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ProSnippets UtilityNetwork
UmaHarano edited this page Nov 6, 2024
14 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: UtilityNetwork
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <arcgisprosdk@esri.com>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 10/22/2024
ArcGIS Pro: 3.4
Visual Studio: 2022
.NET Target Framework: .Net 8
public static UtilityNetwork GetUtilityNetworkFromTable(Table table)
UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork = null;
if (table.IsControllerDatasetSupported())
// Tables can belong to multiple controller datasets, but at most one of them will be a UtilityNetwork
IReadOnlyList<Dataset> controllerDatasets = table.GetControllerDatasets();
foreach (Dataset controllerDataset in controllerDatasets)
if (controllerDataset is UtilityNetwork)
utilityNetwork = controllerDataset as UtilityNetwork;
return utilityNetwork;
// This routine obtains a utility network from a FeatureLayer, SubtypeGroupLayer, or UtilityNetworkLayer
public static UtilityNetwork GetUtilityNetworkFromLayer(Layer layer)
UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork = null;
if (layer is UtilityNetworkLayer)
UtilityNetworkLayer utilityNetworkLayer = layer as UtilityNetworkLayer;
utilityNetwork = utilityNetworkLayer.GetUtilityNetwork();
else if (layer is SubtypeGroupLayer)
CompositeLayer compositeLayer = layer as CompositeLayer;
utilityNetwork = GetUtilityNetworkFromLayer(compositeLayer.Layers.First());
else if (layer is FeatureLayer)
FeatureLayer featureLayer = layer as FeatureLayer;
using (FeatureClass featureClass = featureLayer.GetFeatureClass())
if (featureClass.IsControllerDatasetSupported())
IReadOnlyList<Dataset> controllerDatasets = new List<Dataset>();
controllerDatasets = featureClass.GetControllerDatasets();
foreach (Dataset controllerDataset in controllerDatasets)
if (controllerDataset is UtilityNetwork)
utilityNetwork = controllerDataset as UtilityNetwork;
return utilityNetwork;
// usage : using (var row = FetchRowFromElement(...))
public static Row FetchRowFromElement(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, Element element)
// Get the table from the element
using (Table table = utilityNetwork.GetTable(element.NetworkSource))
// Create a query filter to fetch the appropriate row
QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter()
ObjectIDs = new List<long>() { element.ObjectID }
// Fetch and return the row
using (RowCursor rowCursor = table.Search(queryFilter))
if (rowCursor.MoveNext())
return rowCursor.Current;
return null;
public double GetPolylineStartingPercentage(Element startingPointElement, Geometry clickedPoint, FeatureLayer featureLayer)
// Find feature
QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter()
ObjectIDs = new List<long>() { startingPointElement.ObjectID }
using (RowCursor rowCursor = featureLayer.GetFeatureClass().Search(queryFilter, false))
if (!rowCursor.MoveNext())
return 0;
using (Row row = rowCursor.Current)
Feature feature = row as Feature;
Polyline polyline = feature.GetShape() as Polyline;
ICollection<Segment> segments = new List<Segment>();
polyline.GetAllSegments(ref segments);
IList<Segment> segments2 = segments as IList<Segment>;
MapPoint startPoint = segments2[0].StartPoint;
MapPoint endPoint = segments2[segments2.Count - 1].EndPoint;
MapPoint clickedMapPoint = clickedPoint as MapPoint;
LineSegment line = LineBuilderEx.CreateLineSegment(startPoint, endPoint);
MapPoint outPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryPointAndDistance(line, SegmentExtensionType.NoExtension, clickedMapPoint, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio,
out double distanceAlongCurve, out double distanceFromCurve, out LeftOrRightSide side);
return distanceAlongCurve;
catch (Exception e)
// Handle exceptions
return 0;
// Create edit operation
EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
editOperation.Name = "Create structural attachment association";
// Create a RowHandle for the pole
Element poleElement = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(poleAssetType, poleGlobalID);
RowHandle poleRowHandle = new RowHandle(poleElement, utilityNetwork);
// Create a RowHandle for the transformer bank
Element transformerBankElement = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(transformerBankAssetType, transformerBankGlobalID);
RowHandle transformerBankRowHandle = new RowHandle(transformerBankElement, utilityNetwork);
// Attach the transformer bank to the pole
AssociationDescription structuralAttachmentAssociationDescription = new AssociationDescription(AssociationType.Attachment, poleRowHandle, transformerBankRowHandle);
// Create an EditOperation
EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
editOperation.Name = "Create pole; create transformer bank; attach transformer bank to pole";
// Create the transformer bank
RowToken transformerBankToken = editOperation.Create(transformerBankLayer, transformerBankAttributes);
// Create a pole
RowToken poleToken = editOperation.Create(poleLayer, poleAttributes);
