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create distribution

Mason J. Katz edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 1 revision

create distribution


stack create distribution {distribution} [inplace=bool] [md5=bool] [pallets=string] [resolve=bool] [root=string]


Create a Stack distribution. This distribution is used to install Stack nodes.


  • {distribution}

    The name of the distribution to build. Use "stack list distribution" to get the list of all valid distributions. Default is "default".


  • [inplace=bool]

    If true, then build the distribution in the current directory. Default is false.

  • [md5=bool]

    If true, then calculate the MD5 checksums for all files in the distribution. Default is true.

  • [pallets=string]

    A space separated list of pallets to use when building a distribution. "name,version" is required when delimiting pallets.

    For example: pallets="base,6.0 kernel,6.0 os,6.2". Default is "None".

  • [resolve=bool]

    If true, then resolve RPM versions during the build so only the most recent is included in the distribution. Normally this is not required since yum and anaconda expect all versions to be present. Currently, this option exists for internal use only. Default is false.

  • [root=string]

    The root directory where the pallets are located. Default is "/export/stack".


  • stack create distribution

    Create a RedHat distribution in /export/stack/distributions/default.

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