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Nodes are attempting to claim same IP range #3310

zacblazic opened this issue Jun 6, 2018 · 30 comments

Nodes are attempting to claim same IP range #3310

zacblazic opened this issue Jun 6, 2018 · 30 comments


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zacblazic commented Jun 6, 2018

What you expected to happen?

Nodes should claim their own distinct IP ranges.

What happened?

It seems that two nodes have (or are attempting to) claim the same IP address range.

The node ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal claimed the IP range:

    "Token": "",
    "Size": 1024,
    "Peer": "12:84:ba:e1:47:79",
    "Nickname": "ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal",
    "IsKnownPeer": true,
    "Version": 1451

However, the node ip-10-83-54-199.ec2.internal is also attempting to claim the IP range:

$ ./weave --local status connections
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:15:31.000788717 +0000 UTC m=+1034.303622109
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:04.422577727 +0000 UTC m=+767.725411089
->    failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:33.742999475 +0000 UTC m=+797.045832929
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:08:47.877010584 +0000 UTC m=+631.179843953
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:09:09.444156631 +0000 UTC m=+652.746990055
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:40.747663238 +0000 UTC m=+804.050496608
->    failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:10:38.016883177 +0000 UTC m=+741.319716603
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:14:14.702258004 +0000 UTC m=+958.005091377
->    failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:40.776242153 +0000 UTC m=+804.079075513
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:10:19.676858864 +0000 UTC m=+722.979692293
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:08:27.22810513 +0000 UTC m=+610.530938541
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:44.830033868 +0000 UTC m=+808.132867307
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:10:32.774426814 +0000 UTC m=+736.077260261
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:10:48.434728192 +0000 UTC m=+751.737561589

Restarting the weave pods on either ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal or ip-10-83-54-199.ec2.internal does not change the situation, likely due to the the fact that state is persisted on disk at /var/lib/weave.

During the same time period, there was another issue with weave I noticed. I'm not sure if it is related but some nodes appeared to be attempting to remove a non-existent peer:

DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.571705 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.571731 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.571739 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11

According to our logs, this error started on 2018/05/16 (~21 days ago). Around this time we were having issues with weave consuming a large amount of memory.

How to reproduce it?

Not sure if it is easily reproducible, but it occurred while restarting all weave pods in the cluster, with a 15 second sleep between each restart.

There is a possibility that two pods started at the same time due to scheduling delays.

Anything else we need to know?

Cloud provider: AWS, managed by Kops


$ ./weave --local version
weave 2.3.0

$ docker version
 Version:      17.03.2-ce
 API version:  1.27
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   f5ec1e2
 Built:        Tue Jun 27 02:09:56 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      17.03.2-ce
 API version:  1.27 (minimum version 1.12)
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   f5ec1e2
 Built:        Tue Jun 27 02:09:56 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: false

$ uname -a
Linux ip-10-83-54-199 4.4.115-k8s #1 SMP Thu Feb 8 15:37:40 UTC 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.13", GitCommit:"290fb182489a396dce5d136451388f9b12f29c94", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-05-15T18:16:09Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.13", GitCommit:"290fb182489a396dce5d136451388f9b12f29c94", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-05-15T18:08:47Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

$ kops version
Version 1.9.1


Click the black arrows to reveal the details!

From the node with the issue (ip-10-83-54-199.ec2.internal):

Weave IPAM

$ ./weave --local status ipam
6a:5c:7c:af:e3:2e(ip-10-83-54-199.ec2.internal)   297040 IPs (14.2% of total) (4 active)
46:f4:4b:41:dd:11(ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
fe:6a:75:3b:98:1f(ip-10-83-123-141.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total) - unreachable!
7a:54:95:96:77:8e(ip-10-83-98-15.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
c2:35:ec:05:d8:a5()                      65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
1a:cd:c1:53:24:bf(ip-10-83-36-17.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
1e:dd:1b:3a:d3:11(ip-10-83-109-170.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
3e:06:82:a1:9c:ec(ip-10-83-103-30.ec2.internal)    66048 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
1e:1c:57:4a:9e:66(ip-10-83-52-111.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total) - unreachable!
fe:9a:a2:ec:04:20(ip-10-83-117-100.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
2e:60:25:ef:21:f3(ip-10-83-125-194.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal)     2048 IPs (00.1% of total) - unreachable!
92:6b:5f:82:d0:24(ip-10-83-41-63.ec2.internal)    98304 IPs (04.7% of total) - unreachable!
6e:89:89:29:40:32(ip-10-83-98-46.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
fa:ea:3e:94:41:e0(ip-10-83-85-183.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
16:67:3c:ec:79:79(ip-10-83-47-111.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
ba:f1:81:93:ab:b4(ip-10-83-32-140.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
8a:9b:87:49:9d:5b(ip-10-83-67-78.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total) - unreachable!
9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal)     2048 IPs (00.1% of total) - unreachable!
f2:39:2f:d4:16:d7(ip-10-83-72-203.ec2.internal)    30720 IPs (01.5% of total) - unreachable!
ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal)     4608 IPs (00.2% of total) - unreachable!
9e:d3:fb:04:82:af(ip-10-83-109-104.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal)     4096 IPs (00.2% of total) - unreachable!
8e:71:01:6f:cd:9f(ip-10-83-73-41.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
86:a9:66:cb:4a:c6(ip-10-83-85-200.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
f6:b4:71:ad:ba:22(ip-10-83-108-91.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
f2:11:ce:93:da:0b(ip-10-83-34-95.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
6e:1b:67:ca:e9:72(ip-10-83-101-85.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
7a:fb:6b:30:aa:2a(ip-10-83-106-172.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
72:bf:6c:d7:7a:03(ip-10-83-85-193.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef(ip-10-83-126-221.ec2.internal)    19456 IPs (00.9% of total) - unreachable!
3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal)    15360 IPs (00.7% of total) - unreachable!
fe:f3:20:f4:5a:52(ip-10-83-60-125.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
12:ea:66:1b:70:3d(ip-10-83-38-5.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total) - unreachable!
ae:9e:35:14:6c:0c(ip-10-83-109-171.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
86:d8:10:87:a0:b1(ip-10-83-126-77.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
26:00:36:0b:01:55(ip-10-83-51-193.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
92:55:13:0d:72:f7(ip-10-83-96-158.ec2.internal)     2048 IPs (00.1% of total) - unreachable!
66:15:ce:c7:af:ab(ip-10-83-96-156.ec2.internal)   131072 IPs (06.2% of total) - unreachable!
9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal)     1024 IPs (00.0% of total) - unreachable!
8e:02:27:40:f8:fd(ip-10-83-106-134.ec2.internal)    15872 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
36:35:70:69:df:eb(ip-10-83-50-197.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
4a:d5:9f:aa:e3:99(ip-10-83-124-188.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total) - unreachable!
02:77:dd:50:7b:3a(ip-10-83-63-111.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal)     6576 IPs (00.3% of total) - unreachable!
16:e5:a9:4e:45:a4(ip-10-83-115-236.ec2.internal)   327680 IPs (15.6% of total) - unreachable!
9a:8b:af:32:3b:0d(ip-10-83-81-239.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
62:03:63:9c:81:8c(ip-10-83-124-69.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!