// Create a structural attachment association between the pole and the transformer bank
RowHandle poleHandle = new RowHandle(poleToken);
RowHandle transformerBankHandle = new RowHandle(transformerBankToken);
AssociationDescription poleAttachment = new AssociationDescription(AssociationType.Attachment, poleHandle, transformerBankHandle);
// Execute the EditOperation
public static void GetTraverseAssociationsResultFromDownwardTraversal(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, IReadOnlyList<Element> startingElements)
// Set downward traversal with maximum depth
TraverseAssociationsDescription traverseAssociationsDescription = new TraverseAssociationsDescription(TraversalDirection.Descending);
// Get traverse associations result from the staring element up to maximum depth
TraverseAssociationsResult traverseAssociationsResult = utilityNetwork.TraverseAssociations(startingElements, traverseAssociationsDescription);
// Get associations participated in traversal
IReadOnlyList<Association> associations = traverseAssociationsResult.Associations;
public static void GetTraverseAssociationsResultFromUpwardTraversalWithDepthLimit(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, IReadOnlyList<Element> startingElements)
// List of fields whose values will be fetched as name-values pairs during association traversal operation
List<string> additionalFieldsToFetch = new List<string> { "ObjectId", "AssetName", "AssetGroup", "AssetType" };
// Set downward traversal with maximum depth level of 3
TraverseAssociationsDescription traverseAssociationsDescription = new TraverseAssociationsDescription(TraversalDirection.Ascending, 3)
AdditionalFields = additionalFieldsToFetch
// Get traverse associations result from the staring element up to depth level 3
TraverseAssociationsResult traverseAssociationsResult = utilityNetwork.TraverseAssociations(startingElements, traverseAssociationsDescription);
// List of associations participated in traversal
IReadOnlyList<Association> associations = traverseAssociationsResult.Associations;
// KeyValue mapping between involved elements and their field name-values
//At 2.x - IReadOnlyDictionary<Element, IReadOnlyList<AssociationElementFieldValue>> associationElementValuePairs = traverseAssociationsResult.AdditionalFieldValues;
IReadOnlyDictionary<Element, IReadOnlyList<FieldValue>> associationElementValuePairs =
foreach (KeyValuePair<Element, IReadOnlyList<FieldValue>> keyValuePair in associationElementValuePairs)
// Element
Element element = keyValuePair.Key;
// List of field names and their values
//At 2.x - IReadOnlyList<AssociationElementFieldValue> elementFieldValues = keyValuePair.Value;
IReadOnlyList<FieldValue> elementFieldValues = keyValuePair.Value;
using (UtilityNetworkDefinition utilityNetworkDefinition = utilityNetwork.GetDefinition())
DomainNetwork domainNetwork = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetDomainNetwork(domainNetworkName);
Tier tier = domainNetwork.GetTier(tierName);
using (SubnetworkManager subnetworkManager = utilityNetwork.GetSubnetworkManager())
subnetworkManager.UpdateAllSubnetworks(tier, true);
// Create a subnetwork named "Radial1" with a single controller
// elementR1 represents the device that serves as the subnetwork controller (e.g., circuit breaker)
Subnetwork subnetworkRadial1 = subnetworkManager.EnableControllerInEditOperation(mediumVoltageTier, elementR1, "Radial1", "R1", "my description", "my notes");
// ...
// Update the subnetwork and refresh the map
// ...
// At some point, a subnetwork will need to be deleted.
// First step is to disable the controller
// At this point, the subnetwork is deleted, but all of the rows that have been labeled with the subnetwork ID need to be updated
// The final step is to notify external systems (if any) by exporting the subnetwork
SubnetworkExportOptions subnetworkExportOptions = new SubnetworkExportOptions()
SetAcknowledged = true,
IncludeDomainDescriptions = true,
IncludeGeometry = true,
ServiceSynchronizationType = ServiceSynchronizationType.Asynchronous,
SubnetworkExportResultTypes = new List<SubnetworkExportResultType>()
// Set networks attributes and attribute fields to export
//ResultNetworkAttributes = new List<NetworkAttribute>(networkAttributes),
//ResultFieldsByNetworkSourceID = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>()
// { { electricDevice.ID, new List<string>() { "AssetID" } } }
subnetworkRadial1.Export(new Uri($"{Path.GetTempPath()}SubnetworkExportResult.json"), subnetworkExportOptions);
// Create a subnetwork named "Mesh1" from three controllers
// elementM1, elementM2, and elementM3 represent the devices that serve as subnetwork controllers (e.g., network protectors)
subnetworkManager.EnableController(lowVoltageMeshTier, elementM1, "Mesh1", "M1", "my description", "my notes");
subnetworkManager.EnableController(lowVoltageMeshTier, elementM2, "Mesh1", "M2", "my description", "my notes");
Subnetwork subnetworkMesh1 = subnetworkManager.EnableController(lowVoltageMeshTier, elementM3, "Mesh1", "M3", "my description", "my notes");
// ...
