This is the implementation in PyTorch for my EMNLP2019 paper:
"Neural Conversation Recommendation with Online Interaction Modeling"
Python: 2.7+
Pytorch: 0.4+
Sklearn: 0.20.0
You need to download Glove pre-training embeddings from:
"glove.twitter.27B.200d.txt" for
"glove.6B.200d.txt" for
python [filename] [modelname]
[filename]: "" or "".
[modelname]: "NCF", "NCFBiLSTM", "NCFGCN", "NCFGRN".
optional arguments:
--cuda_dev choose to use which GPU (default: "0")
--max_word_num max word number in vocabulary, -1 means all words appear in dataset (default: -1)
--pred_pc percentage of turns in each conversation for training (default: 0.75)
--factor_dim embedding dimension for replying factor modeling part (default: 20)
--text_factor_dim embedding dimension for conversation interaction modeling part (default: 100)
--neg_sample_num sampling numbers for negative instances each positive instance when training (default: 5)
--kernal_num number of kernals for CNN encoder (default: 150)
--embedding_dim dimension for word embedding (default: 200)
--hidden_dim dimension for hidden states (default: 200)
--batch_size batch size during training (default: 256)
--max_epoch maximum iteration times (default: 199)
--lr learning rate during training (default: 0.01)
--dropout dropout rate (default: 0.2)
--mlp_layers_num number of layers for MLP part (default: 3)
--gcn_layers_num number of layers for GCN in conversation interaction modeling (default: 1)
--grn_states_num number of states for GLSTM in conversation interaction modeling (default: 6)
--runtime record the current running time (default: 0)
--pos_weight weights for positive instances in loss function during training (default: 100)
--optim optimizer for training (default:"adam", choices: "adam", "sgd")
--bi_direction whether change LSTM to BiLSTM (action="store_true")
--use_gates whether using gates in GCN modeling (action="store_true")
--use_lstm whether adding LSTM before GCN modeling (action="store_true")
--ncf_pretrained whether using NCF pretrained parameters to initialize the factors (action="store_true")
You need to first run a NCF model result first (then you can find the model parameters in "BestModels/NCF/").
Then put the model file into "BestModels/NCF/For_pretrained/[Datafilename]", and change file name to be "[factor_dim]_[text_factor_dim]_[pred_pc].model".
One possible example can be "BestModels/NCF/For_pretrained/reddit/20_100_0.75.model".
including "" and ""
format in each line:
[Conv ID] \t [Msg ID] \t [Parent ID] \t [Original sentence] \t [words after preprocessing] \t [User ID] \t [posting time]
(twitter dataset doesn't have time infos, but the conversations are ordered by posting time)