Releases: Sloofy/soup
v1.8.1 - "Chicken Noodle"
Attached Release Note
This is a build cleanup that should've happened a long time ago for SOUP. I've sweeped a few things off the floor that were causing a mess and now it's a bit tidier in the files. You shouldn't notice a difference -- this was mainly for my own sake.
Though, there is one relevant thing for you in this update: you can now install SOUP alongside a custom HUD without having to mess with files. It's even simpler now; just download both and plop them into tf/custom. If there are file conflicts, you will need to fix them (this is usually the scripts/ folder. Check the custom HUD install guide for reference on how to fix a few of the more common issues).
That said, this means you can get all the delightful things of everything you ever wanted in a HUD.
- Removed .VMT files in /materials/hud/replay/thumbnails/. They were unnecessary and didn't do anything.
- Removed various leftover Community HUD Fixes files from the art only install of SOUP.
- Removed info.vdf from the art only install of SOUP. It was unnecessary and caused custom HUD conflicts. Now, if none of the files in SOUP collide, you don't need to merge files; you can have SOUP and your HUD as seperate folders.
Bug Fixes
- Adjusted Pyro's class select shadow so that it no longer clips into Demo on hover. This has been fixed for the customization module as well.
(Originally released on March 5th, 2022)
Final download count: N/A
v1.8 - "Cereal"
While the GitHub files are up-to-date with SOUP v1.8, the GameBanana files were overwritten, meaning they are not provided with this release.
Attached Release Note
Welcome to the largest changelog we'll get for SOUP.
I've been working on SOUP v1.8 for a long time now (for roughly 3 months), and I'm happy to unveil what I have so far to you. In truth, there have been a few development issues, like losing all of my SFM files and not being able to finish the training renders for this release. However, at least with the latter, I'd like to see how these do and get some feedback before I venture too far in completing them.
Anyways, I don't have much else to say, frankly. But go have fun and enjoy what I have -- I'll be sure to share more stuff when it's ready. Feedback is, as always, greatly appreciated.
Also, I've been working on two other mods that go great with SOUP, Better Class Portraits and Fight Songs Billing. Try them out!
Oh, and real last thing, have you found all the Don Cheadles, yet? I've sneakily hidden them in every update poster. Find them all!
- All class portraits have been redone, incorporating TF2 TIP!
- Robot Engineer has been added, pose inspired by Mecha Update.
- Manniversary renders have been added.
- Passtime renders have been added.
- Work-in-progress training mode renders are being tried out. Please let me know your thoughts on them as I continue to finish them.
- A lost Scream Fortress Heavy render has been finally added in.
- Zombie Spy has been added, finishing the full main menu roster that has been in development since SOUP v1.4.
- Updated Community HUD Fixes to latest git commit (December 13th, 2021).
- On the main menu, camera positions have changed for Pyro and Demo to account for Manniversary renders.
- On the main menu, Scout and Pyro now have stronger rim lights.
- On the main menu, Scout's right arm (our left) is pulled further back to resemble the source material better.
- On the main menu, Scout's fingers on his bat have been adjusted to resemble the source material better.
- On the main menu, Medic's head has been slightly adjusted to resemble the source material better.
- In Soldier's class portrait, he has his finger on the trigger of the rocket launcher (in vanilla TF2, this detail is missing).
- In Pyro's class portrait, they have been given the same pose as their class selection render for consistency.
- In Heavy's class portrait, his gun has been adjusted to be even closer to him to account for healthbar clipping.
- In the class portraits, lighting has been updated and overhauled on the following classes: Scout, Soldier, Demo, Heavy, and Medic.
- In the class portraits, the following classes have been given higher quality weapon models: Soldier, Scout, Heavy, and Medic.
- BLU team main menu renders have been renamed (previously fwk_, now blu_).
Bug Fixes
- A potential shading issue has been resolved that creates phantom shadows / lines over the class portraits. This was a problem with the minDistance value being too high.
- Removed redundant hudplayerclass.res file. It did nothing and created the illusion that the file was necessary for HUD merging and customization.