// When deleting the subnetwork, each controller must be disabled before the subnetwork itself is deleted
// After the subnetwork is deleted, all of the rows that have been labeled with the subnetwork ID need to be updated
// The final step is to notify external systems (if any) by exporting the subnetwork
SubnetworkExportOptions subnetworkExportOptions = new SubnetworkExportOptions()
SetAcknowledged = true,
IncludeDomainDescriptions = true,
IncludeGeometry = true,
ServiceSynchronizationType = ServiceSynchronizationType.Asynchronous,
SubnetworkExportResultTypes = new List<SubnetworkExportResultType>()
// Set networks attributes and attribute fields to export
//ResultNetworkAttributes = new List<NetworkAttribute>(networkAttributes),
//ResultFieldsByNetworkSourceID = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>()
// { { electricDevice.ID, new List<string>() { "AssetID" } } }
subnetworkMesh1.Export(new Uri($"{Path.GetTempPath()}SubnetworkExportResult.json"), subnetworkExportOptions);
// Create a subnetwork named "R2, R3" from two controllers
// elementR2 and elementR3 represent the devices that serve as subnetwork controllers (e.g., circuit breakers)
subnetworkManager.EnableControllerInEditOperation(mediumVoltageTier, elementR2, "R2, R3", "R2", "my description", "my notes");
subnetworkManager.EnableControllerInEditOperation(mediumVoltageTier, elementR3, "R2, R3", "R3", "my description", "my notes");
// If the tie switch between them is opened, the original subnetwork controllers must be disabled and re-enabled with different names
// This will create two new subnetworks, named "R2" and "R3"
Subnetwork subnetworkR2 = subnetworkManager.EnableControllerInEditOperation(mediumVoltageTier, elementR2, "R2", "R2", "my description", "my notes");
Subnetwork subnetworkR3 = subnetworkManager.EnableControllerInEditOperation(mediumVoltageTier, elementR3, "R3", "R3", "my description", "my notes");
public void ExportSubnetwork(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, string subnetworkName, Uri exportResultJsonPath)
using (UtilityNetworkDefinition utilityNetworkDefinition = utilityNetwork.GetDefinition())
using (SubnetworkManager subnetworkManager = utilityNetwork.GetSubnetworkManager())
Subnetwork subnetwork = subnetworkManager.GetSubnetwork(subnetworkName);
IReadOnlyList<NetworkAttribute> networkAttributes = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttributes();
IReadOnlyList<NetworkSource> networkSources = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkSources();
NetworkSource electricDevice = networkSources.First(f => f.Name.Contains("ElectricDevice"));
// Export options
SubnetworkExportOptions subnetworkExportOptions = new SubnetworkExportOptions()
SetAcknowledged = false,
IncludeDomainDescriptions = true,
IncludeGeometry = true,
ServiceSynchronizationType = ServiceSynchronizationType.Asynchronous,
SubnetworkExportResultTypes = new List<SubnetworkExportResultType>()
ResultNetworkAttributes = new List<NetworkAttribute>(networkAttributes),
ResultFieldsByNetworkSourceID = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>()
{ { electricDevice.ID, new List<string>() { "AssetID" } } }
subnetwork.Export(exportResultJsonPath, subnetworkExportOptions);
using (TraceManager traceManager = utilityNetwork.GetTraceManager())
DownstreamTracer downstreamTracer = traceManager.GetTracer<DownstreamTracer>();
IReadOnlyList<Element> startingPointList = new List<Element>();
// Code to fill in list of starting points goes here...
TraceArgument traceArgument = new TraceArgument(startingPointList);
TraceConfiguration traceConfiguration = new TraceConfiguration();
// Code to fill in trace configuration goes here...
traceArgument.Configuration = traceConfiguration;
// Create a NetworkAttribute object for the Lifecycle network attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition
using (NetworkAttribute lifecycleNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Lifecycle"))
// Create a NetworkAttributeComparison that stops traversal if Lifecycle <> "In Design" (represented by the constant InDesign)
NetworkAttributeComparison inDesignNetworkAttributeComparison = new NetworkAttributeComparison(lifecycleNetworkAttribute, Operator.NotEqual, InDesign);
// Create a NetworkAttributeComparison to stop traversal if Lifecycle <> "In Service" (represented by the constant InService)
NetworkAttributeComparison inServiceNetworkAttributeComparison = new NetworkAttributeComparison(lifecycleNetworkAttribute, Operator.NotEqual, InService);
// Combine these two comparisons together with "And"
And lifecycleFilter = new And(inDesignNetworkAttributeComparison, inServiceNetworkAttributeComparison);
// Final condition stops traversal if Lifecycle <> "In Design" and Lifecycle <> "In Service"
traceConfiguration.Traversability.Barriers = lifecycleFilter;
// Get a NetworkAttribute object for the Load network attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition
using (NetworkAttribute loadNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Load"))
// Create a function to sum the Load
Add sumLoadFunction = new Add(loadNetworkAttribute);
// Add this function to our trace configuration
traceConfiguration.Functions = new List<Function>() { sumLoadFunction };
// Create a NetworkAttribute object for the Shape length network attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition
using (NetworkAttribute shapeLengthNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Shape length"))
// Create a function that adds up shape length
Add lengthFunction = new Add(shapeLengthNetworkAttribute);
// Create a function barrier that stops traversal after 1000 feet
FunctionBarrier distanceBarrier = new FunctionBarrier(lengthFunction, Operator.GreaterThan, 1000.0);
// Set this function barrier
traceConfiguration.Traversability.FunctionBarriers = new List<FunctionBarrier>() { distanceBarrier };
// Create an output category to filter the trace results to only include
// features with the "Service Point" category assigned
traceConfiguration.OutputCondition = new CategoryComparison(CategoryOperator.IsEqual, "Service Point");
// Get a NetworkAttribute object for the Phases Normal attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition
using (NetworkAttribute normalPhaseAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Phases Normal"))
// Create a propagator to propagate the Phases Normal attribute downstream from the source, using a Bitwise And function
// Allow traversal to continue as long as the Phases Normal value includes any of the ABC phases
// (represented by the constant ABCPhase)
Propagator phasePropagator = new Propagator(normalPhaseAttribute, PropagatorFunction.BitwiseAnd, Operator.IncludesAny, ABCPhase);
// Assign this propagator to our trace configuration
traceConfiguration.Propagators = new List<Propagator>() { phasePropagator };
// Get the FunctionOutputResult from the trace results
FunctionOutputResult functionOutputResult = traceResults.OfType<FunctionOutputResult>().First();
// First() can be used here if only one Function was included in the TraceConfiguration.Functions collection.
