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emit counter metric on soft/hard limit breached (#892)
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* emit counter metric on soft/hard limit breached

* Cleanup exports

* More related work
  • Loading branch information
jschaul authored and fisx committed Oct 26, 2019
1 parent a95becd commit a6ed328
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Showing 5 changed files with 236 additions and 234 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push.hs
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Expand Up @@ -91,9 +91,10 @@ instance MonadPushAll Gundeck where
-- | Another layer of wrap around 'runWithBudget'.
runWithBudget'' :: Int -> a -> Gundeck a -> Gundeck a
runWithBudget'' budget fallback action = do
metrics <- view monitor
view threadBudgetState >>= \case
Nothing -> action
Just tbs -> runWithBudget' tbs budget fallback action
Just tbs -> runWithBudget' metrics tbs budget fallback action

-- | Abstract over all effects in 'nativeTargets' (for unit testing).
Expand Down
233 changes: 5 additions & 228 deletions services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/ThreadBudget.hs
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
-- run-time of the actions into account, not just the number of executions.
-- also looks related.
-- FUTUREWORK: seems like almost exactly
-- the same thing, but I only found this after ThreadBudget was done. Before considering to
-- ThreadBudget a standalone package, take a closer look at lockpool!
-- USE CASE: keep a lid of stalled native push notification threads. if SNS is up, there
-- will be many short-running executions of the action. when SNS is down, the threads will
-- accumulate in memory and choke the gundeck instances. so we want to stop spawning more
Expand All @@ -22,233 +26,6 @@ module Gundeck.ThreadBudget
, runWithBudget
, runWithBudget'
, watchThreadBudgetState

-- * for testing: FUTUREWORK: factor out into a library?
, threadBudgetLimits
, budgetSpent
, budgetSpent'
, _threadBudgetRunning
, cancelAllThreads
, allocate
, BudgetMap
) where

import Imports

import Control.Exception.Safe (catchAny)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import Data.Metrics (Metrics)
import Data.Metrics.Middleware (gaugeSet, path)
import Data.Time
import Data.UUID (UUID, toText)
import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom)
import Gundeck.Options
import UnliftIO.Async
import UnliftIO.Exception (finally)

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified System.Logger.Class as LC

data ThreadBudgetState = ThreadBudgetState
{ threadBudgetLimits :: MaxConcurrentNativePushes
, _threadBudgetRunning :: IORef BudgetMap
} deriving (Generic)

-- | Store all handles for cleanup in 'watchThreadBudgetState'.
data BudgetMap = BudgetMap
{ bspent :: Int
, bmap :: HashMap UUID (Int, Maybe (Async ()))
deriving (Eq, Generic)

-- | Instead of taking the pre-computed total budget spent of the 'BudgetMap' (O(1)), this
-- counts all the threads that are successfully running (dropping the ones that are just about
-- to try to grab a token).
-- WARNING: takes O(n)), use with care. See 'bench_BudgetSpent''.
budgetSpent :: ThreadBudgetState -> IO Int
budgetSpent (ThreadBudgetState _ running) = budgetSpent' <$> readIORef running

budgetSpent' :: BudgetMap -> Int
budgetSpent' = sum . fmap fst . filter (isJust . snd) . HM.elems . bmap

cancelAllThreads :: ThreadBudgetState -> IO ()
cancelAllThreads (ThreadBudgetState _ ref) = readIORef ref
>>= mapM_ cancel . catMaybes . fmap snd . HM.elems . bmap

mkThreadBudgetState :: HasCallStack => MaxConcurrentNativePushes -> IO ThreadBudgetState
mkThreadBudgetState limits = ThreadBudgetState limits <$> newIORef (BudgetMap 0 HM.empty)

-- | Allocate the resources for a new action to be called (but don't call the action yet).
:: IORef BudgetMap -> UUID -> Int -> MonadIO m => m Int
allocate ref key newspent
= atomicModifyIORef' ref $
\(BudgetMap spent hm) ->
( BudgetMap (spent + newspent) (HM.insert key (newspent, Nothing) hm)
, spent

-- | Register an already-allocated action with its 'Async'.
:: IORef BudgetMap -> UUID -> Async () -> MonadIO m => m Int
register ref key handle
= atomicModifyIORef' ref $
\(BudgetMap spent hm) ->
( BudgetMap spent (HM.adjust (_2 .~ Just handle) key hm)
, spent

-- | Remove an registered and/or allocated action from a 'BudgetMap'.
:: IORef BudgetMap -> UUID -> MonadIO m => m ()
unregister ref key
= atomicModifyIORef' ref $
\bhm@(BudgetMap spent hm) ->
case HM.lookup key hm of
Just (newspent, _) -> (BudgetMap (spent - newspent) (HM.delete key hm), ())
Nothing -> (bhm, ())

-- | If there is budget available, execute the action synchronously; otherwise, log a warning
-- and return immediately. Make sure the budget state is updated accordingly both when
-- starting and ending the execution.
-- The hard limit in the 'ThreadBudgetState' argument is guaranteed to be an upper bound for
-- the number of concurrently spent budget tokens; surpassing the soft limit will trigger a
-- warning, but still execute the action. One action can use up any integer number of budget
-- tokens, including 0 and negative.
-- The action is called in an 'Async', but 'runWithBudget' waits for it to finish so it can
-- update the budget.
:: forall m. (MonadIO m, LC.MonadLogger m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> ThreadBudgetState -> Int -> m () -> m ()
runWithBudget tbs spent = runWithBudget' tbs spent ()

