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ProSnippets Geometry
UmaHarano edited this page Nov 6, 2024
22 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: Geometry
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <arcgisprosdk@esri.com>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 10/22/2024
ArcGIS Pro: 3.4
Visual Studio: 2022
.NET Target Framework: .Net 8
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.
// SpatialReferenceBuilder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
SpatialReference sr3857 = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857);
// SpatialReferenceBuilder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (SpatialReferenceBuilder srBuilder = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(3857))
// do something with the builder
sr3857 = srBuilder.ToSpatialReference();
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.
string wkt = "GEOGCS[\"MyGCS84\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_1984\",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Radian\",1.0]]";
// SpatialReferenceBuilder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(wkt);
// SpatialReferenceBuilder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (SpatialReferenceBuilder builder = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(wkt))
// do something with the builder
SpatialReference anotherSR = builder.ToSpatialReference();
SpatialReference wgs84 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
bool isProjected = wgs84.IsProjected; // false
bool isGeographic = wgs84.IsGeographic; // true
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.
// see a list of vertical coordinate systems at http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/arcgis-rest-api/index.html#/Vertical_coordinate_systems/02r3000000rn000000/
// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
// 4326 = GCS_WGS_1984
// 115700 = vertical WGS_1984
SpatialReference sr4326_115700 = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326, 115700);
// SpatialReferenceBuilder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (SpatialReferenceBuilder sb = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(4326, 115700))
// SpatialReferenceBuilder properties
// sb.wkid == 4326
// sb.Wkt == "GEOGCS["MyGCS84",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT[\"Radian\",1.0]]"
// sb.name == GCS_WGS_1984
// sb.vcsWkid == 115700
// sb.VcsWkt == "VERTCS["WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PARAMETER["Vertical_Shift",0.0],PARAMETER["Direction",1.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]
// do something with the builder
sr4326_115700 = sb.ToSpatialReference();
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.
// custom VCS - use vertical shift of -1.23 instead of 0
string custom_vWkt = @"VERTCS[""SHD_height"",VDATUM[""Singapore_Height_Datum""],PARAMETER[""Vertical_Shift"",-1.23],PARAMETER[""Direction"",-1.0],UNIT[""Meter"",1.0]]";
// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
SpatialReference sr4326_customVertical = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326, custom_vWkt);
// SpatialReferenceBuilder properties
// sr4326_customVertical.wkid == 4326
// sr4326_customVertical.vert_wkid == 0
// sr4326_customVertical.vert_wkt == custom_vWkt
// sr4326_customVertical.hasVcs == true
// SpatialReferenceBuilder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (SpatialReferenceBuilder sb = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(4326, custom_vWkt))
// do something with the builder
sr4326_customVertical = sb.ToSpatialReference();
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.
// Custom PCS, Predefined GCS
string customWkt = "PROJCS[\"WebMercatorMile\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_WGS_1984\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_1984\",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere\"],PARAMETER[\"False_Easting\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"False_Northing\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"Central_Meridian\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"Standard_Parallel_1\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"Auxiliary_Sphere_Type\",0.0],UNIT[\"Mile\",1609.344000614692]]";
// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
SpatialReference spatialReference = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(customWkt);
// SpatialReferenceBuilder properties
// spatialReference.Wkt == customWkt
// spatialReference.Wkid == 0
// spatialReference.VcsWkid == 0
// spatialReference.GcsWkid == 4326
SpatialReference gcs = spatialReference.Gcs;
// gcs.Wkid == 4326
// gcs.IsGeographic == true
// spatialReference.GcsWkt == gcs.Wkt
// SpatialReferenceBuilder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (SpatialReferenceBuilder sb = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(customWkt))
// do something with the builder
spatialReference = sb.ToSpatialReference();
// SpatialReferenceBuilder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// use the builder constructor
using (SpatialReferenceBuilder srBuilder = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(3857))
// spatial reference builder properties
int builderWkid = srBuilder.Wkid;
string builderWkt = srBuilder.Wkt;
string builderName = srBuilder.Name;
double xyScale = srBuilder.XYScale;
double xyTolerance = srBuilder.XYTolerance;
double xyResolution = srBuilder.XYResolution;
Unit unit = srBuilder.Unit;
double zScale = srBuilder.ZScale;
double zTolerance = srBuilder.ZTolerance;
Unit zUnit = srBuilder.ZUnit;
double mScale = srBuilder.MScale;
double mTolerance = srBuilder.MTolerance;
double falseX = srBuilder.FalseX;
double falseY = srBuilder.FalseY;
double falseZ = srBuilder.FalseZ;
double falseM = srBuilder.FalseM;
// get the spatial reference
SpatialReference sr3857 = srBuilder.ToSpatialReference();
// spatial reference properties
int srWkid = sr3857.Wkid;
string srWkt = sr3857.Wkt;
string srName = sr3857.Name;
xyScale = sr3857.XYScale;
xyTolerance = sr3857.XYTolerance;
xyResolution = sr3857.XYResolution;
unit = sr3857.Unit;
zScale = sr3857.ZScale;
zTolerance = sr3857.ZTolerance;
zUnit = sr3857.ZUnit;
mScale = sr3857.MScale;
mTolerance = sr3857.MTolerance;
falseX = sr3857.FalseX;
falseY = sr3857.FalseY;
falseZ = sr3857.FalseZ;
falseM = sr3857.FalseM;
bool hasVcs = sr3857.HasVcs;
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;
// Get Esri WKT
string wkt = sr.Wkt;
SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],
PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0],
UNIT["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
PARAMETER["False_Easting", 0.0],
PARAMETER["False_Northing", 0.0],
PARAMETER["Central_Meridian", 0.0],
PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1", 0.0],
PARAMETER["Auxiliary_Sphere_Type", 0.0],
UNIT["Meter", 1.0]]
// Get OGC WKT2
string wkt2 = sr.GetWkt2(WktFormatMode.None);
ELLIPSOID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, LENGTHUNIT["Meter", 1.0]]],
PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, ANGLEUNIT["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
CS[ellipsoidal, 2],
AXIS["Latitude (lat)", north, ORDER[1]],
AXIS["Longitude (lon)", east, ORDER[2]],
ANGLEUNIT["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
PARAMETER["False_Easting", 0.0, LENGTHUNIT["Meter", 1.0]],
PARAMETER["False_Northing", 0.0, LENGTHUNIT["Meter", 1.0]],
PARAMETER["Central_Meridian", 0.0, ANGLEUNIT["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1", 0.0, ANGLEUNIT["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
PARAMETER["Auxiliary_Sphere_Type", 0.0]],
CS[Cartesian, 2],
AXIS["Easting (X)", east, ORDER[1]],
AXIS["Northing (Y)", north, ORDER[2]],
LENGTHUNIT["Meter", 1.0]]
// You can create a spatial reference with the Esri WKT string or the OCG WKT2 string
sr = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(wkt2);
// Get OGC WKT2 including authority in top-level objects
// In this case the authority is written as ID["EPSG",3857]
wkt2 = sr.GetWkt2(WktFormatMode.AuthorityTop);
AXIS["Latitude (lat)",north,ORDER[1]],
AXIS["Easting (X)",east,ORDER[1]],
AXIS["Northing (Y)",north,ORDER[2]],
// Get OGC WKT2 including authority in all objects
// Authority is written as ID["ESPG",<id>] or ID["Esri",<id>]
wkt2 = sr.GetWkt2(WktFormatMode.AuthorityAll);
AXIS["Latitude (lat)",north,ORDER[1]],
AXIS["Northing (Y)",north,ORDER[2]],
SpatialReference srWithVertical = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326, 6916);
string xml = srWithVertical.ToXml();
SpatialReference importedSR = SpatialReferenceBuilder.FromXml(xml);
// importedSR.Wkid = 4326
// importedSR.VcsWkid = 6916
string json = srWithVertical.ToJson();
importedSR = SpatialReferenceBuilder.FromJson(json);
// importedSR.Wkid = 4326
// importedSR.VcsWkid = 6916
Coordinate2D coordinate = new Coordinate2D(10, 30);
double angle = SpatialReferences.WGS84.GetConvergenceAngle(coordinate);
// angle = 0
SpatialReference srUTM30N = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(32630);
coordinate.X = 500000;
coordinate.Y = 550000;
angle = srUTM30N.GetConvergenceAngle(coordinate);
// angle = 0
MapPoint pointWGS84 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(10, 50, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint pointUTM30N = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(
pointWGS84, srUTM30N) as MapPoint;
coordinate = (Coordinate2D)pointUTM30N;
// get convergence angle and convert to degrees
angle = srUTM30N.GetConvergenceAngle(coordinate) * 180 / Math.PI;
// angle = 10.03
var cimMapDefinition = MapView.Active.Map.GetDefinition();
// use if map's sr does not have a vertical coordinate system
var datumTransformations = cimMapDefinition.DatumTransforms;
// use if map's sr has a vertical coordinate system
var hvDatumTransformations = cimMapDefinition.HVDatumTransforms;
// Get datum of a spatial reference
SpatialReference srWgs84 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
Datum datum = srWgs84.Datum;
// datum.Name = "D_WGS_1984"
// datum.Wkid = 6326
// datum.SpheroidName = "WGS_1984"
// datum.SpheroidWkid = 7030
// datum.SpheroidFlattening = 0.0033528106647474805
// datum.SpheroidSemiMajorAxis = 6378137.0
// datum.SpheroidSemiMinorAxis = 6356752.3142451793
// Custom WKT
string wyomingWkt = "PROJCS[\"Wyoming_State_Pl_NAD_1927\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_North_American_1927\",DATUM[\"D_North_American_1927_Perry\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke_1866_Chase\",6378210.0,250.0]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",500000.0],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-107.3333333],PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",0.9999412],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",40.66666667],UNIT[\"Foot_US\",0.3048006096012192]]";
SpatialReference srFromWkt = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(wyomingWkt);
datum = srWgs84.Datum;
// datum.Name = "D_North_American_1927_Perry"
// datum.Wkid = 0
// datum.SpheroidName = "Clarke_1866_Chase"
// datum.SpheroidWkid = 0
// datum.SpheroidFlattening = 0.004
// datum.SpheroidSemiMajorAxis = 6378210.0
// datum.SpheroidSemiMinorAxis = 6352697.16
Coordinate3D polarVector = new Coordinate3D(0, 7, 0);
Tuple<double, double, double> polarComponents = polarVector.QueryPolarComponents();
// polarComponents.Item1 = 0 (azimuth)
// polarComponents.Item2 = 0 (inclination)
// polarComponents.Item3 = 7 (magnitude)
polarVector.SetPolarComponents(Math.PI / 4, Math.PI / 2, 8);
polarComponents = polarVector.QueryComponents();
// polarComponents.Item1 = 0 (x)
// polarComponents.Item2 = 0 (y)
// polarComponents.Item3 = 7 (z)
Coordinate3D v = new Coordinate3D(0, 0, 7);
double inclination = v.Inclination; // inclination = PI/2
v.SetComponents(-2, -3, 0);
inclination = v.Inclination; // inclination = 0
v.SetComponents(0, 0, -2);
inclination = v.Inclination; // inclination = -PI/2
Coordinate3D vector = new Coordinate3D(0, 7, 0);
double azimuth = vector.Azimuth; // azimuth = 0
vector.SetComponents(1, 1, 42);
azimuth = vector.Azimuth;
double degrees = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertFromRadians(azimuth); // degrees = 45
vector.SetComponents(-8, 8, 2);
azimuth = vector.Azimuth;
degrees = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertFromRadians(azimuth); // degrees = 315
// Easy 3D vectors
Coordinate3D v = new Coordinate3D(0, 1, 0);
// v.Magnitude = 1
Coordinate3D other = new Coordinate3D(-1, 0, 0);
// other.Magnitude = -1
double dotProduct = v.DotProduct(other); // dotProduct = 0
Coordinate3D crossProduct = v.CrossProduct(other);
// crossProduct.X = 0
// crossProduct.Y = 0
// crossProduct.Z = 1
Coordinate3D addVector = v.AddCoordinate3D(other);
// addVector.X = -1
// addVector.Y = 1
// addVector.Z = 0
// Rotate around x-axis
Coordinate3D w = v;
w.Rotate(Math.PI, other);
// w.X = 0
// w.Y = -1
// w.Z = 0
// w.X = 0
// w.Y = -0.5
// w.Z = 0
// w.X = 0
// ww.Y = 2
// w.Z = 0
// w.Magnitude = 2
w.Move(3, 2, 0);
// w.X = 3
// w.Y = 4
// w.Z = 0
// w.Magnitude = 5
Coordinate3D emptyVector = new Coordinate3D();
// emptyVector = (0, 0, 0)
// emptyVector = (Nan, Nan, Nan)
Coordinate3D c1 = new Coordinate3D(2, 3, 4);
Coordinate3D c2 = new Coordinate3D(9, -1, 3);
var result_add = c1 + c2;
// result_add = (11, 2, 7)
var result_sub = c1 - c2;
// result_sub = (-7, 4, 1)
var b = result_sub != result_add;
// b = true
result_add = emptyVector + c1;
// result_add = (Nan, Nan, Nan)
b = result_add == emptyVector;
// b = true
Coordinate2D v = new Coordinate2D(0, 1);
// v.Magnitude = 1
Coordinate2D other = new Coordinate2D(-1, 0);
double dotProduct = v.DotProduct(other);
// dotProduct = 0
Coordinate2D w = v + other;
// w = (-1, 1)
w += other;
// w = (-2, 1)
w -= other;
// w = (-1, 1)
w = v;
w.Rotate(Math.PI, other);
// w = (-2, -1)
w = other;
// w = (4, 0)
// w.Magnitude = 4
w.Move(-1, 4);
// w = (3, 4)
// w.Magnitude = 5
w.Move(-6, -1);
Tuple<double, double> components = w.QueryComponents();
// components = (-3, 3)
// w.Magnitude = 3 * Math.Sqrt(2)
Coordinate2D unitVector = w.GetUnitVector();
// w = (-Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2)
// w.Magnitude = 1
w.SetComponents(3, 4);
// list of points
List<MapPoint> points = new List<MapPoint>
MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, 2, 3, 1),
MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 5, 6),
MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2, 1, 6),
MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0)
// will have attributes because it is created with convenience method
Polyline polylineWithAttrs = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(points);
bool hasZ = polylineWithAttrs.HasZ; // hasZ = true
bool hasM = polylineWithAttrs.HasM; // hasM = true
bool hasID = polylineWithAttrs.HasID; // hasID = true
// will not have attributes because it is specified as a parameter
Polyline polylineWithoutAttrs =
PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(points, AttributeFlags.None);
hasZ = polylineWithoutAttrs.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = polylineWithoutAttrs.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = polylineWithoutAttrs.HasID; // hasID = false
// will have attributes because it is created with convenience method
Polygon polygonWithAttrs = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(points);
hasZ = polygonWithAttrs.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = polygonWithAttrs.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = polygonWithAttrs.HasID; // hasID = true
// will not have attributes because it is specified as a parameter
Polygon polygonWithoutAttrs =
PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(points, AttributeFlags.None);
hasZ = polygonWithoutAttrs.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = polygonWithoutAttrs.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = polygonWithoutAttrs.HasID; // hasID = false
// will not have attributes because it is specified as a parameter
PolylineBuilderEx polylineB =
new PolylineBuilderEx(points, AttributeFlags.None);
hasZ = polylineB.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = polylineB.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = polylineB.HasID; // hasID = false
// will have attributes because it is passed an attributed polyline
polylineB = new PolylineBuilderEx(polylineWithAttrs);
hasZ = polylineB.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = polylineB.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = polylineB.HasID; // hasID = true
// will not have attributes because it is passed a non-attributed polyline
polylineB = new PolylineBuilderEx(polylineWithoutAttrs);
hasZ = polylineB.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = polylineB.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = polylineB.HasID; // hasID = false
// will not have attributes because it is specified as a parameter
PolygonBuilderEx polygonB = new PolygonBuilderEx(points, AttributeFlags.None);
hasZ = polygonB.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = polygonB.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = polygonB.HasID; // hasID = false
// will have attributes because it is passed an attributed polygon
polygonB = new PolygonBuilderEx(polygonWithAttrs);
hasZ = polygonB.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = polygonB.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = polygonB.HasID; // hasID = true
// will not have attributes because it is passed a non-attributed polygon
polygonB = new PolygonBuilderEx(polygonWithoutAttrs);
hasZ = polygonB.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = polygonB.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = polygonB.HasID; // hasID = true
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.