// Otherwise you will have to search the list for the correct FunctionOutput object.
FunctionOutput functionOutput = functionOutputResult.FunctionOutputs.First();
// Extract the total load from the GlobalValue property
double totalLoad = (double)functionOutput.Value;
private NamedTraceConfiguration GetNamedTraceConfigurationsByName(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, string configurationName = "WaterNetwork")
// Query to find named trace configurations
NamedTraceConfigurationQuery namedTraceConfigurationQuery = new NamedTraceConfigurationQuery { Names = new List<string> { configurationName } };
// Get the trace manager from the utility network
using (TraceManager traceManager = utilityNetwork.GetTraceManager())
// A set of named trace configurations specified by the named traced configuration query
IReadOnlyList<NamedTraceConfiguration> namedTraceConfigurations = traceManager.GetNamedTraceConfigurations(namedTraceConfigurationQuery);
NamedTraceConfiguration waterConfiguration = namedTraceConfigurations.First(f => f.Description.Equals(configurationName));
return waterConfiguration;
private NamedTraceConfiguration GetNamedTraceConfigurationsFromUtilityNetworkLayer(UtilityNetworkLayer utilityNetworkLayer, string configurationName = "WaterNetwork")
// Get all named trace configurations in the utility network
IReadOnlyList<NamedTraceConfiguration> namedTraceConfigurations = utilityNetworkLayer.GetNamedTraceConfigurations();
foreach (NamedTraceConfiguration namedTraceConfiguration in namedTraceConfigurations)
if (namedTraceConfiguration.Name == configurationName)
return namedTraceConfiguration;
return null;
private void TraceUtilityNetworkUsingNamedTraceConfiguration(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, NamedTraceConfiguration namedTraceConfiguration, Element startElement)
// Get the trace manager from the utility network
using (TraceManager traceManager = utilityNetwork.GetTraceManager())
// Get a tracer from the trace manager using the named trace configuration
Tracer upstreamTracer = traceManager.GetTracer(namedTraceConfiguration);
// Trace argument holding the trace input parameters
TraceArgument upstreamTraceArgument = new TraceArgument(namedTraceConfiguration, new List<Element> { startElement });
// Trace results
IReadOnlyList<Result> upstreamTraceResults = upstreamTracer.Trace(upstreamTraceArgument);
private void TraceWithDigitizedDirection(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, Element startElement)
using TraceManager traceManager = utilityNetwork.GetTraceManager();
// Trace configuration with digitized direction
TraceConfiguration traceConfiguration = new TraceConfiguration()
IncludeIsolatedFeatures = true,
IncludeBarriersWithResults = true,
UseDigitizedDirection = true
// Trace argument
List<Element> startElements = new List<Element> { startElement };
TraceArgument traceArgument = new TraceArgument(startElements);
traceArgument.Configuration = traceConfiguration;
// Results
DownstreamTracer downstreamTracer = traceManager.GetTracer<DownstreamTracer>();
IReadOnlyList<Result> traceResults = downstreamTracer.Trace(traceArgument);
foreach (Result traceResult in traceResults)
// Iterate trace results
private void ExportUtilityNetworkTraceAsJSON(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork)
using (TraceManager traceManager = utilityNetwork.GetTraceManager())
using (UtilityNetworkDefinition utilityNetworkDefinition = utilityNetwork.GetDefinition())
using (NetworkSource deviceNetworkSource = GetNetworkSource(utilityNetworkDefinition, "GasDevice") as NetworkSource)
using (FeatureClass distributionDeviceFeatureClass = utilityNetwork.GetTable(deviceNetworkSource) as FeatureClass)
using (FeatureClassDefinition distributionDeviceDefinition = distributionDeviceFeatureClass.GetDefinition())
using (AssetGroup deviceAssetGroup = deviceNetworkSource.GetAssetGroup("Regulator"))
using (AssetType deviceAssetType = deviceAssetGroup.GetAssetType("Pressure Reducing"))
using (NetworkAttribute deviceStatusNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("DeviceStatus"))
using (NetworkAttribute accessibleNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Accessible"))
// Domain and tier information
DomainNetwork domainNetwork = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetDomainNetwork("Gas");
Tier pipeDistributionSystemTier = domainNetwork.GetTier("Pipe Distribution");
// Start elements
Element startingPoint1 = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(deviceAssetType, Guid.Parse("{28CF437E-950C-41B7-B839-8BC45570DE40}"));
Element startingPoint2 = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(deviceAssetType, Guid.Parse("{63C22828-7BC9-49ED-A14A-A596559B6CB3}"));
startingPoint1.Terminal = startingPoint1.AssetType.GetTerminalConfiguration().Terminals.First(x => x.IsUpstreamTerminal);
startingPoint2.Terminal = startingPoint2.AssetType.GetTerminalConfiguration().Terminals.First(x => x.IsUpstreamTerminal);
List<Element> startingPoints = new List<Element>() { startingPoint1, startingPoint2 };