-- | More flexible variant of 'runWithBudget' that allows the action to return a value. With
-- a default in case of budget exhaustion.
:: forall m a. (MonadIO m, LC.MonadLogger m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> ThreadBudgetState -> Int -> a -> m a -> m a
runWithBudget' (ThreadBudgetState limits ref) spent fallback action = do
key <- liftIO nextRandom
(`finally` unregister ref key) $ do
oldsize <- allocate ref key spent

warnNoBudget (maybe False (oldsize >=) (limits ^. limitSoft))
(maybe False (oldsize >=) (limits ^. limitHard))

if (maybe True (oldsize <) (limits ^. limitHard))
then go key oldsize
else pure fallback
go :: UUID -> Int -> m a
go key oldsize = do
LC.debug $
"key" LC..= (toText key) LC.~~
"spent" LC..= oldsize LC.~~
LC.msg (LC.val "runWithBudget: go")

handle <- async action
_ <- register ref key (const () <$> handle)
wait handle

-- iff soft and/or hard limit are breached, log a warning-level message.
warnNoBudget :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> m ()
warnNoBudget False False _ = pure ()
warnNoBudget soft hard oldsize = do
let limit = if hard then "hard" else "soft"
LC.warn $
"spent" LC..= show oldsize LC.~~
"soft-breach" LC..= soft LC.~~
"hard-breach" LC..= hard LC.~~
LC.msg (LC.val "runWithBudget: " <> limit <> " limit reached")

-- | Fork a thread that checks with the given frequency if any async handles stored in the
-- state are stale (ie., have terminated with or without exception, but not been removed). If
-- that happens, log a warning.
-- 'runWithBudget' should keep track of the state itself; 'watchThreadBudgetState' is solely a
-- safety precaution to see if there aren't any corner cases we missed.
-- Also, issue some metrics.
:: forall m. (MonadIO m, LC.MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m)
=> Metrics -> ThreadBudgetState -> NominalDiffTime -> m ()
watchThreadBudgetState metrics (ThreadBudgetState limits ref) freq = safeForever $ do
recordMetrics metrics limits ref
removeStaleHandles ref
threadDelayNominalDiffTime freq

:: forall m. (MonadIO m, LC.MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m)
=> Metrics -> MaxConcurrentNativePushes -> IORef BudgetMap -> m ()
recordMetrics metrics limits ref = do
(BudgetMap spent _) <- readIORef ref
gaugeSet (fromIntegral spent) (path "net.nativepush.thread_budget_allocated") metrics
forM_ (limits ^. limitHard) $ \lim ->
gaugeSet (fromIntegral lim) (path "net.nativepush.thread_budget_hard_limit") metrics
forM_ (limits ^. limitSoft) $ \lim ->
gaugeSet (fromIntegral lim) (path "net.nativepush.thread_budget_soft_limit") metrics

threadDelayNominalDiffTime :: NominalDiffTime -> MonadIO m => m ()
threadDelayNominalDiffTime = threadDelay . round . (* 1000000) . toRational

staleTolerance :: NominalDiffTime
staleTolerance = 3

-- | Get all handles for asyncs that have terminated, but not been removed from the state. Do
-- that again after 'staleTolerance' to make sure that we don't catch any handles that would
-- have been removed during the 'runWithBudget' cleanup, but we were faster. The intersection
-- between the two rounds constitutes the legitimately stale handles: warn about them, and
-- then remove them from the budgetmap.
:: forall m. (MonadIO m, LC.MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m)
=> IORef BudgetMap -> m ()
removeStaleHandles ref = do
round1 <- getStaleHandles
threadDelayNominalDiffTime staleTolerance
round2 <- getStaleHandles

let staleHandles = Set.intersection round1 round2

unless (null staleHandles) $ do
warnStaleHandles (Set.size staleHandles) =<< readIORef ref
forM_ staleHandles $ \key -> do
mapM_ waitCatch . join . fmap snd =<< HM.lookup key . bmap <$> readIORef ref
unregister ref key

isSanitary <- (\bm -> bspent bm == budgetSpent' bm) <$> readIORef ref
unless isSanitary . LC.warn . LC.msg . LC.val $
"watchThreadBudgetState: total overall thread budget diverged from async weights (repaired)."

getStaleHandles :: m (Set UUID)
getStaleHandles = Set.fromList . mconcat <$> do
handles <- HM.toList . bmap <$> readIORef ref
forM handles $ \case
(_, (_, Nothing)) -> do
pure []
(key, (_, Just handle)) -> do
status <- poll handle
pure [key | isJust status]

warnStaleHandles :: Int -> BudgetMap -> m ()
warnStaleHandles num (BudgetMap spent _) = LC.warn $
"spent" LC..= show spent
LC.~~ LC.msg ("watchThreadBudgetState: removed " <> show num <> " stale handles.")

:: forall m. (MonadIO m, LC.MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m)
=> m () -> m ()
safeForever action = forever $ action `catchAny` \exc -> do
LC.err $ "error" LC..= show exc LC.~~ LC.msg (LC.val "watchThreadBudgetState: crashed; retrying")
threadDelay 60000000 -- pause to keep worst-case noise in logs manageable
import Gundeck.ThreadBudget.Internal

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