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arcgisprosdk edited this page Jun 23, 2017
33 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: Workflow Manager
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <arcgisprosdk@esri.com>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 6/23/2017
ArcGIS Pro: 2.0
Visual Studio: 2015, 2017
.NET Target Framework: 4.6.1
The following ProSnippets are available:
ProSnippets by topic
- ProSnippets for Framework
- ProSnippets for CoreHost
- ProSnippets for Content
- ProSnippets for DataReviewer
- ProSnippets for Editing
- ProSnippets for Geodatabase
- ProSnippets for Geometry
- ProSnippets for Geoprocessing
- ProSnippets for Layouts
- ProSnippets for MapAuthoring
- ProSnippets for MapExploration
- ProSnippets for Raster
- ProSnippets for Sharing
- ProSnippets for Tasks
- ProSnippets for Workflow Manager
Execute a command
Set the current tool
Activate a tab
Activate/Deactivate a state - to modify a condition
Determine if the application is busy
Get the Application main window
Close ArcGIS Pro
Find a dockpane
Dockpane properties and methods
Dockpane undo / redo
Find a dockpane and obtain its ViewModel
Open the Backstage tab
Access the current theme
Display a Pro MessageBox
Add a toast notification
Change a buttons caption or image
Subscribe to Active Tool Changed Event
Progressor - Simple and non-cancelable
Progressor - Cancelable
Get an Image Resource from the Current Assembly
Prevent ArcGIS Pro from Closing
Position an embeddable control inside a MapView
Start ArcGIS Pro from the command line
Get Command Line Arguments
Application Accelerators (Shortcut Keys)
Defining controls in DAML with Pro Styles
New project
New project with specified name
New project using a particular template
Open project
Current project
Get location of current project
Get the project's default gdb path
Save project
SaveAs project
Close project
Adds item to the current project
Add a new map to a project
Check if project needs to be saved
Get all the project items
Gets all the "MapProjectItems"
Gets a specific "MapProjectItem"
Gets all the "StyleProjectItems"
Gets a specific "StyleProjectItem"
Gets all the "GDBProjectItems"
Gets a specific "GDBProjectItem"
Gets all the "ServerConnectionProjectItem"
Gets a specific "ServerConnectionProjectItem"
Gets all folder connections in a project
Gets a specific folder connection
Remove a specific folder connection
Gets a specific "LayoutProjectItem"
Gets all layouts in a project:
Gets a specific "GeoprocessingProjectItem"
Gets all GeoprocessingProjectItems in a project:
Search project for a specific item
Get The Default Project Folder
Get Item Categories
Using Item Categories
Method to Return The Default Template Folder
Get The List of Installed Templates
Create Project With Template
Find edit template by name on a layer
Create a feature using the current template
Create feature from modified inspector
Create features from a CSV file
Search for layer features and update a field
Edit Operation Create Features
Edit Operation Clip Features
Edit Operation Cut Features
Edit Operation Delete Features
Edit Operation Duplicate Features
Edit Operation Explode Features
Edit Operation Merge Features
Edit Operation Modify Features
Edit Operation Planarize Features
Edit Operation Reshape Features
Edit Operation Rotate Features
Edit Operation Scale Features
Edit Operation SplitAtPoints Features
Edit Operation Transform Features
Edit Operation Perform a Clip, Cut, and Planarize
Edit Operation Chain Edit Operations
Load map selection into Inspector
Load the first feature of a layer into the inspector
Load map selection into Inspector and Change Attributes
Change default edit tool for a template
Obtaining related Feature Classes from a Relationship Class
Opening a File Geodatabase given the path
Opening an Enterprise Geodatabase using connection properties
Opening an Enterprise Geodatabase using sde file path
Obtaining Geodatabase from Project Item
Obtaining Geodatabase from FeatureLayer
Opening datasets from Geodatabase
Obtaining Definition from Geodatabase
Obtaining List of Defintions from Geodatabase
Obtaining Related Defintions from Geodatabase
