Runtimes 1.0.0
1 commit
to 94b2798b69ba6779764e20a50f056e48db78ebef
since this release
Changelog for the runtimes governed by the Polkadot Fellowship.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
[1.0.0] 22.10.2023
- Update Polkadot ideal staking rate (polkadot-fellows/runtimes#26)
- Treasury deprecate
dispatchable (paritytech/substrate#14538) - Use benchmarked weights for
(paritytech/polkadot#7077) - Put HRMP Channel Management on General Admin Track (paritytech/polkadot#7477)
- Improve locking mechanism for parachains (paritytech/polkadot-sdk#1290)
- Allow Root to initiate auctions (paritytech/polkadot#7449)
- Remark: Allow any kind of origin (paritytech/substrate#14260)
- Im-Online: Remove network state from heartbeats (paritytech/substrate#14251)
- Nomination pools: disallow setting above global max commission (paritytech/substrate#14496)
- Rename Statemint/Statemine to Asset Hub (paritytech/cumulus#2633)
- Fellowship: Voters can initiate proposals on their votable tracks (paritytech/cumulus#2725)
- Root can promote on Polkadot Collectives (paritytech/cumulus#2781)
- Add New Assets Privileged Functions to Appropriate Proxy Types (paritytech/cumulus#2839)
- Better Handling of Candidates Who Become Invulnerable (paritytech/cumulus#2801)
- Implement dynamic number of nominators (paritytech/substrate#12970 & paritytech/polkadot#6807)
- Upgrade Kusama to Society V2 (paritytech/polkadot#7356)
- Kusama state version switch and migration (paritytech/polkadot#7015)
- Add Nomination Pools and Voters List to Staking Proxy (paritytech/polkadot#7448)
- Add minting price to the pre-signed mint object (paritytech/substrate#14242)
- Add mint price to the witness object on mint and confirm it (paritytech/substrate#14257)
- Stabilize Metadata V15 (paritytech/substrate#14481)
- Add Ability to Add/Remove Invulnerable Collators (paritytech/cumulus#2596)
- Polkadot Fellowship promotion/demotion periods, members activity and salaries (paritytech/cumulus#2607)
- Add asset conversion to asset hub Kusama (paritytech/cumulus#2935)
- Unlock/unreserve Gov v1 balances and remove kvs (paritytech/polkadot#7314)
- Polkadot 28 days as conviction voting period (paritytech/polkadot#7595)
- XCM: Fix issue with RequestUnlock (paritytech/polkadot#7278)
- Clear Existing HRMP Channel Request When Force Opening (paritytech/polkadot#7389)
- Prune upgrade cooldowns (paritytech/polkadot#7470)
- Assets
releases the deposit
(paritytech/substrate#14443) - Update Polkadot Collectives to use
for automatic slash handling, as
is deprecated and caused a failing integration test. (polkadot-fellows/runtimes#46)
Runtime info
These runtimes were built with rustc 1.70.0 (90c541806 2023-05-31) using srtool v0.11.1
🏋️ Runtime Size: 1.20Mi (1251769 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 74.76%
🔥 Core Version: polkadot-1000000 parity-polkadot-0.tx24.au0
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0x17e1c7023134c196678f202daf8071a25f63f3e7b3937d8632a7474c618dc9a4
📦 IPFS: QmQJHfdVp8BboYwFku2bn26uciPQYUyPj46iKPxGkw7sTs
🏋️ Runtime Size: 1.36Mi (1423532 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 74.99%
🔥 Core Version: kusama-1000000 parity-kusama-0.tx24.au2
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0x66aa6fe6a8c72fde705cf83e730bb44b2af450034fccbc6fc07e793922b4bda0
🏋️ Runtime Size: 381.42Ki (390570 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 72.64%
🔥 Core Version: glutton-1000000 glutton-0.tx1.au1
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0x3393fd49f05178ac43143dd7c1db22050b880347f1a53ed8856cda43940e3438
📦 IPFS: QmX2Wd61ga9JjCev8S4Qhfj4D4jh9DaL32Ej4kKpH4VrcC
🏋️ Runtime Size: 743.31Ki (761144 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 75.06%
🔥 Core Version: collectives-1000000 collectives-0.tx5.au1
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0xb061815642328374a62b3282c78fa8bef5a27cd313d4ac79cbd49e43e0a4b879
📦 IPFS: QmPTQxTYhybfh3rvdRSKjhKqxQWThpY2ru25op9q9GMbJu
Bridge Hub Polkadot
🏋️ Runtime Size: 603.28Ki (617755 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 74.52%
🔥 Core Version: bridge-hub-polkadot-1000000 bridge-hub-polkadot-0.tx2.au1
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0xf43e890a5eca0230a7eaaf88a60b8cc5ccb0ef157986f628650b071e47f7d323
📦 IPFS: QmfHeEUStEV1sCp9xd3S9gfX5tCuAZD8QRkLGdtaNQqqoE
Bridge Hub Kusama
🏋️ Runtime Size: 603.56Ki (618040 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 74.51%
🔥 Core Version: bridge-hub-kusama-1000000 bridge-hub-kusama-0.tx3.au1
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0x508051b5ad047b62bea84d6999574e199450f30fcd71bfe982ddd450ae2fa076
📦 IPFS: QmW4K8T9CBxoof2aNUHsu5aZip8WhYd5KCyQqMsd9rpUu5
🏋️ Runtime Size: 819.58Ki (839240 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 76.24%
🔥 Core Version: statemint-1000000 statemint-0.tx13.au1
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0x52c2f520914514a196059fc8cc74f516a004f2463ba11d7385b5241bb5d50ee4
📦 IPFS: QmdtRRafXCtVcdkdMQbfukZ6FnrrDwwTgcRvefJg2gWhnr
🏋️ Runtime Size: 869.20Ki (890056 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 76.6%
🔥 Core Version: statemine-1000000 statemine-0.tx13.au1
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0xdc67f32dd384ca8a2808543ced74f5c75cf066ad88920f163e4c7d128bbe9431
📦 IPFS: QmR1iN4DuugyCHqd5iCYqbc4ssWehPAMQTHQhw3uFNpM65