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Atsushi Abe edited this page Feb 24, 2022 · 2 revisions


ltfsindextool - Low level index checking tool for LTFS


ltfsindextool  [ -d name ]  [ -p part_num ]  [ -s block ]  [ -b num ]  [ -i file ]  [ -e name ]  [ -q
]  [ -t ]  [ -V ]  [ -h ]  [ -p ]  [ filename ]


ltfsindextool is a low level index checking tool.

There are 2 features. One is captureing indexes on a tape, the other is checking captured index from
a file.  The command runs as index checking mode when filename is specified. It runs as index captur-
ing mode when -d option is specified. It runs as index checking mode when both filename and -d option
are  specified.   -p, -s --output-dir, -b is available only when it runs under index captureing mode.
They would be ignored when it runs under index checking mode.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with  two  dashes
('-'). A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files.

-d, --device=name
       Tape  device name to capture indexes. On Linux, name is like '/dev/sg5', on OSX, name is
       like '0'. Or name can accept drive serial but it depends on specified backend.

-p, --partition=part_num
       Partition to capture indexes. Shall be 0 or 1. By default, capture indexes on both partitions

-s, --start-pos=block
       Block number to start capturing indexes

       Directory to store captured indexes

-b, --blocksize=num
       Specify the LTFS record size

-i, --config=name
       Use the specified configuration file

-e, --backend=name
       Use the specified tape device backend

       Use the specified key manager interface backend (default: none)

-q, --quiet
       Suppress progress information and general messages

-t, --trace
       Enable function call tracing

-V, --version
       Version information

-h, --help
       Show help information


ltfsindextool -d /dev/sg10
ltfsindextool -d /dev/sg10 -p 1 --output-dir=/foo
ltfsindextool ltfs-index-1-35.xml


ltfs(8), mkltfs(8), ltfsck(8), tape-backend(4), kmi-backend(4), ltfs.conf(5).