Searching a Table using QueryFilter
Searching a FeatureClass using SpatialQueryFilter
Selecting Rows from a Table
Selecting Features from a FeatureClass
Creating a Row
Creating a Feature
Modifying a Row
Modifying a Feature
Deleting a Row/Feature
Obtaining a memory stream to modify or create Attachment data
Adding Attachments
Updating Attachments
Deleting Attachments
Working with Versions
Getting Rows related by RelationshipClass
Creating a Relationship
Deleting a Relationship
Evaluating a QueryDef on a single table
Evaluating a QueryDef on a Join using WHERE Clause
Evaluating a QueryDef on a OUTER JOIN
Opening a FeatureClass from a ShapeFile Datastore
Create Default QueryDescription for a Database table and obtain the ArcGIS.Core.Data.Table for the QueryDescription
Create QueryDescription from a custom query for a Database table
Create QueryDescription from a join query where there is no non-nullable unique id column
Create QueryDescription from a query for a Database table which has more than one shape type
Create QueryDescription from a query for a SQLite Database table
Using SQLSyntax to form platform agnostic queries
Joining a file geodatabase feature class to an Oracle database query layer feature class with a virtual relationship class
Creating a QueryTable using a query which joins two versioned tables in a geodatabase
Construct a SpatialReference - from a Well Known ID
Construct a SpatialReference - from a string
Use WGS84 SpatialReference
Construct a SpatialReference with a vertical coordinate system - from Well Known IDs
Construct a SpatialReference with a verical coordinate system - from a string
SpatialReference Properties
Import and Export Spatial Reference
Vector Polar Coordinates
Getting vector inclination
Getting vector azimuth
Vector Operations
Builder Properties
Construct a MapPoint
MapPoint Builder Properties
MapPoint IsEqual
Construct a Polyline - from an enumeration of MapPoints
Get the points of a Polyline
Get the parts of a Polyline
Enumerate the parts of a Polyline
Reverse the order of points in a Polyline
Build a multi-part Polyline
Split Polyline at distance
Construct a Polygon - from an enumeration of MapPoints
Construct a Polygon - from an Envelope
Get the points of a Polygon
Get the parts of a Polygon
Enumerate the parts of a Polygon
Build a donut polygon
Construct an Envelope
Construct an Envelope - from a JSON string
Union two Envelopes
Expand an Envelope
Construct a Multipoint - from an enumeration of MapPoints
Modify the points of a Multipoint
Construct a LineSegment using two MapPoints
Construct a Cubic Bezier - from Coordinates
Construct a Cubic Bezier - from MapPoints
Construct a Cubic Bezier - from an enumeration of MapPoints
Cubic Bezier Builder Properties
Cubic Bezier Properties
Construct a Polyline (from a Cubic Bezier)
Construct a Circular Arc - using an interior point
Construct a Circular Arc - using a chord length and bearing
Construct a Circular Arc - using a center point, angle and radius
Construct a Circular Arc - using a center point and rotation angle
Construct a Circular Arc - using a center point and orientation
Construct a Circular Arc - using two segments and radius
Construct a Circle
Construct an Ellipse
Elliptic Arc Builder Properties
Elliptic Arc Properties
Get the individual parts of a multipart feature
Get the outermost rings of a polygon
Determine if a polygon ring is an outer ring or an inner ring
Retrieve Geometry from Geodatabase
Import and Export Geometries to Well Known Text
Import and Export Geometries to Well Known Binary
Import and Export Geometries to EsriShape
Import and Export Geometries to JSON
Import and Export Geometries to XML
Determine area of a polygon
Determine the boundary of a multi-part Polygon
Buffer a MapPoint
Buffer a Circular Arc
Buffer multiple MapPoints
Buffer many different Geometry Types
Interpolate Z values on a polyline
Interpolate M values on a polygon
Center an envelope around X,Y
Find the centroid of geometries
Clip a Polyline
Clip a Polyline by a Polygon
Polygon contains MapPoints, Polylines, Polygons
Determine convex hull
Determine if two geometries cross
Cut a geometry with a polyline
Densify By Length
Difference between two Polygons