// Create a 2D point without a spatial reference
MapPoint point2D = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2);
SpatialReference sr = point2D.SpatialReference; // sr = null
bool hasZ = point2D.HasZ; // hasZ = false
bool hasM = point2D.HasM; // hasM = false
bool hasID = point2D.HasID; // hasID = false
double x = point2D.X; // x = 1
double y = point2D.Y; // y = 2
double z = point2D.Z; // z = 0 default value
double m = point2D.M; // m is NaN default value
double id = point2D.ID; // id = 0 default value
// Or use a builderEx which doesn't need to run on the MCT.
MapPointBuilderEx builderEx = new MapPointBuilderEx(1, 2);
// do something with the builder
builderEx.Y = 3;
point2D = builderEx.ToGeometry();
sr = point2D.SpatialReference; // sr = null
hasZ = point2D.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = point2D.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = point2D.HasID; // hasID = false
x = point2D.X; // x = 1
y = point2D.Y; // y = 3
z = point2D.Z; // z = 0 default value
m = point2D.M; // m is NaN default value
id = point2D.ID; // id = 0 default value
// Create a 2D point with a spatial reference
SpatialReference spatialReference = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4269);
point2D = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, spatialReference);
sr = point2D.SpatialReference; // sr != null
int wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 4269
// Or use a builder
builderEx = new MapPointBuilderEx(1, 2, spatialReference);
// Do something with the builder
builderEx.SetValues(3, 5);
point2D = builderEx.ToGeometry();
sr = point2D.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 4269
x = point2D.X; // x = 3
y = point2D.Y; // y = 5
// Change the spatial reference of the builder
builderEx.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
point2D = builderEx.ToGeometry();
sr = point2D.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 4326
x = point2D.X; // x = 3
y = point2D.Y; // y = 5
// Create a 3D point with M
MapPoint pointZM = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4);
sr = pointZM.SpatialReference; // sr = null
hasZ = pointZM.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = pointZM.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = pointZM.HasID; // hasID = false
x = pointZM.X; // x = 1
y = pointZM.Y; // y = 2
z = pointZM.Z; // z = 3
m = pointZM.M; // m = 4
id = pointZM.ID; // id = 0 default value
// Create a 3D point with M and a spatial reference
pointZM = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, spatialReference);
sr = pointZM.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 4269
// Create a point from another point in three ways
MapPoint clone = pointZM.Clone() as MapPoint; // Has the same values including the spatial reference as pointZM
MapPoint anotherZM = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(pointZM); // Has the same values including the spatial reference as pointZM
builderEx = new MapPointBuilderEx(pointZM); // Has the same values including the spatial reference as pointZM
// Do something with the builder
builderEx.HasM = false;
builderEx.ID = 7; // Setting the id also sets HasID = true
MapPoint pointZId = builderEx.ToGeometry();
sr = pointZId.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 4269
hasZ = pointZId.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = pointZId.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = pointZId.HasID; // hasID = true
x = pointZId.X; // x = 1
y = pointZId.Y; // y = 2
z = pointZId.Z; // z = 3
m = pointZId.M; // m is NaN, default value
id = pointZId.ID; // id = 7
// Create a point with Z, M, and ID-values
MapPoint pointZMId = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, spatialReference);
sr = pointZMId.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 4269
hasZ = pointZMId.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = pointZMId.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = pointZMId.HasID; // hasID = true
x = pointZMId.X; // x = 1
y = pointZMId.Y; // y = 2
z = pointZMId.Z; // z = 3
m = pointZMId.M; // m = 4
id = pointZMId.ID; // id = 5
// Pick and choose which attributes to include
MapPoint point = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, false, 3, true, 4, true, 5);
sr = point.SpatialReference; // sr = null
hasZ = point.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = point.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = point.HasID; // hasID = true
x = point.X; // x = 1
y = point.Y; // y = 2
z = point.Z; // z = 0, default value
m = point.M; // m = 4
id = point.ID; // id = 5
// Or use a builder
builderEx = new(1, 2, true, 3, false, 4, true, 5);
// Do something with the builder
builderEx.ID = 7;
builderEx.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
point = builderEx.ToGeometry();
sr = point.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 4326
hasZ = point.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = point.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = point.HasID; // hasID = true
x = point.X; // x = 1
y = point.Y; // y = 2
z = point.Z; // z = 0, default value
m = point.M; // m is NaN, default value
id = point.ID; // id = 7
// MapPointBuilderEx constructors can run on any thread.
MapPoint point1 = null;
MapPoint point2 = null;
SpatialReference spatialReference = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(54004);
MapPointBuilderEx mapPointBuilder = new MapPointBuilderEx(100, 200, spatialReference);
SpatialReference sr = mapPointBuilder.SpatialReference; // sr != null
int wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 54004
bool hasZ = mapPointBuilder.HasZ; // hasZ = false
bool hasM = mapPointBuilder.HasM; // hasM = false
bool hasID = mapPointBuilder.HasID; // hasID = false
bool isEmpty = mapPointBuilder.IsEmpty; // isEmpty = false
double x = mapPointBuilder.X; // x = 100
double y = mapPointBuilder.Y; // y = 200
double z = mapPointBuilder.Z; // z = 0, default value
double m = mapPointBuilder.M; // m is NaN, default value
double id = mapPointBuilder.ID; // id = 0, default value
// Do something with the builder
mapPointBuilder.Z = 12; // Setting the z-value automatically sets HasZ property to true
point1 = mapPointBuilder.ToGeometry();
sr = point1.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 54004
hasZ = point1.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = point1.HasM; // hasM = false
hasID = point1.HasID; // hasID = false
x = point1.X; // x = 100
y = point1.Y; // y = 200
z = point1.Z; // z = 12
m = point1.M; // m is NaN, default value
id = point1.ID; // id = 0, default value
// Change some of the builder properties
mapPointBuilder.SetValues(11, 22);
mapPointBuilder.HasZ = false;
mapPointBuilder.HasM = true;
mapPointBuilder.M = 44;
// Create another point
point2 = mapPointBuilder.ToGeometry();
bool isEqual = point1.IsEqual(point2); // isEqual = false
// Set the builder to empty
// Sets X and Y to NaN. Sets other attributes to the default values.
// Does not change the attribute awareness.
MapPoint point3 = mapPointBuilder.ToGeometry();
sr = point3.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 54004
hasZ = point3.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = point3.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = point3.HasID; // hasID = false
isEmpty = point3.IsEmpty; // isEmpty = true
x = point3.X; // x is NaN
y = point3.Y; // y is NaN
z = point3.Z; // z = 0, default value
m = point3.M; // m is NaN, default value
id = point3.ID; // ID = 0, default value
// Create a builder from a point
mapPointBuilder = new MapPointBuilderEx(point2); // point1 = (11, 22, 0, 44, 0)
sr = mapPointBuilder.SpatialReference; // sr != null
wkid = sr.Wkid; // wkid = 54004
hasZ = mapPointBuilder.HasZ; // hasZ = false
hasM = mapPointBuilder.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = mapPointBuilder.HasID; // hasID = false
isEmpty = mapPointBuilder.IsEmpty; // isEmpty = false
x = mapPointBuilder.X; // x = 11
y = mapPointBuilder.Y; // y = 22
z = mapPointBuilder.Z; // z = 0, default value
m = mapPointBuilder.M; // m = 44
id = mapPointBuilder.ID; // ID = 0, default value
// Setting attribute values automatically sets the corresponding flag to true
mapPointBuilder.Z = 150;
mapPointBuilder.ID = 2;
// Remove the spatial reference
mapPointBuilder.SpatialReference = null;
MapPoint point4 = mapPointBuilder.ToGeometry() as MapPoint;
sr = point3.SpatialReference; // sr = null
hasZ = point3.HasZ; // hasZ = true
hasM = point3.HasM; // hasM = true
hasID = point3.HasID; // hasID = true
isEmpty = point3.IsEmpty; // isEmpty = false
x = point3.X; // x = 11
y = point3.Y; // y = 22
z = point3.Z; // z = 150
m = point3.M; // m = 44
id = point3.ID; // ID = 2
MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int ID = pt1.ID; // ID = 5
bool hasID = pt1.HasID; // hasID = true
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, 0);
ID = pt2.ID; // ID = 0
hasID = pt2.HasID; // hasID = true
MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4);
ID = pt3.ID; // ID = 0
hasID = pt3.HasID; // hasID = false
MapPoint pt4 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 44);
ID = pt4.ID; // ID = 0
hasID = pt4.HasID; // hasID = false
bool hasM = pt4.HasM; // hasM = true
MapPoint pt5 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3);
ID = pt5.ID; // ID = 0
hasID = pt5.HasID; // hasID = false
hasM = pt5.HasM; // hasM = false
bool isEqual = pt1.IsEqual(pt2); // isEqual = false, different IDs
isEqual = pt2.IsEqual(pt3); // isEqual = false, HasId is different
isEqual = pt4.IsEqual(pt3); // isEqual = false, different Ms
isEqual = pt1.IsEqual(pt5); // isEqual = false, pt has M, id but pt5 does not.
//Create a point
var pt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(x, y,
//Buffer it - for purpose of zoom
var poly = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(pt, buffer_size);
//do we need to project the buffer polygon?
if (!MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference.IsEqual(poly.SpatialReference))
//project the polygon
poly = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(poly, MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference);
// Must run on MCT.
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Zoom - add in a delay for animation effect
MapView.Active.ZoomTo(poly, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 3));
// Use a builderEx convenience method or a builderEx constructor.
