- styled-wind - A magical implementation of tailwind-like classnames into styled-components.
- pyecharts - Documentation for pyecharts. A Python Echarts Plotting Library.
- gallery-pyecharts - A Data Visualization Gallery Based on pyecharts.
- Posthtml - Documentation for PostHTML, a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins.
- Explore Wanchain - Documentation for Wanchain, a blockchain with smart contracts, private transactions, and cross-chain features.
- Laravel SweetAlert2 - Documentation for Laravel SweetAlert2, A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes for Laravel.
- Security List - A series of personal cyber security tools, resources and checklists.
- Snipaste - Snip & Paste.
- Vudash - Powerful, Flexible, Open Source dashboards for anything.
- JS MythBusters - An optimization handbook from a high level point of view.
- samlify - Node.js SAML2 library.
- palettify - A color palette effects assistant.
- commitlint - Lint commit messages.
- vue-data-tables - A simple and customizable data table, based on vue2 and element-ui.
- Noty - A Dependency-free notification library.
- xTeko - Addins framework for Pin 3.0.
- vue2-datatable-component - The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks.
- Solidarity - Environment enforcer for your projects across machines.
- IT-films - A curated list of awesome movies, documentaries and TV series about hackers, geeks and IT in common, sorted by IMDB rating.
- zooming - Image zoom that makes sense.
- vue-sticker - Vue component, that helps to make sticky effects.
- vue-orgchart - Vue.js wrapper for OrgChart.js.
- Vue Content Loading - Easily build (or use presets) SVG loading cards like Facebook.
- Tracy Debugger for ProcessWire - The ultimate debugging and development tool for the ProcessWire CMF/CMS.
- Tina.js - A lightweight and progressive Wechat Mini-Program framework.
- pino - Super fast, all natural json logger.
- fastd - A High-Performance API Framework.
- Xenus - An elegant MongoDB ODM for PHP.
- You-need-to-know-css - CSS tricks web developers need to know.
- OCCA - Library for programming multiple backends (OpenMP, CUDA, and OpenCL) with JIT compiled kernels.
- class-change.js - A micro-library for manipulating CSS class names, triggering change events using HTML data attributes, and creating declarative class-related event listeners (@jhildenbiddle).
- docx - Easily generate
files with JS/TS. - RCOS Handbook - Organization manual for Rensselaer Center for Open Source.
- Veritone - Veritone aiWare docs for AI as a service platform and MachineBox.
- 🎨 Osiris UI - A Vue.js 2.0 universal responsive UI component library.
- Oglang - Oglang: a language like coffee-script that compiles to Golang.
- boardgame.io - State management and more for turn based games.
- Rambda - Lightweight functional JS library.
- ve-charts - ECharts 4.x for Vue.js 2.x.
- 👨🎓 JCSprout - Basic, concurrent, algorithm(处于萌芽阶段的 Java 核心知识库).
- axios-api-versioning - Add easy to manage api versioning to axios.
- 🎓 🎨 Reading - Reading notes of 300 awesome books (Will keep on for another 20 years).
- Learn Blockchain by Code - The code and book about learning blockchain by code. (《区块链系统实现》开源书籍及源代码仓库)
- Fairlay API - Exchange & prediction markets API.
- Tainacan Wiki - Documentation for Tainacan - a flexible and powerfull repository platform for WordPress.
- 🛸 Jasonelle - Make iOS and Android Apps with JSON.
- Saasify - A new way for devs to earn passive income.
- Regauge - A command line interface for react app bundled with webpack, prettier and many more.
- google-spreadsheet (npm module) - A Google Sheets API wrapper for JavaScript.
- Pwn notebook📖 - CTF writeup & Notes of learning pwn. (Pwn 笔记本)@TaQini
- 👷 📙 docsify-js-tutorial - A guide to using DocsifyJS to setup and configure a docs site around your markdown docs. It is also built on DocsifyJS. @MichaelCurrin.
- 🐦 🐍 python-twitter-guide - Code snippets and links to docs around using the Twitter API and Tweepy on Python 3. @MichaelCurrin.
- 🔂 ⏳ 🦄 unicron - A simple scheduler to ensure tasks run exactly once per day but get retried at intervals until the task passes. Ideal for machines which are not always online. @MichaelCurrin.
- eDok - A safe, full featured SaaS ECM (Electronic Content Management) for the paperless business. The product, documentation and terms pages are implemented with docsify. Written in Brazilian Portuguese.
- codoxify - Generate Clojure documentation for docsify.
- ebay-node-api - Node.js wrapper for all eBay API's.
- Start Testing - A crowdsourced testing course, written by testers for testers wannabes.
