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IrcLog2008 09 08
William Deegan edited this page Jan 14, 2016
2 revisions
18:23:54 * garyo-home (n=[chatzill@209-6-158-38.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com](mailto:chatzill@209-6-158-38.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com)) has joined #scons
18:58:23 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hi, Gary. Almost time for the bug party. Anyone else here? I don't see Steven.
18:58:57 <garyo-home> Hi Greg, I'm here.
18:59:05 <garyo-home> Don't know about steven yet.
19:00:13 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Let me grab a soda; I'll be right back.
19:00:19 <garyo-home> ok
19:03:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, I'm back; where's Steven?
19:04:32 <garyo-home> no sign yet.
19:04:49 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I marked up all the issues that had obvious consensus; there should only be a few to discuss.
19:05:15 <garyo-home> I don't have that much time tonight; I should keep it to 1/2 hour. Presentation tomorrow then off to Amsterdam Wednesday. Thanks for the great spreadsheet work!
19:05:54 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> The dam of the Amster river? I'm jealous.
19:06:12 <garyo-home> Amstel, but who's counting. Yes, a truly wonderful town.
19:06:31 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Sigh. I never could spell...
19:07:05 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> We've been through there on vacations, but never time to visit.
19:06:39 <garyo-home> Wish I had more free time though, it's all business 90% of the time.
19:07:18 <garyo-home> I think I could move there.
19:07:46 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hmmm... I'd go for the Bay of Islands first.
19:07:51 <garyo-home> Where's that?
19:08:03 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> North New Zealand.
19:08:30 <garyo-home> Australia & NZ have long been on my list. But it's quite the flight to get there, esp. with a family!
19:08:49 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> True, 16 hours or more.
19:08:39 <garyo-home> What's Bay of Islands like?
19:09:41 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Lovely. It's a natural breakwater almost a hundred miles wide across the top of NZ. Like a bay, wonderful sailing.
19:10:28 <garyo-home> Sounds great. Is it tropical?
19:10:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Semi-tropical; about the same as San Diego.
19:11:13 <garyo-home> That's pretty perfect.
19:12:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Oh, yes. And prices are unbelievable. We looked at a small castle on ten acres for 200K NZD.
19:12:17 <garyo-home> Whoa! Really??
19:12:49 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Yes, although food and health care are high.
19:11:36 <garyo-home> Well, it's 12 after. Shall we look at a few of the non-consensus issues even just the 2 of us?
19:12:05 <garyo-home> Also can you remind me of the current 1.1 schedule?
19:12:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Uh, that's something I wanted to discuss.
19:13:04 <garyo-home> ok, shoot. It'll go in the IRC logs anyway.
19:13:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, here's the consideration: December is a bad time to commit to a release. Between Thanksgiving, holiday get-togethers, Christmas shopping, Christmas, Boxing day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day, there are just too many distractions.
19:13:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> If we keep the current schedule for 1.1 and try to maintain it for 1.2, we're going to end up with 1.3 the end of December. Not good.
19:13:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> So if we start the clock for 1.1 as of Sunday's 1.0.1 release, then we can have a checkpoint this weekend (13 September), a release candidate on the weekend of 27 September, and a release the weekend of 4 October. That's not too bad.
19:13:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> For 1.2, we plan checkpoints for the weekend of 18 October and 1 November, a release candidate the weekend of 15 November, and a release the weekend of 23 November, well before Thanksgiving on 27 October.
19:13:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Then for 1.3, we plan bi-weekly checkpoints toward a (to be determined) release date in January.
19:13:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> At that point, we can decide whether to have a 1.4 or work toward 2.0. (I'd go for a 2.0 in March, with several incremental checkpoints along the way.)
19:13:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> How's that sound?
19:13:50 <garyo-home> :-)
19:15:15 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Comments?
19:15:24 <garyo-home> So far what I've seen for 1.1 looks like it could be done by 27 sept. I'll be gone from Wednesday to next Wednesday though. Still, I have only 4 tickets for 1.1.
19:15:54 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'm trying to stretch 1.1 slightly so 1.3 won't end up in December.
19:15:55 <garyo-home> Basically you're proposing to stretch it a little, which suits me fine.
19:16:02 * sgk (n=[stevenkn@c-67-169-176-171.hsd1.ca.comcast.net](mailto:stevenkn@c-67-169-176-171.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)) has joined #scons
19:16:08 <garyo-home> Aha, here he is.
19:16:09 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hello, Steven.