Weave connections

$ ./weave --local status connections
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:15:31.000788717 +0000 UTC m=+1034.303622109
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:04.422577727 +0000 UTC m=+767.725411089
->    failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:33.742999475 +0000 UTC m=+797.045832929
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:08:47.877010584 +0000 UTC m=+631.179843953
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:09:09.444156631 +0000 UTC m=+652.746990055
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:40.747663238 +0000 UTC m=+804.050496608
->    failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:10:38.016883177 +0000 UTC m=+741.319716603
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:14:14.702258004 +0000 UTC m=+958.005091377
->    failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:40.776242153 +0000 UTC m=+804.079075513
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:10:19.676858864 +0000 UTC m=+722.979692293
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:08:27.22810513 +0000 UTC m=+610.530938541
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:11:44.830033868 +0000 UTC m=+808.132867307
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:10:32.774426814 +0000 UTC m=+736.077260261
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460, retry: 2018-06-05 11:10:48.434728192 +0000 UTC m=+751.737561589

Weave logs

$ kubectl logs -f -n=kube-system weave-net-5qbw9  -c=weave
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.215989 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.215999 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.415837 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.415863 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.415872 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.616648 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.616686 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.616699 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.816246 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.816273 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:30.816284 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.001044 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.002845 ->[|3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.002919 overlay_switch ->[3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal)] using fastdp
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.002973 ->[|3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013028 ->[|3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal)]: connection shutting down due to error: Received update for IP range I own at v592: incoming message says owner 12:84:ba:e1:47:79 v1460
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013113 ->[|3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013140 Removed unreachable peer 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013151 Removed unreachable peer 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013160 Removed unreachable peer 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013168 Removed unreachable peer 3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013176 Removed unreachable peer 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013185 Removed unreachable peer 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013192 Removed unreachable peer ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013198 Removed unreachable peer 1a:cd:c1:53:24:bf(ip-10-83-36-17.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013204 Removed unreachable peer 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013209 Removed unreachable peer 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013215 Removed unreachable peer 4a:d5:9f:aa:e3:99(ip-10-83-124-188.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013221 Removed unreachable peer fa:ea:3e:94:41:e0(ip-10-83-85-183.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013226 Removed unreachable peer 3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef(ip-10-83-126-221.ec2.internal)
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.013232 Removed unreachable peer 6e:89:89:29:40:32(ip-10-83-98-46.ec2.internal)
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.016697 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.016753 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.016777 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.215970 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.215996 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.216007 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.416197 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.416222 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.416231 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.616070 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.616096 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.616105 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.815906 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.815931 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:31.815941 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.015766 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.015791 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.015801 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.216196 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.216221 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.216231 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.415785 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.415811 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.415821 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.615892 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.615919 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.615928 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.815841 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.815867 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:32.815877 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.016143 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.016172 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.016182 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.216024 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.216049 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.216060 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.416010 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.416037 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.416046 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.616145 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.616173 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.616182 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.815812 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.815836 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:33.815847 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.017516 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.017542 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.017552 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.216132 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.216156 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.216167 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.415847 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.415872 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.415882 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.615669 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.615696 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.615706 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.815762 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.815788 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:34.815798 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.015882 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.015909 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.015919 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.215745 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.215770 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.215780 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.415768 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.415793 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.415803 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.615818 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.615843 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.615853 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.815760 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.815785 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:35.815796 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.015913 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.015940 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.015950 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.215677 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.215705 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.215715 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.415952 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.415978 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.415988 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.616091 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.616116 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.616127 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.816059 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.816086 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:36.816099 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.016210 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.016237 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.016246 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.216211 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.216237 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.216247 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.415755 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.415781 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.415791 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.615952 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.615978 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.615988 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.815813 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.815838 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:37.815848 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.016128 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.016157 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.016167 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.216355 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.216380 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.216391 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.415765 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.415788 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.415798 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.616028 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.616055 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.616065 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.818819 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.818845 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:38.818854 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.016368 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.016394 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.016404 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.215962 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.215986 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.215995 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.415718 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.415745 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.415754 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.616077 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.616102 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.616117 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.815972 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.815998 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:39.816008 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.016211 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.016238 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.016248 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.216860 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.216886 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.216897 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.416162 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.416187 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.416197 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.616059 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.616083 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.616093 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.816285 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.816312 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:40.816322 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.016070 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.016098 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.016109 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.216637 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.216663 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.216673 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.416124 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.416188 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.416220 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.616358 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.616383 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.616393 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.815816 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.815841 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:41.815850 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.016532 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.016558 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.016568 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.217878 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.217905 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.217919 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.415987 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.416019 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.416033 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.616205 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.616230 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.616240 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.816255 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.816280 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:42.816290 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.016187 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.016212 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.016223 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.216480 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.216503 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.216513 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.416036 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.416063 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.416074 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.615932 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.615960 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.615971 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:15:43.815733 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]

From a node that has already claimed the IP range (ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal):

Weave IPAM

$ ./weave --local status ipam
12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal)     1024 IPs (00.0% of total) (61 active)
16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal)   334256 IPs (15.9% of total)
3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef(ip-10-83-126-221.ec2.internal)    19504 IPs (00.9% of total)
1a:cd:c1:53:24:bf(ip-10-83-36-17.ec2.internal)   507856 IPs (24.2% of total)
22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal)   190464 IPs (09.1% of total)
fa:ea:3e:94:41:e0(ip-10-83-85-183.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total)
6a:5c:7c:af:e3:2e(ip-10-83-54-199.ec2.internal)   296016 IPs (14.1% of total) - unreachable!
6e:89:89:29:40:32(ip-10-83-98-46.ec2.internal)    16388 IPs (00.8% of total)
ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal)     4608 IPs (00.2% of total)
4a:d5:9f:aa:e3:99(ip-10-83-124-188.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total)
9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal)   313344 IPs (14.9% of total)
3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal)   367612 IPs (17.5% of total)
0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total)
9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal)     1024 IPs (00.0% of total)
7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal)     4096 IPs (00.2% of total)

