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Debug Mode

Lucas Massey edited this page Nov 22, 2020 · 1 revision

RivalAI has a built in debug mode that will add events from NPC behavior to the Game Log (SpaceEngineers_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSSmmm.log).

Below is a reference of all the Debug Commands and what they will add to the log. Please note, if you save your game with these options enabled, they will be enabled the next time you load that world.

Tag:                                DebugMode
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.DebugMode.Value
Description: This command Enables or Disables RivalAI's Debug Mode.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                RemoveAll
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.RemoveAll.Value
Description: This command Disables Debug Mode and all logging options. This option can be used to quickly turn off debug mode, or to reset all the logging options.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                DebugDrawToggle
Command Format: /RAI.DebugDrawToggle.Value
Description: This command enables/disables a debug draw mode that will draw a line from an NPC to its current waypoint. Does not work on servers / multiplayer. This command also does not persist with saving the game.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Action
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Action.Value
Description: This command enables logging for certain Actions when they are executed.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                BehaviorSetup
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.BehaviorSetup.Value
Description: This command enables logging when the behavior is being intialized. This is good for catching many types of errors.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Chat
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Chat.Value
Description: This command enables logging when the behavior uses Chat Actions.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Condition
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Condition.Value
Description: This command enables logging for Condition Profiles.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Despawn
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Despawn.Value
Description: This command enables logging for when the NPC uses the Despawn system.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Collision
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Collision.Value
Description: This command enables logging for the Collision System in the Autopilot.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Spawn
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Spawn.Value
Description: This command enables logging for Spawn Profiles.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Target
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Target.Value
Description: This command enables logging for the Target System.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                TargetAcquisition
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.TargetAcquisition.Value
Description: This command enables logging for when Target Acquisition is being processed (can produce lots of results in log).
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                TargetEvaluation
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.TargetEvaluation.Value
Description: This command enables logging for when Target Evaluation is being processed (can produce lots of results in log).
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Trigger
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Trigger.Value
Description: This command enables logging for when the Trigger System is being processed.
Allowed Values: true
Tag:                                Weapon
Command Format: /RAI.Debug.Weapon.Value
Description: This command enables logging for when Weapons are being processed / used.
Allowed Values: true