- Restish - A CLI for modern REST APIs. Example of Docsify with custom syntax highlighting.
- Block Builder - JS library for building Block Kit UIs for Slack apps.
- express-jsdoc-swagger - Node.js library for generating Swagger OpenAPI 3.x UI.
- Spear-framework - A best vulnerability collection platform.
- NoteBook - Record the computer professional knowledge you have learned along the way.
- breadbot - A discord bot who likes bread -or jokes.
- 幸福拾荒者 - A poetic front-end documentation library.
- 字节飞扬 - A blog documenting personal growth. (互联网是有记忆的,我想留下一些成长的脚印)
- 侠客岛 - A back-end stack sharing platform. (一个后端技术栈分享平台,主要专注于后端相关的专题学习、读书笔记、技术文档等)
- euchre-cli - Play euchre in your terminal.
- fastdocs.io - Instantly deploy your docs with Docsify without any code!
- Anki - A powerful cross-platform flashcard program which makes remembering things easy.
- inlets - The documentation for inlets ("The Cloud Native Tunnel") is deployed with docsify.
- Cypher Notepad - The user-friendly, plain-text editor with Hybrid Encryption.
- advanced-react-cli - NPM package which aims to provide a better way to install packages for your react application through an intuitive CLI.
- GitPitch.com - The perfect slide deck solution for Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators.
- gitmoji-changelog - A changelog generator for gitmoji 😜.
- Jitbit Helpdesk API Docs - Jitbit Helpdesk (a ticketing system) uses Docsify for its API docs portal.
- try-docsify - VS Code development container demo site and template repository for Docsify.
- Nebra Helium Docs - The documentation of the Helium HNT Hotspot Miners from Nebra Ltd.
- Attacking Javaer - Attacking Javaer computer science wiki, running hard on the road to the full stack.
- X-M-UI - A vue project for X-M-UI.
- sa-token - A lightweight Java authority authentication framework. (一个轻量级java权限认证框架)
- celery.node - Celery task queue client/worker for Node.js.
- asdf - A version manager for multiple languages and clis.
- Corhyam's Wiki - A personal wiki that deploys to the cloud rapidly, based on Serverless Framework.
- Apollo - A reliable configuration management system.
- Sureness - A simple and efficient open-source security framework that focus on protection of REST API.
- ArchLinuxTutorial - Arch Linux Tutorial. (Arch Linux 安装使用教程)
- What's up Docker? - A tool that helps you keep your Docker containers up-to-date.
- Layotto - Layotto (L8):To be the next layer of OSI layer 7.
- LinuxNetworkProgrammingAndEncryption - Linux Network Programming And Encryption. (Linux 网络编程与加密 WIP)
- BitcoinMythBusters - BitcoinMythBusters: Copy & Pasteable rebuttals to common critiques regarding Bitcoin.
- Hyrule Compendium API - A web API serving data on items from the video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
- NOJ Online Judge - Yet another open-source online judge platform based on Laravel, NOJ stands for Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Online Judge.
- ShellTutorial - Shell Tutorial. (Linux 命令行与 Shell 脚本教程)
- node-musickit-api - Documentation for node-musickit-api, a wrapper for the Apple Music API.
- LabVIEW编程经验 - A book for LabVIEW programing.
- Coding-Tree - Learn Notes for coding, include: js、Python、PHP、Java、Canvas.
- Hathora - Multiplayer game framework.
- @nathanpb/Kext (Kotlin Extensions for TypeScript) - Kotlin inspired TypeScript utility library for easy and declarative programming.
- @nathanpb/progress - Highly customizable CLI progress bars for JavaScript.
- ERC721A - Mint multiple NFTs for close to the cost of one.
- Laravel-QuickStart - Laravel Boilerplate based on TALL Stack (Frontend + Backend).
- Taio Documentations - Documentations for the Taio app.
- Taio Actions Directory - Actions directory for the Taio app.
- Taio Dev Notes - Development Notes for the Taio app.
- Third Wave Coffee Base - A RESTful API that details coffee product listings from third wave coffee roasters.
- OpenHaus documentation - Auto generated documentation for OpenHaus from the source code of the project.
- LifeUp - Documentation for LifeUp app. A gamification To-Do list and habit forming android application.
- Skuber - Scala client for the Kubernetes API.
- docbook - A doc book record thoughts.
- Awesome Privacy - A curated list of privacy-respecting software and services.
- 古帝荒天 - A blog that records some technical experience in life and work.
- docsify-open-course-starter-kit - A ready-to-use template to create a Docsify open course website. Global navigation elements can be hidden for seamlessly embedding pages (i.e. into an LMS). Includes an optional "Edit this Page" link. @hibbittsdesign.