List<Element> barriers = new List<Element>();
// Set up trace filter: DeviceStatus = Open (1) AND Accessible = 1
NetworkAttributeComparison statusNetworkAttributeComparison = new NetworkAttributeComparison(deviceStatusNetworkAttribute, Operator.Equal, 1);
NetworkAttributeComparison networkAttributeComparison = new NetworkAttributeComparison(accessibleNetworkAttribute, Operator.Equal, 1);
// Set trace configuration
TraceConfiguration traceConfiguration = new TraceConfiguration
AllowIndeterminateFlow = true,
IgnoreBarriersAtStartingPoints = false,
IncludeBarriersWithResults = true,
IncludeContainers = true,
IncludeContent = true,
IncludeIsolatedFeatures = false,
IncludeUpToFirstSpatialContainer = false
traceConfiguration.Filter.Barriers = new And(statusNetworkAttributeComparison, networkAttributeComparison);
traceConfiguration.DomainNetwork = domainNetwork;
traceConfiguration.SourceTier = pipeDistributionSystemTier;
// Attribute fields of a network source
List<string> deviceFields = distributionDeviceDefinition.GetFields().Select(f => f.Name).ToList();
// Network attributes
List<string> networkattributeNames = new List<string>();
IReadOnlyList<NetworkAttribute> networkAttributes = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttributes();
foreach (NetworkAttribute networkAttribute in networkAttributes)
// Result Types
List<ResultType> resultTypeList = new List<ResultType>() { ResultType.Feature };
// Resutl Options
ResultOptions resultOptions = new ResultOptions()
IncludeGeometry = true,
NetworkAttributes = networkattributeNames,
ResultFields = new Dictionary<NetworkSource, List<string>>() { { deviceNetworkSource, deviceFields } }
// Trace Arguments
TraceArgument traceArgument = new TraceArgument(startingPoints)
Barriers = barriers,
Configuration = traceConfiguration,
ResultTypes = resultTypeList,
ResultOptions = resultOptions
ConnectedTracer connectedTracer = traceManager.GetTracer<ConnectedTracer>();
// Set export options
TraceExportOptions exportOptions = new TraceExportOptions()
ServiceSynchronizationType = ServiceSynchronizationType.Asynchronous,
IncludeDomainDescriptions = true,
// Path to export JSON
string jsonPath = $"{Path.GetTempPath()}TraceResults.json";
Uri jsonUri = new Uri(jsonPath);
// Export
connectedTracer.Export(jsonUri, traceArgument, exportOptions);
string jsonAbsolutePath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(jsonUri.AbsolutePath);
if (jsonUri.IsFile && File.Exists(jsonAbsolutePath))
// Work with the JSON results
NetworkSource GetNetworkSource(UtilityNetworkDefinition unDefinition, string name)
IReadOnlyList<NetworkSource> allSources = unDefinition.GetNetworkSources();
foreach (NetworkSource source in allSources)
if (name.Contains("Partitioned Sink"))
if (source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper().Contains(name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()) ||
source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()
.Contains(name.Replace("Partitioned Sink", "Part_Sink").Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()))
return source;
if (name.Contains("Hierarchical Sink"))
if (source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper().Contains(name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()) ||
source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()
.Contains(name.Replace("Hierarchical Sink", "Hier_Sink").Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()))
return source;
if (source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper().Contains(name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()))
return source;
return null;
private void FetchFeaturesAndAttributes(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork)
using (TraceManager traceManager = utilityNetwork.GetTraceManager())
using (UtilityNetworkDefinition utilityNetworkDefinition = utilityNetwork.GetDefinition())
using (NetworkSource deviceNetworkSource = GetNetworkSource(utilityNetworkDefinition, "GasDevice") as NetworkSource)
using (FeatureClass distributionDeviceFeatureClass = utilityNetwork.GetTable(deviceNetworkSource) as FeatureClass)
using (FeatureClassDefinition distributionDeviceDefinition = distributionDeviceFeatureClass.GetDefinition())
using (AssetGroup deviceAssetGroup = deviceNetworkSource.GetAssetGroup("Regulator"))
using (AssetType deviceAssetType = deviceAssetGroup.GetAssetType("Pressure Reducing"))
using (NetworkAttribute deviceStatusNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("DeviceStatus"))
using (NetworkAttribute accessibleNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Accessible"))
// Domain and tier information
DomainNetwork domainNetwork = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetDomainNetwork("Gas");
Tier pipeDistributionSystemTier = domainNetwork.GetTier("Pipe Distribution");
// Start elements
Element startingPoint1 = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(deviceAssetType, Guid.Parse("{28CF437E-950C-41B7-B839-8BC45570DE40}"));
Element startingPoint2 = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(deviceAssetType, Guid.Parse("{63C22828-7BC9-49ED-A14A-A596559B6CB3}"));