Determine if two Geometries are disjoint
Determine distance between two Geometries
Determine 3D distance between two Geometries
Expand envelopes
Extend a polyline
GeodeticDensifyByDeviation - polyline
GeodeticDensifyByLength - polygon
Perform Geodetic Move on a set of MapPoints
Retrieve coordinate systems
Get Sub-curve of a polyline or polygon
Intersection between two Polylines
Intersection between two Polygons
Determine label point for a Polygon
Move a MapPoint
Move a z-aware MapPoint
Move a Polyline
Nearest Point versus Nearest Vertex
Determine Nearest Point in 3D
Determine if geometries overlap
Project from WGS84 to WebMercator
Project from WGS84
Determine relationship between two geometries
Replace NaN Zs in a polygon
Reverse the order of points in a Polygon
Rotate a MapPoint
Rotate a Polyline
Set all Zs in a polyline
Calculate area of geometry on surface of Earth's ellipsoid - ShapePreservingArea
Calculate length of geometry on surface of Earth's ellipsoid - ShapePreservingLength
Scale a geometry
Simplify a polygon
Simplify a polyline with intersections, overlaps
Polygon touches another Polygon
Union two MapPoints - creates a Multipoint
Union two Polygons
Union many Polylines
Union many Polygons
MapPoints, Polylines, Polygons within Polygon
Create Geographic Transformation
Create Composite Geographic Transformation
Create Projection Transformation
Create HV Datum Transformation
Create Composite HV Datum Transformation
Determine Transformations
MapPoint - GeoCoordinateString Conversion
AngularUnit - Convert between degrees and radians
AngularUnit - Create an AngularUnit with a factory code
AngularUnit - Create a Custom AngularUnit
LinearUnit - Convert between feet and meters
LinearUnit - Convert between centimeters and millimeters
LinearUnit - Create a LinearUnit with a factory code
LinearUnit - Create a Custom LinearUnit
AreaUnit - Convert between square feet and square meters
AreaUnit - Convert between hectares and acres
AreaUnit - Convert between hectares and square miles
AreaUnit - How many Square meters in various units
Execute a Model tool
Set Geoprocessing extent environment
Open a script tool dialog in Geoprocessing pane
Get Geoprocessing project items
Retrieve layout project items
Add a layout to the project
Change layout properties
Find an element
Update element properties
Delete an element
Group elements
Update Text Element properties
Update a picture element
Update a map surround
Lock an element
Update an elements transparency
Clone an element
Access map frame and map bookmarks from Layout
Export a layout
Export a map frame
Export the active Mapview
Get a style in project by name
Create a new style
Add a style to project
Remove a style from project
Add a style item to a style
Remove a style item from a style
Determine if a style can be upgraded
Determine if a style is read-only
Determine if a style is current
Upgrade a style
Construct a point symbol of a specific color and size
Construct a point symbol of a specific color, size and shape
Construct a point symbol from a marker
Construct a point symbol from a file on disk
Construct a polygon symbol of specific color and fill style
Construct a polygon symbol of specific color, fill style and outline
Construct a polygon symbol without an outline
Construct a line symbol of specific color, size and line style
Construct a line symbol from a stroke
Construct a multilayer line symbol with circle markers on the line ends
Construct a multilayer line symbol with an arrow head on the end
Get symbol reference from a symbol
Search for a specific item in a style
Search for point symbols in a style
Search for line symbols in a style
Search for polygon symbols in a style
Search for colors in a style
Search for color ramps in a style
Search for north arrows in a style
Search for scale bars in a style
Search for label placements in a style
Set symbol for a feature layer symbolized with simple renderer
Apply a symbol from style to a feature layer
Apply a point symbol from a style to a feature layer
Apply a color ramp from a style to a feature layer
Get the active map
Create a new map with a default basemap layer
Find a map within a project and open it
