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December 3, 2018 Meeting

Matt King edited this page Dec 3, 2018 · 4 revisions

Agenda for December 3, 2018

aria-at (canIUse) project

Release 3 Schedule

  • We have a significant amount of work nearly ready.
  • Behind on editorial reviews, partly due to Matt having computer problems.
  • So we can get it all in, proposing pushing publication off to early January; will raise in ARIA editor's meeting on Wednesday.

Radios in toolbars


Lots of progress, thanks to Jon:

Let's discuss the checklist, what should be added, who should do what and when.

Update on other release 3 priorities

  • Carousel
  • Switch
  • Index of examples
  • Bug fixes

Issue triage

If time remaining ...

  • Triage 5 newest issues
  • Triaged issues have:
    • One of the labels that indicates type of issue: bug, enhancement, editorial, documentation, maintenance
    • One of the labels that indicates part of APG: code example, pattern, guidance
    • A milestone indicating target resolution date
    • If related to a pattern or code example, it is assigned to a project.
  • Unlabeled issues

Future meetings and other business

  • No meetings on December 24 and December 31

Meeting Resources

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