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otdmp open muscle src

Bartlomiej Ceglik edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 4 revisions


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Automatic information from otdmp-open-muscle-src .deb/control

Package: otdmp-open-muscle-src

Version: 0.0.5

Section: otdm

Priority: optional

Architecture: all

Depends: otdm-tools, otdm-tools-packitso, influxdb

#Recommends: python3-pip, python3-apt | python-apt

#Pre-Depends: otdm-installer (>=0.1) | otdm-installer-dummy (>=0.1)

Maintainer: B. Ceglik

Tag: oiyshTerminal, otdm, packitso

Description: Open-muscle cooperation src bulk. Now two devices 12 and 4 channel

TODO: npm need to have node-red-contrib-influxdb This is a automatic build from packitso.json to .deb Fri 17 Mar 2023 12:42:49 PM EST (


otdm-tools otdm-tools-packitso influxdb #Pre-Depends: otdm-installer (>=0.1) otdm-installer-dummy (>=0.1)


   Is a cooperation with open-muscle to build telemetry instrument as a proof of koncept if OT can !

Open muscle project is at github:

Data upcoming from sensor in by udp in format jsonish. Example row

    'id': 'OM-Band12', 
    'time': (2023, 3, 12, 22, 23, 59, 6, 71), 
    'data': [1336, 5012, 5161, 4917, 5084, 5092, 5181, 5000, 5044, 4832, 5257, 4869], 
    'ticks': 187680, 
    'rec_time': 46.03442692756653

this is nice formated for easy reading. Normally data is one line

So I reformatted data to json more

    "id": "OM-Band12", 
    "time": [2023, 3, 12, 22, 23, 16, 6, 71], 
    "data": [1280, 5153, 5332, 5100, 5385, 5176, 5304, 5069, 5317, 5140, 5324, 5073], 
    "ticks": 144633, 
    "rec_time": 3.0202174186706543

There is a Node-RED flow helper to transfer udp upcoming line by line data to something more usable for yss. Then data is send to WebSocket layer to show it on yss. This is open what can be done with the data. By sending it to mqtt (if define) it will be stored (if define). But there is a lot of it It will be nice to make custom data set in db.

To the power of multiSVG!

To the power of influxDB - so this one is taking in to spin influxDB not only flexibility of this database will simplify future changes, easy to manage data, open .

To the power of grafana - influxDB datasource and wear in. Check screenshots...



flow helper

first vesion bars are moving

Revamp of interface

Grafana integration for debugging and working on values


cat ./datasetTWO.txt | while read -r line; do echo $line; echo $line| nc -u localhost 3145 -w 1; done

cat ./datasetTWOFix.txt | while read -r line; do echo $line; echo $line | jq '.'| nc -u localhost 3145 -w 1; done

otdm family:

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