Open a webmap
Get Map Panes
Get The Unique List of Maps From the Map Panes
Find layers using partial name search
Create and add a layer to the active map
Create a feature layer with class breaks renderer with defaults
Create a feature layer with class breaks renderer
Set unique value renderer to the selected feature layer of the active map
Create a query layer
Change Geodatabase Version of layers off a specified version in a map using version name
Change Geodatabase Version of layers off a specified version in a map
Querying a feature layer
Create a raster layer
Update the raster colorizer on a raster layer
Update the RGB colorizer on a raster layer
Check if a certain colorizer can be applied to a raster layer
Create a new colorizer based on a default colorizer definition and apply it to the raster layer
Create a new colorizer based on a custom colorizer definition and apply it to the raster layer
Create a raster layer with a new colorizer definition
Create a mosaic layer
Update the raster colorizer on a mosaic layer
Update the RGB colorizer on a mosaic layer
Check if a certain colorizer can be applied to a mosaic layer
Create a new colorizer based on a default colorizer definition and apply it to the mosaic layer
Create a new colorizer based on a custom colorizer definition and apply it to the mosaic layer
Create a mosaic layer with a new colorizer definition
Update the sort order (mosaic method) on a mosaic layer
Update the resolve overlap (mosaic operator) on a mosaic layer
Create an image service layer
Update the raster colorizer on an image service layer
Update the RGB colorizer on an image service layer
Check if a certain colorizer can be applied to an image service layer
Create a new colorizer based on a default colorizer definition and apply it to the image service layer
Create a new colorizer based on a custom colorizer definition and apply it to the image service layer
Create an image service layer with a new colorizer definition
Update the sort order (mosaic method) on an image service layer
Update the resolve overlap (mosaic operator) on an image service layer
Create a Heatmap Renderer
Create an Unclassed Renderer
Create a Proportion Renderer with max and min symbol size capped
Create a True Proportion Renderer
Update a map's basemap layer
Remove basemap layer from a map
Find a layer
Get a list of layers filtered by layer type from a map
Find a standalone table
Enable labeling on a layer
Access the display field for a layer
Find connected attribute field for rotation
Toggle "Scale layer symbols when reference scale is set"
Set the layer cache
Change the layer selection color
Get the active map's name
Select all feature layers in TOC
Flash selected features
Test if the view is 3D
Rotate the map view
Show a pop-up for a feature
Show a custom pop-up
Zoom to an extent
Zoom to visible layers
Zoom to selected layers in TOC
Zoom to previous camera
Zoom to a bookmark with a given name
Create a new bookmark using the active map view
Remove bookmark with a given name
Get the collection of bookmarks for the project
Change the thumbnail for a bookmark
Project camera into a new spatial reference
Step forward in time by 1 month
Graphic Overlay
Change symbol for a sketch tool
Create a tool to the return coordinates of the point clicked in the map
Create a tool to identify the featutes that intersect the sketch geometry
ArcGISPortalManager: Get the Current Active Portal
ArcGISPortalManager: Get a list of all your Portals
ArcGISPortalManager: Add a portal to the list of portals
ArcGISPortalManager: Get a portal and Sign In, Set it Active
ArcGISPortalManager:Listen for the Portal Events
EsriHttpClient: Get the Current signed on User
Get the Groups for the Current Signed on User
EsriHttpClient: Query for esri content on the active Portal
EsriHttpClient: Get a Web Map for the Current User and Add it to Pro
EsriHttpClient: Get a Service Layer and Add it to Pro
Open raster dataset in a folder.
Open raster dataset in a geodatabase.
Get the raster dataset definition from a raster dataset.
Create a raster cursor to iterate through the raster data.
Read and Write pixels from and to a raster dataset using pixel blocks.