// neither need to run on the MCT
MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0);
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>() { startPt, endPt };
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(list, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// use AttributeFlags.None since we only have 2D points in the list
PolylineBuilderEx pb = new PolylineBuilderEx(list, AttributeFlags.None);
pb.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
Polyline polyline2 = pb.ToGeometry();
// Use AttributeFlags.NoAttributes because we only have 2d points in the list
Polyline polyline4 = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(list, AttributeFlags.None);
// get the points as a readonly Collection
ReadOnlyPointCollection pts = polyline.Points;
int numPts = polyline.PointCount;
// OR get an enumeration of the points
IEnumerator<MapPoint> enumPts = polyline.Points.GetEnumerator();
// OR get the point coordinates as a readonly list of Coordinate2D
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate2D> coordinates = polyline.Copy2DCoordinatesToList();
// OR get the point coordinates as a readonly list of Coordinate3D
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coordinates3D = polyline.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();
// OR get a subset of the collection as Coordinate2D using preallocated memory
IList<Coordinate2D> coordinate2Ds = new List<Coordinate2D>(10); // allocate some space
ICollection<Coordinate2D> subsetCoordinates2D = coordinate2Ds; // assign
pts.Copy2DCoordinatesToList(1, 2, ref subsetCoordinates2D); // copy 2 elements from index 1 into the allocated list
// coordinate2Ds.Count = 2
// do something with the coordinate2Ds
// without allocating more space, obtain a different set of coordinates
pts.Copy2DCoordinatesToList(5, 9, ref subsetCoordinates2D); // copy 9 elements from index 5 into the allocated list
// coordinate2Ds.Count = 9
// OR get a subset of the collection as Coordinate3D using preallocated memory
IList<Coordinate3D> coordinate3Ds = new List<Coordinate3D>(15); // allocate some space
ICollection<Coordinate3D> subsetCoordinates3D = coordinate3Ds; // assign
pts.Copy3DCoordinatesToList(3, 5, ref subsetCoordinates3D); // copy 5 elements from index 3 into the allocated list
// coordinate3Ds.Count = 5
// OR get a subset of the collection as MapPoint using preallocated memory
IList<MapPoint> mapPoints = new List<MapPoint>(7); // allocate some space
ICollection<MapPoint> subsetMapPoint = mapPoints; // assign
pts.CopyPointsToList(1, 4, ref subsetMapPoint); // copy 4 elements from index 1 into the allocated list
// mapPoints.Count = 4
int numParts = polyline.PartCount;
// get the parts as a readonly collection
ReadOnlyPartCollection parts = polyline.Parts;
ReadOnlyPartCollection polylineParts = polyline.Parts;
// enumerate the segments to get the length
double len = 0;
IEnumerator<ReadOnlySegmentCollection> segments = polylineParts.GetEnumerator();
while (segments.MoveNext())
ReadOnlySegmentCollection seg = segments.Current;
foreach (Segment s in seg)
len += s.Length;
// perhaps do something specific per segment type
switch (s.SegmentType)
case SegmentType.Line:
case SegmentType.Bezier:
case SegmentType.EllipticArc:
// or use foreach pattern
foreach (var part in polyline.Parts)
foreach (var segment in part)
len += segment.Length;
// perhaps do something specific per segment type
switch (segment.SegmentType)
case SegmentType.Line:
case SegmentType.Bezier:
case SegmentType.EllipticArc:
var polylineBuilder = new PolylineBuilderEx(polyline);
Polyline reversedPolyline = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();
ICollection<Segment> collection = new List<Segment>();
polyline.GetAllSegments(ref collection);
int numSegments = collection.Count; // = 10
IList<Segment> iList = collection as IList<Segment>;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
// do something with iList[i]
// use the segments to build another polyline
Polyline polylineFromSegments = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(collection);
List<MapPoint> firstPoints = new List<MapPoint>();
firstPoints.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
firstPoints.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
firstPoints.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
firstPoints.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));
List<MapPoint> nextPoints = new List<MapPoint>();
nextPoints.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(11.0, 1.0));
nextPoints.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(11.0, 2.0));
nextPoints.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(12.0, 2.0));
nextPoints.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(12.0, 1.0));
// use AttributeFlags.None since we have 2D points in the list
PolylineBuilderEx pBuilder = new PolylineBuilderEx(firstPoints, AttributeFlags.None);
Polyline polyline = pBuilder.ToGeometry();
// polyline has 2 parts
polyline = pBuilder.ToGeometry();
// polyline has 1 part
// Method 1: Get the start point of the polyline by converting the polyline
// into a collection of points and getting the first point
// sketchGeometry is a Polyline
// get the sketch as a point collection
var pointCol = ((Multipart)sketchGeometry).Points;
// Get the start point of the line
var firstPoint = pointCol[0];
// Method 2: Convert polyline into a collection of line segments
// and get the "StartPoint" of the first line segment.
var polylineGeom = sketchGeometry as ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polyline;
var polyLineParts = polylineGeom.Parts;
ReadOnlySegmentCollection polylineSegments = polyLineParts.First();
//get the first segment as a LineSegment
var firsLineSegment = polylineSegments.First() as LineSegment;
//Now get the start Point
var startPoint = firsLineSegment.StartPoint;
MapPoint startPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0);
double tangentDirection = Math.PI / 6;
ArcOrientation orientation = ArcOrientation.ArcCounterClockwise;
double startRadius = double.PositiveInfinity;
double endRadius = 0.2;
ClothoidCreateMethod createMethod = ClothoidCreateMethod.ByAngle;
double angle = Math.PI / 2;
CurveDensifyMethod densifyMethod = CurveDensifyMethod.ByLength;
double densifyParameter = 0.1;
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, angle, densifyMethod, densifyParameter, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
int numPoints = polyline.PointCount;
MapPoint queryPoint = polyline.Points[numPoints - 2];
MapPoint pointOnPath;
double radiusCalculated, tangentDirectionCalculated, lengthCalculated, angleCalculated;
PolylineBuilderEx.QueryClothoidParameters(queryPoint, startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, angle, out pointOnPath, out radiusCalculated, out tangentDirectionCalculated, out lengthCalculated, out angleCalculated, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint startPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0);
MapPoint queryPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(3.8, 1);
double tangentDirection = 0;
ArcOrientation orientation = ArcOrientation.ArcCounterClockwise;
double startRadius = double.PositiveInfinity;
double endRadius = 1;
ClothoidCreateMethod createMethod = ClothoidCreateMethod.ByLength;
double curveLength = 10;
MapPoint pointOnPath;
double radiusCalculated, tangentDirectionCalculated, lengthCalculated, angleCalculated;
PolylineBuilderEx.QueryClothoidParameters(queryPoint, startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, curveLength, out pointOnPath, out radiusCalculated, out tangentDirectionCalculated, out lengthCalculated, out angleCalculated, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
pointOnPath = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(3.7652656620171379, 1.0332006103128575);
radiusCalculated = 2.4876382887687227;
tangentDirectionCalculated = 0.80797056423543978;
lengthCalculated = 4.0198770235802987;
angleCalculated = 0.80797056423544011;
queryPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.85, 2.6);
PolylineBuilderEx.QueryClothoidParameters(queryPoint, startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, curveLength, out pointOnPath, out radiusCalculated, out tangentDirectionCalculated, out lengthCalculated, out angleCalculated, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
pointOnPath = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.8409964973501549, 2.6115979967308132);
radiusCalculated = 1;
tangentDirectionCalculated = -1.2831853071795867;
lengthCalculated = 10;
angleCalculated = 5;
tangentDirection = Math.PI / 4;
orientation = ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise;
startRadius = double.PositiveInfinity;
endRadius = 0.8;
createMethod = ClothoidCreateMethod.ByLength;
curveLength = 10;
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, curveLength, CurveDensifyMethod.ByLength, 0.5, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// create list of points
MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0);
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>() { startPt, endPt };
// BuilderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
// use the PolylineBuilder as we wish to manipulate the geometry
// use AttributeFlags.None as we have 2D points
PolylineBuilderEx polylineBuilder = new PolylineBuilderEx(list, AttributeFlags.None);
// split at a distance 0.75
polylineBuilder.SplitAtDistance(0.75, false);
// get the polyline
Polyline polyline = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();
// polyline should have 3 points (1,1), (1.75, 1), (2,1)
// add another path
MapPoint p1 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 1.0);
MapPoint p2 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 1.0);
MapPoint p3 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(7.0, 1.0);
List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>() { p1, p2, p3 };
polyline = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();
// polyline has 2 parts. Each part has 3 points
// split the 2nd path half way - don't create a new path
polylineBuilder.SplitPartAtDistance(1, 0.5, true, false);
polyline = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();
// polyline still has 2 parts; but now has 7 points
PolylineBuilderEx polylineBuilder = new PolylineBuilderEx(polyline);
polylineBuilder.HasZ = true;
// The HasZ property is set to true for all the points in
// polyline3D when you call ToGeometry().
Polyline polyline3D = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();
// For this example, create Z-values.
// You may want to pass them in as a parameter.
int numPoints = polyline3D.PointCount;
double[] zValues = new double[numPoints];
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
zValues[i] = i % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1;
// We need to know at which point index each part starts
int partPointIndex = 0;
int numParts = polyline3D.PartCount;
for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
var part = polyline3D.Parts[i];
int numSegments = part.Count;
for (int j = 0; j < numSegments; j++)
Segment segment = part[j];
MapPointBuilderEx pointBuilder = new MapPointBuilderEx(segment.StartPoint);
pointBuilder.Z = zValues[partPointIndex++];
MapPoint startPoint = pointBuilder.ToGeometry();
// Make sure that the end point of this segment is the same as the start point of the next segment
pointBuilder = new MapPointBuilderEx(segment.EndPoint);
pointBuilder.Z = zValues[partPointIndex];
MapPoint endPoint = pointBuilder.ToGeometry();
SegmentType segmentType = segment.SegmentType;
SegmentBuilderEx segmentBuilder = null;
switch (segmentType)
case SegmentType.Line:
segmentBuilder = new LineBuilderEx((LineSegment)segment);
case SegmentType.Bezier:
segmentBuilder = new CubicBezierBuilderEx((CubicBezierSegment)segment);
case SegmentType.EllipticArc:
segmentBuilder = new EllipticArcBuilderEx((EllipticArcSegment)segment);
// Only change the start and end point which now have Z-values set.
// This will preserve the curve if the segment is an EllipticArcSegment or CubicBezierSegment.
segmentBuilder.StartPoint = startPoint;
segmentBuilder.EndPoint = endPoint;
segment = segmentBuilder.ToSegment();
polylineBuilder.ReplaceSegment(i, j, segment);
// Move point index for the next part
polyline3D = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();
return polyline3D;
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0);
MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);
MapPoint pt4 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0);
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>() { pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 };
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(list, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// polygon.HasZ will be false - it is determined by the HasZ flag of the points in the list
// or specifically use AttributeFlags.NoAttributes
polygon = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(list, AttributeFlags.None);
// use AttributeFlags.None as we have 2D points
PolygonBuilderEx polygonBuilder = new PolygonBuilderEx(list, AttributeFlags.None);
polygonBuilder.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
polygon = polygonBuilder.ToGeometry();
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint minPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint maxPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);
// Create an envelope
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(minPt, maxPt);
Polygon polygonFromEnv = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(env);
PolygonBuilderEx polygonBuilderEx = new PolygonBuilderEx(env);
polygonBuilderEx.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
polygonFromEnv = polygonBuilderEx.ToGeometry() as Polygon;
// get the points as a readonly Collection
ReadOnlyPointCollection pts = polygon.Points;
// get an enumeration of the points
IEnumerator<MapPoint> enumPts = polygon.Points.GetEnumerator();
// get the point coordinates as a readonly list of Coordinate2D
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate2D> coordinates = polygon.Copy2DCoordinatesToList();
// get the point coordinates as a readonly list of Coordinate3D
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coordinates3D = polygon.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();
// get the parts as a readonly collection
ReadOnlyPartCollection parts = polygon.Parts;
int numSegments = 0;
IEnumerator<ReadOnlySegmentCollection> segments = polygon.Parts.GetEnumerator();
while (segments.MoveNext())
ReadOnlySegmentCollection seg = segments.Current;
numSegments += seg.Count;
foreach (Segment s in seg)
// do something with the segment
List<Segment> segmentList = new List<Segment>(30);
ICollection<Segment> collection = segmentList;
polygon.GetAllSegments(ref collection);
// segmentList.Count = 4
// segmentList.Capacity = 30
// use the segments to build another polygon
Polygon polygonFromSegments = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(collection);
List<Coordinate2D> outerCoordinates = new List<Coordinate2D>();
outerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(10.0, 10.0));
outerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(10.0, 20.0));
outerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(20.0, 20.0));
outerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(20.0, 10.0));
// define the inner polygon as anti-clockwise
List<Coordinate2D> innerCoordinates = new List<Coordinate2D>();
innerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(13.0, 13.0));
innerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(17.0, 13.0));
innerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(17.0, 17.0));
innerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(13.0, 17.0));
PolygonBuilderEx pbEx = new PolygonBuilderEx(outerCoordinates);
Polygon donutEx = pbEx.ToGeometry() as Polygon;
double areaEx = donutEx.Area; // area = 100
donutEx = pbEx.ToGeometry() as Polygon;
areaEx = donutEx.Area; // area = 84.0
areaEx = GeometryEngine.Instance.Area(donutEx); // area = 84.0
// <summary>
// Create an N-sided regular polygon. A regular sided polygon is a polygon that is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure)
// and equilateral (all sides are equal in length). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_polygon
// </summary>
// <param name="numSides">The number of sides in the polygon.</param>
// <param name="center">The center of the polygon.</param>
// <param name="radius">The distance from the center of the polygon to a vertex.</param>
// <param name="rotation">The rotation angle in radians of the start point of the polygon. The start point will be
// rotated counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.</param>
// <returns>N-sided regular polygon.</returns>
// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Number of sides is less than 3.</exception>
public Polygon CreateRegularPolygon(int numSides, Coordinate2D center, double radius, double rotation)
if (numSides < 3)
throw new ArgumentException();
Coordinate2D[] coords = new Coordinate2D[numSides + 1];
double centerX = center.X;
double centerY = center.Y;
double x = radius * Math.Cos(rotation) + centerX;
double y = radius * Math.Sin(rotation) + centerY;
Coordinate2D start = new Coordinate2D(x, y);
coords[0] = start;
double da = 2 * Math.PI / numSides;
for (int i = 1; i < numSides; i++)
x = radius * Math.Cos(i * da + rotation) + centerX;
y = radius * Math.Sin(i * da + rotation) + centerY;
coords[i] = new Coordinate2D(x, y);
coords[numSides] = start;
return PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(coords);
public void GetExteriorRings(Polygon inputPolygon)
if (inputPolygon == null || inputPolygon.IsEmpty)
// polygon part count
int partCount = inputPolygon.PartCount;
// polygon exterior ring count
int numExtRings = inputPolygon.ExteriorRingCount;
// get set of exterior rings for the polygon
IList<Polygon> extRings = inputPolygon.GetExteriorRings();
// test each part for "exterior ring"
for (int idx = 0; idx < partCount; idx++)
bool isExteriorRing = inputPolygon.IsExteriorRing(idx);
var ring = inputPolygon.GetExteriorRing(idx);
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint minPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint maxPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);
Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(minPt, maxPt);
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(minPt, maxPt);
envelope = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Envelope;
string jsonString = "{ \"xmin\" : 1, \"ymin\" : 2,\"xmax\":3,\"ymax\":4,\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";
Envelope envFromJson = EnvelopeBuilderEx.FromJson(jsonString);
// use the convenience builders
Envelope env1 = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Envelope env2 = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Envelope env3 = env1.Union(env2);
double area = env3.Area;
double depth = env3.Depth;
double height = env3.Height;
double width = env3.Width;
double len = env3.Length;
MapPoint centerPt = env3.Center;
Coordinate2D coord = env3.CenterCoordinate;
bool isEmpty = env3.IsEmpty;
int pointCount = env3.PointCount;
// coordinates
//env3.XMin, env3.XMax, env3.YMin, env3.YMax
//env3.ZMin, env3.ZMax, env3.MMin, env3.MMax
bool isEqual = env1.IsEqual(env2); // false
// or use the builderEx constructors which don't need to run on the MCT.