- On the main menu, Scout's face no longer has light clipping through the hat onto his eyebrow.
- On the main menu, Scout's Wrap Assassin used in his Smissmas render no longer floats in mid-air.
- On the main menu, Medic's shirt on his plague doctor costume has less clipping to it.
- On the main menu, Medic's left arm (our right) curves in far neater to reduce a shading issue.
- On the main menu, Medic's vampire costume has far less clipping on his left arm (our right).
- On the main menu, Medic's glasses on his plague doctor costume are neatly concealed without resorting to post-processing tricks.
- On the main menu, Medic's strait jacket straps now properly attach to the other end like they're supposed to.
- On the main menu, Medic's fingers on the strait jacket have less clipping to them (there is still some leftover, but it's far less noticeable).
- In the class portraits, Heavy and Sniper should clip into the healthbar less.
(Originally released on January 30th, 2022)
Final download count: 597
SOUP: 458
Art only: 139
v1.7.2 - "Tomato"
This version of SOUP was made while the production of SOUP v1.8 was in progress. As such, the GitHub repo files do not align with the contents of the release files.
Attached Release Note
Haha, whoops. This isn't SOUP v1.8. How could that have happened? Silly Sloofy.
This update majorly adds back in mod_textures.txt into the mod, but also customizations! And a lot of other things, too, I guess.
Look, I'm on a time crunch right now and this will be the last 1.7.x release for the time being. Next update for sure will be the big 1.8 (as long as there are no more issues with this version).
- Customizations! Do you want full colour backgrounds? Do you want to use SOUP with a mod that uses the mod_textures.txt file? Then use the modules included with every install (Manual intervention may be required)!
- Updated Community HUD Fixes to latest git (November 30th, 2021).
- Switched SOUP from the Workshop branch to the Community branch (affects Community HUD Fixes).
- From the Community HUD Fixes project, NeoDement's Missing Killicons Pack and Fred McFrizzle's Source Text Refont Mod are included with the regular install.
Bug Fixes
- I forgot to add it in for SOUP v1.7.1, but the mod_textures.txt file is back. This is why you playtest your mod before releasing things, friends.
- Removed #base from the art only install of SOUP.
(Originally released on December 7th, 2021)
Final download count: N/A
v1.7.1 - "Rosol"
This version of SOUP was made while the production of SOUP v1.8 was in progress. As such, the Github repo files do not align with the contents of the release files.
Attached Release Note
Hello! I hope you're staying warm this holiday season!
Probably not the patch you're expecting, but also this update includes no new content on my part. Instead, I'm shipping a fix for a typo I made that caused none of the Smissmas renders to load. As well, I've updated the components from the Community HUD Fixes project to the latest git.
On that note, that project now has two branches available: the Workshop version and the Community version. Former only has fixes, the latter has fixes + new features (it can be found here: I'd like to reduce the number of downloads made available for SOUP if possible, so let me know which version you'd like to see packaged with SOUP -- if you have a preference. I may switch to the Community branch as an experiment next update, especially seeing as it may not be the most stable right now.
- Updated Community HUD Fixes to latest git (November 29th, 2021).
- Switched SOUP from the Community branch to the Workshop branch (affects Community HUD Fixes)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a typo where the Smissmas renders wouldn't show up (file names changed from xmas_ -> xms_)
(Originally released on December 2nd, 2021)
Final download count: 208
SOUP: 147
Art only: 61
v1.7 - "Stone Soup"
This version of SOUP was made while the production of SOUP v1.8 was in progress. As such, the Github repo files do not align with the contents of the release files.
Attached Release Note
A bit of a smaller patch, but here we go.
This release includes 18 new class selection renders and 4 new main menu backgrounds! Unfortunately, the class selection renders will not work on Valve servers, but are alright on community servers such as Uncletopia. Oh, and we're on the latest git for the Community HUD Fixes project.
Sidebar: I've actually had a sticky note on my wall telling me what to add to SOUP. After a year of having this thing up, I'm finally able to take it down. Updates from here on will be mastering existing renders.
