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Chikorita Lover edited this page Nov 30, 2024 · 4 revisions

More stackable items

More items have had their max stack size increased to 64:

  • Snowballs and eggs
  • All signs
  • Music discs
  • Banners and banner patterns
  • Armor stands
  • Written books

Enhanced shears

Additional features and uses have been given to shears:

  • Shears can be enchanted at an enchanting table.
  • Destroying a painting with shears will maintain the painting in its dropped item form.
  • Saddles can be recovered from both pigs and striders using shears.
  • Honeycomb blocks can be mined faster using shears.
  • Pumpkins can be carved by using shears in a dispenser.

More fire-resistant items

Blaze rods, blaze powder, and magma cream are all immune to burning in fire and lava.

Added and changed recipes

Some new recipes have been added for vanilla items, and some vanilla recipes have been changed:

  • Green dye can be crafted by combining yellow and blue dye.
  • Four prismarine brick blocks can be crafted from four prismarine blocks. Prismarine bricks can also be cut from prismarine at a stonecutter.
  • Eight dark prismarine blocks can be crafted from eight prismarine blocks and a black dye.
  • Mud bricks and their variants can be cut from packed mud at a stonecutter.
  • Two Nether brick fences can be cut from Nether bricks at a stonecutter.
  • Netherite gear can be reduced to a netherite scrap by smelting it in a furnace or blast furnace.
  • Blackstone and cobbled deepslate can now be used to craft dispensers, droppers, levers, observers, and pistons.
  • Bamboo blocks and stick bales can be used in place of logs for crafting campfires.
  • Purpur pillars are crafted with purpur blocks instead of purpur slabs.

Feather Falling preserves farmland

Entities wearing boots or body armor enchanted with Feather Falling cannot trample farmland.

Enchantments can be added to the kaleidoscope:prevents_farmland_trampling enchantment tag to receive this functionality.

Chestable striders

Your adorable Nether friend can now be equipped with a chest, making Nether exploration even better.

Extendable ladders

Ladders can be extended up or down (depending on the direction you are looking in) by using other ladders on them, just like scaffolding.

Enhanced mangrove roots

Muddy mangrove roots can be scooped with any shovel to convert them to mangrove roots, dropping a block of mud in the process.

Additionally, normal mangrove roots can now be placed along the cardinal directions, like their muddy counterparts.

Lighter cookies

Cookies can be eaten much faster than other foods, just like dried kelp.

Camel drops

Camels can now be milked, just like cows and goats. Additionally, they may drop leather upon death.

Goat drops

Goats now drop raw mutton upon death, or cooked mutton if on fire.

Additional wandering trader offers

Wandering traders have a few more wares to offer to you this time around, such as bamboo, pink petals, and buckets of tadpoles.

Mineable cacti

Cacti can now be mined faster using hoes.