startingPoint1.Terminal = startingPoint1.AssetType.GetTerminalConfiguration().Terminals.First(x => x.IsUpstreamTerminal);
startingPoint2.Terminal = startingPoint2.AssetType.GetTerminalConfiguration().Terminals.First(x => x.IsUpstreamTerminal);
List<Element> startingPoints = new List<Element>() { startingPoint1, startingPoint2 };
List<Element> barriers = new List<Element>();
// Set up trace filter: DeviceStatus = Open (1) AND Accessible = 1
NetworkAttributeComparison statusNetworkAttributeComparison = new NetworkAttributeComparison(deviceStatusNetworkAttribute, Operator.Equal, 1);
NetworkAttributeComparison networkAttributeComparison = new NetworkAttributeComparison(accessibleNetworkAttribute, Operator.Equal, 1);
// Set trace configuration
TraceConfiguration traceConfiguration = new TraceConfiguration
AllowIndeterminateFlow = true,
IgnoreBarriersAtStartingPoints = false,
IncludeBarriersWithResults = true,
IncludeContainers = true,
IncludeContent = true,
IncludeIsolatedFeatures = false,
IncludeUpToFirstSpatialContainer = false
traceConfiguration.Filter.Barriers = new And(statusNetworkAttributeComparison, networkAttributeComparison);
traceConfiguration.DomainNetwork = domainNetwork;
traceConfiguration.SourceTier = pipeDistributionSystemTier;
// Attribute fields of a network source
List<string> deviceFields = distributionDeviceDefinition.GetFields().Select(f => f.Name).ToList();
// Network attributes
List<string> networkattributeNames = new List<string>();
IReadOnlyList<NetworkAttribute> networkAttributes = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttributes();
foreach (NetworkAttribute networkAttribute in networkAttributes)
// Result Types
List<ResultType> resultTypeList = new List<ResultType>() { ResultType.Feature };
// Resutl Options
ResultOptions resultOptions = new ResultOptions()
IncludeGeometry = true,
NetworkAttributes = networkattributeNames,
ResultFields = new Dictionary<NetworkSource, List<string>>() { { deviceNetworkSource, deviceFields } }
// Trace Arguments
TraceArgument traceArgument = new TraceArgument(startingPoints)
Barriers = barriers,
Configuration = traceConfiguration,
ResultTypes = resultTypeList,
ResultOptions = resultOptions
// Tracer
ConnectedTracer connectedTracer = traceManager.GetTracer<ConnectedTracer>();
// Async trace result
IReadOnlyList<Result> traceResults = connectedTracer.Trace(traceArgument, ServiceSynchronizationType.Asynchronous);
// Iterate trace results
foreach (Result traceResult in traceResults)
if (traceResult is FeatureElementResult featureElementResult)
IReadOnlyList<FeatureElement> featureElements = featureElementResult.FeatureElements;
// Helper inline function
NetworkSource GetNetworkSource(UtilityNetworkDefinition unDefinition, string name)
IReadOnlyList<NetworkSource> allSources = unDefinition.GetNetworkSources();
foreach (NetworkSource source in allSources)
if (name.Contains("Partitioned Sink"))
if (source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper().Contains(name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()) ||
source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()
.Contains(name.Replace("Partitioned Sink", "Part_Sink").Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()))
return source;
if (name.Contains("Hierarchical Sink"))
if (source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper().Contains(name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()) ||
source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()
.Contains(name.Replace("Hierarchical Sink", "Hier_Sink").Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()))
return source;
if (source.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper().Contains(name.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper()))
return source;
return null;
private void FeatureSelectionsFromTrace(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, TraceArgument traceArgument)
// Get the trace manager from the utility network
using (TraceManager traceManager = utilityNetwork.GetTraceManager())
UpstreamTracer tracer = traceManager.GetTracer<UpstreamTracer>();
IReadOnlyList<Result> tracerResults = tracer.Trace(traceArgument);
foreach (Result traceResult in tracerResults)
if (traceResult is ElementResult elementResult)
IReadOnlyList<Element> elements = elementResult.Elements;
// Feature selection from a list of elements
IReadOnlyList<Selection> selections = utilityNetwork.GetFeaturesForElements(elements);
using (DiagramManager diagramManager = utilityNetwork.GetDiagramManager())
// Todo - do something
using (DiagramManager diagramManager = utilityNetwork.GetDiagramManager())
// get all the diagrams
IReadOnlyList<NetworkDiagram> diagrams = diagramManager.GetNetworkDiagrams();
// get a diagram by name
NetworkDiagram diagram = diagramManager.GetNetworkDiagram(diagrameName);
// get diagrams by extent
diagrams = diagramManager.GetNetworkDiagrams(extentOfInterest);
// get diagrams from a set of utility network feature GlobalIDs
diagrams = diagramManager.GetNetworkDiagrams(globalIDs);