- docsify-open-multicourse-starter-kit - A MultiCourse variation of the Docsify Open Course Starter Kit to quickly create a Markdown-based open multi-course site with the site generator Docsify. Global navigation elements can be hidden for seamlessly embedding pages (i.e. into an LMS). Includes an optional "Edit this Page" link. @hibbittsdesign.
- docsify-open-publishing-starter-kit - A ready-to-use template to create a Docsify open publishing site. Global navigation elements can be hidden for seamlessly embedding pages into other platforms. Includes an optional "Edit this Page" link. @hibbittsdesign.
- docsify-this.net - A hosted Web app that provides a quick way to display Markdown files as standalone Web pages without needing to setup your own Docsify site. All you need is a publicly available Markdown file and pass that URL. @hibbittsdesign.
- docsify-dotnet-core - This project demonstrates how we can add docisfy in a ASP.NET Core 3.0 application and serve documentation site.
- 👷 📙 docsify-js-tutorial - A guide to using DocsifyJS to setup and configure a docs site around your markdown docs. It is also built on DocsifyJS. @MichaelCurrin.
- docsify-notebooks - Template for building notebooks with DocsifyJS. Made with ❤️ by @MonkeyAndres.
- 🐳 docsify-docker - 🐋 Docisify Docker image. @sujaykumarh
- docsify-nightly - Nightly release for docsify. @sy-records.
- docker-docsify-pdf - Quickly create a PDF with a table of contents and a custom cover, using Docker. @kernoeb.
- WPDocsify - A magical documentation library for WordPress.
- docsify-share - A Plugin to add share button in your docsify. @coroo.
- docsify-count - Add word count for markdown files of docsify.(添加字数统计)@827652549.
- docsify-rtl - Add rtl and bidi support to docsify @koliberr136a1.
- docsify-remote-markdown - Load markdown docs from remote. @JerryC.
- docsify-pagination - Pagination for docsify @imyelo.
- docsify-plantuml - PlantUML for docsify @imyelo.
- docsify-puml - Docsify plugin to parse PlantUML content @indieatom.
- docsify-copy-code - A docsify plugin that copies Markdown code block to your clipboard @jperasmus.
- docsify-demo-box-vue - Write Vue demo in docsify with instant preview and jsfiddle integration @njleonzhang.
- docsify-demo-box-react - Write React jsx demo in docsify with instant preview and jsfiddle integration @njleonzhang.
- docsify-edit-on-github - Add Edit on GitHub button on every pages @njleonzhang.
- docsify-tabs - A docsify plugin for displaying tabbed content from markdown (@jhildenbiddle).
- docsify-katex - A docsify plugin for rendering LaTex math equations @upupming.
- docsify-pdf-embed - A docsify plugin for embedding PDF on any page @lazypanda10117.
- docsify-plugin-flexible-alerts - A docsify plugin to convert blockquotes into beautiful and configurable alerts using preconfigured or own styles and alert types. @fzankl.
- docsify-pdf-converter - Create PDF files based on your docsify project @meff34.
- docsify-commento - Append commento section to the bottom of every page @ndom91.
- docsify-gifcontrol - A docsify plugin that adds customizable player controls to GIFs. @adambergman from @gbodigital.
- docsify-example-panels - A plugin for rendering slate alike right example panels.
- docsify-glossary - A plugin to create a simple glossary for common terms.
- docsify-toc - Add a
Table of Contents
to your site. @mrpotatoes. - docsify-fontawesome - Add FontAwesome to documentation by tokens.
- docsify-footer-enh - Footer Enhancement plugin.
- docsify-mustache - A docsify plugin that allow preprocessing markdown documents with Mustache template engine.
- docsify-bitbucket - A docsify plugin that help using docsify with Bitbucket Server and Bitbucket Cloud.
- docsify-slides - A plugin for creating slideshow-like pages.
- docsify-Phaser - Enable Phaser code inside a docsify page.
- docsify-changelog-plugin - Integrates your changelog in a sweet panel.
- docsify-top-bannner-plugin - Add a simple and sweet banner at the top in order to announce something.
- docsify-dark-mode - Add dark mode support in your docsify site.
- docsify-valine - A docsify plugin that allows you to use a fast, simple & powerful comment system valine on your docsify pages.
- docsify-twemoji😀 - A plugin that allow parsing all emoji in style of twemoji for docsify.(推特 emoji)
- docsify-livere💬 - An easy-installing plugin for awesome comment system LiveRe on your docs.(来必力评论插件)
- docsify-select - Variably render content with select menus in markdown.
- docsify-mermaid - A plugin to render mermaid diagrams in docsify.