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
builderEx.Union(env2); // builder is updated to the result
depth = builderEx.Depth;
height = builderEx.Height;
width = builderEx.Width;
centerPt = builderEx.Center;
coord = builderEx.CenterCoordinate;
isEmpty = builderEx.IsEmpty;
env3 = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Envelope;
// use the convenience builders
Envelope env1 = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Envelope env2 = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
bool intersects = env1.Intersects(env2); // true
Envelope env3 = env1.Intersection(env2);
// or use the builderEx constructors which don't need to run on the MCT.
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
intersects = builderEx.Intersects(env2);
builderEx.Intersection(env2); // note this sets the builder to the intersection
env3 = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Envelope;
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
// convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(100.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0);
// shrink the envelope by 50%
Envelope result = envelope.Expand(0.5, 0.5, true);
// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(100.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0);
builderEx.Expand(0.5, 0.5, true);
envelope = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Envelope;
Coordinate2D minCoord = new Coordinate2D(1, 3);
Coordinate2D maxCoord = new Coordinate2D(2, 4);
Coordinate2D c1 = new Coordinate2D(0, 5);
Coordinate2D c2 = new Coordinate2D(1, 3);
// use the EnvelopeBuilderEx. This constructor doesn't need to run on the MCT.
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(minCoord, maxCoord);
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, Zmin, MMin = 1, 3, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 2, 4, 0, double.Nan
// set XMin. if XMin > XMax; both XMin and XMax change
builderEx.XMin = 6;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin = 6, 3, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 6, 4, 0, double.Nan
// set XMax
builderEx.XMax = 8;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin = 6, 3, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 8, 4, 0, double.Nan
// set XMax. if XMax < XMin, both XMin and XMax change
builderEx.XMax = 3;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin = 3, 3, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 0, double.Nan
// set YMin
builderEx.YMin = 2;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin = 3, 2, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 0, double.Nan
// set ZMin. if ZMin > ZMax, both ZMin and ZMax change
builderEx.ZMin = 3;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin = 3, 2, 3, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 3, double.Nan
// set ZMax. if ZMax < ZMin. both ZMin and ZMax change
builderEx.ZMax = -1;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin = 3, 2, -1, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, -1, double.Nan
builderEx.SetZCoords(8, -5);
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin = 3, 2, -5, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 8, double.Nan
builderEx.SetXYCoords(c1, c2);
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin = 0, 3, -5, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 1, 5, 8, double.Nan
builderEx.HasM = true;
builderEx.SetMCoords(2, 5);
var geomEx = builderEx.ToGeometry();
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));
// use the builderEx constructors which don't need to run on the MCT.
// use AttributeFlags.NoAttributes since we have 2d points in the list
MultipointBuilderEx builderEx = new MultipointBuilderEx(list, AttributeFlags.None);
Multipoint multiPoint = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Multipoint;
int ptCount = builderEx.PointCount;
// builderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT
multiPoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(list);
// multiPoint.HasZ, HasM, HasID will be false - the attributes are determined
// based on the attribute state of the points in the list
// or specifically set the state
multiPoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(list, AttributeFlags.None);
// multiPoint.HasM = false
multiPoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(list, AttributeFlags.HasM);
// multiPoint.HasM = true
ptCount = multiPoint.PointCount;
Coordinate2D[] coordinate2Ds = new Coordinate2D[] { new Coordinate2D(1, 2), new Coordinate2D(-1, -2) };
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
MultipointBuilderEx builder = new MultipointBuilderEx(coordinate2Ds, sr);
// builder.PointCount = 2
builder.HasZ = true;
// builder.Zs.Count = 2
// builder.Zs[0] = 0
// builder.Zs[1] = 0
builder.HasM = true;
// builder.Ms.Count = 2
// builder.Ms[0] = NaN
// builder.Ms[1] = NaN
builder.HasID = true;
// builder.IDs.Count = 2
// builder.IDs[0] = 0
// builder.IDs[1] = 0
// set it empty
// builder.Coords.Count = 0
// builder.Zs.Count = 0
// builder.Ms.Count = 0
// builder.IDs.Count = 0
// reset coordinates
List<Coordinate2D> inCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>() { new Coordinate2D(1, 2), new Coordinate2D(3, 4), new Coordinate2D(5, 6) };
builder.Coordinate2Ds = inCoords;
// builder.Coords.Count = 3
// builder.HasZ = true
// builder.HasM = true
// builder.HasID = true
double[] zs = new double[] { 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 };
builder.Zs = zs;
// builder.Zs.Count = 6
double[] ms = new double[] { 0, 1 };
builder.Ms = ms;
// builder.Ms.Count = 2
// coordinates are now (x, y, z, m, id)
// (1, 2, 1, 0, 0), (3, 4, 2, 1, 0) (5, 6, 1, NaN, 0)
MapPoint mapPoint = builder.GetPoint(2);
// mapPoint.HasZ = true
// mapPoint.HasM = true
// mapPoint.HasID = true
// mapPoint.Z = 1
// mapPoint.M = NaN
// mapPoint.ID = 0
// add an M to the list
// builder.Ms.count = 3
// coordinates are now (x, y, z, m, id)
// (1, 2, 1, 0, 0), (3, 4, 2, 1, 0) (5, 6, 1, 2, 0)
// now get the 2nd point again; it will now have an M value
mapPoint = builder.GetPoint(2);
// mapPoint.M = 2
int[] ids = new int[] { -1, -2, -3 };
// assign ID values
builder.IDs = ids;
// coordinates are now (x, y, z, m, id)
// (1, 2, 1, 0, -1), (3, 4, 2, 1, -2) (5, 6, 1, 2, -3)
// create a new point
MapPoint point = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(-300, 400, 4);
builder.SetPoint(2, point);
// coordinates are now (x, y, z, m, id)
// (1, 2, 1, 0, -1), (3, 4, 2, 1, -2) (-300, 400, 4, NaN, 0)
builder.RemovePoints(1, 3);
// builder.PointCount = 1
// assume a multiPoint has been built from 4 points
// the modified multiPoint will have the first point removed and the last point moved
// use the builderEx constructors which don't need to run on the MCT.
MultipointBuilderEx builderEx = new MultipointBuilderEx(multipoint);
// remove the first point
// modify the coordinates of the last point
var ptEx = builderEx.GetPoint(builderEx.PointCount - 1);
builderEx.RemovePoint(builderEx.PointCount - 1);
var newPtEx = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(ptEx.X + 1.0, ptEx.Y + 2.0);
Multipoint modifiedMultiPointEx = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Multipoint;
ReadOnlyPointCollection points = multipoint.Points;
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate2D> coords2d = multipoint.Copy2DCoordinatesToList();
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coords3d = multipoint.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0);
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
LineSegment lineFromMapPoint = LineBuilderEx.CreateLineSegment(startPt, endPt);
// coordinate2D
Coordinate2D start2d = (Coordinate2D)startPt;
Coordinate2D end2d = (Coordinate2D)endPt;
LineSegment lineFromCoordinate2D = LineBuilderEx.CreateLineSegment(start2d, end2d);
// coordinate3D
Coordinate3D start3d = (Coordinate3D)startPt;
Coordinate3D end3d = (Coordinate3D)endPt;
LineSegment lineFromCoordinate3D = LineBuilderEx.CreateLineSegment(start3d, end3d);
// lineSegment
LineSegment anotherLineFromLineSegment = LineBuilderEx.CreateLineSegment(lineFromCoordinate3D);
// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT
LineBuilderEx lbEx = new LineBuilderEx(startPt, endPt);
lineFromMapPoint = lbEx.ToSegment() as LineSegment;
lbEx = new LineBuilderEx(start2d, end2d);
lineFromCoordinate2D = lbEx.ToSegment() as LineSegment;
lbEx = new LineBuilderEx(start3d, end3d);
lineFromCoordinate3D = lbEx.ToSegment() as LineSegment;
lbEx = new LineBuilderEx(startPt, endPt);
lineFromMapPoint = lbEx.ToSegment() as LineSegment;
lbEx = new LineBuilderEx(lineFromCoordinate3D);
anotherLineFromLineSegment = lbEx.ToSegment() as LineSegment;
// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT
LineBuilderEx lbuilderEx = new LineBuilderEx(lineSegment);
// find the existing coordinates
lbuilderEx.QueryCoords(out startPt, out endPt);
// or use
//startPt = lbuilderEx.StartPoint;
//endPt = lbuilderEx.EndPoint;
// update the coordinates
lbuilderEx.SetCoords(GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(startPt, 10, 10) as MapPoint, GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(endPt, -10, -10) as MapPoint);
// or use
//lbuilderEx.StartPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(startPt, 10, 10) as MapPoint;
//lbuilderEx.EndPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(endPt, -10, -10) as MapPoint;
LineSegment segment2 = lbuilderEx.ToSegment() as LineSegment;
// Use a builderEx convenience method or a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, 3.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0, 3.0);
Coordinate2D ctrl1Pt = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 2.0);
Coordinate2D ctrl2Pt = new Coordinate2D(2.0, 1.0);
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierSegment bezier = CubicBezierBuilderEx.CreateCubicBezierSegment(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// without a SR
bezier = CubicBezierBuilderEx.CreateCubicBezierSegment(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt);
// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierBuilderEx cbbEx = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt);
bezier = cbbEx.ToSegment() as CubicBezierSegment;
// another alternative
cbbEx = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(startPt, ctrl1Pt.ToMapPoint(), ctrl2Pt.ToMapPoint(), endPt);
bezier = cbbEx.ToSegment() as CubicBezierSegment;
// Use a builderEx convenience method or a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint ctrl1Pt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint ctrl2Pt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierSegment bezier = CubicBezierBuilderEx.CreateCubicBezierSegment(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt);
// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierBuilderEx cbbEx = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt);
bezier = cbbEx.ToSegment() as CubicBezierSegment;
// Use a buildeExr convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint ctrl1Pt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint ctrl2Pt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
List<MapPoint> listMapPoints = new List<MapPoint>();
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierSegment bezier = CubicBezierBuilderEx.CreateCubicBezierSegment(listMapPoints);
// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierBuilderEx cbbEx = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(listMapPoints);
bezier = cbbEx.ToSegment() as CubicBezierSegment;
// retrieve the bezier curve's control points
CubicBezierBuilderEx cbbEx = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(bezierSegment);
MapPoint startPtEx = cbbEx.StartPoint;
Coordinate2D ctrlPt1Ex = cbbEx.ControlPoint1;
Coordinate2D ctrlPt2Ex = cbbEx.ControlPoint2;
MapPoint endPtEx = cbbEx.EndPoint;
// or use the QueryCoords method
cbbEx.QueryCoords(out startPtEx, out ctrlPt1Ex, out ctrlPt2Ex, out endPtEx);
// retrieve the bezier curve's control points
CubicBezierSegment cb = CubicBezierBuilderEx.CreateCubicBezierSegment(bezierSegment);
MapPoint startPt = cb.StartPoint;
Coordinate2D ctrlPt1 = cb.ControlPoint1;
Coordinate2D ctrlPt2 = cb.ControlPoint2;
MapPoint endPt = cb.EndPoint;
bool isCurve = cb.IsCurve;
double len = cb.Length;
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(bezierSegment);
// Construct a circular arc from (2, 1) to (1, 2) with interior pt (1 + sqrt(2)/2, 1 + sqrt(2)/2).
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint fromPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2, 1);
MapPoint toPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2);
Coordinate2D interiorPt = new Coordinate2D(1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, 1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2);
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateCircularArc(fromPt, toPt, interiorPt);
// BuilderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcBuilderEx eab = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(fromPt, toPt, interiorPt);
// do something with the builder
EllipticArcSegment anotherCircularArc = eab.ToSegment();
// Construct a circular arc counterclockwise from (2, 1) to (1, 2) such that the embedded
// circle has center point at (1, 1) and radius = 1.
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint fromPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
double chordLength = Math.Sqrt(2);
double chordBearing = 3 * Math.PI / 4;
double radius = 1;
ArcOrientation orientation = ArcOrientation.ArcCounterClockwise;
MinorOrMajor minorOrMajor = MinorOrMajor.Minor;
// BuildeEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateCircularArc(fromPt, chordLength, chordBearing, radius, orientation, minorOrMajor);
// BuilderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT either.
EllipticArcBuilderEx cab = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(fromPt, chordLength, chordBearing, radius, orientation, minorOrMajor);
// do something with the builder
EllipticArcSegment anotherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();
// Construct a circular arc with center point at (0, 0), from angle = 0,
// central angle = pi/2, radius = 1.
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
SpatialReference sr4326 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
Coordinate2D centerPt = new Coordinate2D(0, 0);
double fromAngle = 0;
double centralAngle = Math.PI / 2;
double radius = 1;
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateCircularArc(fromAngle, centralAngle, centerPt, radius, sr4326);
// BuilderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcBuilderEx cab = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(fromAngle, centralAngle, centerPt, radius, sr4326);
EllipticArcSegment otherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();
// Construct an elliptic arc centered at (1,1), startAngle = 0, centralAngle = PI/2,
// rotationAngle = 0, semiMajorAxis = 1, minorMajorRatio = 0.5.
