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list host graph

Mason J. Katz edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 1 revision

list host graph


stack list host graph [host]... [arch=string] [basedir=string]


For each host, output a graphviz script to produce a diagram of the XML configuration graph. If no hosts are specified, a graph for every known host is listed.


  • [host]

    Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


  • [arch=string]

    Optional. If specified, generate a graph for the specified CPU type. If not specified, then 'arch' defaults to this host's architecture.

  • [basedir=string]

    Optional. If specified, the location of the XML node files.


  • stack list host graph compute-0-0

    Generates a graph for compute-0-0

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