Weave connections

$ ./weave --local status connections
->      established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef(ip-10-83-126-221.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 6e:89:89:29:40:32(ip-10-83-98-46.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp fa:ea:3e:94:41:e0(ip-10-83-85-183.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 4a:d5:9f:aa:e3:99(ip-10-83-124-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 1a:cd:c1:53:24:bf(ip-10-83-36-17.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 3a:5f:b6:6e:dd:bb(ip-10-83-80-134.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->     failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-05 11:15:00.712417081 +0000 UTC m=+836.618070318

Weave logs

$ kubectl logs -f -n=kube-system weave-net-tk4np -c=weave
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.171724 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.373726 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.373752 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.373759 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.571557 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.571584 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.571591 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.701216 Removed unreachable peer 6a:5c:7c:af:e3:2e(ip-10-83-54-199.ec2.internal)
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.771492 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.771516 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.771525 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.971641 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.971671 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:20.971684 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.171472 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.171499 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.171506 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.371635 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.371660 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.371668 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.571635 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.571663 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.571673 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.771057 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.771085 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.771092 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.971717 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.971743 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:21.971751 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.171426 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.171453 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.171463 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.371484 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.371510 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.371520 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.571555 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.571581 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.571589 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.743656 Discovered remote MAC 5a:d8:6a:42:96:2e at 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal)
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.771318 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.771341 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.771352 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.971001 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.971027 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:22.971035 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.171592 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.171617 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.171625 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.371614 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.371644 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.371652 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.574286 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.574312 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.574321 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.771439 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.771463 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.771471 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.971544 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.971571 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:23.971579 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.171478 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.171503 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.171512 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.371619 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.371645 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.371653 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.571288 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.571313 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.571321 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.771667 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.771712 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.771726 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.971541 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.971567 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:24.971575 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.171645 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.171675 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.171690 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.371589 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.371618 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.371629 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.571137 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.571170 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.571181 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.771402 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.771430 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.771438 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.971431 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.971459 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:25.971468 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.171483 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.171511 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.171521 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.371503 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.371531 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.371542 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.571542 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.571571 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.571581 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.771073 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.771102 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.771113 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.971435 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.971462 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:26.971469 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.070323 Removed unreachable peer 6a:5c:7c:af:e3:2e(ip-10-83-54-199.ec2.internal)
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.171473 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.171498 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.171506 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.371505 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.371530 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.371538 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.574060 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.574088 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.574097 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.771457 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.771483 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.771492 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.972061 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.972087 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:27.972095 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.171557 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.171583 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.171592 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.371123 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.371149 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.371157 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.571669 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.571695 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.571703 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
INFO: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.677615 Discovered remote MAC ea:2d:28:ff:48:cf at ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal)
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.771496 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.771524 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.771533 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.971517 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.971545 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:28.971552 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.171549 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.171575 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.171584 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.371325 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.371351 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.371413 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.571705 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal:{46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}]
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.571731 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}
DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.571739 [kube-peers] Existing annotation 46:f4:4b:41:dd:11

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brb commented Jun 12, 2018

@zacblazic Thanks for the issue.

Regarding the first issue, do you have by any chance full Weave Net logs from ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal and ip-10-83-54-199.ec2.internal before the restart?

The second issue is going to be fixed in #3317.

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@brb I'll try get them for you, no guarantees though.

We're seeing this happen more and more often now, seemingly random but cannot confirm the catalyst at this time.

Regarding the second issue, is there a way to manually remove the annotation or clear this state? It's clearly something that persists across the weave cluster as fresh nodes are having the same problem.

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@brb I work with Zac, and our cluster is getting unstable at least once a day. We fix it by finding out the bad weave pod and clearing it's state. This only started happening after upgrading to 2.3.0. We never had this issue with 2.2.0.

This is the result of connection status on all weave pods 👇 ... you can see it's pretty bad (although better than what we've seen recently).

