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Patients Dorm

José Gomes edited this page May 30, 2021 · 2 revisions

Patients Dorm

General description

This location is a common multi-person dormitory, filled with bunk-beds. This place is very crowded with beds and looks like the keepers tried to max out the amount of patients they could fit in this room. It is dirty and the keepers seem to have abandoned the idea of takinf care of this place.



"While the facades and grounds of the state-run asylums were often beautiful and grand, the insides reflected how the society of the era viewed the mentally ill. The interiors were bleak, squalid and overcrowded. The beauty and grandeur of the facilities were very clearly meant for the joy of the taxpayers and tourists, not those condemned to live within."

Image and quote taken from on May 30th, 2021

Levels that use this area

Connections to other areas

  • Main hall of the private room area
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