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Chikorita Lover edited this page Nov 30, 2024 · 3 revisions


Kilns can be used to smelt ingredients such as sand, clay, and wood twice as fast. Anything that isn't smelted in a smoker or a blast furnace can be smelted in a kiln.

All kilning recipes are dynamically generated and allow for compatibility with other mods that add new smelting recipes.

Constructing fireworks

The fireworks table can be used to construct firework stars and rockets with a streamlined interface. Firework stars can be constructed by adding a gunpowder or firework star to the first slot, while firework rockets can be constructed by adding paper.

Alongside the fireworks table, new firework shell items have been added that serve as consumable template items to change the shape of a firework star. Eight firework shells can be crafted by combining a shape's original ingredient with paper and gunpowder in the crafting grid.

New villager professions

Two new villager professions have been added: the glassblower and the fireworker.

  • The glassblower works at a kiln and sells a wide array of glass and redstone products, such as glass blocks, spyglasses, redstone lamps, and copper bulbs. They'd be happy to buy any sand, copper, or amethyst off of you.
  • The fireworker works at a fireworks table and is an absolute pyromaniac. They'll sell you products such as gunpowder, TNT, and fireworks in exchange for resources such as bone meal and charcoal.

Netherite shears

Craft the ultimate pair of shears from netherite ingots... only for the most daring.

Netherite shears mine blocks twice as fast as normal shears and have greatly increased durability. They can be used for all the same purposes as well.

Food tooltips

Every consumable item now has a more detailed tooltip displaying their nutrition and saturation values.

Tools in dispensers

Axes, shovels, and hoes can all be used in a dispenser to scrape copper, create paths, till dirt, etc.

Scraping moss

Hoes can be used to scrape moss off of mossy blocks, converting them into their non-mossy variants.

These conversions are handled with a new kaleidoscope:moss_scraping recipe type; scraping recipes are dynamically generated based on matching identifiers.

Reverting lodestone compasses

Lodestone compasses can be reverted back to normal compasses at a grindstone.

Chains hoist blocks

Chains can hoist gravity-affected blocks when placed vertically, like sand, anvils, scaffolding, and the dragon egg. Primed TNT can also be held in the air using chains.

Chains and ropes from other mods are also given this functionality through the kaleidoscope:hoists_falling_blocks block tag.

Fire cracks blocks

Blocks with cracked variants that are exposed to block-breaking explosions or fire may convert into their cracked forms.

These conversions are handled with a new kaleidoscope:cracking recipe type; cracking recipes are dynamically generated based on smelting recipes and matching identifiers.