Process pixels using a pixel block
Calculate Raster statistics
Home | API Reference | Requirements | Download | Samples
- Overview of the ArcGIS Pro SDK
- What's New for Developers at 3.4
- Installing ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET
- Release notes
- Resources
- Pro SDK Videos
- ProSnippets
- ArcGIS Pro API
- ProGuide: ArcGIS Pro Extensions NuGet
- ProSnippets: Framework
- ProSnippets: DAML
- ProConcepts: Framework
- ProConcepts: Asynchronous Programming in ArcGIS Pro
- ProConcepts: Advanced topics
- ProGuide: Custom settings
- ProGuide: Command line switches for ArcGISPro.exe
- ProGuide: Reusing ArcGIS Pro Commands
- ProGuide: Licensing
- ProGuide: Digital signatures
- ProGuide: Command Search
- ProGuide: Keyboard shortcuts
- ProGuide: Installation and Upgrade
- ProGuide: Your first add-in
- ProGuide: ArcGIS AllSource Project Template
- ProConcepts: Localization
- ProGuide: Content and Image Resources
- ProGuide: Embedding Toolboxes
- ProGuide: Diagnosing ArcGIS Pro Add-ins
- ProGuide: Regression Testing
- ProGuide: The Ribbon, Tabs and Groups
- ProGuide: Buttons
- ProGuide: Label Controls
- ProGuide: Checkboxes
- ProGuide: Edit Boxes
- ProGuide: Combo Boxes
- ProGuide: Context Menus
- ProGuide: Palettes and Split Buttons
- ProGuide: Galleries
- ProGuide: Dockpanes
- ProGuide: Code Your Own States and Conditions
- ProSnippets: Content
- ProSnippets: Browse Dialog Filters
- ProConcepts: Project Content and Items
- ProConcepts: Custom Items
- ProGuide: Custom Items
- ProGuide: Custom browse dialog filters
- ArcGIS Pro TypeID Reference
- ProSnippets: Editing
- ProConcepts: Editing
- ProConcepts: COGO
- ProConcepts: Annotation Editing
- ProConcepts: Dimension Editing
- ProGuide: Editing Tool
- ProGuide: Sketch Tool With Halo
- ProGuide: Construction Tools with Options
- ProGuide: Annotation Construction Tools
- ProGuide: Annotation Editing Tools
- ProGuide: Knowledge Graph Construction Tools
- ProGuide: Templates
3D Analyst Data
Plugin Datasources
Linear Referencing
Object Model Diagram
- ProSnippets: Geometry
- ProSnippets: Geometry Engine
- ProConcepts: Geometry
- ProConcepts: Multipatches
- ProGuide: Building Multipatches
Relational Operations
- ProSnippets: Knowledge Graph
- ProConcepts: Knowledge Graph
- ProGuide: Knowledge Graph Construction Tools
- ProSnippets: Map Authoring
- ProSnippets: Annotation
- ProSnippets: Charts
- ProSnippets: Labeling
- ProSnippets: Renderers
- ProSnippets: Symbology
- ProSnippets: Text Symbols
- ProConcepts: Map Authoring
- ProConcepts: Annotation
- ProConcepts: Dimensions
- ProGuide: Tray buttons
- ProGuide: Custom Dictionary Style
- ProGuide: Geocoding
3D Analyst
- ProSnippets: Map Exploration
- ProSnippets: Custom Pane with Contents
- ProConcepts: Map Exploration
- ProGuide: Map Pane Impersonation
- ProGuide: TableControl
Map Tools
- ProGuide: Feature Selection
- ProGuide: Identify
- ProGuide: MapView Interaction
- ProGuide: Embeddable Controls
- ProGuide: Custom Pop-ups
- ProGuide: Dynamic Pop-up Menu
Network Diagrams
- ArcGIS Pro API Reference Guide
- ArcGIS Pro SDK (pro.arcgis.com)
- arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples
- ArcGISPro Registry Keys
- ArcGIS Pro DAML ID Reference
- ArcGIS Pro Icon Reference
- ArcGIS Pro TypeID Reference
- ProConcepts: Distributing Add-Ins Online
- ProConcepts: Migrating to ArcGIS Pro
- Archived ArcGIS Pro API Reference Guides
- Dev Summit Tech Sessions