$ ./ sandbox "status connections"
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-2md4g
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-2md4g -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
<-   established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef but incoming message says 2a:20:75:a8:38:e9, retry: 2018-06-14 11:31:33.965456343 +0000 UTC m=+81967.687532890
->    retrying    dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v31: incoming message says owner b2:30:8c:a3:99:1d v32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:31:05.706477947 +0000 UTC m=+81939.428554426
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-5kvfv
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-5kvfv -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:33.772854715 +0000 UTC m=+83875.969683927
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:24.549128843 +0000 UTC m=+83986.745958356
->      failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:25:42.160799739 +0000 UTC m=+83764.357628911
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-5l8f9
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-5l8f9 -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->      established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:21.515968018 +0000 UTC m=+83917.194931761
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:31:59.350542407 +0000 UTC m=+84135.029506466
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:25:51.38209743 +0000 UTC m=+83767.061061136
->      failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-62x5t
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-62x5t -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:29.912737519 +0000 UTC m=+78654.224234518
->     failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:12.325025858 +0000 UTC m=+78456.636522850
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:29.340993969 +0000 UTC m=+78473.652490924
->     failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:42.789700924 +0000 UTC m=+78607.101198116
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-88667
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-88667 -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:55.896806219 +0000 UTC m=+84130.047212383
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:25:49.94123336 +0000 UTC m=+83884.091639521
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:06.362327232 +0000 UTC m=+84080.512733531
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-8wdpt
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-8wdpt -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->    established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v15: incoming message says owner 6e:89:89:29:40:32 v16, retry: 2018-06-14 11:32:31.770019755 +0000 UTC m=+84291.863032889
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:00.021782688 +0000 UTC m=+84080.114795935
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v15: incoming message says owner 6e:89:89:29:40:32 v16, retry: 2018-06-14 11:25:37.719566741 +0000 UTC m=+83877.812579878
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-9mr87
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-9mr87 -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
<-   established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v9741: incoming message says owner 6e:89:89:29:40:32 v9743, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:21.015301913 +0000 UTC m=+84025.243656987
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v9741: incoming message says owner 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87 v9744, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:52.330933768 +0000 UTC m=+83996.559288868
->    retrying    dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-9vdqx
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-9vdqx -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:25:38.789173427 +0000 UTC m=+83754.709480414
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:25:48.485915806 +0000 UTC m=+83764.406222788
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: no route to host, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:05.84487768 +0000 UTC m=+84021.765184757
->    failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-h5wcj
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-h5wcj -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->     failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:16.377667883 +0000 UTC m=+2054.107086596
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 2a:20:75:a8:38:e9 but incoming message says 3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef, retry: 2018-06-14 11:32:45.741249992 +0000 UTC m=+2263.470668683
->     failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:47.594652351 +0000 UTC m=+1905.324071028
->     failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:03.4515573 +0000 UTC m=+1861.180976012
->     failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:50.44202945 +0000 UTC m=+2088.171448117
->     failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:32:47.025322481 +0000 UTC m=+2264.754741227
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:21.857391059 +0000 UTC m=+2059.586809785
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:04.77568889 +0000 UTC m=+1922.505107616
->    failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:16.422466316 +0000 UTC m=+1934.151885043
->      failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->    failed      write tcp4> write: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:01.332060558 +0000 UTC m=+2099.061479252
->    failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:39.671812835 +0000 UTC m=+2077.401231586
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:26.938954228 +0000 UTC m=+2004.668372957
->    failed      write tcp4> write: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:33.910939201 +0000 UTC m=+1951.640357936
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:01.670949968 +0000 UTC m=+2099.400368672
->     failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 2a:20:75:a8:38:e9 but incoming message says 3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:49.079178243 +0000 UTC m=+1966.808596976
->      failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:16.808492709 +0000 UTC m=+1994.537911427
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-l2c8d
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-l2c8d -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->     failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:27.339833685 +0000 UTC m=+1858.591352797
->     failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:25.688472069 +0000 UTC m=+1616.939991047
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v10066: incoming message says owner ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4 v10401, retry: 2018-06-14 11:33:22.334129662 +0000 UTC m=+2033.585648696
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:14.442909091 +0000 UTC m=+1605.694428105
->     failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:35.847360488 +0000 UTC m=+1747.098879463
->     failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:56.413148287 +0000 UTC m=+1707.664667257
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef but incoming message says 2a:20:75:a8:38:e9, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:28.70787515 +0000 UTC m=+1739.959394166
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:58.681237192 +0000 UTC m=+1769.932756205
->    failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:57.939384677 +0000 UTC m=+1889.190903646
->      failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:09.202236771 +0000 UTC m=+1600.453755744
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:39.650034941 +0000 UTC m=+1750.901554017
->    failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:40.313034644 +0000 UTC m=+1871.564553678
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:55.560646201 +0000 UTC m=+1766.812165217
->    failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:02.675724678 +0000 UTC m=+1773.927243704
->    failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 6e:89:89:29:40:32 but incoming message says fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:00.585894378 +0000 UTC m=+1771.837413407
->     failed      Received update for IP range I own at v10066: incoming message says owner ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4 v10401, retry: 2018-06-14 11:31:11.480243818 +0000 UTC m=+1902.731762985
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-mzm7x
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-mzm7x -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
<-     established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:28.945977082 +0000 UTC m=+84156.011272833
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:19.584910211 +0000 UTC m=+84086.650205957
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:31:58.47465015 +0000 UTC m=+84245.539945759
->      failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-nh6p4
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-nh6p4 -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->     established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:15.966023365 +0000 UTC m=+83969.896079258
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      write tcp4> write: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:29.378304351 +0000 UTC m=+83983.308360281
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:15.868698158 +0000 UTC m=+84029.798754184
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-qbl5b
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-qbl5b -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
<-   established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:22.117036827 +0000 UTC m=+84070.657088638
->    failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: no route to host, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:19.348685417 +0000 UTC m=+84067.888737367
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:07.322506294 +0000 UTC m=+84055.862558090
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-qh7s5
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-qh7s5 -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:37.770269076 +0000 UTC m=+83869.405886652
->    failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: no route to host, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:04.881744793 +0000 UTC m=+83836.517362462
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:32:41.52100929 +0000 UTC m=+84173.156626951
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-w9w9s
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-w9w9s -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
<-   established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:41.285648311 +0000 UTC m=+84034.787572182
->    failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:29:43.146954682 +0000 UTC m=+84216.648878636
->      failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:13.058231491 +0000 UTC m=+84246.560155285
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-wvlnc
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-wvlnc -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c(ip-10-83-108-123.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by 3a:47:b8:a9:34:ef but incoming message says 2a:20:75:a8:38:e9, retry: 2018-06-14 11:27:24.566478723 +0000 UTC m=+78938.833355396
->     failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:31:28.361942045 +0000 UTC m=+79182.628818762
->      failed      read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer, retry: 2018-06-14 11:34:34.458989108 +0000 UTC m=+79368.725865781
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->     failed      dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection timed out, retry: 2018-06-14 11:28:21.152854771 +0000 UTC m=+78995.419731614
Running 'weave --local status connections' on weave-net-zhrmd
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-zhrmd -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
->      established fastdp 7e:44:ff:00:f5:f9(ip-10-83-60-42.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 22:e1:23:b2:2f:8c(ip-10-83-59-237.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp d6:4a:51:67:64:13(ip-10-83-114-127.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp ae:d0:02:a5:ff:b4(ip-10-83-88-180.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 0e:8c:f8:33:67:7f(ip-10-83-87-92.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:8f:dd:99:f4:ae(ip-10-83-45-86.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp ee:c9:d9:9b:bd:ec(ip-10-83-78-215.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 16:fb:51:d2:5c:25(ip-10-83-125-214.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 9a:55:19:b7:97:7c(ip-10-83-76-130.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 9a:5d:d4:e9:78:29(ip-10-83-109-188.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 2a:d6:a8:e7:2e:de(ip-10-83-80-99.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 16:d8:40:86:d6:bf(ip-10-83-41-74.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87(ip-10-83-61-125.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 12:84:ba:e1:47:79(ip-10-83-42-111.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never
->      failed      Received update for IP range I own at v4: incoming message says owner 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87 v5, retry: 2018-06-14 11:30:58.746286293 +0000 UTC m=+81575.949094494
->      failed      Inconsistent entries for owned by fa:17:fc:80:d1:6c but incoming message says 6e:89:89:29:40:32, retry: 2018-06-14 11:26:38.271243376 +0000 UTC m=+81315.474051605

Copy link

bboreham commented Jun 14, 2018

@itskingori thanks; we really would like logs (as in kubectl logs ... weave) to debug.

If you have cleared a pod's state and restarted it and then it goes bad within the day then there is a good chance the logs do have the vital information. If the pod has restarted please fetch the previous logs too with kubectl logs -p.

To be clear, in case of message -> failed Received update for IP ... message says owner 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87 v5, we would like the logs for the pod that gives this message and for the pod with ID 46:1b:b4:25:cf:87

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@bboreham Got it! Will keep you guys posted.

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@bboreham @brb While it hasn't happened again, I've done some investigation and I'd like to pass a theory past you two. Could it be as a result of the pods being abruptly killed .e.g. an OOM?

In the case of #3310 (comment), we cleared the state of weave-net-h5wcj and weave-net-l2c8d, then the cluster healed.