- docsify-plugin-carbon - A plugin to make you easy to add Carbon Ads to docsify.
- docsify-pangu - A docsify plugin for Chinese and English, numbers, symbols and automatically add spaces between. @sy-records.
- docsify-gtlfexplorer - A plugin to embed a manipulable 3D model in your documentation.
- docsify-corner - A enhancement plugin for more repo widgets in top right corner, such as
. @Koooooo-7 - docsify-autoHeader - Turn your markdown into a cascading numbered document. Great for large documentation without manually numbering all the headings. @markbattistella
- docsify-sidebarFooter - Add some links to the base of your sidebar - copyright year, company, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service.
- docsify-sidebar-collapse - Support docsify sidebar catalog expand and collapse.
- websequencediagrams-docsify - A plugin to embed WebSequenceDiagrams right into your documentation.
- docsify-material-icons - Add Material Icons to documentation by tokens.
- docsify-ethicalads - EthicalAds support for Docsify.
- docsify-wikilink - A plugin that allows wiki internal link syntax by using double square brackets like
[[pagename|link text]]
. - docsify-link-preview - A plugin to render link previews.
- docsify-pseudocode - A plugin to render pseudocode in docsify. @h-hg
- docsify-footer - A markdown _footer.md plugin for docsify-enabled sites. @alertbox.
- docsify-code-inline - Enables syntax highlighting for inline code as well, not just code fences. Never again will inline code look dull. @rakutentech
- docsify-beian - A plugin to add Chinese Beian Information in docsify. @HerbertHe
- docsify-progress - A plugin to render reading progress in docsify. @HerbertHe.
- docsify-codeblock-iframe - A plugin to provide markdown extra codeblock-iframe syntax support for docsify, just for supporting iframe rendering securely. @HerbertHe.
- docsify-kroki - A plugin to integration kroki into docsify. @zuisong.
- docsify-charty - Add some charts and graphs to your docsify website. Pie charts, doughnut charts, sectional, bar and column graphs, line and plot graphs, and a review block. Everything you need if you need to visualise some numbers!
- docsify-accordify - Easily use accordions in your docsify site. @atleastzero.
- docsify-plugin-title - Customize docisify page title. @sujaykumarh
- docsify-drawio - This is a docsify plugin that can convert drawio xml Data to a picture in your docs. @KonghaYao
- docsify-plugin-footer - Simplified docisify page footer. @sujaykumarh.
- docsify-demo - Docsify component demo, suited for lit.dev. @JacobWeinren
- docsify-nomnoml - A Docsify plugin to render Nomnoml-UML code fences (themeable).
- docsify-accordion - Small plugin to use accordions in your docsify documentations @isaozler.
- docsify-to-queryparam-markdown-engine - Use docsify as markdown engine, get markdown link from queryparam and render.(渲染query参数中的markdown文件)
- docsify-vega - A Docsify plugin to render Vega & Vegalite diagrams.
- docsify-swimlanes-io - A Docsify plugin to render swimlanes.io sequence diagrams.
- docsify-updated - Add update time for each of your docsify markdown.
- docsify-ko-fi - A Docsify plugin to render customized Ko-fi buttons from markdown.
- docsify-waline - A Docsify comment plugin for docsify that supports visitor statistics.
- docsify-image-caption - A plugin to show image caption. @h-hg
- docsify-chat - A docsify plugin for generate chat panel from markdown.
- docsify-pagination-keyboard-helper - A plugin for docsify site that enables you to turn pages quickly by using keyboard shortcuts.
- docsify-plugin-runkit - A docsify plugin for rendering and embedding interactive JavaScript REPLs powered by RunKit (@jhildenbiddle).
- docsify-plugin-ethicalads - A docsify.js plugin for rendering ad placements from EthicalAds (@jhildenbiddle).
- docsify-themeable - A delightfully simple theme system for docsify.js. Features multiple themes with rich customization options, an improved desktop and mobile experience, and legacy browser support (IE10+) (@jhildenbiddle).
- 🌙 docsify-darkly-theme - Dark theme for docsify. @sushantrahate.
- 🌓docsify-darklight-theme - It is a simple and highly customizable theme for docsify.js. Using this theme, documents will have a theme switcher to switch between
. See preview here. @boopathikumar.
- Eleme - vue-amap - A Map Component Library Base on Vue 2.x and Gaode Map.
- Alibaba - weex-ui
- UCWeb - UC 开放平台文档中心
- Qiniu - pandora
- Amazon - style-dictionary
- Netflix - Polly.js - Record, replay, and stub HTTP interactions.
- Microsoft - Web-Dev-For-Beginners - 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer.
Contributions of any kind welcome, just follow the guidelines!