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
Coordinate2D centerPt = new Coordinate2D(1, 1);
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateEllipticArcSegment(centerPt, 0, Math.PI / 2, 0, 1, 0.5);
double semiMajor;
double semiMinor;
circularArc.GetAxes(out semiMajor, out semiMinor);
// semiMajor = 1, semiMinor = 0.5
// BuilderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcBuilderEx cab = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(centerPt, 0, Math.PI / 2, 0, 1, 0.5);
cab.GetAxes(out semiMajor, out semiMinor);
EllipticArcSegment otherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();
// Construct a circular arc from (2, 1) to (1, 2)
// with center point at (1, 1) and orientation counterclockwise.
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
MapPoint toPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2);
MapPoint fromPt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2, 1);
Coordinate2D centerPtCoord = new Coordinate2D(1, 1);
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateCircularArc(fromPt, toPt, centerPtCoord, ArcOrientation.ArcCounterClockwise);
// BuilderEx constructors need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcBuilderEx cab = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(fromPt, toPt, centerPtCoord, ArcOrientation.ArcCounterClockwise);
EllipticArcSegment otherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();
// Construct a segment from (100, 100) to (50, 50) and another segment from (100, 100) to (150, 50).
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
LineSegment segment1 = LineBuilderEx.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(100, 100), new Coordinate2D(50, 50));
LineSegment segment2 = LineBuilderEx.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(100, 100), new Coordinate2D(150, 50));
// Construct the hint point to determine where the arc will be constructed.
Coordinate2D hintPoint = new Coordinate2D(100, 75);
// Call QueryFilletRadius to get the minimum and maximum radii that can be used with these segments.
var minMaxRadii = EllipticArcBuilderEx.QueryFilletRadiusRange(segment1, segment2, hintPoint);
// Use the maximum radius to create the arc.
double maxRadius = minMaxRadii.Item2;
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
//At 2.x - EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateEllipticArcSegment(segment1, segment2, maxRadius, hintPoint);
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateCircularArc(
segment1, segment2, maxRadius, hintPoint);
// This EllipticArcBuilderEx constructor needs to run on the MCT either.
EllipticArcBuilderEx cab = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(segment1, segment2, maxRadius, hintPoint);
EllipticArcSegment otherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();
// Construct a circle with center at (-1,-1), radius = 2, and oriented clockwise.
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
Coordinate2D centerPtCoord = new Coordinate2D(-1, -1);
// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circle = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateCircle(centerPtCoord, 2, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
// circle.IsCircular = true
// circle.IsCounterClockwise = false
// circle.IsMinor = false
double startAngle, rotationAngle, centralAngle, semiMajor, semiMinor;
Coordinate2D actualCenterPt;
circle.QueryCoords(out actualCenterPt, out startAngle, out centralAngle, out rotationAngle, out semiMajor, out semiMinor);
// semiMajor = 2.0
// semiMinor = 2.0
// startAngle = PI/2
// centralAngle = -2*PI
// rotationAngle = 0
// endAngle = PI/2
// This EllipticArcBuilderEx constructor doesn't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcBuilderEx builder = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(centerPtCoord, 2, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
EllipticArcSegment otherCircle = builder.ToSegment();
// Construct an ellipse centered at (1, 2) with rotationAngle = -pi/6,
// semiMajorAxis = 5, minorMajorRatio = 0.2, oriented clockwise.
// Use a builderEx convenience method or use a builderEx constructor.
Coordinate2D centerPt = new Coordinate2D(1, 2);
// BuilderEx convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment ellipse = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateEllipse(centerPt, -1 * Math.PI / 6, 5, 0.2, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
// This EllipticArcBuilderEx constructor doesn't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcBuilderEx builder = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(centerPt, -1 * Math.PI / 6, 5, 0.2, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
EllipticArcSegment anotherEllipse = builder.ToSegment();
// retrieve the curve's properties
EllipticArcBuilderEx builder = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(arcSegment);
MapPoint startPt = builder.StartPoint;
MapPoint endPt = builder.EndPoint;
Coordinate2D centerPt = builder.CenterPoint;
bool isCircular = builder.IsCircular;
bool isMinor = builder.IsMinor;
double startAngle = builder.StartAngle;
double endAngle = builder.EndAngle;
double centralAngle = builder.CentralAngle;
double rotationAngle = builder.RotationAngle;
ArcOrientation orientation = builder.Orientation;
// retrieve the curve's control points
EllipticArcSegment arc = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateEllipticArcSegment(arcSegment);
MapPoint startPt = arc.StartPoint;
MapPoint endPt = arc.EndPoint;
Coordinate2D centerPt = arc.CenterPoint;
bool isCircular = arc.IsCircular;
bool isMinor = arc.IsMinor;
bool isCounterClockwise = arc.IsCounterClockwise;
bool isCurve = arc.IsCurve;
double len = arc.Length;
double ratio = arc.MinorMajorRatio;
double semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis;
// get the axes
arc.GetAxes(out semiMajorAxis, out semiMinorAxis);
// or use the properties
// semiMajorAxis = arc.SemiMajorAxis;
// semiMinorAxis = arc.SemiMinorAxis;
double startAngle, centralAngle, rotationAngle;
// or use QueryCoords to get complete information
arc.QueryCoords(out centerPt, out startAngle, out centralAngle, out rotationAngle, out semiMajorAxis, out semiMinorAxis);
// use properties to get angle information
//double endAngle = arc.EndAngle;
//centralAngle = arc.CentralAngle;
//rotationAngle = arc.RotationAngle;
//startAngle = arc.StartAngle;
MapPoint point = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
List<Coordinate2D> coords2D = new List<Coordinate2D>()
new Coordinate2D(0, 0),
new Coordinate2D(0, 1),
new Coordinate2D(1, 1),
new Coordinate2D(1, 0)
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(coords2D, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(coords2D, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
GeometryBagBuilderEx builder = new GeometryBagBuilderEx(SpatialReferences.WGS84);
GeometryBag emptyBag = builder.ToGeometry();
// emptyBag.IsEmpty = true
// builder.GeometryCount = 1
GeometryBag geometryBag = builder.ToGeometry();
// geometryBag.PartCount = 1
// geometryBag.PointCount = 1
// geometryBag.IsEmpty = false
IReadOnlyList<Geometry> geometries = geometryBag.Geometries;
// geometries.Count = 1
// geometries[0] is MapPoint with a sr of WGS84
bool isEqual = geometryBag.IsEqual(emptyBag); // isEqual = false
builder.InsertGeometry(0, multipoint);
geometryBag = builder.ToGeometry();
// geometryBag.PartCount = 2
geometries = geometryBag.Geometries;
// geometries.Count = 2
// geometries[0] is Multipoint
// geometries[1] is MapPoint
geometryBag = builder.ToGeometry();
// geometryBag.PartCount = 2
geometries = geometryBag.Geometries;
// geometries.Count = 2
// geometries[0] is Multipoint
// geometries[1] is Polyline
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.
MapPoint point = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(10, 20);
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>() { new Coordinate2D(50, 60), new Coordinate2D(-120, -70), new Coordinate2D(40, 60) };
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(coords);
string json = "{\"rings\":[[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0]],[[3,0],[3,1],[4,1],[4,0],[3,0]]]}";
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilderEx.FromJson(json);
var geometries = new List<Geometry>() { point, multipoint, polyline, polygon };
// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
//At 2.x - GeometryBag bag = GeometryBagBuilder.CreateGeometryBag(geometries, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
var bag = GeometryBagBuilderEx.CreateGeometryBag(geometries, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
//At 2.x - using (var builder = new GeometryBagBuilder(geometries, SpatialReferences.WGS84))
var builder = new GeometryBagBuilderEx(geometries, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// do something with the builder
bag = builder.ToGeometry();
const string jsonString = "{\"geometries\":[{\"x\":1,\"y\":2},{\"rings\":[[[0,0],[0,4],[3,4],[3,0],[0,0]]]}],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326,\"latestWkid\":4326}}";
//At 2.x - GeometryBag geometryBag = GeometryBagBuilder.FromJson(jsonString);
var geometryBag = GeometryBagBuilderEx.FromJson(jsonString);
string xml = geometryBag.ToXml();
//At 2.x - GeometryBag xmlString = GeometryBagBuilder.FromXML(xml);
var xmlString = GeometryBagBuilderEx.FromXml(xml);
MapPoint point = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(10, 20);
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>() { new Coordinate2D(50, 60), new Coordinate2D(-120, -70), new Coordinate2D(40, 60) };
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(coords);
string json = "{\"rings\":[[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0]],[[3,0],[3,1],[4,1],[4,0],[3,0]]]}";
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilderEx.FromJson(json);
var geometries = new List<Geometry>() { point, multipoint, polyline, polygon };
//At 2.x - using (var builder = new GeometryBagBuilder(SpatialReferences.WGS84))
var builder = new GeometryBagBuilderEx(SpatialReferences.WGS84);
GeometryBag geomBag = builder.ToGeometry();
// geomBag.PartCount == 4 (point, multipoint, polyline, polygon)
geometries = new List<Geometry>() { point, polyline };
builder.InsertGeometries(1, geometries);
// builder.GeometryCount == 6
geomBag = builder.ToGeometry();
// geomBag.PartCount == 6 (point, point, polyline, multipoint, polyline, polygon)
// build a polygon
string json = "{\"hasZ\":true,\"rings\":[[[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,0],[0,0,0]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilderEx.FromJson(json);
// extrude the polygon by an offset to create a multipatch
Multipatch multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrude(polygon, 2);
// a different polygon
json = "{\"hasZ\":true,\"rings\":[[[0,0,1],[0,1,2],[1,1,3],[1,0,4],[0,0,1]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";
polygon = PolygonBuilderEx.FromJson(json);
// extrude between z values to create a multipatch
multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrudeFromToZ(polygon, -10, 20);
// extrude along the axis defined by the coordinate to create a multipatch
Coordinate3D coord = new Coordinate3D(10, 18, -10);
multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrudeAlongVector3D(polygon, coord);
// build a polyline
json = "{\"hasZ\":true,\"paths\":[[[400,800,1000],[800,1400,1500],[1200,800,2000],[1800,1800,2500],[2200,800,3000]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.FromJson(json);
// extrude to a specific z value to create a multipatch
multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrudeToZ(polyline, 500);
Coordinate3D fromCoord = new Coordinate3D(50, 50, -500);
Coordinate3D toCoord = new Coordinate3D(200, 50, 1000);
// extrude between two coordinates to create a multipatch
multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrudeAlongLine(polyline, fromCoord, toCoord);
// standard geometry properties
bool hasZ = multipatch.HasZ;
bool hasM = multipatch.HasM;
bool hasID = multipatch.HasID;
bool isEmpty = multipatch.IsEmpty;
var sr = multipatch.SpatialReference;
// number of patches (parts)
int patchCount = multiPatch.PartCount;
// number of points
int pointCount = multiPatch.PointCount;
// retrieve the points as MapPoints
ReadOnlyPointCollection points = multipatch.Points;
// or as 3D Coordinates
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coordinates = multipatch.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();
// multipatch materials
bool hasMaterials = multiPatch.HasMaterials;
int materialCount = multiPatch.MaterialCount;
// multipatch textures
bool hasTextures = multiPatch.HasTextures;
int textureVertexCount = multiPatch.TextureVertexCount;
// normals
bool hasNormals = multiPatch.HasNormals;
// properties for an individual patch (if multipatch.PartCount > 0)
int patchPriority = multiPatch.GetPatchPriority(patchIndex);
PatchType patchType = multiPatch.GetPatchType(patchIndex);
// patch points
int patchPointCount = multiPatch.GetPatchPointCount(patchIndex);
int pointStartIndex = multiPatch.GetPatchStartPointIndex(patchIndex);
// the patch Points are then the points in multipatch.Points from pointStartIndex to pointStartIndex + patchPointCount
// if the multipatch has materials
if (hasMaterials)
// does the patch have a material?