You can see that weave-net-h5wcj was killed at around 13:55, weave-net-l2c8d at around 13:59 ... 👇

screen shot 2018-06-15 at 03 54 30

We installed via kops, therefore our resource requests and limits are set to 👇

    memory: 200Mi
    cpu: 50m
    memory: 200Mi

Here are the logs of weave-net-h5wcj at around 13:55 👇

screen shot 2018-06-15 at 04 05 46

And here are the logs of weave-net-l2c8d at around 13:59 👇

screen shot 2018-06-15 at 04 11 24

You can see the logging profile of weave-net-h5wcj around the kill below 👇

screen shot 2018-06-15 at 04 21 42

And the logging profile of weave-net-l2c8d around the kill below 👇

screen shot 2018-06-15 at 04 20 04


  1. Those kills definitely affected weave.
  2. Is there a possibility that the state was affected by the kill?
  3. Should we increase memory assigned to weave?

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@bboreham @brb Another theory, could it be that the infinite loop fixed in #3317 is causing the weave pod to use more and more memory? See 30 days usage below:

screen shot 2018-06-15 at 10 24 32

My colleague @tsu-shiuan, thinks that increasing memory would be hiding the problem ... and that while the OOMs are likely the cause of the issue described in #3310 (comment), that there's an underlying problem causing the increase in memory.

Some points to note:

  1. We upgraded weave to 2.3.0 about 18 days ago i.e. around May 28th.
  2. Before that we have upgraded weave to 2.2.0 about 4 months ago.

The disruption right after the 28th is us rotating nodes, so that's expected ... but you can see after that things are not looking good.

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brb commented Jun 17, 2018

@zacblazic @itskingori Thanks for the info.

This only started happening after upgrading to 2.3.0. We never had this issue with 2.2.0.

I doubt that any change from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 could have triggered the problem (maybe "Build Weave Net with Go 1.10.1 #3273", but let's keep it as a last resort). My guess is that the upgrade restarted Weave Net on each node which triggered the faulty reclaim DEBU: 2018/06/05 11:20:29.571731 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {46:f4:4b:41:dd:11 ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal}, as reclaiming happens upon the Weave Net initialization.

Regarding the second issue, is there a way to manually remove the annotation or clear this state?

I don't have a cmd at hand, but try updating the annotation with kubectl annotate configmap weave-net -n=kube-system --overwrite'$PEERS' where $PEERS is the existing annotation value (you can get it with kubectl get configmap weave-net ... -o yaml) minus the faulty peer. The annotation format is JSON. After the change, you need to restart Weave on nodes which are in the infinite loop.

Anyway, do you have any logs for ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal?

Could it be as a result of the pods being abruptly killed .e.g. an OOM?

Might be that boltdb which stores IPAM fails to write to disk as the process gets killed. So, after the restart Weave Net restores a stale data (@bboreham shouldn't the CRDT IPAM ring be able to merge in such situation anyway?).

Interested in your logs after you have reproduced the issue. Just please upload them as txt to make grepping possible. Ta.

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kuznero commented Jul 4, 2018

I can see exactly same kind of error Received update for IP range I own but simply when I try to add another node to a cluster. The strange thing is that it does not happen always.

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bboreham commented Jul 4, 2018

@kuznero please open your own issue and supply logs.

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bboreham commented Jul 4, 2018

(@bboreham shouldn't the CRDT IPAM ring be able to merge in such situation anyway?).

@brb it can merge consistent data of any age. The problem here is that the data is inconsistent with what someone else has.

Issue #2084 covers the case where the inconsistency doesn't actually matter.

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bboreham commented Jul 4, 2018

OK, I didn't read the whole question, sorry.

Could it be as a result of the pods being abruptly killed .e.g. an OOM?

Might be that boltdb which stores IPAM fails to write to disk as the process gets killed. So, after the restart Weave Net restores a stale data

Something like this sequence?

  • a donates IP range r to b
  • a dies and restarts, loads previous state
  • both a and b think they own r

To avoid this, we persist to disk before sending the message from a to b, and that goes through to a fsync syscall.

I guess it's possible there is a bug in the above. Or it's something else.

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brb commented Jul 9, 2018

@zacblazic @itskingori @kuznero What file system (with options) is of the
/var/lib/weave host dir? mount can show this information.

@kuznero Can you easily reproduce the issue?

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itskingori commented Aug 28, 2018

Interested in your logs after you have reproduced the issue. Just please upload them as txt to make grepping possible. Ta.

@bboreham @brb I think I might have the logs of a pod that's just started and is exhibiting this behaviour.

You can see that it started slightly past 23:25 👇

screen shot 2018-08-29 at 00 00 29

And started getting the "Received update for IP range I own" error a little after 👇

screen shot 2018-08-29 at 00 01 00

These are the full logs 👉 weave-net-z5lmp.log

Yet it's connections look ok 👇

$ kubectl exec -it weave-net-z5lmp -n kube-system /bin/sh
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-z5lmp -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
/home/weave # ./weave --local status connections
->    established fastdp 56:4c:56:6f:f5:90(ip-10-80-102-195.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 3e:8f:f3:15:0c:e6(ip-10-80-67-160.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 6a:7d:84:55:63:40(ip-10-80-45-255.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 02:8f:3d:02:22:b2(ip-10-80-110-250.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp a2:89:81:f0:f7:cb(ip-10-80-91-69.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp 72:d3:22:05:8f:08(ip-10-80-112-109.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 52:ff:e3:6c:74:1d(ip-10-80-66-231.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-   established fastdp be:10:d6:f0:eb:68(ip-10-80-112-120.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp d2:fe:ff:e6:ca:a7(ip-10-80-90-166.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp c2:05:23:81:b9:b1(ip-10-80-61-78.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 32:c1:c8:45:6e:0d(ip-10-80-44-252.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 9a:6b:6f:33:1c:60(ip-10-80-53-166.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 0a:e3:03:b2:57:8c(ip-10-80-89-245.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 9a:49:8b:6b:a8:12(ip-10-80-59-37.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 4a:f9:d0:15:61:a7(ip-10-80-67-172.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     established fastdp 42:90:28:9a:2c:a2(ip-10-80-65-216.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-     established fastdp 6e:0e:51:4f:66:9e(ip-10-80-114-8.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
<-    established fastdp 96:36:1a:d1:59:07(ip-10-80-96-210.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp a2:63:98:df:ee:d0(ip-10-80-41-90.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->    established fastdp e6:19:2c:86:42:27(ip-10-80-120-250.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp 8e:b1:f9:dc:6b:31(ip-10-80-125-5.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->      established fastdp b2:ef:a5:21:f9:a3(ip-10-80-54-76.ec2.internal) mtu=1376
->     failed      cannot connect to ourself, retry: never

