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ProSnippets Raster
UmaHarano edited this page Nov 6, 2024
15 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: Raster
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <arcgisprosdk@esri.com>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 10/22/2024
ArcGIS Pro: 3.4
Visual Studio: 2022
.NET Target Framework: .Net 8
// Create a FileSystemConnectionPath using the folder path.
FileSystemConnectionPath connectionPath = new FileSystemConnectionPath(new System.Uri(@"C:\Temp"), FileSystemDatastoreType.Raster);
// Create a new FileSystemDatastore using the FileSystemConnectionPath.
FileSystemDatastore dataStore = new FileSystemDatastore(connectionPath);
// Open the raster dataset.
RasterDataset fileRasterDataset = dataStore.OpenDataset<RasterDataset>("Sample.tif");
// Create a FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath using the path to the gdb. Note: This can be a path to a .sde file.
FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath geodatabaseConnectionPath = new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"C:\Temp\rasters.gdb"));
// Create a new Geodatabase object using the FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath.
Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(geodatabaseConnectionPath);
// Open the raster dataset.
RasterDataset gdbRasterDataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset<RasterDataset>("sample");
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
RasterDatasetDefinition rasterDatasetDefinition = rasterDataset.GetDefinition();
// access the dataset definition properties
var count = rasterDataset.GetBandCount();
RasterBand rasterBandByName = rasterDataset.GetBandByName(sBandName);
var index = rasterDataset.GetBandIndex(sBandName);
// Get a RasterBand from the raster dataset
RasterBand rasterBand = rasterDataset.GetBand(0);
// Get the RasterBandDefinition from the raster band.
RasterBandDefinition rasterBandDefinition = rasterBand.GetDefinition();
// Get the name of the raster band from the raster band.
string bandName = rasterBandDefinition.GetName();
var raster = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<RasterLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (raster != null)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var rasterTbl = raster.GetRaster().GetAttributeTable();
var cursor = rasterTbl.Search();
while (cursor.MoveNext())
var row = cursor.Current;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// Create a full raster from the raster dataset.
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Raster.Raster raster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();
// Calculate size of pixel blocks to process. Use 1000 or height/width of the raster, whichever is smaller.
var height = raster.GetHeight();
var width = raster.GetWidth();
int pixelBlockHeight = height > 1000 ? 1000 : height;
int pixelBlockWidth = width > 1000 ? 1000 : width;
// Create the raster cursor using the height and width calculated.
RasterCursor rasterCursor = raster.CreateCursor(pixelBlockWidth, pixelBlockHeight);
// Use a do-while loop to iterate through the pixel blocks of the raster using the raster cursor.
// Get the current pixel block from the cursor.
using (PixelBlock currentPixelBlock = rasterCursor.Current)
// Do something with the pixel block...
// Once you are done, move to the next pixel block.
while (rasterCursor.MoveNext());
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// Create a full raster from the raster dataset.
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Raster.Raster raster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();
// Calculate size of pixel block to create. Use 128 or height/width of the raster, whichever is smaller.
var height = raster.GetHeight();
var width = raster.GetWidth();
int pixelBlockHeight = height > 128 ? 128 : height;
int pixelBlockWidth = width > 128 ? 128 : width;
// Create a new (blank) pixel block.
PixelBlock currentPixelBlock = raster.CreatePixelBlock(pixelBlockWidth, pixelBlockHeight);
// Read pixel values from the raster dataset into the pixel block starting from the given top left corner.
raster.Read(0, 0, currentPixelBlock);
// Do something with the pixel block...
// Write the pixel block to the raster dataset starting from the given top left corner.
raster.Write(0, 0, currentPixelBlock);
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// Read pixel values from the raster dataset into the pixel block starting from the given top left corner.
raster.Read(0, 0, currentPixelBlock);
// For each plane (band) in the pixel block
for (int plane = 0; plane < currentPixelBlock.GetPlaneCount(); plane++)
// Get a copy of the array of pixels from the pixel block corresponding to the current plane.
Array sourcePixels = currentPixelBlock.GetPixelData(plane, true);
// Get the height and width of the pixel block.
int pBHeight = currentPixelBlock.GetHeight();
int pBWidth = currentPixelBlock.GetWidth();
// Iterate through the pixels in the array.
for (int i = 0; i < pBHeight; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < pBWidth; j++)
// Get the NoData mask value to see if the pixel is a valid pixel.
if (Convert.ToByte(currentPixelBlock.GetNoDataMaskValue(plane, j, i)) == 1)
// Get the pixel value from the array and process it (add 5 to the value).
