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This page contains extra information that may be useful for anyone working on the development of cath-tools. For information on how to set up a standard build of the code, see Build.
Clang's UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer reports during a run of build-test
../rapidjson/include/rapidjson/internal/stack.h:117:13: runtime error: applying non-zero offset 16 to null pointer
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior ../rapidjson/include/rapidjson/internal/stack.h:117:13 in
../rapidjson/include/rapidjson/internal/stack.h:117:13: runtime error: applying non-zero offset 1 to null pointer
This smells like genuine UB (ie like ubsan's report is a true-positive).
It seems this area of code has been updated in more recent versions of rapidjson
so this may have been fixed. It would be good to upgrade. Perhaps via Conan? Or perhaps move to "JSON for Modern C++ version", though that would probably involve more work.
Much of the code is documented inline with Doxygen. To view it, install doxygen, run doxygen
in the cath-tools root directory and then view doxygen_documentation/html/index.html
in a browser.
To compile multiple versions, you can put them in individual directories. First make sure that you don't have any build files in the root directory and then run something like:
mkdir release
cd release
cd ..
make -C release
Available types are: release, relwithdebinfo and debug
NOTE: the debug build requires a debug version of Boost built with _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
enabled otherwise the resulting code will have all sorts of
horrible, non-obvious errors. If you really want to build a debug version without doing this, you can work around this issue by removing all
mentions of -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG
from CMakeLists.txt.
/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" ..
/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" ..
/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELWITHDEBINFO -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" ..
/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_gcc_build ..
/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_gcc_build ..
/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELWITHDEBINFO -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_gcc_build ..
If you're developing, consider using ninja instead of make. It's a drop-in replacement that's much quicker to get started, which can make a big difference on incremental builds. To use ninja, install a suitable package and add -GNinja
to your CMake commands.
At present, the builds are all completely static. This should be made more configurable in the future so that (at least debug) builds can be run in static mode using the CMake flag -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
Want to search for bugs in the code? These instructions aim to help you run Clang-based static analysis. (TODO: Get this running on a CI server, such as Travis-CI.)
Ensure you have clang installed. Find the analyzer programs ccc-analyzer
and c++-analyzer
. For example, on Ubuntu you can do something like:
dpkg -l | grep clang | awk '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -L | grep analyzer
Then substitute their locations into the following commands and then run the commands, starting in the root of the cath-tools project:
mkdir build-analyze && cd build-analyze
setenv CCC_CC clang
setenv CCC_CXX clang++
# For Clang 3.6
/usr/bin/cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="/usr/share/clang/scan-build-3.6/ccc-analyzer" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/share/clang/scan-build-3.6/c++-analyzer" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" ..
# For Clang 3.8
/usr/bin/cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="/usr/share/clang/scan-build-3.8/libexec/ccc-analyzer" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/share/clang/scan-build-3.8/libexec/c++-analyzer" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" ..
scan-build make
To get parallel compilation, you can append -j #
to the scan-build make
(where #
is the number of threads).
find source -iname '*.hpp' | sort | grep third_party_code -v | xargs -P 4 -I VAR clang++ -DBOOST_LOG -std=c++14 -stdlib=libc++ -W -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wno-unused-const-variable -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wsign-compare -Wcast-qual -Wconversion -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 -c -o /tmp/.comp_clang.dummy.header.o -isystem /opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build/include -isystem rapidjson/include -I source -I source/src_clustagglom -I source/src_common -I source/src_test -I source/uni -I source/third_party_code -I ninja_clang_debug_shared/source/cath_tools_git_version VAR
find source -iname '*.hpp' | sort | grep third_party_code -v | xargs -P 4 -I VAR g++ -DBOOST_LOG -std=c++14 -W -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wno-unused-const-variable -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wsign-compare -Wcast-qual -Wconversion -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 -c -o /tmp/.comp_gcc.dummy.header.o -isystem /opt/boost_1_68_0_gcc_build/include -isystem rapidjson/include -I source -I source/src_clustagglom -I source/src_common -I source/src_test -I source/uni -I source/third_party_code -I ninja_clang_debug_shared/source/cath_tools_git_version VAR
It's worth using a recent version of clang-tidy
because it's being improved rapidly (eg before v4.0 it didn't handle .hpp
file suffixes for header guards). Consider downloading the latest from releases.llvm.org.
find source -iname '*.hpp' | sort | grep third_party_code -v | xargs -P 4 -I VAR /bin/tcsh -c "clang-tidy -fix -checks=llvm-namespace-comment VAR -- -std=c++14 -isystem /opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build/include -isystem rapidjson/include -I source -I source/src_clustagglom -I source/src_common -I source/src_test -I source/uni -I source/third_party_code -I ninja_clang_debug_shared/source/cath_tools_git_version || true"
find $PWD/source -iname '*.hpp' | sort | grep -vw 'third_party_code' | xargs -I VAR -P 4 /bin/tcsh -c "clang-tidy -fix -checks=llvm-header-guard VAR -- -x c++ -std=c++14 -isystem /opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build/include -isystem rapidjson/include -I source -I source/src_clustagglom -I source/src_common -I source/src_test -I source/uni -I source/third_party_code -I ninja_clang_debug_shared/source/cath_tools_git_version || true"
Prefer using more recent version of clang-tidy; it's changing fast.
