Bug Fixes
auto-complete: dropdown position error with group-input (#5157 ) (5b26479 )
cascader: fix cascader position (#5148 ) (7870e67 ), closes #5102
date-picker: set formControl disabled not work (#5126 ) (b83e7b5 ), closes #5118
date-picker,time-picker: clicking host to open panel (#5105 ) (7c938b4 ), closes #5073
description: fix description not accept TemplateRef (#5139 ) (90d2ec5 ), closes #5127
form: the setStatus needs to call again on tips changes (#5144 ) (a08d4da ), closes #5129
menu: fix menu matchRouter not work (#5095 ) (2724b9b )
menu: fix submenu scrollable (#5155 ) (fb52f21 ), closes #4837
message: fix message remove error when no container (#5123 ) (1eca795 ), closes #5121
modal: NoopAnimations
do not work with modal mask (#5103 ) (d7625db ), closes #5093
notification: fix global config nzPlacement not working (#5140 ) (1ce1634 ), closes #5135
progress: fix nzFormat not shown status is exception (#5136 ) (654411e ), closes #5130
select: fix ie11 select search input (#5117 ) (83cdc84 ), closes #5110
select: fix virtual scroll hover bug (#5131 ) (d69415a ), closes #5120 #5116
space: fix config name (#5147 ) (64f772d )
table: remove table nzQueryParams debounceTime (#5132 ) (07a9d34 ), closes #5113
time-picker: allow undefined or null input (#5104 ) (d0b40ce ), closes #5100
tooltip: fix title not updated to component (#5097 ) (1123281 ), closes #5087
backward-compatible with the previous rendering engine (#5090 ) (b61a914 ), closes #5088
Bug Fixes
auto-complete: 修复 input-group 中的位置 (#5157 ) (5b26479 )
cascader: 修复下拉位置边界检测问题 (#5148 ) (7870e67 ), closes #5102
date-picker: 修复 form disabled 不生效问题 (#5126 ) (b83e7b5 ), closes #5118
date-picker,time-picker: 修复点击展开下拉问题 (#5105 ) (7c938b4 ), closes #5073
description: 修复 nzTitle 不接收 TemplateRef (#5139 ) (90d2ec5 ), closes #5127
form: 修复 tips 改变时数据未更新问题 (#5144 ) (a08d4da ), closes #5129
menu: 修复 nzMatchRouter 不生效问题 (#5095 ) (2724b9b )
menu: 修复 submenu 滚动问题 (#5155 ) (fb52f21 ), closes #4837
message: 修复 remove 调用边界情况 (#5123 ) (1eca795 ), closes #5121
modal: 修复 NoopAnimations
在 modal 中的延时问题 (#5103 ) (d7625db ), closes #5093
notification: 修复全局 nzPlacement 不生效 (#5140 ) (1ce1634 ), closes #5135
progress: 修复 nzFormat 在 exception 不生效问题 (#5136 ) (654411e ), closes #5130
select: 修复 ie11 下输入无效问题 (#5117 ) (83cdc84 ), closes #5110
select: 修复悬浮在 option 时自动滚动问题 (#5131 ) (d69415a ), closes #5120 #5116
space: 修复配置名称 (#5147 ) (64f772d )
table: 移除 nzQueryParams debounceTime 时间 (#5132 ) (07a9d34 ), closes #5113
time-picker: 允许输入值为 undefined 或 null (#5104 ) (d0b40ce ), closes #5100
tooltip: 修复 nzTitle 在 null 之间切换未生效问题 (#5097 ) (1123281 ), closes #5087
修复 ivy 关闭时的渲染问题 (#5090 ) (b61a914 ), closes #5088
You can’t perform that action at this time.