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Logging configuration

Atsushi Abe edited this page Aug 5, 2020 · 4 revisions


The commands in this project put the messages via syslog interface on OS. But almost all support OS don't put the messages by default.

This page provide information how to configure syslog in each OSs.

The system that uses rsyslog (eg: RHEL7)

docs/ltfs-log.conf is the configuration file. Put the file into /etc/rsyslog.d and restart the syslog service. The log is put to /var/log/ltfs.log

Disable rate limit on RHEL7

There are 2 places to limit log output in RHEL7. One is journald and the other is rsyslog. Technically, a log printed by syslog() is handled by journald and then it is sent to rsyslog. So you need to configure both component to unlimit a number of logs.

Disable rate limit (journald)

Add following lines to /etc/systemd/journald.conf


Disable rate limit (rsyslog)

Change $imjournalRatelimitInterval and $imjournalRatelimitBurst to 0 in /etc/rsyslog.conf like below.

# Disable rate limit
$imjournalRatelimitInterval 0
$imjournalRatelimitBurst 0

The system that uses syslog-ng

docs/ltfslog may be the configuration file for syslog-ng. Anyone does not confirm the behavior at all at this time. Please update this page if you know the way to configure.

The system that uses ASL (eg: macOS Sierra or later) is the configuration file. Put the file into /etc/asl and send HUP signal to the syslogd by kill command like kill -HUP [pid_of_syslogd]

The method above is corrupted at this time (at least 10.15). You can see the live ltfs log by the command below.

log stream --info --debug --predicate 'process == "ltfs"' --style default

and you can see the log history by the command below

log show --info --debug --predicate 'process == "ltfs"' --style default