And ipam status doesn't look too bad 👇

$ kubectl exec -it weave-net-z5lmp -n kube-system /bin/sh
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-z5lmp -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
/home/weave # ./weave --local status ipam
ca:b9:26:99:63:b4(ip-10-80-37-248.ec2.internal)   135880 IPs (06.5% of total) (4 active)
d6:c3:9a:8e:74:f0(ip-10-80-105-52.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
8a:23:63:a2:3b:04(ip-10-80-112-98.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
0a:ed:0e:50:ed:f9(ip-10-80-108-104.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
6a:7d:84:55:63:40(ip-10-80-45-255.ec2.internal)   108236 IPs (05.2% of total)
a2:89:81:f0:f7:cb(ip-10-80-91-69.ec2.internal)    91695 IPs (04.4% of total)
9a:6b:6f:33:1c:60(ip-10-80-53-166.ec2.internal)    47608 IPs (02.3% of total)
a2:63:98:df:ee:d0(ip-10-80-41-90.ec2.internal)    44136 IPs (02.1% of total)
e2:09:61:37:d0:9e(ip-10-80-46-186.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
5e:80:0c:4b:9a:41(ip-10-80-120-27.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total) - unreachable!
c2:05:23:81:b9:b1(ip-10-80-61-78.ec2.internal)       83 IPs (00.0% of total)
5a:47:78:0d:74:53(ip-10-80-104-144.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
56:4c:56:6f:f5:90(ip-10-80-102-195.ec2.internal)    88952 IPs (04.2% of total)
52:ff:e3:6c:74:1d(ip-10-80-66-231.ec2.internal)   106296 IPs (05.1% of total)
e6:19:2c:86:42:27(ip-10-80-120-250.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total)
8e:b1:f9:dc:6b:31(ip-10-80-125-5.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total)
ba:5f:5d:8e:c5:49(ip-10-80-102-17.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
62:49:f3:21:c1:b3(ip-10-80-57-2.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
7a:26:75:22:4c:a3(ip-10-80-55-0.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
02:f2:c2:33:21:a8(ip-10-80-89-194.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
72:d3:22:05:8f:08(ip-10-80-112-109.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total)
62:4b:82:bc:ee:4a(ip-10-80-106-92.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
c2:08:11:3c:6b:02(ip-10-80-44-87.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
3e:8f:f3:15:0c:e6(ip-10-80-67-160.ec2.internal)       24 IPs (00.0% of total)
16:f0:47:37:8a:18(ip-10-80-101-176.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
fa:d3:e4:a1:47:54(ip-10-80-74-138.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
0a:e3:03:b2:57:8c(ip-10-80-89-245.ec2.internal)    56116 IPs (02.7% of total)
be:10:d6:f0:eb:68(ip-10-80-112-120.ec2.internal)    89798 IPs (04.3% of total)
6e:0e:51:4f:66:9e(ip-10-80-114-8.ec2.internal)   115398 IPs (05.5% of total)
9a:49:8b:6b:a8:12(ip-10-80-59-37.ec2.internal)    98216 IPs (04.7% of total)
4a:f9:d0:15:61:a7(ip-10-80-67-172.ec2.internal)     8304 IPs (00.4% of total)
42:90:28:9a:2c:a2(ip-10-80-65-216.ec2.internal)    52000 IPs (02.5% of total)
32:c1:c8:45:6e:0d(ip-10-80-44-252.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total)
ea:0c:50:90:93:c3(ip-10-80-46-212.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
9e:ce:d8:bd:e6:8d(ip-10-80-124-112.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
96:36:1a:d1:59:07(ip-10-80-96-210.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total)
b2:ef:a5:21:f9:a3(ip-10-80-54-76.ec2.internal)    87747 IPs (04.2% of total)
02:8f:3d:02:22:b2(ip-10-80-110-250.ec2.internal)    65543 IPs (03.1% of total)
fe:0f:36:cd:88:d8(ip-10-80-40-99.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
1a:d9:db:f0:74:a4(ip-10-80-63-127.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
26:be:94:88:07:51(ip-10-80-63-133.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!

What file system (with options) is of the
/var/lib/weave host dir? mount can show this information.

Host filesystem 👇

$ mount | grep /dev/xvda1
/dev/xvda1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/xvda1 on /var/lib/docker/overlay2 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/xvda1 on /var/lib/kubelet/pods/a0ea4d18-ab00-11e8-ac1a-06f70fba1e78/volume-subpaths/telegraf-configuration/telegraf/0 type ext4 (ro,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/xvda1 on /var/lib/kubelet/pods/a0e24f65-ab00-11e8-ac1a-06f70fba1e78/volume-subpaths/filebeat-configuration/filebeat/2 type ext4 (ro,relatime,data=ordered)

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zacblazic commented Aug 28, 2018

I don't have a cmd at hand, but try updating the annotation with kubectl annotate configmap weave-net -n=kube-system --overwrite'$PEERS' where $PEERS is the existing annotation value (you can get it with kubectl get configmap weave-net ... -o yaml) minus the faulty peer. The annotation format is JSON. After the change, you need to restart Weave on nodes which are in the infinite loop.

@brb Sorry that I'm so late on this, but I've got some interesting findings.

$ kubectl get configmap -n=kube-system -oyaml weave-net
  "Peers": [
      "PeerName": "da:3e:d4:a5:e9:42",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "0a:e3:03:b2:57:8c",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-89-245.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "9a:49:8b:6b:a8:12",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-59-37.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "56:4c:56:6f:f5:90",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-102-195.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "9a:6b:6f:33:1c:60",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-53-166.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "a2:89:81:f0:f7:cb",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-91-69.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "be:10:d6:f0:eb:68",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-112-120.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "a2:63:98:df:ee:d0",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-41-90.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "6e:0e:51:4f:66:9e",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-114-8.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "6a:7d:84:55:63:40",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-45-255.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "3e:8f:f3:15:0c:e6",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-67-160.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "b2:ef:a5:21:f9:a3",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-54-76.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "52:ff:e3:6c:74:1d",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-66-231.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "42:90:28:9a:2c:a2",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-65-216.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "4a:f9:d0:15:61:a7",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-67-172.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "02:8f:3d:02:22:b2",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-110-250.ec2.internal"
      "PeerName": "ca:5d:93:ce:43:59",
      "NodeName": "ip-10-80-103-14.ec2.internal"

I'm not sure how this config map is used by weave, assuming as some sort of state storage, but I expected the number of peers in the annotation to be near to the number of nodes in the cluster, which it wasn't at all. Nodes in cluster at the time was 20 while the number of peers in that list is 17.