// get diagrams from a set of utility network feature GlobalIDs within an extent
diagrams = diagramManager.GetNetworkDiagrams(extentOfInterest, globalIDs);
public List<NetworkDiagram> GetInconsistentDiagrams(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork)
// Get the DiagramManager from the utility network
using (DiagramManager diagramManager = utilityNetwork.GetDiagramManager())
List<NetworkDiagram> myList = new List<NetworkDiagram>();
// Loop through the network diagrams in the diagram manager
foreach (NetworkDiagram diagram in diagramManager.GetNetworkDiagrams())
NetworkDiagramInfo diagramInfo = diagram.GetDiagramInfo();
// If the diagram is not a system diagram and is in an inconsistent state, add it to our list
if (!diagramInfo.IsSystem && diagram.GetConsistencyState() != NetworkDiagramConsistencyState.DiagramIsConsistent)
diagram.Dispose(); // If we are not returning it we need to Dispose it
return myList;
// Create a diagram layer from a NetworkDiagram (myDiagram)
DiagramLayer diagramLayer = await QueuedTask.Run<DiagramLayer>(() =>
// Create the diagram map
var newMap = MapFactory.Instance.CreateMap(myDiagram.Name, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.MapType.NetworkDiagram, MapViewingMode.Map);
if (newMap == null)
return null;
// Open the diagram map
var mapPane = ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.ProApp.Panes.CreateMapPaneAsync(newMap, MapViewingMode.Map);
if (mapPane == null)
return null;
//Add the diagram to the map
return newMap.AddDiagramLayer(myDiagram);
public void GetDiagram(DiagramLayer diagramLayer)
// note - methods need to run on MCT
NetworkDiagram diagram = diagramLayer.GetNetworkDiagram();
// get the consistency state from the layer
DiagramLayerConsistencyState dlState = diagramLayer.ConsistencyState;
// or from the diagram
NetworkDiagramConsistencyState ndState = diagram.GetConsistencyState();
public void RetrieveDiagramTemplates(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork)
using (DiagramManager diagramManager = utilityNetwork.GetDiagramManager())
// get all templates
IReadOnlyList<DiagramTemplate> templates = diagramManager.GetDiagramTemplates();
// get a template by name
DiagramTemplate template = diagramManager.GetDiagramTemplate(templateName);
public void GetNetworkDiagramFromDiagramTemplates(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork)
using (DiagramManager diagramManager = utilityNetwork.GetDiagramManager())
// get the first templates
DiagramTemplate template = diagramManager.GetDiagramTemplates().FirstOrDefault();
// get the network diagrams fromt he template
IEnumerable<NetworkDiagram> diagrams = template.GetNetworkDiagrams();
// or get a network diagram by name
NetworkDiagram diagram = template.GetNetworkDiagram(diagrameName);
public void CreateNetworkDiagram(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, IEnumerable<Guid> globalIDs)
using (DiagramManager diagramManager = utilityNetwork.GetDiagramManager())
// get the template
DiagramTemplate template = diagramManager.GetDiagramTemplate(templateName);
// create the diagram
NetworkDiagram diagram = diagramManager.CreateNetworkDiagram(template, globalIDs);
public void GetDiagramContent(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork)
using (DiagramManager diagramManager = utilityNetwork.GetDiagramManager())
// get a diagram by name
NetworkDiagram diagram = diagramManager.GetNetworkDiagram(templateName);
string json_content = diagram.GetContent(true, true, true, true);
public void GetDiagramElements(MapView mapView, NetworkDiagram networkDiagram)
// Create a DiagramElementQueryByExtent to retrieve diagram element junctions whose extent
// intersects the active map extent
DiagramElementQueryByExtent elementQuery = new DiagramElementQueryByExtent();
elementQuery.ExtentOfInterest = MapView.Active.Extent;
elementQuery.AddContents = false;
elementQuery.QueryDiagramJunctionElement = true;
elementQuery.QueryDiagramEdgeElement = false;
elementQuery.QueryDiagramContainerElement = false;
// Use this DiagramElementQueryByExtent as an argument to the QueryDiagramElements method
DiagramElementQueryResult result = networkDiagram.QueryDiagramElements(elementQuery);
// get the container, junction, edge elements
// in this case result.DiagramJunctionElements and result.DiagramEdgeElements will be empty
// since elementQuery.QueryDiagramEdgeElement and elementQuery.QueryDiagramContainerElement are set to false
IReadOnlyList<DiagramContainerElement> containerElements = result.DiagramContainerElements;
IReadOnlyList<DiagramJunctionElement> junctionElements = result.DiagramJunctionElements;
IReadOnlyList<DiagramEdgeElement> edgeElements = result.DiagramEdgeElements;
public void GetDiagramAggregation(NetworkDiagram networkDiagram)
IReadOnlyList<DiagramAggregation> aggregations = networkDiagram.GetAggregations();
foreach (var aggregation in aggregations)
var type = aggregation.AggregationType;
public void FindDiagramFeatures(NetworkDiagram diagram, List<Guid> globalIDs)
