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Behavior: HorseFighter

Lucas Massey edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 3 revisions

Behavior Description: One day, the fighter behavior went out for a few drinks. It ended up going home with the Horsefly behavior for some consensual... well, you can use your imagination (or don't, that's probably the sane thing to do).

HorseFighter is a combination between the Horsefly and Fighter behaviors. Its main behavior mostly resembles the Horsefly movements where it will fly around a target in randomized patters and engage targets with Turrets.

Internally, there is a timer that toggles a switch between Fighter and Horsefly. If the switch is activated and the NPC grid is within range of the target, the behavior will switch to the Rotate and Strafe behavior of the Fighter, engaging with Static Weapons.

After the timer triggers the switch to turn off again, the behavior will resume Horsefly-like flight patterns until the timer once again activates the switch.

Core System Tag Defaults:

System: Tag: Value:
AutoPilot Default Primary Profile Click Here

Below are the custom tags you can use for the Horsefly Behavior:

Tag:                                HorseFighterTimeApproaching
Tag Format: [HorseFighterTimeApproaching:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the amount of time before the NPC will spend in Horsefly mode before switching to Fighter mode (if in range of the target based on the EngageDistance tags).
Allowed Values: Any integer 0 or greater
Multiple Tag Allowed: No
Tag:                                HorseFighterTimeEngaging
Tag Format: [HorseFighterTimeEngaging:Value]
Description: This tag specifies the amount of time before the NPC will spend in Fighter mode before switching to Horsefly mode.
Allowed Values: Any integer 0 or greater
Multiple Tag Allowed: No