19:16:13 <sgk> hey there
19:16:19 <sgk> stuck on the highway
19:16:38 <garyo-home> No problem. I have to go at 10:30 (OK, stretch to 10:40).
19:16:51 <sgk> i can't stay much either
19:16:48 <garyo-home> Busy rest of week.
19:16:53 <sgk> i hear you
19:17:02 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> We're discussing schedule...
19:17:07 <garyo-home> Greg, want to re-dump your last thing?
19:17:14 <sgk> release sched? or bug party sched?
19:17:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> release
19:17:22 <garyo-home> 1.1 - 1.4.
19:17:33 <sgk> :-)
19:17:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Shall I requote?
19:17:44 <sgk> did you see what i slapped up in roadmap.html?
19:17:47 <garyo-home> please.
19:17:49 <sgk> please do
19:17:51 <sgk> requote
19:18:05 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Ur, no, not yet. Here's what I said before:
19:18:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Here's the consideration: December is a bad time to commit to a release. Between Thanksgiving, holiday get-togethers, Christmas shopping, Christmas, Boxing day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day, there are just too many distractions.
19:18:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> If we keep the current schedule for 1.1 and try to maintain it for 1.2, we're going to end up with 1.3 the end of December. Not good.
19:18:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> So if we start the clock for 1.1 as of Sunday's 1.0.1 release, then we can have a checkpoint this weekend (13 September), a release candidate on the weekend of 27 September, and a release the weekend of 4 October. That's not too bad.
19:18:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> For 1.2, we plan checkpoints for the weekend of 18 October and 1 November, a release candidate the weekend of 15 November, and a release the weekend of 23 November, well before Thanksgiving on 27 October.
19:18:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Then for 1.3, we plan bi-weekly checkpoints toward a (to be determined) release date in January.
19:18:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> At that point, we can decide whether to have a 1.4 or work toward 2.0. (I'd go for a 2.0 in March, with several incremental checkpoints along the way.)
19:18:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> How's that sound?
19:19:00 <garyo-home> Looking at roadmap.html, you guys are remarkably close.
19:19:25 <sgk> well, off by .2 :-)
19:19:45 <sgk> overall timing between releases makes sense to me
19:19:57 <sgk> so working that towards 1.2, sure
19:20:06 <garyo-home> 1.1 end sept/early oct, 1.2 24 nov, sounds good to me.
19:20:45 <sgk> and agree with general time frames
19:20:45 <garyo-home> can we look at some of the issues?
19:21:33 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes, I'm digesting Steven's roadmap
19:21:39 <sgk> not sure if i can -- really sorry
19:22:09 <sgk> i'm okay with going with your consensus guys' consensus based on spreadsheet
19:22:22 <sgk> and if there's something that really needs my input, take it off-line
19:22:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> only a few other issues to discuss..
19:22:48 <sgk> can we tee them up really quickly?
19:23:22 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Check the spreadsheets; I marked them.
19:23:14 <garyo-home> new ones: 2195 (ok for 1.x, not 1.1)?
19:23:40 <garyo-home> [all other new ones are already consensus, 2195's the only one w/ any question.)
19:24:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2191 needs an owner
19:24:33 <garyo-home> I'll do it. I have VMs for it and can snapshot them.
19:24:34 <sgk> 2195: my gut says yes 1.1 (since it's for new features)
19:24:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, I'll push Rob about it.
19:25:01 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2191 needs an owner
19:25:09 <garyo-home> 2195: if it slips, we don't hold 1.1 for it.
19:25:22 <garyo-home> ok?
19:25:25 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
19:25:36 <sgk> 2191: agree
19:25:44 <sgk> 2195: agree i mean
19:25:52 <sgk> 2191: any chance david's stuff covers it?
19:26:07 <sgk> too big for me to commit in 1.1
19:26:28 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll ask, see what he thinks.
19:26:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> If David doesn't want it, what then?
19:26:53 <garyo-home> 2191, python64 on win64, right? I can look at it.
19:27:05 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, will you have time?
19:27:34 <garyo-home> Can't promise of course. But it looks simple. I know an awful lot about win64 registry issues. :-/
19:27:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, garyo owner. Next spreadsheet?
19:28:12 <garyo-home> 2005 is first I think.
19:28:37 <garyo-home> If Steven wants it, OK.
19:28:45 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> er, 1945 is first, I think.
19:29:09 <garyo-home> OK, I didn't count 1945 cause it seemed like we all say "see if Ludwig will do it" and if not, defer.