- 18 new class selection renders have been remade from scratch! Give them a whirl!
- 4 new loading backgrounds in beautiful HD quality (only non-seasonal currently).
- Updated Community HUD Fixes to latest git (October 21st, 2021).
(Originally released on October 26th, 2021)
Final download count: 503
SOUP: 379
Art only: 124
v1.6 - "Matzo Ball"
This version of SOUP was made while the production of SOUP v1.8 was in progress. As such, the Github repo files do not align with the contents of the release files.
Attached Release Note
Heya! Hope your plans are going well.
This update includes a lot of stuff: from a new loading screen, to starting to implement TF2 TIP. From here, I'll be slowing down SOUP development quite a bit so I can focus on my studies. You might see another update to SOUP again soon, but do not count on it.
As always, let me know on any issues you notice. Only you can stop bugs!
Also, some of you might be wondering why matzo ball. I'm not sure. A friend of mine recommended it to be the name. If it's a soup, it counts.
- On the menu tonight: Zombies! 8 new zombie renders have been added (Spy is missing, for now)
- All Pyro renders have been redone, incorporating TF2 TIP.
- A brand new loading screen, done from scratch!
- SOUP now incorporates the Community HUD Fixes project!
- Two separate installs: SOUP and SOUP (Pure) [The former includes the Community HUD Fixes project, the latter does not]
Bug Fixes
- Use the full default HUD dump for hudplayerclass.res instead of partially utilizing it (this fixes an error if combining SOUP and another HUD).
- Bad texture artifacts should be gone from Pyro renders as a result of using TF2 TIP.
- Removed #base from hudplayerclass.res and the base folder (This was doing nothing of significance and was removed for housekeeping).
Final download count: 357
SOUP: 287
Art only: 70
v1.5 - "French Onion"
Attached Release Note
(Not actually a whole number)
This release was made to patch up a few of the problems of SOUP v1.4 while also providing a few new renders that were left out of the final release. A little bit of that je ne sais quoi, if you will. Which, fun fact: that literally translate to "I don't know what." Is fun. Is fact. Is fun fact!
I would delve more into the deets of the updates, but you got the changelog for that. Next update will feature more renders than fixes. Whenever that is.
- Making their debut on the main menu (6 new renders): SF Heavy, SF Scout, SF Spy, SF Sniper, Smissmas Scout, Smissmas Spy
- All remaining class portraits have been rerendered at native 1080p: Demo, Heavy, Medic, Soldier, Sniper.
- All Scream Fortress and Smissmas renders have been compressed using BGR888 and BGRA8888 over DXT1 and DXT5.
- Demo's class portraits have been relit to make him brighter.
- Smissmas Scout now properly smiles wide, reflective of the original TF2 design.
- Sniper's class portrait now has a higher poly sniper rifle, making the barrel perfectly circular.
Bug Fixes
- Cloak textures have been reworked to properly capture the entire silhouette: Heavy, Sniper, Soldier, Medic
- Green screen artifacting should now mostly be gone on all renders in SOUP. Pretend this was good grammar.
- Some more normal maps have been flipped on their Y axis.
- Slight clipping on the barrel grip fingers has been resolved in Demo's class portraits.
- BLU Demo's class portrait has been fixed to properly display at 512x512 (previously 512x510).
- Robot Soldier now has proper ambient occlusion enabled.
- Beep man Engineer has been purged of a missed green screen cleanse.
- Scream Fortress Pyro (the one who looks like a devil) no longer clips into the side of the screen.
- Attempted to shoddily clean up one of Medic's Scream Fortress renders to reduce clipping.
- Resolved a potential issue with Smissmas Scout having a transparent texture on any green clothing.
- BLU Scout now has his proper team-coloured headset on the main menu and class portrait.
- Scout on the main menu now has his dogtags when he should have them.
Final download count: 333
1.4 - "Miso"
This version of SOUP was made while the production of SOUP v1.5 was in progress. As such, the Github repo files do not align with the contents of the release files.
