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This module contains containers to store data for efficient use with other Beam code. Each application of Beam's robots will required a pair of containers: a custom PCL Point Type for storing cloud information and an image container for containing images and corresponding masks for labeling that custom point cloud. E.g., ImageBridge and PointBridge are the image container and point type used for bridge inspection, respectively.
Bridge inspection containers contain information to facilitate visual inspection of reinforced concrete defects. These defects include: cracks, spallshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/, delaminations, and corrosion stains.
Fields: {x,y,z,intensity,rgb,r,g,b,alpha,thermal,crack,spall,corrosion,delam}
Type: {f,f,f,f,f,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,f,f,f,f}
This container is similar to a typical PointXYZRGB point type. The key additions are the fields for crack, spall, delamination, and corrosion for each point. Each of these fields stores a float
that should be between 0.0 and 1.0. This value represents the likelihood that this point represents a defect of its corresponding type.
Member variables:
- bgr_image_ (cv::Mat), bgr_mask_ (cv::Mat), bgr_mask_method_ (string), bgr_frame_id_ (string), bgr_is_distorted_ (bool), is_bgr_image_set_ (bool), is_bgr_mask_set_ (bool)
- ir_image_ (cv::Mat), ir_mask_ (cv::Mat), ir_mask_method_ (string), ir_frame_id_ (string), ir_is_distorted_ (bool), is_ir_image_set_ (bool), is_ir_mask_set_ (bool)
- bag_name_ (string)
- time_stamp_ (beam::TimePoint)
- image_seq_ (int)
Example code to load a PointBridge container from a .pcd file. Note that
#include <beam_containers/PointBridge.h>
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
int main() {
// Read data from a PCD into a PointBridge container
pcl::PCDReader reader;
auto cloud = boost::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<beam_containers::PointBridge>>();
reader.read("test_data/20180622-flir_delam_ptCloud.pcd", *cloud);
// Example on how to assign custom points to a PointBridge container
auto cloud2 = boost::make_share<pcl::PointCloud<beam_containers::PointBridge>>();
cloud2->width = 3;
cloud2->height = 1;
cloud2->points.resize(cloud2->width * cloud2->height);
// Add example values for point bridge
// x,y,z,intensity,rgb,r,g,b,a,thermal,crack,spall,corrosion,delam
float RGB = 0, I = 0, C = 0, S = 0.7, CS = 0.2, D = 0.9;
uint8_t T = 100, R = 0, G = 0, B = 0, A = 0;
// Assign custom point
cloud2->points[0] = beam_containers::PointBridge{
0, 0, 0, I, RGB, R, G, B, A, T, C, S, CS, D};
// This can be wordy, so use alias
using PB = beam_containers::PointBridge;
cloud2->points[1] = PB{0.1, 0.1, 0.1, I, RGB, R, G, B, A, T, C, S, CS, D};
cloud2->points[2] = PB{0.2, 0.3, 0.4, I, RGB, R, G, B, A, T, C, S, CS, D};
// Show some output
std::cout << cloud2->points[1].spall << std::endl; // outputs 0.7
std::cout << cloud2->points[2].thermal << std::endl; //outputs 100
std::cout << cloud2->points[0].delam << std::endl; // outputs 0.9
return 0;
For more information on custom PCL point type containers, see PCL's point type documentation.
#include "beam_containers/ImageBridge.h"
#include "beam_utils/time.hpp"
beam_containers::ImageBridge img_container;
std::string file_location = "/path/to/json";
std::string bag_name = img_container.GetBagName();
int img_seq = img_container.GetImageSeq();
std::string BGR_image_frame = img_container.GetBGRFrameId();
bool is_ir_distorted = img_container.GetIRIsDistorted();
bool is_bgr_image_set = img_container.IsBGRImageSet();
bool is_ir_mask_set = img_container.IsIRMaskSet();
beam::TimePoint time_point = img_container.GetTimePoint();
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