19:29:10 <sgk> which spreadsheet?
19:29:33 <garyo-home> [BugParty](BugParty) page: Decide which issues from 1.x should be promoted into 1.1
19:29:34 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> "Possible issues for 1.1"
19:29:45 <sgk> thnx
19:29:57 <garyo-home> [http://scons.tigris.org/issues/buglist.cgi?resort=1&component=scons&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED&order=issues.target_milestone%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.votes%20desc%2C%20issues.creation_ts&target_milestone=1.x](http://scons.tigris.org/issues/buglist.cgi?resort=1&component=scons&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED&order=issues.target_milestone%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.votes%20desc%2C%20issues.creation_ts&target_milestone=1.x)
19:30:21 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1945, Done.
19:31:02 <sgk> 2005: me done
19:31:09 <garyo-home> ok.
19:31:32 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2005 done
19:31:41 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2044
19:31:53 <sgk> can we advertise on the ML ?
19:32:06 <sgk> seems like it would be important enough that someone might actually volunteer...
19:31:55 <garyo-home> 2044: not a real UNC naming fix, just fix the looping.
19:32:28 <garyo-home> Isn't there a real UNC fix queued up too?
19:32:44 <garyo-home> Yes, 1420.
19:33:05 * bdbaddog (n=[bdeegan@adsl-71-131-3-114.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net](mailto:bdeegan@adsl-71-131-3-114.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)) has joined #scons
19:33:11 <garyo-home> Hi, Bill.
19:33:20 <bdbaddog> Good evening all.
19:33:21 <sgk> anyone assigned to 1420 ?
19:33:22 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Maybe Benoit can look at this one, too.
19:33:26 <garyo-home> But I think even with 1420, we may still need the fix in 2044.
19:33:26 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hi, Bill
19:34:01 <garyo-home> otoh, 2044 can go in any time.
19:34:33 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll ask Benoit. Move on?
19:34:42 <sgk> done
19:34:43 <garyo-home> Hi Bill, we're looking at the 1.x -> 1.1 issues.
19:34:54 <garyo-home> 1402 i think?
19:35:02 <garyo-home> = vs_revamp
19:35:18 <sgk> wow, greg, thanks for pre-consensus'ing these
19:35:20 <sgk> this is great
19:35:32 <garyo-home> yes, +1 greg!
19:35:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Aw, shucks...
19:36:09 <garyo-home> anyway, I think we agree on 1402 too. If vs_revamp fixes it then great, if not, defer.
19:36:21 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, who?
19:36:32 <sgk> 1402: david
19:36:34 <garyo-home> vs_revamp is david c, cc me.
19:36:41 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, done
19:36:53 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1772
19:37:07 <garyo-home> I think that's a "no".
19:37:31 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> agreed, but should I send it to Ludwig with a query?
19:37:44 <sgk> sure
19:37:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
19:38:00 <garyo-home> 2048 is next
19:38:15 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2^11 is next
19:38:21 <garyo-home> :-)
19:38:31 <sgk> 2041: 1.1, sure, but who ?
19:38:50 <garyo-home> already has patch & testcase, it'll take me 10 min.
19:39:04 <sgk> garyo++
19:39:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
19:39:21 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> but run regression tests, first.
19:39:33 <garyo-home> of course.
19:39:45 <garyo-home> But that's bg time, not my actual time.
19:39:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> true
19:39:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> That appears to be it.
19:40:04 <garyo-home> well done all!
19:40:15 <sgk> agreed, many thanks
19:40:25 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I was hoping to get to some backlog today, but maybe next time.
19:40:22 <garyo-home> I do need to go now. I won't be around next week, I'll be in Amsterdam til next Wednesday.
19:40:37 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Skip next week?
19:40:56 <sgk> maybe, let's sync up in the ML about schedule
19:41:08 <sgk> i may need to find a different night
19:41:10 <sgk> or time
19:41:11 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Or you could take along a laptop; it'll be 2am in Amsterdam...
19:41:14 <bdbaddog> Gnight all. I gotta run.
19:41:17 * bdbaddog has quit ("Leaving.")
19:41:22 <sgk> me too -- later
19:41:23 <garyo-home> I'll be connected there anyway.
19:41:25 <sgk> thank again
19:41:28 * sgk has quit ("Leaving")
19:41:32 <garyo-home> 'night.
19:41:37 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> G'night.
19:41:40 * garyo-home has quit ("[ChatZilla](ChatZilla) 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]")