// materialIndex = -1 if the patch does not have a material;
// 0 <= materialIndex < materialCount if the patch does have materials
int materialIndex = multipatch.GetPatchMaterialIndex(patchIndex);
// properties for an individual material (if multipatch.MaterialCount > 0)
var color = multipatch.GetMaterialColor(materialIndex);
var edgeColor = multipatch.GetMaterialEdgeColor(materialIndex);
var edgeWidth = multipatch.GetMaterialEdgeWidth(materialIndex);
var shiness = multipatch.GetMaterialShininess(materialIndex);
var percent = multipatch.GetMaterialTransparencyPercent(materialIndex);
var cullBackFace = multipatch.IsMaterialCullBackFace(materialIndex);
// texture properties
bool isTextured = multipatch.IsMaterialTextured(materialIndex);
if (isTextured)
int columnCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureColumnCount(materialIndex);
int rowCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureRowCount(materialIndex);
int bpp = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureBytesPerPixel(materialIndex);
TextureCompressionType compressionType = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureCompressionType(materialIndex);
var texture = multipatch.GetMaterialTexture(materialIndex);
// texture coordinates (if multipatch.HasTextures = true)
if (hasTextures)
int numPatchTexturePoints = multiPatch.GetPatchTextureVertexCount(patchIndex);
var coordinate2D = multiPatch.GetPatchTextureCoordinate(patchIndex, 0);
ICollection<Coordinate2D> textureCoordinates = new List<Coordinate2D>(numPatchTexturePoints);
multiPatch.GetPatchTextureCoordinates(patchIndex, ref textureCoordinates);
// patch normals (if multipatch.HasNormals = true)
if (hasNormals)
// number of normal coordinates = multipatch.GetPatchPointCount(patchIndex)
Coordinate3D patchNormal = multipatch.GetPatchNormal(patchIndex, 0);
ICollection<Coordinate3D> normalCoordinates = new List<Coordinate3D>(patchPointCount);
multipatch.GetPatchNormals(patchIndex, ref normalCoordinates);
// export to binary xml
string binaryXml = multiPatch.ToBinaryXml();
// import from binaryXML - methods need to run on the MCT
Multipatch binaryMultipatch = MultipatchBuilderEx.FromBinaryXml(binaryXml);
// xml export / import
string xml = multiPatch.ToXml();
Multipatch xmlMultipatch = MultipatchBuilderEx.FromXml(xml);
// esriShape export/import
byte[] buffer = multiPatch.ToEsriShape();
Multipatch esriPatch = MultipatchBuilderEx.FromEsriShape(buffer);
// or use GeometryEngine
Multipatch patchImport = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromEsriShape(EsriShapeImportFlags.EsriShapeImportDefaults, buffer, multiPatch.SpatialReference) as Multipatch;
var coords_face1 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902603910000039,62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902603910000039,59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902576344000067,59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902603910000039,62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902576344000067,59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902576344000067,62.552700000000186),
var coords_face2 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
var coords_face3 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
var coords_face4 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
var coords_face5 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
var coords_face6 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
// materials
var materialRed = new BasicMaterial();
materialRed.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Red;
var materialTransparent = new BasicMaterial();
materialTransparent.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.White;
materialTransparent.TransparencyPercent = 80;
var blueTransparent = new BasicMaterial(materialTransparent);
blueTransparent.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.SkyBlue;
// create a list of patch objects
var patches = new List<Patch>();
// create the multipatchBuilderEx object
var mpb = new ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx();
// make each patch using the appropriate coordinates and add to the patch list
var patch = mpb.MakePatch(PatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face1;
patch = mpb.MakePatch(PatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face2;
patch = mpb.MakePatch(PatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face3;
patch = mpb.MakePatch(PatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face4;
patch = mpb.MakePatch(PatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face5;
patch = mpb.MakePatch(PatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face6;
patches[0].Material = materialRed;
patches[1].Material = materialTransparent;
patches[2].Material = materialRed;
patches[3].Material = materialRed;
patches[4].Material = materialRed;
patches[5].Material = blueTransparent;
// assign the patches to the multipatchBuilder
mpb.Patches = patches;
// check which patches currently contain the material
var red = mpb.QueryPatchIndicesWithMaterial(materialRed);
// red should be [0, 2, 3, 4]
// call ToGeometry to get the multipatch
multipatch = mpb.ToGeometry() as Multipatch;
// create the multipatchBuilderEx object
var builder = new ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx(multipatch);
// check some properties
bool hasM = builder.HasM;
bool hasZ = builder.HasZ;
bool hasID = builder.HasID;
bool isEmpty = builder.IsEmpty;
bool hasNormals = builder.HasNormals;
var patches = builder.Patches;
int patchCount = patches.Count;
// if there's some patches
if (patchCount > 0)
int pointCount = builder.GetPatchPointCount(0);
// replace the first point in the first patch
if (pointCount > 0)
// get the first point
var pt = builder.GetPoint(0, 0);
builder.SetPoint(0, 0, newPoint);
// check which patches currently contain the texture
var texture = builder.QueryPatchIndicesWithTexture(brickTextureResource);
// assign a texture material
patches[0].Material = brickMaterialTexture;
// update the builder for M awareness
builder.HasM = true;
// synchronize the patch attributes to match the builder attributes
// in this instance because we just set HasM to true on the builder, each patch will now get a default M value for it's set of coordinates
// call ToGeometry to get the multipatch
multipatch = builder.ToGeometry() as Multipatch;
// multipatch.HasM will be true
var model = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.From3DModelFile(@"c:\Temp\My3dModelFile.dae");
bool modelIsEmpty = model.IsEmpty;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
// file not found
catch (ArgumentException)
// File extension is unsupported or cannot read the file
var sr = MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference;
var extent = MapView.Active.Extent;
var center = extent.Center;
var centerZ = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(center.X, center.Y, 500, sr);
// cube
multipatch = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.CreateMultipatch(MultipatchConstructType.Cube, centerZ, 200, sr);
// tetrahedron
multipatch = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.CreateMultipatch(MultipatchConstructType.Tetrahedron, centerZ, 200, sr);
// diamond
multipatch = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.CreateMultipatch(MultipatchConstructType.Diamond, centerZ, 200, sr);
// hexagon
multipatch = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.CreateMultipatch(MultipatchConstructType.Hexagon, centerZ, 200, sr);
// sphere frame
multipatch = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.CreateMultipatch(MultipatchConstructType.SphereFrame, centerZ, 200, 0.8, sr);
// sphere
multipatch = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.CreateMultipatch(MultipatchConstructType.Sphere, centerZ, 200, 0.8, sr);
// cylinder
multipatch = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.CreateMultipatch(MultipatchConstructType.Cylinder, centerZ, 200, 0.8, sr);
// cone
multipatch = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.CreateMultipatch(MultipatchConstructType.Cone, centerZ, 200, 0.8, sr);
// use the builder to add materials or textures
// - create a cone with a material
builder = new MultipatchBuilderEx(MultipatchConstructType.Cone, centerZ, 200, 0.8, sr);
BasicMaterial faceMaterial = new BasicMaterial();
faceMaterial.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0);
faceMaterial.Shininess = 150;
faceMaterial.TransparencyPercent = 50;
faceMaterial.EdgeWidth = 20;
foreach (var patch in builder.Patches)
patch.Material = faceMaterial;
multipatch = builder.ToGeometry() as Multipatch;
// Create BasicMaterial with default values
BasicMaterial material = new BasicMaterial();
System.Windows.Media.Color color = material.Color; // color = Colors.Black
System.Windows.Media.Color edgeColor = material.EdgeColor; // edgeColor = Colors.Black
int edgeWidth = material.EdgeWidth; // edgeWidth = 0
int transparency = material.TransparencyPercent; // transparency = 0
int shininess = material.Shininess; // shininess = 0
bool cullBackFace = material.IsCullBackFace; // cullBackFace = false
// Modify the properties
material.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Red;
material.EdgeColor = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Blue;
material.EdgeWidth = 10;
material.TransparencyPercent = 50;
material.Shininess = 25;
material.IsCullBackFace = true;
// read the jpeg into a buffer
//At 3.0 you need https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"C:\temp\myImageFile.jpg");
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg;
image.Save(memoryStream, format);
byte[] imageBuffer = memoryStream.ToArray();
var jpgTexture = new JPEGTexture(imageBuffer);
// texture properties
int bpp = jpgTexture.BytesPerPixel;
int columnCount = jpgTexture.ColumnCount;
int rowCount = jpgTexture.RowCount;
// build the textureResource and the material
BasicMaterial material = new BasicMaterial();
material.TextureResource = new TextureResource(jpgTexture);
UncompressedTexture uncompressedTexture1 = new UncompressedTexture(new byte[10 * 12 * 3], 10, 12, 3);
// texture properties
int bpp = uncompressedTexture1.BytesPerPixel;
int columnCount = uncompressedTexture1.ColumnCount;
int rowCount = uncompressedTexture1.RowCount;
// build the textureResource and the material
TextureResource tr = new TextureResource(uncompressedTexture1);
BasicMaterial material = new BasicMaterial();
material.TextureResource = tr;
// <summary>
// This method gets the material texture image of a multipatch.
// </summary>
// <param name="multipatch">The input multipatch.</param>
// <param name="patchIndex">The index of the patch (part) for which to get the material texture.</param>
public void GetMultipatchTextureImage(Multipatch multipatch, int patchIndex)
int materialIndex = multipatch.GetPatchMaterialIndex(patchIndex);
if (!multipatch.IsMaterialTextured(materialIndex))
TextureCompressionType compressionType =
string ext = compressionType == TextureCompressionType.CompressionJPEG ? ".jpg" : ".dat";
byte[] textureBuffer = multipatch.GetMaterialTexture(materialIndex);
Stream imageStream = new MemoryStream(textureBuffer);
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imageStream);
image.Save(@"C:\temp\myImage" + ext);
// <summary>
// This method gets the normal coordinate of a multipatch and does something with it.
// </summary>
// <param name="multipatch">The input multipatch.</param>
// <param name="patchIndex">The index of the patch (part) for which to get the normal.</param>
public void DoSomethingWithNormalCoordinate(Multipatch multipatch, int patchIndex)
if (multipatch.HasNormals)
// If the multipatch has normals, then the number of normals is equal to the number of points.
int numNormals = multipatch.GetPatchPointCount(patchIndex);
for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numNormals; pointIndex++)
Coordinate3D normal = multipatch.GetPatchNormal(patchIndex, pointIndex);
// Do something with the normal coordinate.
// <summary>
// This method gets the normal coordinate of a multipatch and does something with it.
// </summary>
// <param name="multipatch">The input multipatch.</param>
public void DoSomethingWithNormalCoordinates(Multipatch multipatch)
if (multipatch.HasNormals)
// Allocate the list only once
int numPoints = multipatch.PointCount;
ICollection<Coordinate3D> normals = new List<Coordinate3D>(numPoints);
// The parts of a multipatch are also called patches
int numPatches = multipatch.PartCount;
for (int patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < numPatches; patchIndex++)
multipatch.GetPatchNormals(patchIndex, ref normals);
// Do something with the normals for this patch.
public void GetMaterialProperties(Multipatch multipatch, int patchIndex)
if (multipatch.HasMaterials)
// Get the material index for the specified patch.
int materialIndex = multipatch.GetPatchMaterialIndex(patchIndex);
System.Windows.Media.Color color = multipatch.GetMaterialColor(materialIndex);
int tranparencyPercent = multipatch.GetMaterialTransparencyPercent(materialIndex);
bool isBackCulled = multipatch.IsMaterialCullBackFace(materialIndex);
if (multipatch.IsMaterialTextured(materialIndex))
int bpp = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureBytesPerPixel(materialIndex);
int columnCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureColumnCount(materialIndex);
int rowCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureRowCount(materialIndex);
public IEnumerable<Geometry> MultipartToSinglePart(Geometry inputGeometry)
// list holding the part(s) of the input geometry
List<Geometry> singleParts = new List<Geometry>();
// check if the input is a null pointer or if the geometry is empty
if (inputGeometry == null || inputGeometry.IsEmpty)
return singleParts;
// based on the type of geometry, take the parts/points and add them individually into a list
switch (inputGeometry.GeometryType)
case GeometryType.Envelope:
singleParts.Add(inputGeometry.Clone() as Envelope);
case GeometryType.Multipatch:
singleParts.Add(inputGeometry.Clone() as Multipatch);
case GeometryType.Multipoint:
var multiPoint = inputGeometry as Multipoint;
foreach (var point in multiPoint.Points)
// add each point of collection as a standalone point into the list
case GeometryType.Point:
singleParts.Add(inputGeometry.Clone() as MapPoint);
case GeometryType.Polygon:
var polygon = inputGeometry as Polygon;
foreach (var polygonPart in polygon.Parts)
// use the PolygonBuilderEx turning the segments into a standalone
// polygon instance
case GeometryType.Polyline:
var polyline = inputGeometry as Polyline;
foreach (var polylinePart in polyline.Parts)
// use the PolylineBuilderEx turning the segments into a standalone
// polyline instance
case GeometryType.Unknown:
return singleParts;
public Polygon GetOutermostRings(Polygon inputPolygon)
if (inputPolygon == null || inputPolygon.IsEmpty)
return null;
List<Polygon> internalRings = new List<Polygon>();
// explode the parts of the polygon into a list of individual geometries
// see the "Get the individual parts of a multipart feature"
// snippet for MultipartToSinglePart
var parts = MultipartToSinglePart(inputPolygon);
// get an enumeration of clockwise geometries (area > 0) ordered by the area
var clockwiseParts = parts.Where(geom => ((Polygon)geom).Area > 0)
.OrderByDescending(geom => ((Polygon)geom).Area);
// for each of the exterior rings
foreach (var part in clockwiseParts)
// add the first (the largest) ring into the internal collection
if (internalRings.Count == 0)
internalRings.Add(part as Polygon);
// use flag to indicate if current part is within the already selection polygons
bool isWithin = false;
foreach (var item in internalRings)
if (GeometryEngine.Instance.Within(part, item))
isWithin = true;
// if the current polygon is not within any polygon of the internal collection
// then it is disjoint and needs to be added to
if (isWithin == false)
internalRings.Add(part as Polygon);
PolygonBuilderEx outerRings = new PolygonBuilderEx();
// now assemble a new polygon geometry based on the internal polygon collection
foreach (var ring in internalRings)
// return the final geometry of the outer rings
return outerRings.ToGeometry();
// methods need to run on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// open a gdb
using (ArcGIS.Core.Data.Geodatabase gdb =
new ArcGIS.Core.Data.Geodatabase(
new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"c:\Temp\MyDatabase.gdb"))))
//Open a featureClass
using (ArcGIS.Core.Data.FeatureClass featureClass =
ArcGIS.Core.Data.QueryFilter filter =
new ArcGIS.Core.Data.QueryFilter()
WhereClause = "OBJECTID = 6"
// get the row
using (ArcGIS.Core.Data.RowCursor rowCursor =
featureClass.Search(filter, false))
while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
using (var row = rowCursor.Current)
long oid = row.GetObjectID();
// get the shape from the row
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Feature feature = row as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Feature;
Polygon polygon = feature.GetShape() as Polygon;
// do something here
catch (Exception ex)
// error - handle appropriately
// create a point with z, m
MapPoint point = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(
100, 200, 300, 400, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
// set the flags
WktExportFlags wktExportFlags = WktExportFlags.WktExportDefaults;
WktImportFlags wktImportFlags = WktImportFlags.WktImportDefaults;
// export and import
string wktString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKT(wktExportFlags, point);
MapPoint importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKT(
wktImportFlags, wktString, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as MapPoint;
double x = importPoint.X; // x = 100
double y = importPoint.Y; // y = 200
bool hasZ = importPoint.HasZ; // hasZ = true
double z = importPoint.Z; // z = 300
bool hasM = importPoint.HasM; // hasM = true
double m = importPoint.M; // m = 400
// export without z
WktExportFlags exportFlagsNoZ = WktExportFlags.WktExportStripZs;
wktString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKT(exportFlagsNoZ, point);
importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKT(
wktImportFlags, wktString, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as MapPoint;
x = importPoint.X; // x = 100
y = importPoint.Y; // y = 200
hasZ = importPoint.HasZ; // hasZ = false
z = importPoint.Z; // z = 0
hasM = importPoint.HasM; // hasM = true
m = importPoint.M; // m = 400
// export without m
WktExportFlags exportFlagsNoM = WktExportFlags.WktExportStripMs;
wktString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKT(exportFlagsNoM, point);
importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKT(
wktImportFlags, wktString, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as MapPoint;
x = importPoint.X; // x = 100
y = importPoint.Y; // y = 200
hasZ = importPoint.HasZ; // hasZ = true
z = importPoint.Z; // z = 300
hasM = importPoint.HasM; // hasM = false
m = importPoint.M; // m = Nan
// export without z, m
wktString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKT(
exportFlagsNoZ | exportFlagsNoM, point);
importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKT(
wktImportFlags, wktString, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as MapPoint;
x = importPoint.X; // x = 100
y = importPoint.Y; // y = 200
hasZ = importPoint.HasZ; // hasZ = false
z = importPoint.Z; // z = 0
hasM = importPoint.HasM; // hasM = false
m = importPoint.M; // m = Nan
// create a polyline
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>
new Coordinate2D(0, 0),
new Coordinate2D(0, 1),
new Coordinate2D(1, 1),
new Coordinate2D(1, 0)
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(
coords, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
WkbExportFlags wkbExportFlags = WkbExportFlags.WkbExportDefaults;
WkbImportFlags wkbImportFlags = WkbImportFlags.WkbImportDefaults;
// export and import
byte[] buffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKB(wkbExportFlags, polyline);
Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKB(
wkbImportFlags, buffer, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Polyline importPolyline = geometry as Polyline;
// alternatively, determine the size for the buffer
int bufferSize = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetWKBSize(wkbExportFlags, polyline);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// export
bufferSize = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKB(
wkbExportFlags, polyline, ref buffer);
// import
importPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKB(
wkbImportFlags, buffer, SpatialReferences.WGS84) as Polyline;
// create an envelope
List<MapPoint> coordsZM = new List<MapPoint>
MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004),
MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2001, 2002, Double.NaN, 2004),
MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(3001, -3002, 3003, 3004),
MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1001, -4002, 4003, 4004)
Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(
coordsZM[0], coordsZM[2], SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// export and import
EsriShapeExportFlags exportFlags = EsriShapeExportFlags.EsriShapeExportDefaults;
EsriShapeImportFlags importFlags = EsriShapeImportFlags.EsriShapeImportDefaults;
byte[] buffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToEsriShape(exportFlags, envelope);
Polygon importedPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromEsriShape(
importFlags, buffer, envelope.SpatialReference) as Polygon;
Envelope importedEnvelope = importedPolygon.Extent;
// export without z,m
buffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToEsriShape(
EsriShapeExportFlags.EsriShapeExportStripZs |
EsriShapeExportFlags.EsriShapeExportStripMs, envelope);
importedPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromEsriShape(
importFlags, buffer, SpatialReferences.WGS84) as Polygon;
importedEnvelope = importedPolygon.Extent;
bool hasZ = importedEnvelope.HasZ; // hasZ = false
bool hasM = importedEnvelope.HasM; // hasM = false
// export with shapeSize
int bufferSize = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetEsriShapeSize(
exportFlags, envelope);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
bufferSize = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToEsriShape(
exportFlags, envelope, ref buffer);
importedPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromEsriShape(
importFlags, buffer, envelope.SpatialReference) as Polygon;
importedEnvelope = importedPolygon.Extent;
// or use the envelope and envelopeBuilderEx classes
buffer = envelope.ToEsriShape();
// buffer represents a polygon as there is not an envelope Esri shape buffer
// EnvelopeBuilderEx.FromEsriShape takes a polygon Esri shape buffer and returns the extent of the polygon.