Below I've attempted to map the peers in the annotation to nodes in the cluster:

# Missing node included in configmap annotation

# Existing nodes correctly in configmap annotation
ip-10-80-89-245.ec2.internal  (reachable)
ip-10-80-59-37.ec2.internal   (reachable)
ip-10-80-102-195.ec2.internal (reachable)
ip-10-80-53-166.ec2.internal  (reachable)
ip-10-80-91-69.ec2.internal   (reachable)
ip-10-80-112-120.ec2.internal (reachable)
ip-10-80-41-90.ec2.internal   (reachable)
ip-10-80-114-8.ec2.internal   (reachable)
ip-10-80-45-255.ec2.internal  (reachable)
ip-10-80-67-160.ec2.internal  (reachable)
ip-10-80-54-76.ec2.internal   (reachable)
ip-10-80-66-231.ec2.internal  (reachable)
ip-10-80-65-216.ec2.internal  (reachable)
ip-10-80-67-172.ec2.internal  (reachable)
ip-10-80-110-250.ec2.internal (reachable)
ip-10-80-103-14.ec2.internal  (reachable)

# Existing nodes not in configmap annotation
ip-10-80-112-109.ec2.internal  (reachable)
ip-10-80-37-248.ec2.internal   (reachable)
ip-10-80-44-252.ec2.internal   (reachable)
ip-10-80-61-78.ec2.internal    (reachable)

Above we can see that ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal is the peer that needs to be removed, similarly to ip-10-83-124-112.ec2.internal in my previous example (though this is a different cluster):

DEBU: 2018/08/28 21:17:08.953164 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {da:3e:d4:a5:e9:42 ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal} | weave-net-6kkps
DEBU: 2018/08/28 21:17:08.953138 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal:{da:3e:d4:a5:e9:42 ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal}] | weave-net-6kkps
DEBU: 2018/08/28 21:17:08.753070 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal:{da:3e:d4:a5:e9:42 ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal}] | weave-net-6kkps
DEBU: 2018/08/28 21:17:08.753098 [kube-peers] Preparing to remove disappeared peer {da:3e:d4:a5:e9:42 ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal}

Secondly there are a few nodes that are missing from the peer list on the annotation, is this a bad thing?

I'm going to attempt updating the config map and will report back.

Edit: I'm aware of the fix (#3317) added in 2.4.0. We've not upgraded to that version yet, but we will tomorrow.

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@itsingoria I opened a new issue #3386 to cover the "unreachable peers" part of your comment which is distinct to the subject of this issue.

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@bboreham Thank you. Just a note, Zac and I are on the same team. So if you need anything from us, let us know.

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I'm not sure how this config map is used by weave

It's the answer to the question raised at the beginning of #2797 - "How do we even detect that a Weave Net peer originated as a Kubernetes node?". We add each peer to the map on first initialization, and remove it after cleanup.

Nodes in cluster at the time was 20 while the number of peers in that list is 17.

You can pick one of the missing 3 and look in its logfile at startup to see what happened when it should have added itself. There should be a log line like:

INFO: 2018/08/28 20:26:35.537339 [kube-peers] Added myself to peer list &{[{da:3e:d4:a5:e9:42 ip-10-80-78-181.ec2.internal} {0a:e3:03:b2:57:8c ip-10-80-89-245.ec2.internal} {9a:49:8b:6b:a8:12 ip-10-80-59-37.ec2.internal} {56:4c:56:6f:f5:90 ip-10-80-102-195.ec2.internal} {9a:6b:6f:33:1c:60 ip-10-80-53-166.ec2.internal} {a2:89:81:f0:f7:cb ip-10-80-91-69.ec2.internal} {be:10:d6:f0:eb:68 ip-10-80-112-120.ec2.internal} {a2:63:98:df:ee:d0 ip-10-80-41-90.ec2.internal} {6e:0e:51:4f:66:9e ip-10-80-114-8.ec2.internal} {96:be:47:91:4d:4b ip-10-80-91-173.ec2.internal} {6a:7d:84:55:63:40 ip-10-80-45-255.ec2.internal} {3e:8f:f3:15:0c:e6 ip-10-80-67-160.ec2.internal} {b2:ef:a5:21:f9:a3 ip-10-80-54-76.ec2.internal} {52:ff:e3:6c:74:1d ip-10-80-66-231.ec2.internal} {42:90:28:9a:2c:a2 ip-10-80-65-216.ec2.internal} {4a:f9:d0:15:61:a7 ip-10-80-67-172.ec2.internal} {02:8f:3d:02:22:b2 ip-10-80-110-250.ec2.internal} {e6:19:2c:86:42:27 ip-10-80-120-250.ec2.internal} {ca:b9:26:99:63:b4 ip-10-80-37-248.ec2.internal}]}

Secondly there are a few nodes that are missing from the peer list on the annotation, is this a bad thing?

It means they will not be cleaned up when the nodes are deleted from Kubernetes.

(I don't believe any of this is particularly related to "attempting to claim same IP range", which uses a different data structure)

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Looking at the unreachable peers from #3310 (comment):

d6:c3:9a:8e:74:f0(ip-10-80-105-52.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
8a:23:63:a2:3b:04(ip-10-80-112-98.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
0a:ed:0e:50:ed:f9(ip-10-80-108-104.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
e2:09:61:37:d0:9e(ip-10-80-46-186.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
5e:80:0c:4b:9a:41(ip-10-80-120-27.ec2.internal)     8192 IPs (00.4% of total) - unreachable!
5a:47:78:0d:74:53(ip-10-80-104-144.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
ba:5f:5d:8e:c5:49(ip-10-80-102-17.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
62:49:f3:21:c1:b3(ip-10-80-57-2.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
7a:26:75:22:4c:a3(ip-10-80-55-0.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
02:f2:c2:33:21:a8(ip-10-80-89-194.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
62:4b:82:bc:ee:4a(ip-10-80-106-92.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
c2:08:11:3c:6b:02(ip-10-80-44-87.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
16:f0:47:37:8a:18(ip-10-80-101-176.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
fa:d3:e4:a1:47:54(ip-10-80-74-138.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
ea:0c:50:90:93:c3(ip-10-80-46-212.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
9e:ce:d8:bd:e6:8d(ip-10-80-124-112.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) - unreachable!
fe:0f:36:cd:88:d8(ip-10-80-40-99.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!
1a:d9:db:f0:74:a4(ip-10-80-63-127.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total) - unreachable!
26:be:94:88:07:51(ip-10-80-63-133.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total) - unreachable!