Would like to use:
but (in version 3.6.2), it erroneously fires for method declarations that do use override -
but (in version 3.6.2), it fires for declarations, for which I don't want to always name all params
clang-tidy '-checks=*,-llvm-header-guard,-llvm-namespace-comment,-google-readability-namespace-comments,-google-build-using-namespace,-misc-use-override,-google-readability-function' -list-checks --
clang-tidy '-checks=*,-llvm-header-guard,-llvm-namespace-comment,-google-readability-namespace-comments,-google-build-using-namespace,-misc-use-override,-google-readability-function' -dump-config --
find source -iname '*.?pp' | sort | grep third_party_code -v | xargs -P 4 -I VAR /bin/tcsh -c "clang-tidy VAR '-checks=*,-llvm-header-guard,-llvm-namespace-comment,-google-readability-namespace-comments,-google-build-using-namespace,-misc-use-override,-google-readability-function' -- -std=c++14 -isystem /opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build/include -isystem rapidjson/include -I source -I source/src_clustagglom -I source/src_common -I source/src_test -I source/uni -I source/third_party_code -I ninja_clang_debug_shared/source/cath_tools_git_version || true"
find source -iname '*.?pp' | sort | grep third_party_code -v | xargs -P 4 -I VAR /bin/tcsh -c "clang-tidy VAR '-checks=*,-llvm-header-guard' - -- -std=c++14 -isystem /opt/boost_1_68_0_clang_build/include -isystem rapidjson/include -I source -I source/src_clustagglom -I source/src_common -I source/src_test -I source/uni -I source/third_party_code -I ninja_clang_debug_shared/source/cath_tools_git_version || true"
clomp source/file/pdb/pdb_atom.hpp -Xclang -fdump-record-layouts > /tmp/clang_pdb_atom_layout.txt
grep pdb_atom -A60 /tmp/clang_pdb_atom_layout.txt
grep -A500 '>> O27798_698e555d8cb2c0ea3979641198e527bf' temp_0.hmmsearch.evalcoff0.001 | tr '\n' '@' | sed 's/@>>/\n>>/g' | sed 's/@Internal pipeline statistics summary/\nInternal pipeline statistics summary/g' | grep -v 'Internal pipeline statistics summary' | grep O27798_698e555d8cb2c0ea3979641198e527bf | tr '@' '\n' > bob
echo '\n\nInternal pipeline statistics summary:\n[ok]\n' >> bob
TODO: Consider removing this now that Travis-CI has upgraded its CMake to 3.9.2, as of 12th December 2017
cd /tmp
wget "https://cmake.org/files/v3.2/cmake-3.2.2-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz"
tar -zxvf cmake-3.2.2-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
rm -rf /cath-tools/cmake-3.2.2-test
mkdir /cath-tools/cmake-3.2.2-test
cd /cath-tools/cmake-3.2.2-test
/tmp/cmake-3.2.2-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake -GNinja -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_61_0_clang_build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DBUILD_EXTRA_CATH_TOOLS=ON -DBUILD_EXTRA_CATH_TESTS=ON ..
ninja mod-test-common
mkdir /cath-tools/build-deps-graph
cd /cath-tools/build-deps-graph
echo 'set( GRAPHVIZ_GRAPH_HEADER "node [ color=navy, fontname=\"Helvetica bold\", fontcolor=white, fontsize=12, style=filled ]" )' > /cath-tools/build-deps-graph/CMakeGraphVizOptions.cmake
/usr/bin/cmake --graphviz=test.dot .. -DBOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_68_0_gcc_build
ls -1 *.dot *.dot.* | xargs -I VAR dot -Teps VAR -o VAR.eps
Proposed rules for auto-generation of CMake variables:
is part of TESTSOURCES -
is separate library that (in CMake) is a private dependency of the corresponding library
Seriously consider making separate modules for gsl/rapidjson so that it needn't be targeted by everything that uses common.
Source files that include rapidjson:
Source files that include <gsl/[...]>