importedEnvelope = EnvelopeBuilderEx.FromEsriShape(buffer);
// MapPoint
string inputString =
Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJson(
JsonImportFlags.JsonImportDefaults, inputString);
MapPoint importPoint = geometry as MapPoint;
// importPoint = 1, 2
// importPoint.SpatialReference.WKid = 4326
// use the MapPointBuilderEx convenience method
MapPoint importPoint2 = MapPointBuilderEx.FromJson(inputString);
// importPoint2 = 1, 2
// impointPoint2.SpatialReference.Wkid = 4326
string outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJson(
JsonExportFlags.JsonExportDefaults, importPoint);
// outputString =
// "{\"x\":1,\"y\":2,\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326,\"latestWkid\":4326}}"
string outputString2 = importPoint.ToJson();
inputString =
importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJson(
JsonImportFlags.JsonImportDefaults, inputString) as MapPoint;
// importPoint.HasM = true
// importPoint.HasZ = true
// importPoint.X = 1
// importPoint.Y = 2
// importPoint.M = 4
// importPoint.Z = 3
importPoint2 = MapPointBuilderEx.FromJson(inputString);
// export to json - skip spatial reference
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJson(
JsonExportFlags.JsonExportSkipCRS, importPoint);
// outputString = "{\"x\":1,\"y\":2,\"z\":3,\"m\":4}"
// export from mappoint, skipping the sr - same as GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJson w JsonExportFlags.JsonExportSkipCRS
outputString2 = importPoint.ToJson(true);
// Multipoint
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
new Coordinate2D(100, 200),
new Coordinate2D(201, 300),
new Coordinate2D(301, 400),
new Coordinate2D(401, 500)
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(
coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
inputString =
Multipoint importMultipoint =
JsonImportFlags.JsonImportDefaults, inputString) as Multipoint;
// importMultipoint.IsEqual(multipoint) = true
ReadOnlyPointCollection points = importMultipoint.Points;
// points.Count = 4
// points[0] = 100, 200
// points[1] = 201, 300
// points[2] = 301, 400
// points[3] = 401, 500
// use the MultipointbuilderEx convenience method
Multipoint importMultipoint2 = MultipointBuilderEx.FromJson(inputString);
// importMultipoint2.IsEqual(multipoint) = true
// export to json
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJson(
JsonExportFlags.JsonExportDefaults, multipoint);
// outputString = inputString
// or use the multipoint itself
outputString2 = multipoint.ToJson();
// Polyline
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(
coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
// export without the spatial reference
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJson(
JsonExportFlags.JsonExportSkipCRS, polyline);
// import
geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJson(
JsonImportFlags.JsonImportDefaults, outputString);
Polyline importPolyline = geometry as Polyline;
// importPolyline.SpatialReference = null
points = importPolyline.Points;
// points.Count = 4
// points[0] = 100, 200
// points[1] = 201, 300
// points[2] = 301, 400
// points[3] = 401, 500
// use the polylineBuilderEx convenience method
Polyline importPolyline2 = PolylineBuilderEx.FromJson(outputString);
// importPolyline2 = importPolyline
outputString2 = importPolyline2.ToJson();
// outputString2 = outputString
// Polygon
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(
coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
// export without the spatial reference
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJson(
JsonExportFlags.JsonExportSkipCRS, polygon);
// import
geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJson(
JsonImportFlags.JsonImportDefaults, outputString);
Polygon importPolygon = geometry as Polygon;
// importPolygon.SpatialReference = null
points = importPolygon.Points;
// points.Count = 5
// polygonBuilderEx convenience method
Polygon importPolyon2 = PolygonBuilderEx.FromJson(outputString);
// importPolygon2 = importPolygon
// export from the polygon
outputString2 = importPolyon2.ToJson(true);
// Empty polygon
polygon = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJson(
JsonExportFlags.JsonExportDefaults, polygon);
importPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJson(
JsonImportFlags.JsonImportDefaults, outputString) as Polygon;
// importPolygon.IsEmpty = true
// importPolygon.SpatialReference.Wkid = 3857
MapPoint minPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 1, 1, 3);
MapPoint maxPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(5, 5, 5);
// MapPoint
string xml = minPoint.ToXml();
MapPoint minPointImport = MapPointBuilderEx.FromXml(xml);
// minPointImport = minPoint
// Envelope
Envelope envelopeWithID = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(minPoint, maxPoint);
// Envelopes don't have IDs
// envelopeWithID.HasID = false
// envelopeWithID.HasM = true
// envelopeWithID.HasZ = true
xml = envelopeWithID.ToXml();
Envelope envelopeImport = EnvelopeBuilderEx.FromXml(xml);
// Multipoint
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
Multipoint multiPoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(list);
xml = multiPoint.ToXml();
Multipoint multipointImport = MultipointBuilderEx.FromXml(xml);
// multipointImport.PointCount == 2
// multipointImport.HasID = true
// multipointImport.HasM = true
// multipointImport.HasZ= true
// create from wkid
GeographicTransformation gt1478 =
string name = gt1478.Name;
string wkt = gt1478.Wkt;
int wkid = gt1478.Wkid;
// create from wkt
GeographicTransformation another_gt1478 =
// inverse
GeographicTransformation inverse_gt148 =
another_gt1478.GetInverse() as GeographicTransformation;
bool isForward = inverse_gt148.IsForward;
// Create singleton from wkid
CompositeGeographicTransformation cgt =
int count = cgt.Count; // count = 1
IList<GeographicTransformation> gts = cgt.Transformations
as IList<GeographicTransformation>;
gts.Add(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.GeographicTransformation.Create(1437, false));
count = cgt.Count; // count = 2
// create from an enumeration
CompositeGeographicTransformation another_cgt =
GeographicTransformation gt0 = another_cgt[0];
GeographicTransformation gt1 = another_cgt[1];
// get the inverse
CompositeGeographicTransformation inversed_cgt = another_cgt.GetInverse() as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// inversed_cgt[0] is same as gt1
// inversed_cgt[1] is same as gt0
var wkt = gt0.Wkt;
// create from string
CompositeGeographicTransformation third_cgt =
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.CompositeGeographicTransformation.Create(wkt, gt0.IsForward);
count = third_cgt.Count; // count = 1
// create from josn
string json = cgt.ToJson();
CompositeGeographicTransformation joson_cgt =
DatumTransformation.CreateFromJson(json) as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// methods need to be on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
SpatialReference sr4267 = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4267);
SpatialReference sr4326 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
SpatialReference sr3857 = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;
// Create transformation from 4267 -> 3857
ProjectionTransformation projTransFromSRs =
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.ProjectionTransformation.Create(sr4267, sr3857);
// create an envelope
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(
new Coordinate2D(2, 2), new Coordinate2D(3, 3), sr4267);
// Project with one geo transform 4267 -> 3857
Envelope projectedEnvEx = GeometryEngine.Instance.ProjectEx(
env, projTransFromSRs) as Envelope;
// Create inverse transformation, 3857 -> 4267
ProjectionTransformation projTransFromSRsInverse =
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.ProjectionTransformation.Create(sr3857, sr4267);
// Project the projected envelope back using the inverse transformation
Envelope projectedEnvBack =
projectedEnvEx, projTransFromSRsInverse) as Envelope;
bool isEqual = env.IsEqual(projectedEnvBack);
// Create from wkid
HVDatumTransformation hv110018 = HVDatumTransformation.Create(110018);
int wkid = hv110018.Wkid;
bool isForward = hv110018.IsForward; // isForward = true
string name = hv110018.Name; // Name = WGS_1984_To_WGS_1984_EGM2008_1x1_Height
// Create from wkt
string wkt = hv110018.Wkt;
HVDatumTransformation hv110018FromWkt = HVDatumTransformation.Create(wkt);
// Get the inverse
HVDatumTransformation hv110018Inverse =
hv110018.GetInverse() as HVDatumTransformation;
// hv110018Inverse.IsForward = false
HVDatumTransformation hv1 = HVDatumTransformation.Create(108034);
HVDatumTransformation hv2 = HVDatumTransformation.Create(108033, false);
List<HVDatumTransformation> hvs = new List<HVDatumTransformation>() { hv1, hv2 };
// create from enumeration
CompositeHVDatumTransformation compositehv =
int count = compositehv.Count; // count = 2
List<HVDatumTransformation> transforms =
compositehv.Transformations as List<HVDatumTransformation>;
HVDatumTransformation tranform = transforms[0];
// transform.Wkid = 108034
// get inverse
CompositeHVDatumTransformation inverse_compositehv =
compositehv.GetInverse() as CompositeHVDatumTransformation;
// create from xml
string xml = compositehv.ToXml();
//At 2.x - CompositeHVDatumTransformation xml_compositehv =
// CompositeHVDatumTransformation.CreateFromXML(xml);
var xml_compositehv = CompositeHVDatumTransformation.CreateFromXml(xml);
// create from json
string json = compositehv.ToJson();
CompositeHVDatumTransformation json_compositehv =
DatumTransformation.CreateFromJson(json) as CompositeHVDatumTransformation;
// methods need to run on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// find the first transformation used between spatial references 4267 and 4326
SpatialReference sr4267 =
SpatialReference sr4326 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
List<ProjectionTransformation> transformations =
ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(sr4267, sr4326);
// transformations.Count = 1
ProjectionTransformation projTrans = transformations[0];
CompositeGeographicTransformation compositeGT =
projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
GeographicTransformation gt = compositeGT[0];
// gt.Wkid = 15851
// gt.Name = "NAD_1927_To_WGS_1984_79_CONUS"
// gt.IsForward = true
// find the first five transformation used between spatial references 4267 and 4326
transformations = ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(
sr4267, sr4326, numResults: 5);
// transformations.Count = 5
projTrans = transformations[0];
compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// compositeGT.Count = 1
// compositeGT[0].Wkid = 15851
// compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_WGS_1984_79_CONUS"
// compositeGT[0].IsForward = true
projTrans = transformations[1];
compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// compositeGT.Count = 1
// compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1173
// compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_WGS_1984_4"
// compositeGT[0].IsForward = true
projTrans = transformations[2];
compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// compositeGT.Count = 1
// compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1172
// compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_WGS_1984_3"
// compositeGT[0].IsForward = true
projTrans = transformations[3];
compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// compositeGT.Count = 2
// compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1241
// compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON"
// compositeGT[0].IsForward = true
// compositeGT[1].Wkid = 108190
// compositeGT[1].Name = "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983"
// compositeGT[1].IsForward = false
projTrans = transformations[4];
compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// compositeGT.Count = 2
// compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1241
// compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON"
// compositeGT[0].IsForward = true
// compositeGT[1].Wkid = 1515
// compositeGT[1].Name = "NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_5"
// compositeGT[1].IsForward = true
// find the first transformation used between spatial
// references 4267 and 4326 within Alaska
// Alaska
Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(-161, 61, -145, 69);
transformations = ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(
sr4267, sr4326, envelope);
// transformations.Count = 1
projTrans = transformations[0];
compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// compositeGT.Count = 2
// compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1243
// compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_Alaska"
// compositeGT[0].IsForward = true
// compositeGT[1].Wkid = 108190
// compositeGT[1].Name = "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983"
// compositeGT[1].IsForward = false
// find the first geographic transformation used between two spatial references with VCS (use vertical = false)
SpatialReference inSR =
SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4269, 115702);
SpatialReference outSR =
SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326, 3855);
// Even though each spatial reference has a VCS,
// vertical = false should return geographic transformations.