// Note: This is assuming the pixel type is Unisigned 8bit.
int pixelValue = Convert.ToInt16(sourcePixels.GetValue(j, i)) + 5;
// Make sure the pixel value does not go above the range of the pixel type.
pixelValue = pixelValue > 254 ? 254 : pixelValue;
// Set the new pixel value to the array.
// Note: This is assuming the pixel type is Unisigned 8bit.
sourcePixels.SetValue(Convert.ToByte(pixelValue), j, i);
// Set the modified array of pixels back to the pixel block.
currentPixelBlock.SetPixelData(plane, sourcePixels);
// Write the pixel block to the raster dataset starting from the given top left corner.
raster.Write(0, 0, currentPixelBlock);
//If a raster dataset has statistics, you can create a raster layer and get these statistics by accessing the colorizer.
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Accessing the raster layer
var lyr = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<BasicRasterLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
//Getting the colorizer
var colorizer = lyr.GetColorizer() as CIMRasterStretchColorizer;
//Accessing the statistics
var stats = colorizer.StretchStats;
var max = stats.max;
var min = stats.min;
var ro = ApplicationOptions.RasterImageryOptions;
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var validCategories = ro.GetValidColorRampCategories();
var validCategory = validCategories.FirstOrDefault();
var colorRamps = ColorFactory.Instance.GetColorRampNames(validCategory);
var newColorRampName = colorRamps.FirstOrDefault();
var stretchedColorRamp = ro.GetStretchedColorRamp();
var colorRampName = ro.GetStretchedColorRampName();
var classifyColorRamp = ro.GetClassifyColorRamp();
colorRampName = ro.GetClassifyColorRampName();
var discreteColorRamp = ro.GetDiscreteColorRamp();
colorRampName = ro.GetDiscreteColorRampName();
var uniqueValueColorRamp = ro.GetUniqueValueColorRamp();
colorRampName = ro.GetUniqueValueColorRampName();
var customRendering = ro.GetEnableCustomRenderingDefaults();
var sampleType = ro.GetResampleType();
var stretchType = ro.GetStretchType();
var val = ro.GetNumberOfStandardDeviation();
var (clipMin, clipMax) = ro.GetClipPercentage();
ro.SetClipPercentage(12, 23);
var red = ro.GetGammaStretchValueRed();
var green = ro.GetGammaStretchValueGreen();
var blue = ro.GetGammaStretchValueBlue();
var displayBackground = ro.GetDisplayBackground();
var (r, g, b) = ro.GetBackgroundValue();
ro.SetBackgroundValue(4, 21, 61);
var backColor = ro.GetBackgroundColor();
ro.SetBackgroundColor(CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(255, 0, 0));
var noData = ro.GetNoDataColor();
ro.SetNoDataColor(CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(0, 255, 0));
// cache
var useCache = ro.GetUseImageServiceCache();
var opt = ro.GetPyramidOption();
var sample = ro.GetPyramidResampleMethod();
var compression = ro.GetPyramidCompressionMethod();
var quality = ro.GetPyramidCompressionQuality();
var stats = ro.GetStatisticsOption();
var x = ro.GetSkipFactorX();
var y = ro.GetSkipFactorY();
var useWorldFile = ro.GetUseWorldFile();
var createTiledTiff = ro.GetCreateTiledTiff();
var maxUniqueValues = ro.GetMaximumUniqueValues();
var path = ro.GetProxyFileLocation();
var isExpanded = ro.GetIsMosaicLayerExpanded();
var isVisible = ro.GetIsMosaicBoundaryVisible();
isVisible = ro.GetIsMosaicFootprintVisible();
isVisible = ro.GetIsMosaicSeamlinesVisible();
isVisible = ro.GetIsMosaicPreviewVisible();
var (red_3band, green_3band, blue_3band) = ro.Get3BandColor();
ro.Set3BandColor(2, 2, 2);
var (ms_red, ms_green, ms_blue) = ro.GetMSColor();
ro.SetMSColor(23, 24, 25);
var enableCustomColorSchemes = ro.GetEnableCustomColorSchemes();
var useWavelengthInfo = ro.GetUseWavelengthInformation();
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Open raster dataset in a folder
Open raster dataset in a geodatabase
Get the raster dataset definition from a raster dataset
Access the bands in a raster dataset
Access rows in a raster attribute table
Create a raster cursor to iterate through the raster data
Read and Write pixels from and to a raster dataset using pixel blocks
Process pixels using a pixel block
Calculate Raster statistics