FindDiagramFeatureQuery featureQuery = new FindDiagramFeatureQuery();
featureQuery.NetworkRowGlobalIDs = globalIDs;
featureQuery.AddAggregations = true;
featureQuery.AddConnectivityAssociations = true;
featureQuery.AddStructuralAttachments = true;
IReadOnlyList<FindResultItem> features = diagram.FindDiagramFeatures(featureQuery);
foreach (var findFeature in features)
long objectID = findFeature.ObjectID;
Guid guid = findFeature.GlobalID;
GeometryType geometryType = findFeature.GeometryType;
int sourceID = findFeature.SourceID;
public void FindDiagramRows(NetworkDiagram diagram, List<Guid> globalIDs)
FindNetworkRowQuery rowQuery = new FindNetworkRowQuery();
rowQuery.DiagramFeatureGlobalIDs = globalIDs;
rowQuery.AddAggregations = true;
IReadOnlyList<FindResultItem> rows = diagram.FindNetworkRows(rowQuery);
foreach (var findRow in rows)
long objectID = findRow.ObjectID;
Guid guid = findRow.GlobalID;
GeometryType geometryType = findRow.GeometryType;
int sourceID = findRow.SourceID;
public void FindInitialNetworkRows(NetworkDiagram diagram)
IReadOnlyList<FindResultItem> rows = diagram.FindInitialNetworkRows();
foreach (var findRow in rows)
long objectID = findRow.ObjectID;
Guid guid = findRow.GlobalID;
GeometryType geometryType = findRow.GeometryType;
int sourceID = findRow.SourceID;
public void DiagramElementQueryResultAndNetworkDiagramSubsetClasses(Geodatabase geodatabase, DiagramManager diagramManager, string diagramName)
// Retrieve a diagram
using (NetworkDiagram diagramTest = diagramManager.GetNetworkDiagram(diagramName))
// Create a DiagramElementQueryByElementTypes query object to get the diagram elements we want to work with
DiagramElementQueryByElementTypes query = new DiagramElementQueryByElementTypes();
query.QueryDiagramJunctionElement = true;
query.QueryDiagramEdgeElement = true;
query.QueryDiagramContainerElement = true;
// Retrieve those diagram elements
DiagramElementQueryResult elements = diagramTest.QueryDiagramElements(query);
// Create a NetworkDiagramSubset object to edit this set of diagram elements
NetworkDiagramSubset subset = new NetworkDiagramSubset();
subset.DiagramJunctionElements = elements.DiagramJunctionElements;
subset.DiagramEdgeElements = elements.DiagramEdgeElements;
subset.DiagramContainerElements = elements.DiagramContainerElements;
// Edit the shapes of the diagram elements - left as an exercise for the student
// Save the new layout of the diagram elements
diagramTest.SaveLayout(subset, true);
public void EditDiagram(NetworkDiagram diagram, List<Guid> globalIDs)
// These routines generate their own editing transaction, and therefore cannot be wrapped
// in a separate transaction. Because the editing performed by these routines cannot
// be undone, thise routines can also not be called within an editing session. All
// edits in the current edit session must be saved or discarded before calling these
// routines.
// refresh the diagram - synchronizes it based on the latest network topology
// append features to the diagram
// overite the diagram with a set of features
NetworkDiagramInfo info = diagram.GetDiagramInfo();
if (info.CanExtend)
// or extend for only a set of utility network globalIDs
diagram.Extend(NetworkDiagramExtendType.ExtendByContainment, globalIDs);
// delete a diagran
Home | API Reference | Requirements | Download | Samples
Create a utility network association
Create utility network features and associations in a single edit operation
Get traverse associations result from downward traversal
Get traverse associations result from upward traversal with depth limit
Find a Tier given a Domain Network name and Tier name
Update all dirty subnetworks in a tier
Life cycle for a simple radial subnetwork with one controller
Life cycle for a mesh subnetwork with multiple controllers
Life cycle for a multifeed radial subnetwork with two controllers
Export Subnetwork
Create a DownstreamTracer
Create a Trace Argument
Create a Condition to compare a Network Attribute against a set of values
Create a Function
Create a FunctionBarrier
Create an output condition
Create a Propagator
Using Function Results
Fetch a named trace configuration by name
Fetch named trace configurations from a utility network layer
Trace a utility network using a named trace configuration
Trace a utility network with the digitized direction
Export a utility network trace as a JSON file
Fetch features and network attributes from a utility network during trace
Get selected features from a list of elements
Get the Diagram Manager
Get Network Diagrams
Get a list of Network Diagrams with inconsistent ConsistencyState
Open a diagram pane from a Network Diagram
Get Diagram from DiagramLayer
Get Diagram Templates
Get Network Diagrams from a Diagram Template
Create a Network Diagram
Get Network Diagram Information as JSON string
Get Diagram Elements
Get Diagram Aggregations
Find Diagram Features for a set of utility network rows
Find Utility Network Rows for a set of diagram features
Find Initial Network Rows Used to create a Network Diagram
Change the Layout of a Network Diagram
Editing Network Diagram