Attached Release Notes
Oh, that's right. I own this mod. Hey, friends! This is the culmination of 8 months of work, on and off, and I'm proud to release what I have here today. It includes 57 new main menu renders and 4 new relit class portraits. Cool stuff!
Consider Miso part 1 of 2, as not all the main menu renders have been finished. Mainly, there are just a few more Scream Fortress and Smissmas renders needing to be done with unique designs to them. Some cosmetics are just borked in SFM. Gotta make a workaround, somehow. But Miso is in a state where I can say, yeah, this can be released today. The next update should come substantially sooner, give me time.
As for open-sourcing the mod, I'm gonna wait until the menu renders are 100% finished and polished before releasing everything.
Besides that, well, have a good rest of your Summer! And do take good care of your bodies. My fingers and wrists do not enjoy working on this project.
- Introducing 57 new main menu character renders; 26 all-year, 22 Halloween variants, and 8 Smissmas variants (with more to come).
- Included original SOUP designs, such as BLU team and various new costumes replacing older / broken Scream Fortress loadouts.
- Completely redone the lighting from scratch on Scout, Pyro, Engineer, and Spy; this is to make the lighting consistent on all renders (or as close to consistent).
- Class portraits for Scout, Pyro, Engineer and Spy have been rendered at 1080p instead of 720p.
- Remade all promo images to reflect a change of style. Also, it just looks nicer.
- Prefer BGR888 and BGRA8888 over DXT1 and DXT5 for the main menu (though costly on storage, this should result in substantially clearer renders).
Bug Fix
- Some of the green screen artifacting has been fixed and should be less obvious on all displays (affects all new renders in this update).
- Pyro's left arm properly folds inwards instead of outwards, fixing a shading error.
- Repositioned Engineer's lighting angle to make him more visible.
- Spy's cigar now has a light.
- Spy's revolver is now larger.
- Pyro's flame on the flamethrower now has a proper transparent texture.
- Pyro uses a dark red for SSAOTint instead of pure black.
- Scout's lighting has been redone using the same toneMapScale as every other render in SOUP.
1.3 - "Cream of Broccoli"
This version of SOUP was made while the production of SOUP v1.5 was in progress. As such, the Github repo files do not align with the contents of the release files.
Attached Release Notes
This took a lot longer to push out, but it's here. Though, admittedly, I thought the changelog was going to be a lot longer than it is.
There isn't a proper image to compare the previous versions this time. That said, you can see 3 of the 4 redone classes in the new banner.
I plan to get the SFM files used for SOUP out in a while. For now, stay safe.
- All Classes
- Resized all textures to be 512x512. This keeps things more consistent, and the larger texture size was barely noticeable from afar.
- Demo
- Relit to be generally brighter.
- Extended Demo's right arm to better reflect a grip.
- Demo's grenade launcher is smaller.
- Medic
- Relit to be generally brighter and colourful.
- Medic is a bit more expressive. You may notice, might not. Who knows? Tell me if you do notice.
- Sniper
- Sniper's lighting angle has been moved to be above him. This makes it easier to see him.
- Sniper's sniping sniper rifle is closer to him.
- Soldier
- Relit to be generally brighter and colourful
- Some classes have had their normal maps flipped on the Y axis.
1.2 - "Lentil"
- Heavy & Scout
- Faked subsurface scattering onto the ears of both classes.
- Tweaked ambient occlusion to be redder overall.
- Heavy
- Adjusted Heavy's ammo belt to properly align with his body.
- Heavy loves his gun more. As such, it is closer to his body.
- Tweaked ambient occlusion settings to remove bad shading on the forearm
- Spotlight lighting has been strengthened with a yellower tint. The blue tint has been vanquished.
- BLU Heavy no longer has unnecessary bloom on him.
- Heavy should appear to be slightly larger now.
- Scout
- Scout's hand on the scattergun looks more faithful to the original art used in-game.
- Scout's lighting is more colourful.
- Scout's head looks a bit further away from the centre.
- Comparisons: