): add tag prop to component C: VItemGroup T: feature A new feature
#12771 by ElijahKotyluk was merged Dec 23, 2020 Loading…
5 of 8 tasks
feat(transitions): add dialog-top-transition C: Transitions T: feature A new feature
#12751 by jacekkarczmarczyk was merged Dec 23, 2020 Loading…
5 of 8 tasks
[Feature Request] improve nested grid gutters C: VGrid Covers issues involving VContainer, VLayout, VFlex T: bug Functionality that does not work as intended/expected
#11408 by ThomasKientz was closed Dec 23, 2020
feat(VTextField): add counter scoped slot C: VTextField T: feature A new feature
#12634 by KaelWD was merged Dec 23, 2020 Loading…
1 of 4 tasks
feat(VBtn): add new styling property plain C: VBtn T: feature A new feature
#12814 by ElijahKotyluk was merged Dec 22, 2020 Loading…
5 of 8 tasks
[Feature Request] show placeholder only on focus for text fields C: VTextField T: enhancement Functionality that enhances existing features
#12499 by WilliamColmenares was closed Nov 17, 2020
feat(VTextField): only show placeholder on focus if label is set C: VTextField T: enhancement Functionality that enhances existing features
#12635 by KaelWD was merged Nov 17, 2020 Loading…
2 of 4 tasks
[Bug Report] v-chip close lacks accessibility label a11y Accessibility issue C: VChip good first issue A quick-win fix that would be great for new contributors T: bug Functionality that does not work as intended/expected
#11165 by gabaum10 was closed Nov 17, 2020
feat(VDataTable): index prop in item* slots C: VDataTable T: feature A new feature
#12605 by jacekkarczmarczyk was merged Nov 17, 2020 Loading…
4 of 8 tasks
feat(vcolorpicker): add hideSliders prop C: VColorPicker T: feature A new feature
#12618 by Mikilll94 was merged Nov 17, 2020 Loading…
5 of 8 tasks
feat(VDatePicker): show-adjacent-months prop C: VDatePicker T: feature A new feature
#12603 by jacekkarczmarczyk was merged Nov 17, 2020 Loading…
5 of 8 tasks
[Feature Request] Keep v-snackbar open if mouseover C: VSnackbar S: has PR The issue has a pending Pull Request T: enhancement Functionality that enhances existing features
#12494 by florealcab was closed Nov 16, 2020
feat(VSnackbar): keep snackbar open while mouseover C: VSnackbar T: feature A new feature
#12599 by jacekkarczmarczyk was merged Nov 16, 2020 Loading…
5 of 8 tasks
[Feature Request] Access isMobile from data table items slot C: VDataTable S: has PR The issue has a pending Pull Request T: feature A new feature
#11330 by mrwwalmsley was closed Nov 13, 2020
feat(VDataTable): isMobile prop in scoped slots C: VDataTable T: feature A new feature
#12604 by jacekkarczmarczyk was merged Nov 13, 2020 Loading…
5 of 8 tasks