5e:80:0c:4b:9a:41 and fe:0f:36:cd:88:d8 appear in the log, but we can't talk to them because of inconsistent IPAM data:

INFO: 2018/08/28 20:49:48.124055 ->[|5e:80:0c:4b:9a:41(ip-10-80-120-27.ec2.internal)]: connection shutting down due to error: Received update for IP range I own at v19: incoming message says owner e6:19:2c:86:42:27 v24
INFO: 2018/08/28 20:36:50.709044 ->[|fe:0f:36:cd:88:d8(ip-10-80-40-99.ec2.internal)]: connection shutting down due to error: Received update for IP range I own at v19: incoming message says owner e6:19:2c:86:42:27 v20

The others don't appear at all. Perhaps they were cleaned up on a node the other side of the inconsistency partition, thus the knowledge of the cleanup didn't make it across the whole cluster?

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I did not see any logs in response to the request at #3310 (comment). This is still important to discovering the root cause of this issue.

Also, I'm not sure if we said here what the cleanup procedure is:

To recover, you need to eliminate the IPAM data from the affected nodes and restart. Since you installed via the Kubernetes Addon, this data will be in a file under /var/lib/weave on the node - delete this file and restart the node.

Since you seem to have about 17 nodes that can talk to each other and 3 that can't talk to them, do this just on the 3. Restarting (rebooting) after removing the file ensures there are no IP addresses in use on the node, which makes the procedure safe.

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itskingori commented Aug 30, 2018

@bboreham I don't want to celebrate just yet but we've taken the following steps are seeing positive results:

  1. Upgraded to 2.4.0 to get the fix @brb mentions in Nodes are attempting to claim same IP range #3310 (comment), then ...
  2. Cleared any unreachable! on the ipam-list.
  3. Edited the peer-list annotation on the weave-net configmap to make sure the entries match with the ipam-list (there were entries on the peer-list that were not on the ipam-list as @zacblazic explained in Nodes are attempting to claim same IP range #3310 (comment))
  4. Cleared state of any pods exhibiting this behaviour ("Received update for IP range I own") i.e. remove db in /var/lib/weave on host and delete the pod.

On node deletion I can the see entry remains unreachable on the ipam-list (as I expect) but when a new node comes up, there's cleanup (this wasn't happening before).

I want to give it a week and keep checking before I celebrate!

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Raffo commented Aug 30, 2018 via email

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@Raffo if your issue at #3384 is still continuing please post the logs of a weave container starting up. That way we can find out if you have the same issue and the same steps are appropriate, or if you have a different issue. #3384 certainly lacks the key symptom of this issue, "Received update for IP range I own"

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Raffo commented Aug 31, 2018

Yes absolutely, I'm keeping an eye on it and will update my issue when I'll have more data.

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brb commented Sep 4, 2018

In #3392 we've found one scenario which leads to the reported error. Could you all run kubectl get nodes -o wide?

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Raffo commented Sep 4, 2018

@brb Even though my issue is #3384, just in case you wanted to know what I saw as well, I'm sure that the IPs were there, but I don't have the output anymore.

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@brb About 6 days after #3310 (comment), our clusters are still looking healthy. And this is despite scaling up and down quite a bit ... 👇

screen shot 2018-09-04 at 16 36 38

We can verify that cleanup is taking place ... 👇

 kubectl exec -it weave-net-897xt /bin/sh -n kube-system
Defaulting container name to weave.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/weave-net-897xt -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
76:7f:2a:86:53:7a(ip-10-80-106-202.ec2.internal)    32768 IPs (01.6% of total) (15 active)
6e:0e:51:4f:66:9e(ip-10-80-114-8.ec2.internal)   345486 IPs (16.5% of total)
6a:7d:84:55:63:40(ip-10-80-45-255.ec2.internal)    71362 IPs (03.4% of total)
9a:6b:6f:33:1c:60(ip-10-80-53-166.ec2.internal)    31224 IPs (01.5% of total)
ba:a1:15:9f:64:7b(ip-10-80-113-52.ec2.internal)    16384 IPs (00.8% of total)
c6:51:3e:e0:73:85(ip-10-80-58-36.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total)
ca:38:9f:69:92:76(ip-10-80-94-19.ec2.internal)    71340 IPs (03.4% of total)
02:8f:3d:02:22:b2(ip-10-80-110-250.ec2.internal)    32776 IPs (01.6% of total)
e2:b7:e3:40:a8:f9(ip-10-80-36-237.ec2.internal)    40872 IPs (01.9% of total)
c2:43:d1:36:2e:44(ip-10-80-46-144.ec2.internal)   528477 IPs (25.2% of total)
ce:81:1f:3d:d1:86(ip-10-80-105-153.ec2.internal)    65536 IPs (03.1% of total)
a2:89:81:f0:f7:cb(ip-10-80-91-69.ec2.internal)    42543 IPs (02.0% of total)
42:90:28:9a:2c:a2(ip-10-80-65-216.ec2.internal)    35616 IPs (01.7% of total)
a2:63:98:df:ee:d0(ip-10-80-41-90.ec2.internal)    27752 IPs (01.3% of total)
72:d3:22:05:8f:08(ip-10-80-112-109.ec2.internal)   143472 IPs (06.8% of total)
3e:8f:f3:15:0c:e6(ip-10-80-67-160.ec2.internal)   131096 IPs (06.3% of total)
be:10:d6:f0:eb:68(ip-10-80-112-120.ec2.internal)    44742 IPs (02.1% of total)
b2:ef:a5:21:f9:a3(ip-10-80-54-76.ec2.internal)    34498 IPs (01.6% of total)
52:ff:e3:6c:74:1d(ip-10-80-66-231.ec2.internal)    24376 IPs (01.2% of total)
52:cb:29:b2:39:4e(ip-10-80-90-159.ec2.internal)   311296 IPs (14.8% of total)

We'll continue monitoring. In case it happens again we'll check kubectl get nodes -o wide for internal IP as mentioned in #3392.

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I did not see any logs in response to the request at #3310 (comment). This is still important to discovering the root cause of this issue.

Also, I'm not sure if we said here what the cleanup procedure is:

To recover, you need to eliminate the IPAM data from the affected nodes and restart. Since you installed via the Kubernetes Addon, this data will be in a file under /var/lib/weave on the node - delete this file and restart the node.

Since you seem to have about 17 nodes that can talk to each other and 3 that can't talk to them, do this just on the 3. Restarting (rebooting) after removing the file ensures there are no IP addresses in use on the node, which makes the procedure safe.

I was facing issues where few nodes were not able to access internet while others were working fine. Deleting /var/lib/weave/weave-netdata.db file and reboot did worked fine but again after 3-4hrs, the issue recreated. I again deleted the file and rebooted and it worked fine again. Why is the file creating issues. Thanks

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Linking #1962 which would make this condition less fatal.

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I'm going to close this as fixed in 2.6.0 - you may need to reboot a node which is actually using an IP in conflict with another node, but all the un-allocated space should get resolved automatically.

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