transformations = ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(inSR, outSR);
// transformations.Count = 1
projTrans = transformations[0];
compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// compositeGT.Count = 1
// compositeGT[0].Wkid = 108190
// compositeGT[0].Name = ""WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983"
// compositeGT[0].IsForward = false
// find the first vertical transformation used between two spatial references with VCS (use vertical = true)
transformations =
inSR, outSR, vertical: true);
// transformations.Count = 1
projTrans = transformations[0];
CompositeHVDatumTransformation compositeHV =
projTrans.Transformation as CompositeHVDatumTransformation;
// compositeHV.Count = 2
// compositeHV[0].Wkid = 1188
// compositeHV[0].Name = "NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_1"
// compositeHV[0].IsForward = true
// compositeHV[1].Wkid = 110019
// compositeHV[1].Name = "WGS_1984_To_WGS_1984_EGM2008_2.5x2.5_Height"
// compositeHV[1].IsForward = true
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
SpatialReference sr2 = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;
// create some points
MapPoint point0 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, sr);
MapPoint point1 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(10, 20, sr);
MapPoint point2 = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(point1, sr2) as MapPoint;
MapPoint pointEmpty = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(sr);
MapPoint pointwithNoSR = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 1);
MapPoint pointZM = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, sr);
// convert to MGRS
ToGeoCoordinateParameter mgrsParam =
new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);
// 31NAA6602100000
string geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);
// use the builder to create a new point from the string.
// Coordinates are the same
// outPoint.x = 0; outPoint.Y = 0
MapPoint outPoint =
geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);
// 32QPH0460911794
// outPoint.X = 10; outPoint.Y = 20
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);
outPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.FromGeoCoordinateString(
geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);
// z, m are not transformed
// outPoint.X = 1; outPoint.Y = 2; outPoint.Z = Nan; outPoint.M = Nan;
geoCoordString = pointZM.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);
outPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.FromGeoCoordinateString(
geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);
// set the number of digits to 2 and convert
// 32QPH0512
// outPoint.X = 10; outPoint.Y = 20
mgrsParam.NumDigits = 2;
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);
outPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.FromGeoCoordinateString(
geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);
// convert to UTM
ToGeoCoordinateParameter utmParam =
new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.UTM);
// 31N 166021 0000000
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(utmParam);
// 32Q 604609 2211793
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(utmParam);
// convert to DMS
ToGeoCoordinateParameter dmsParam =
new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DMS);
// 00 00 00.00N 000 00 00.00E
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(dmsParam);
// 20 00 00.00N 010 00 00.00E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(dmsParam);
// convert to DDM
ToGeoCoordinateParameter ddmParam =
new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DDM);
// 00 00.0000N 000 00.0000E
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddmParam);
// 20 00.0000N 010 00.0000E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddmParam);
// convert to DD
ToGeoCoordinateParameter ddParam =
new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DD);
// 00.000000N 000.000000E
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddParam);
// 20.000000N 010.000000E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddParam);
// convert 45 degrees to radians
double radians = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(45);
// convert PI to degrees
double degrees = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertFromRadians(Math.PI);
// create a Grad unit
var grad = AngularUnit.CreateAngularUnit(9105);
string unitName = grad.Name; // Grad
double conversionFactor = grad.ConversionFactor; // 0.015708
double radiansPerUnit = grad.RadiansPerUnit;
int factoryCode = grad.FactoryCode; // 9105
// convert 10 grads to degrees
double val = grad.ConvertTo(10, AngularUnit.Degrees);
// convert 10 radians to grads
val = grad.ConvertFromRadians(10);
catch (ArgumentException)
// ArgumentException will be thrown by CreateAngularUnit in
// the following scenarios:
// - if the factory code used is a non-angular factory code
// (i.e. it corresponds to square meters which is an area unit code)
// - if the factory code used is invalid
// (i.e. it is negative or doesn't correspond to any factory code)
// custom unit - 3 radians per unit
var myAngularUnit = AngularUnit.CreateAngularUnit("myCustomAngularUnit", 3);
string Name = myAngularUnit.Name; // myCustomAngularUnit
double Factor = myAngularUnit.ConversionFactor; // 3
int Code = myAngularUnit.FactoryCode; // 0 because it is a custom angular unit
double radiansUnit = myAngularUnit.RadiansPerUnit; // 3
// convert 10 degrees to my unit
double converted = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertTo(10, myAngularUnit);
// convert it back to degrees
converted = myAngularUnit.ConvertTo(converted, AngularUnit.Degrees);
// convert 1 radian into my angular units
converted = myAngularUnit.ConvertFromRadians(1);
// get the wkt
string wkt = myAngularUnit.Wkt;
// create an angular unit from this wkt
var anotherAngularUnit = AngularUnit.CreateAngularUnit(wkt);
// anotherAngularUnit.ConversionFactor = 3
// anotherAngularUnit.FactoryCode = 0
// anotherAngularUnit.RadiansPerUnit = 3
// convert 10 feet to meters
double metres = LinearUnit.Feet.ConvertToMeters(10);
// convert 20 meters to feet
double feet = LinearUnit.Feet.ConvertFromMeters(20.0);
// convert 11 centimeters to millimeters
double mm = LinearUnit.Centimeters.ConvertTo(11, LinearUnit.Millimeters);
// convert the result back to centimeters
double cm = LinearUnit.Millimeters.ConvertTo(mm, LinearUnit.Centimeters);
// convert the millimeter result back to meters
double meters = LinearUnit.Millimeters.ConvertToMeters(mm);
// create a british 1936 foot
var britFoot = LinearUnit.CreateLinearUnit(9095);
string unitName = britFoot.Name; // "Foot_British_1936"
double conversionFactor = britFoot.ConversionFactor; // 0.3048007491
double metersPerUnit = britFoot.MetersPerUnit;
int factoryCode = britFoot.FactoryCode; // 9095
// convert 10 british 1936 feet to centimeters
double val = britFoot.ConvertTo(10, LinearUnit.Centimeters);
// convert 10 m to british 1936 feet
val = britFoot.ConvertFromMeters(10);
catch (ArgumentException)
// ArgumentException will be thrown by CreateLinearUnit
// in the following scenarios:
// - if the factory code used is a non-linear factory code
// (i.e. it corresponds to square meters which is an area unit code)
// - if the factory code used is invalid
// (i.e. it is negative or doesn't correspond to any factory code)
// create a custom linear unit - there are 0.33 meters per myLinearUnit
var myLinearUnit = LinearUnit.CreateLinearUnit("myCustomLinearUnit", 0.33);
string name = myLinearUnit.Name; // myCustomLinearUnit
double convFactor = myLinearUnit.ConversionFactor; // 0.33
int code = myLinearUnit.FactoryCode; // 0 for custom units
double metersUnit = myLinearUnit.MetersPerUnit; // 0.33
string toString = myLinearUnit.ToString(); // same as Name - myCustomLinearUnit
// convert 10 centimeters to myLinearUnit
double convertedVal = LinearUnit.Centimeters.ConvertTo(10, myLinearUnit);
// get the wkt
string lu_wkt = myLinearUnit.Wkt;
// create an angular unit from this wkt
var anotherLinearUnit = LinearUnit.CreateLinearUnit(lu_wkt);
// anotherLinearUnit.ConversionFactor = 0.33
// anotherLinearUnit.FactoryCode = 0
// anotherLinearUnit.MetersPerUnit = 0.33
// convert 700 square meters to square feet
double sqFeet = AreaUnit.SquareFeet.ConvertFromSquareMeters(700);
// convert 1100 square feet to square meters
double sqMeters = AreaUnit.SquareFeet.ConvertToSquareMeters(1000);
// convert 2 hectares to acres
double acres = AreaUnit.Hectares.ConvertTo(2, AreaUnit.Acres);
// convert 300 hectares to square miles
double sqMiles = AreaUnit.Hectares.ConvertTo(300, AreaUnit.SquareMiles);
double sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.Acres.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.Ares.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.Hectares.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.SquareKilometers.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.SquareMiles.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.SquareYards.SquareMetersPerUnit;
var myFactoryCodeInit = AreaUnit.CreateAreaUnit(109439); // 109439 is the factory code for square miles
var myWktUnit = AreaUnit.CreateAreaUnit("HECTARE_AREAUNIT[\"H\",10000.0]");
var myCustomUnit = AreaUnit.CreateAreaUnit("myAreaUnit", 12);
catch (ArgumentException)
// ArgumentException will be thrown by CreateAreaUnit in the following scenarios
// - if the factory code used is a non-areal factory code (i.e. it corresponds to degrees which is an angular unit code)
// - if the factory code used is invalid (i.e. it is negative or doesn't correspond to any factory code)
Home | API Reference | Requirements | Download | Samples
Construct a SpatialReference - from a well-known ID
Construct a SpatialReference - from a string
Use WGS84 SpatialReference
Construct a SpatialReference with a vertical coordinate system - from well-known IDs
Construct a SpatialReference with a vertical coordinate system - from a string
Construct a SpatialReference with a custom PCS - from a string
SpatialReference Properties
SpatialReference WKT2
Import and Export Spatial Reference
Determine grid convergence for a SpatialReference at a given point
SpatialReference Datum and datum properties
Vector Polar Coordinates
Getting vector inclination
Getting vector azimuth
Vector Operations
2D Vector Operations
Construct a Polyline - from an enumeration of MapPoints
Get the points of a Polyline
Get the parts of a Polyline
Enumerate the parts of a Polyline
Reverse the order of points in a Polyline
Get the segments of a Polyline
Build a multi-part Polyline
StartPoint of a Polyline
Construct a Clothoid by Angle
Construct a Clothoid by Length
Split Polyline at distance
Create 3D Polyline and set Z-values while preserving curve segments
Construct a Polygon - from an enumeration of MapPoints
Construct a Polygon - from an Envelope
Get the points of a Polygon
Get the parts of a Polygon
Enumerate the parts of a Polygon
Get the segments of a Polygon
Build a donut polygon
Create an N-sided regular polygon
Get the exterior rings of a polygon - polygon.GetExteriorRing
Construct an Envelope
Construct an Envelope - from a JSON string
Union two Envelopes
Intersect two Envelopes
Expand an Envelope
Update Coordinates of an Envelope
Construct a Multipoint - from an enumeration of MapPoints
Construct a Multipoint - using MultipointBuilderEx
Modify the points of a Multipoint
Retrieve Points, 2D Coordinates, 3D Coordinates from a multipoint
Construct a Cubic Bezier - from Coordinates
Construct a Cubic Bezier - from MapPoints
Construct a Cubic Bezier - from an enumeration of MapPoints
Cubic Bezier Builder Properties
Cubic Bezier Properties
Construct a Polyline - from a Cubic Bezier
Construct a Circular Arc - using an interior point
Construct a Circular Arc - using a chord length and bearing
Construct a Circular Arc - using a center point, angle and radius
Construct an Elliptic Arc - using a center point and rotation angle
Construct a Circular Arc - using a center point and orientation
Construct a Circular Arc - using two segments and radius
Construct a Circle
Construct an Ellipse
Elliptic Arc Builder Properties
Elliptic Arc Properties
Construct GeometryBag
Construct GeometryBag - from an enumeration of geometries
Construct GeometryBag - from JSON, Xml
Construct GeometryBag - adding or inserting an enumeration of geometries
Construct Multipatch via Extrusion of Polygon or Polyline
Multipatch Properties
Construct Multipatch
Construct Multipatch via MultipatchBuilderEx
Construct Multipatch from another Multipatch
Construct Multipatch from a 3D model file
Construct 3D special Multipatch shapes
Create BasicMaterial
Create BasicMaterial with JPEG texture
Create BasicMaterial with Uncompressed texture
Get the texture image of a multipatch
Get the normal coordinate of a multipatch
Get the normals of a multipatch
Get the material properties of a multipatch
Import and Export Geometries to well-known Text
Import and Export Geometries to well-known Binary
Import and Export Geometries to EsriShape
Import and Export Geometries to JSON
Import and Export Geometries to XML
Create Geographic Transformation
Create Composite Geographic Transformation
Create Projection Transformation
Create HV Datum Transformation
Create Composite HV Datum Transformation
Determine Transformations
AngularUnit - Convert between degrees and radians
AngularUnit - Create an AngularUnit with a factory code
AngularUnit - Create a Custom AngularUnit